Lucida intervalla: časopis za klasične nauke

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Lucida intervalla was founded by a group of members of the Department of Classical Studies in Belgrade in 1998, at the time when they perceived their reading and interpreting of ancient texts as sobering acts and breakouts from confusing reality. Hence the name of the journal. The initial idea was to provide students of Classics and general audience with reliable and up to date editions (introductions, original texts, translations, and commentaries) of important and not yet translated works of Greek and Latin literature. In the next 15 years more than 40 volumes were published. The focus of the journal gradually shifted from translations to scholarly contributions, while the proportion of contributions in languages other than Serbian increased slowly but steadily. Today Lucida intervalla is an international peer-reviewed journal devoted to publishing original scholarly research in all areas of Classical Studies.
ISSN: 1450-6645


"Cure Offered to Rival"
"Cure Offered to Rival"
Autor predlaže novo čitanje i tumačenje za jedan rimski grafito nađen u Kostolcu početkom XX veka i u međuvremenu izgubljen.
"Gunđalo, Kasnoantička komedija", Beograd, 2010
"Gunđalo, Kasnoantička komedija", Beograd, 2010
"Gunđalo, Kasnoantička komedija", Beograd, 2010, Prikaz knjige
"Sami sebe zaplićemo" ili Funkcija i disfunkcija latinskog refleksiva
"Sami sebe zaplićemo" ili Funkcija i disfunkcija latinskog refleksiva
Tekst koji sledi zamišljen je da bude praktičan prikaz funkcije refleksivnih zamenica u latinskom jeziku. Kao takav, on ne pretenduje na originalnost. Imajući za cilj da latinsku upotrebu refleksiva opišem ukratko, ali ipak detaljnije nego što je učinjeno u priručnicima na našem jezičkom području, smatrao sam korisnim, prvo, da pođem od tradicionalnih postavki te da ih, gde to bude neophodno, proširim i modifikujem u skladu s novijim gledi-štima, i drugo, da skrenem pažnju na sličnosti i razlike između latinske i srpske upotrebe. Takav plan je, razume se, neprincipijelan; ali tekstovi s poučnom namenom retko kad imaju u osnovi jedinstveno teorijsko stanovište. Pri radu sam se poslužio izvesnim brojem opštih i specijalnih priručnika; iz tih standardnih knjiga crpao sam veći deo materijala, sa beskrupuloznom zahvalnošću s ka-kvom to latinisti danas notorno čine. Od novijih studija o latinskom refleksivu ovde navodim sledeće: A. BERTOCCHI—C. CASADIO, »Conditions on Anaphora: An Analysis of Reflexive in Latin«, u: G. CALBOLI (izd.), Papers on Grammar, 1, Bologna 1980, str. 1–46; M. FRUYT, »Interprétation sémantico-référentielle du réfléchi latin«, Glotta 65 (1987), str. 204–221; J.-C. MILNER, »Le système du réfléchi latin«, Langages 50 (jun 1978), str. 73–86; M. POIRIER, »Le fonctionnement du réfléchi latin, témoignage sur la pertinence lingui-stique de l’opposition sujet/prédicat«, u: M. LAVENCY—D. LONGRÉE (izd.), Actes du Ve Colloque de Linguistique latine, Louvain-la-Neuve/Borzée 31 mars–4 avril 1989 (Ca-hiers de l’Institut de linguistique de Louvain, 15), Louvain-la-Neuve 1989, str. 345–354; L. SZNAJDER, »Y a-t-il “un” réfléchi en latin? Étude sur les conditions d’emploi de se et suus«, Information grammaticale 10 (maj 1981), str. 17–22. U tekstu ovog obima i namene nije mogućno osvrnuti se, čak ni najkraće, na opštija, načelna i sistematska pitanja u vezi sa zamenicama, mada su ona i važna i brojna. Za razumevanje svega što sledi, školski okvir latinske (i srpske) gramatike trebalo bi u tom pogledu da bude dovoljan; a za širi uvid u opšte probleme, relativno je pristupačna i lako dostupna knjiga I. KLAJN, O funkciji i prirodi zamenica (Biblioteka Južnoslovenskog fi-lologa, n. s. 7), Beograd 1985.
A Commentary on αιον in Pindar
A Commentary on αιον in Pindar
This article discusses Pindar’s usages of the semantically complex noun αἰών. On the basis of a detailed analysis of the contexts in which the word appears, the author offers a classification of the key semantic motivations characteristic of Pindar’s imaginative uses of αἰών. The results of this semantic analysis are also discussed in diachronic context and compared primarily with early epic and Presocratic uses of the word. In the light of this comparison, the article also touches upon the question of possible background of Plato’s innovative philosophical usage of αἰών in Timaeus (37D-38C).
A Note on Pythagoras and Ortuges, the Inventors of Elegy in Marius Plotius Sacerdos (GL VI 510 Keil)
A Note on Pythagoras and Ortuges, the Inventors of Elegy in Marius Plotius Sacerdos (GL VI 510 Keil)
The passage on the elegiac meter in Marius Plotius Sacerdos’ metrical treatise (Ars 3, 3 = GL VI, 509-510 Keil) stands out among other accounts of the origins of elegy because it includes two unexpected figures, Pythagoras and a certain Ortuges, as possible inventors of the genre. Of the two, Ortuges is completely unknown to students of ancient literature, and Pythagoras is not normally associated with elegiac poetry. The article suggests that the phrase alii Pythagoram, alii Ortugen comes from a learned gloss that was interpolated into the text, replacing a much more conventional figure, Callinus of Ephesus: a reader of the treatise had noted some data pertaining to Ephesus (its alternative name, Ortygia, and one of its earlier tyrants, Pythagoras of Ephesus, a namesake of Pythagoras of Samos the philosopher). In a mangled form this note was incorporated into Sacerdos’ text by a later scribe., Bibliografija: str. 10-12, Napomene i bibliografske reference uz tekst, Summary ; Апстракт
A Traveler's Guide to Crocodiles in the Middle Ages
A Traveler's Guide to Crocodiles in the Middle Ages
Medieval animal literature dealing with crocodiles is usually described as uninventive, mimicking, and based on copying authorities without any objectivity or critical thinking. This paper presents excerpts from medieval travelogues in order to show that objective descriptions of the crocodile are indeed possible to find, but that they depended greatly on the expectations of the audience. Felix Fabri wrote in two languages for two different types of audience and his works are used here as a case study to show that objectivity and critical thinking in describing crocodiles in the Middle Ages were applied when needed., Abstract ; Апстракт, Bibliografija: str. 158-159, Napomene i bibliografske reference uz tekst
Adresa istorije medicine
Adresa istorije medicine
Adresa istorije medicine
Agariste's Betrothal
Agariste's Betrothal
The difficulties entailed by confidence in the basic historicity of Hdt.’s story of Agariste’s betrothal (6.126–30) are highlighted and its antecedents considered.The details of the rival suitors are puzzling; little is said about their personal qualities, and they do not come from the leading cities of archaic Greece; however, some are said to have kinsmen notable in some way, and we get the impression that Hdt. drew on a much fuller narrative. The thoroughness of Kleisthenes’ selection procedure recalls the situation depicted in heroic legend, when succession to the kingship comes by marriage to the king’s daughter (as with Menelaos and Helen). Rivalry between the two leading competitors, the Alkmaionid Megakles and the Philaid Hippokleides, provides the climax to the tale. Hippokleides ruins his prospects by an ill-judged display of exuberance in dancing at the symposium where Kleisthenes is to announce his choice; his nonchalant response to rejection became a catchphrase. This tale gained an unexpected interest when a close parallel was pointed out in a bird fable included in the Jataka tales, a collection of stories of the Buddha’s previous lives. The transmutation of this Indian fable into an episode of Greek history is a fascinating illustration of the influence of Indian culture on Greek, anthropomorphization being facilitated by the increasing interest in metempsychosis apparent from the sixth century onwards. Hdt. appears to have condensed a much fuller composition in which Agariste’s betrothal provided a framework for a cycle of varied stories, the tales relevant to the two Athenians providing an introduction (125) and a climax (129). It should not be assumed that this must have been a written composition. Hdt.’s work presupposes a pre-existing Greek storytelling tradition, an important part of the oral culture destined to suffer devaluation with increasing literacy., Abstract ; Апстракт, Napomene i bibliografske reference uz tekst
Agripa, Plinije i geografija Ilirika
Agripa, Plinije i geografija Ilirika
Na primeru podataka koji se odnose na Ilirik, u radu se ispituje odnos Agripinog geografsko-kartografskog dela, čiji su ekscerpti sačuvani u geografskim knjigama Plinija Starijeg, sa Avgustovim Res Gestae Divi Augusti i drugim trijumfalnim spomenicima. Cilj je da se prikaže kakvog su odjeka pobede u Iliriku imale u savremenoj javnosti, zatim su kako su predstavljene u trijumfalno-propagandnim, geografskim i ikonografskim spomenicima Avgustovog doba i kasnije.
An Inhabitant of Erebos
An Inhabitant of Erebos
The Greek hero Ajax does not achieve a traditional homecoming. In Sophokles’ Ajax, Ajax’s suicide precludes his physical return, but he achieves νόστος to a new home: Hades. The raging Ajax slaughters captured animals instead of the Greek chieftains, and Ajax exits and enters his hut, which is portrayed as a temporary “house.” Ajax’s νόστος to this hut-home brings pollution, but eventually mental clarity. Physical νόστος precipitates a mental νόστος from madness to sanity. Utterly shamed and afraid of his father’s reaction, Ajax eventually implores the nether darkness to accept him as its “inhabitant,” radically redefining the idea of “home.”, Bibliografija: str. 31-32, Napomene i bibliografske reference uz tekst, Summary
Ancestral Gods and Ethnic Associations
Ancestral Gods and Ethnic Associations
The article aims at exploring the epigraphic evidence for socialreligious associations of foreigners in the Roman province of Upper Moesia. The members of these associations were united by a common background and often by professional interests, and gathered around an ancestral cult., Abstract ; Апстракт, Bibliografija: str. 135-136, Napomene i bibliografske reference uz tekst
Библиографија: стр. 218-219, Напомене и библиографске референце уз текст, Остали аутори: Никола Голубовић, Милош Милић Радишевић, Јован Цвјетичанин, Стр. 140-218: Astronomicon - liber primvs / Marcus Manilius ; превод: Милош Милић Радишевић, Јован Цвјетичанин ; сравњивање, редакција превода и увод: Никола Голубовић ; коментар уз текст: Марко Витас
