Glasnik Etnografskog Instituta SANU

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The Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography SAS (I-VII)/ SASA (VIII/) is a scientific periodical of international significance which publishes papers in ethnology/anthropology. From its inception in 1952, the Bulletin publishes the results of scientific research projects of scientists and associates of the Institute and other affiliated institutions in the country and abroad. In addition, discussions and articles, supplements, field data, retrospectives, chronicles, reviews, translations, notes, bibliographies, obituaries, memories, critiques and similar are published as well. The Bulletin was founded as a means to publish the results of research of settlements and origins of populations, folk life, customs and folk proverbs. However, the concept of the Bulletin, like that of any other contemporary scientific journal, changed over time to accommodate the social, cultural and political processes and research trends in the social sciences and humanities.

The Bulletin (GEI) is referenced in the electronic bases: DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), Ulrich's Periodicals Directory and SCIndex (Serbian Citation Index). All articles are digitally available in a form typographically true to the original (in .pdf format). The Bulletin is also available in the same form on the website of the Institute of Ethnography SASA.

The Bulletin (GEI SANU) can also be found and read at CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Online Library):


Identity construction of a football club on the example of FC Obilić
Identity construction of a football club on the example of FC Obilić
In this paper I show identity construction of FC Obilić, Belgrade. Material for the research is collected in the first half of the 2002 and it is consisted of the monograph published for the club' s 75th" anniversary, club advertisement materials (T-shirts and calendars) and the club's museum. Discourse analyze used in the paper is the combination of the Foucaultian understanding of discourse and more "practical" use of the term used in linguistics and constructivist psychology. Analysis is supplemented by Leach's analyses of symbols' logic usual in our ethnology. Taking into consideration that analyzed materials are official representing materials of the club, discourse analyze used in the paper show club's official ideology that could vary from that of the players of team's supporters. Analyses shows that dominant discourse on which Obilić based its identity is combination of national ideology (very much based on the ideas of Orthodox Christianity and national heroism) and ideas of modernity formed in the selective use of "western values". Basic identity connection established in the materials I used is between Serbian hood, Obilić (and football more generally, Arkan and modernity).
Identity for sale
Identity for sale
In this text the construction of national identity has been analyzed through the example of national tourism strategy in Serbia framed within the contemporary state's process of 'branding' the nation. Through the analysis of Marketing strategy and recently published tourist brochures designed for foreign tourists, the aim is to investigate the ways in which representation of a new national identity, utilized for consumption and selling to the Others, is constructed. The text points out to the perspectives of cultural management and strategic government of national representation as a way of repositioning the bad image of Serbia. The analysis shows that, rather than negative connotations that 'follow' the notion of balkanism, tourist reformulation leads to changed, but still ambiguous and undefined representation. In this text I point out to the aspect of branding - as marketing process which uses cultural recourses - that leads to pacification of the image. Seen as a strategic mean by which the stigma could be averted, the paper shows that this process does not offer a structural solution of the problem which represents the obstacle of Serbia's further development.
Identity for sale
Identity for sale
In this text the construction of national identity has been analyzed through the example of national tourism strategy in Serbia framed within the contemporary state's process of 'branding' the nation. Through the analysis of Marketing strategy and recently published tourist brochures designed for foreign tourists, the aim is to investigate the ways in which representation of a new national identity, utilized for consumption and selling to the Others, is constructed. The text points out to the perspectives of cultural management and strategic government of national representation as a way of repositioning the bad image of Serbia. The analysis shows that, rather than negative connotations that 'follow' the notion of balkanism, tourist reformulation leads to changed, but still ambiguous and undefined representation. In this text I point out to the aspect of branding - as marketing process which uses cultural recourses - that leads to pacification of the image. Seen as a strategic mean by which the stigma could be averted, the paper shows that this process does not offer a structural solution of the problem which represents the obstacle of Serbia's further development.
Identity in a virtual community
Identity in a virtual community
This paper discusses the operating of one type of virtual community, established by science fiction/fantasy/horror fans, known as "Forum Znak Sagite". The specific access to the phenomena of cyber-space remains in the process of rethinking the phenomena confined neither by the usual oppositions of virtual: real nor by the debates about the ethics of virtual reality. Having taken in consideration the operation of a specific virtual community and the construction of the identification practices inside the community, we approach the issue from a local basis, observing the practice of specific people on the specific ground.
Identity, football and Croatian national team members from the diaspora
Identity, football and Croatian national team members from the diaspora
In this paper the author briefly presents his fieldwork results, with an emphasis on studying the relationship between football and the construction of children’s, grandson’s and great-grandson’s national identities in first-generation Croatian migrants. Specifically, the research focuses on Croatian national football team members from the diaspora who rather choose to play for their “imagined homeland” than the national team of their country of birth. If we agree that one of sport’s functions is, among other things, to act as a mechanism of national solidarity - promoting the sense of identity and unity - football proves to be an ideal field for studying the symbolic dimensions of ethnicity, discursive shaping of identity and practices trough which athletic (and) national loyalty is manifested. Through the coding of interview transcripts, organizing data into categories and analyzing conducted interviews, the author examines the dynamic relationship between expressing national identity and personal choices of the individual as to which national team he should join.
Idioms observed through the prism of ethnolinguistics
Idioms observed through the prism of ethnolinguistics
In this paper, we observe and compare the habits, customs, value system and metaphorical language of the Serbian, French and Italian, by using comparative-contrastive analysis of the idioms whose components denote food names (e.g. ser. dočekati s hlebom i solju; fr. la crème de la société; it. testa di cavolo). The results of our research show that despite the expected differences caused by particularities of national cultures, there are numerous similarities in the metaphorical language of the three nations (e.g. srp. dobar kao hleb, fr. bon comme du (bon) pain, it. buono come il pane). Among other things, these similarities may be influenced by the language affiliation to the European cultural circle.
Images of culture in visual ethnography
Images of culture in visual ethnography
Visual ethnography is a kind of ethnographic filming which aim is to gather visual information and to help analyzing the data in the process of a research. It can help also to enhance communication between researcher and his subjects in the field or between researcher and the audience. Because of the prevailing use of a camera visual ethnography is called also camera-ethnography. This field of anthropological activity is raising different questions. The basis of visual literacy in this case is a general cinematographic language. First question is: how much knowledge does a researcher need to have if he or she is using a camera in the field? What is the difference between TV production of documentary and the production of visual ethnography? How to construct a visual narrative to keep a relevant information about the culture in question and how to avoid the stress on emotional experience and dramatic suspense, characteristic for artistic or commercial filmmaking? New visual technology is opening many new possibilities in approaching people. How close can we go in approaching people not to step over the thin line of unethical behavior?.
Imagining the past, creating identity
Imagining the past, creating identity
Based on fieldwork conducted among several Bayash communities in the Balkans, the author examines the way in which the interlocutors assume an identity and try to construct a past for their people, using etiological legends about the origin of their community which combine heterogeneous historical and geographical knowledge. The author shows that imagining their past is as problematic for the Bayash as it is for any other Roma or non-Roma group; the author argues that the eclectic nature of this process is heralded by the fact that it is a regular stage in the development of the historical thinking of each nation.
Impact of paternal investment among women in Sandzak
Impact of paternal investment among women in Sandzak
An evolutionary model of facultative reproductive strategies explains much of women's life history strategy in terms of the absence or presence of their fathers and parental investment they made. This paper assesses direct paternal investment and behavioral outcomes in 164 women in the Sandzak region, using human behavioral ecology approach, with a special emphasis on female reproductive strategy.
In Between Traditionalism and Modernization
In Between Traditionalism and Modernization
Сажетак Истраживања на Пројекту обухватиће нове услове живота и новонастале облике произашле из традиционалне културе, изражене у руралној и урбаној средини, било да се сагледавају кроз измењене облике стварања или кроз процес настајања нових облика на старим основама.
In search of a painter’s stroke. Female body boundaries in Zora Petrovic’s painting acts (1956/1957)
In search of a painter’s stroke. Female body boundaries in Zora Petrovic’s painting acts (1956/1957)
The treatment of female body in the paintings of Zora Petrovic anticipate the feminist theories that originated during the 70’s and 80’s of the 20th century, which suggested androcentrism and absence of the female perspective and the necessity of re-evaluation on the concept of body. Through the expression of female body, in the traditional painter’s act, Zora Petrovic flirts with the social constructions of body and gender, intuitively pushing the boundaries towards the spiritual realm while treating body not only as an physical object but also as the bearer of the subjectivism and the point where personal and sexual identity, cultural and social stereotypes and relations between power and domination interconnect. The Act (1956/1957) represents an artistic deliberation on the social position of female body in the patriarchal capitalism with the elements of her own fictitious projections in search of the artist’s personal female and artistic identity, including her own intuitive artistic indication and conjecture on the feminist theories that had followed. The painting of this act depicts an act of self-identification, while the object of observation becomes the perspective of beholder who detaches the perspective of an observer while rendering his (male) absolute power ineffective. The naked body brings disarray by an indication of an erotic promise while dismissing an illusion of the absolute capitulation. The developed artistic form of ambiguous sexualised body that is revealed to the male voyeuristic observation transitions into the sensual dreaming of the model about own erotic and exhibitionistic body seductiveness which is, in fact, a provocation to the observer by its revealing eroticised position while encouraging a voyeuristic enjoyment that becomes an outcome of creation and observation of self-admired body, and in the process transposing the artist and the model into the voyeuristic roles. The innate understanding of eroticism, in the process of development of a new form of female act, in Zora Petrovic’s paintings, faces us with an array of ideological presumptions and stereotypes that are conceptualised around the perception of body as an object and as a bearer of subjectivism while allowing an opportunity to question own interpretations and boundaries of personal and social discourse on the subjects of body, gender and sensuality. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. br. 46017: Interdisciplinarno istraživanje kulturnog i jezičkog nasleđa Srbije. Izrada multimedijalnog internet portala "Pojmovnik srpske kulture"]
In tradition of ideas euroscepticism in Serbia
In tradition of ideas euroscepticism in Serbia
In this paper I questioned whether euroscepticism can be perceived as an immanent current of Serbian anti-western discourse, which have usually been used as synonyms by one part of public and scholars. Following the most influential conceptualisation of party positions on European Union and integration, provided by Kopecky and Mudde (2002), I classified positions of several dominant Serbian political parties according to attitudes on EU and integration. As the analysis has shown, eurosceptisism does not exist as an option in Serbian political spectrum, between euroenthusiasts, from one side, and eurorejects, on the other side. Since euroscepticism represents quite new and complex phenomenon, I showed that it has nothing to do with anti-western discourse in Serbia. On the contrary, in the second part of the paper I reveal the link between current eurorejects and the founders of anti-western ideas in Serbia, that were established in the second half of XIX century. Ujedinjena Omladina srpska (Serbian Joint Youth) was national movement of young writers and cultural workers who developed anti-western feelings and orientation in the spirit of European romanticism and ideas of national liberation. However, these ideas have been preserved and slightly changed to the present, due to specific political circumstances and almost permanent social, economic or identity crises, which were especially intensified during last two decades. Therefore, current eurorejects are real inheritors of these ideas, that are adapted to current political circumstances and vocabulary, but essentially they represent one, more or less, unchanged belief system which is worth exploring. The main object of the paper was to point out that eurosceptisism does not represent the inner side of anti-western discourse in Serbia, on the one hand, and that current eurorejects in fact continue to develop nineteenth century concept of hostility towards the other which is based on dogma, self-idealism, and romanticised images of nation, state and religion. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177026: Kulturno nasleđe i identitet]
