Glasnik Etnografskog Instituta SANU

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The Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography SAS (I-VII)/ SASA (VIII/) is a scientific periodical of international significance which publishes papers in ethnology/anthropology. From its inception in 1952, the Bulletin publishes the results of scientific research projects of scientists and associates of the Institute and other affiliated institutions in the country and abroad. In addition, discussions and articles, supplements, field data, retrospectives, chronicles, reviews, translations, notes, bibliographies, obituaries, memories, critiques and similar are published as well. The Bulletin was founded as a means to publish the results of research of settlements and origins of populations, folk life, customs and folk proverbs. However, the concept of the Bulletin, like that of any other contemporary scientific journal, changed over time to accommodate the social, cultural and political processes and research trends in the social sciences and humanities.

The Bulletin (GEI) is referenced in the electronic bases: DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), Ulrich's Periodicals Directory and SCIndex (Serbian Citation Index). All articles are digitally available in a form typographically true to the original (in .pdf format). The Bulletin is also available in the same form on the website of the Institute of Ethnography SASA.

The Bulletin (GEI SANU) can also be found and read at CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Online Library):


Why were people coming to Berlin?
Why were people coming to Berlin?
Based on fieldwork (2016-2018), this paper provides the discourse analysis of the interviews with people of Bosniak ethnicity originating from Serbia and Bosnia, currently living in Berlin. The paper investigates the role of personal networks - meaning primary and extended family, friends, co-ethnics, etc. - in supporting the Bosniak migrants in the period from the Bosnian war 1992-1995 until today. By using content analysis, the thematic inventory embedded in the transcribed utterances is extracted and commented upon. It is argued that these utterances and the themes around which discourse was built shed new light on the role of personal networks in migration. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. 178010: Jezik, folklor, migracije na Balkanu]
Woman in the role of heiress in the ottoman period
Woman in the role of heiress in the ottoman period
The objective of this paper is inheritence right which was guaranteed to Muslim woman according to Ottoman legal system. Implementation of this law was represented with a lot of examples, primarily from the Central Balkans. Most of the used sources belongs to Record Book of Complaints (Şikâyet Defterleri) and the timeline is the 17th and 18th Century. Besides, we used judicial records of the Ottoman court (Sicils) but for the territory of Istanbul, due to the fact that sicils for today’s Serbia are all lost, and some decisions from the meetings of the Imperial Council (Mühimme defterleri). All of the sources are preserved in Prime Minister’s Archive in Istanbul. Most of them are completely new, so far not processed. Our paper presents that women who inherited and who were property holders were nearly as numerous as men. Heiresses represented themselves in front of the court of law and proceed formalities independently. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. 177030: Od univerzalnih carstava ka nacionalnim državama. Društvene i političke promene u Srbiji i na Balkanu]
Women in migration
Women in migration
Gender is often overlooked, but important factor in research on migration. Women enter into migration experience as active individuals, but also encounter different difficulties than men do. Although it cannot be claimed that these differences are experienced by all women in the same way, we can conclude that they are the consequences of the gendered reality we live in. The article is discussing the gender specific experiences that female migrants encounter on their travel. It focuses on different forms of violence they are facing and on experiences of pregnant women. Furthermore, it deals with the legislation concerning refugees and tries to show how this legislation indirectly creates threats to women migrants while at the same time it is depriving them of power and victimizes them. It is based on understanding the legislature as man-centred, which means that it is mainly shaped by experiences of men while often not examining the specific experiences and needs of women. The data for the interpretations is non-structured and semi-structured interviews collected during field work in three refugee centers in Serbia. The interviews were mostly focused on experiences of women while traveling on the West Balkan route. They were further analyzed with anthropological and related literature.
Women's autonomy and domestic violence in the Sandžak region
Women's autonomy and domestic violence in the Sandžak region
This paper seeks to shed light on a specific aspect of domestic violence wife beating in the Sandžak region, southwestern Serbia. The paper draws upon data collected in the course of a study on women's autonomy in the region. Violence against women in this area is closely linked to the institution of marriage, where related norms and cultural practices reinforce women's powerlessness, exposing them to domestic violence.
World financial crisis as an indicator of a systemic discrimination of migrants
World financial crisis as an indicator of a systemic discrimination of migrants
World financial crisis can be viewed as bringing about insights into some characteristics of our social, political and economic systems. The case of migrant construction workers from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia working in Slovenia, fired in the name of the financial crisis, undoubtedly calls attention to the existence of systemic discrimination which is based on nationality.
Youth music jargon
Youth music jargon
The first part of this paper presents a mini-lexicon of music jargon used among younger population in Belgrade. A brief sketch of some basic parameters is also presented: formation of lexical jargon units and motivations. In brief, it appears that nouns make up more than two-thirds of the collected material. Furthermore, one-third appear as being borrowed from English language or adopted into new forms, while there are also German and other language influences. Within the derivative words, which number almost double than non-derivative, the greatest number of jargon used words originated as suffix. In addition, the biggest number of music jargon terms originated within metaphorical transfer. The basis of the motivated words is made of verbs and nouns.
Yugoslav teachers in Argentina 1939-1944
Yugoslav teachers in Argentina 1939-1944
In this paper we present reports of Yugoslav teachers who held classes to immigrants in Argentina 1939-1944, organized by the government of Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Teachers’ reports to Yugoslav Embassy in Buenos Aires testify of Kingdom of Yugoslavia efforts to oppose assimilation and promote and strengthen “Yugoslav national unity”. The reports also describe general social circumstances of Yugoslav immigrants, show various details from their everyday life and contain valuable data on numerous political, economic, social and cultural problems of this diaspora in Argentina and their relationship with motherland. We believe that archive materials presented in this paper opens numerous questions which could be topics of separate researches. Some of them could be the following: To which extent the teachers’ reports represented the actual situation and to which they were shaped to match policy and expectations of Kingdom of Yugoslavia? What was the actual influence of teachers to spreading the “national unity” among immigrants? Have their work left trace in Yugoslav diaspora and in which way? Beside all of the open issues, it is certain that teachers’ reports contain valuable data on immigrants’ everyday life, curriculum, schooling conditions, relationship with motherland, etc. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 47016: Interdisciplinarno istraživanje kulturnog i jezičkog nasleđa Srbije. Izrada multimedijalnog internet portala "Pojmovnik srpske kulture"]
Yugoslav/Serbian clubs in Vienna in the historical context
Yugoslav/Serbian clubs in Vienna in the historical context
The migrations from Yugoslavia after the Second World War, which are of importance for this paper, started as early as in the 1950s, got more and more complex, and became the key socio-political and economic process. Leaving for West-European countries where they later settled permanently, the migrants were developing the new cultural context in which they live even today. In this paper, I will focus on the Serbs who settled in Vienna, Austria. Having moved into the new, unknown area, where they did not know the language or the cultural context well enough, the Yugoslavs started forming a place around which they would gather together and the place which they would use for the connection and identification with the mother country. Thus, in the 1970s, in Vienna, the Yugoslavs organized themselves and formed their first clubs. In this paper, my aim is to get an insight into the historical context of the beginnings and the development of these Yugoslav clubs, which, following the conflict national ideologies in their mother countries, started dividing on the national basis during the 1980s after which today’s national-ethnic clubs (Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian etc.) appeared. In the end, I will try to make a short summary, in diachronic terms, of the operating policy and the representation of primarily Serbian clubs, since I cover their policies in my field research, and thus make this paper the basis for further and wider research related to this topic. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. 177027: Multietnicitet, multikulturalnost, migracije - savremeni procesi]
Zahide Baci
Zahide Baci
The paper presents an analysis of the saga about Zahide Bacı, the legacy from the Sufi folklore which remained preserved as a part of the cultural and historical heritage of Ottoman Niš. The saga abounds with the leitmotifs from the legends and the parables of the holy people in Islam whose cults were honored as part of the popular religious tradition not only in the Ottoman Empire, but also in other Muslim countries. Through comparative insight into similar sagas, these leitmotifs are identified and their origins analyzed. In that way, we got better insight in the opus of syncretic elements taken over in this saga from the cultures and religions of the Near and Far East.
Ëtnograf Vera Nikolaevna Haruzina
Ëtnograf Vera Nikolaevna Haruzina
(ruski) Dannaja stat'ja posvjaščena žizni, tvorčestvu i vzgljadam Very Nikolaevny Haruzinoj (1866-1931), kotoraja byla pervoj ženščinoj- professorom ëtnografii v Rossijskih Vysših učebnyh zavedenijah. Vera Haruzina prinadležala k unikal'noj sem'e, davšej Rossii četyreh izvestnyh učenyh posvjativših svoju žizn' služeniju ljubimoj nauke - ëtnografii. Peru Mihaila Nikolaeviča (1860 1888), Nikolaja Nikolaeviča (1865-1900), Alekseja Nikolaeviča (1864-1832) i Very Nikolaevny prinadležit okolo 500 ëtnografičeskih trudov - sredi nih monografii, stat'i, očerki, hudožestvennaja proza na ëtnografičeskie temy recenzii.
Čajkanović's road from ancient Greek and folk literature to Serbian religion and mythology
Čajkanović's road from ancient Greek and folk literature to Serbian religion and mythology
After a careful examination of the works of Čajkanović, the author points out to the importance of his comparative method in studying Ancient Greek literature, traditional folk creation and folk religion and mythology. Based on traces and parallels from other traditions, Čajkanović tried to reveal the forgotten meanings of the Serbian folk myth and religious practice. With this same approach, he attempted to reconstruct the whole system of an ancient Serbian religion and mythology, and to establish an identity of the Serbian supreme God. However, a critical review of this reconstruction shows its inaccuracy and scientific dismissal.
Životné stratégie generácií obyvateľov slovenského vidieka v 20. storočí
Životné stratégie generácií obyvateľov slovenského vidieka v 20. storočí
(slovački) Vedné disciplíny skúmajúce v minulosti vidiecke spoločenstvá na Slovensku sa vo svojej poznávacej činnosti sústredili hlavne na prírodné, historické, regionálno-etnické, ekonomicko-sociálne a technologické súvislosti vývinu materiálnej i sociálnej kultúry obyvateľov Slovenska. Priama politická kauzalita tohto procesu ostávala, často z pochopiteľných dôvodov, na periférii ich záujmu. Je však evidentné, že so stupňom civilizačného vývinu stúpa i vplyv politických rozhodnutí na vývin poľnohospodárstva i na myslenie a správanie sa ľudí spätých s poľnohospodárskou prvovýrobou. Táto tendencia dosiahla na slovenskom vidieku svoj vrchol práve v druhej polovici 20. storočia a mala významný dosah na formovanie životných stratégií jednotlivcov i celých generácií spätých na Slovensku s poľnohospodárskou prvovýrobou.
