Zbornik radova Instituta za savremenu istoriju

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Tokom svoje istorije, ISI je ostvario bogatu izdavačku delatnost objavljujući monografije, tematske zbornike, zbornike građe, periodične publikacije, hronologije i bibliografije. Publikacije izlaze u pet biblioteka: (1) Studije i monografije, (2) Posebna izdanja, (3) Skrivana istorija, (4) Zbornici radova, (5) Dokumenta.


Балкански фактор Великог рата у погледима војних писаца руске дијаспоре
Балкански фактор Великог рата у погледима војних писаца руске дијаспоре
Summary/Abstract: This study presents typical view of the Russian military emigration in the First World War in whole and through the prism of the Balkan factor, as well as the role of Russia and its tragedy of 1914–1918.
Делатност Руског друштва Црвеног крста у Србији током Првог светског рата
Делатност Руског друштва Црвеног крста у Србији током Првог светског рата
Summary/Abstract: Russian Red Cross Society was the biggest charity organization of Russian Empire. During its entire existence, they helped people who have suffered in the war. Since the very proclamation of Serbian independence, this organization formed several military hospitals and medical wards in Serbia and in the Thessalonica front and provided crucial aid to the Serbian troupes in its hardest times.
Делфа Иванић – учесница и сведок
Делфа Иванић – учесница и сведок
Summary/Abstract: This study follows the life and work of Delfa Ivanić, a humanitarian worker and the founder of association „Kolo of Serbian sisters“. Thanks to her good manners acquired within her biological family and even more her stepfamily, she grew up to be a great patriot, a selfless humanitarian worker who didn’t spare her physical nor her mental strenght to help her people. Delfa Ivanić belongs to a circle of Serbian heroines, women who marked the beginning of the 20th century and who, through personal sacrifices and inexhaustible energy, managed to diminish the horrors of Balkan Wars and World War I, by saving a significant number of soldiers and civilians. Unfortunately, her work has been „forgotten“ and marginalized on account of monarchism, simpathies for the Yugoslovenian Army in Fatherland and brave advocacy for the amnesty of general Dragoljub Mihailović.
Европске силе и великонационализми на Балканском полуострву почетком XX века
Европске силе и великонационализми на Балканском полуострву почетком XX века
Summary/Abstract: The relationship of the European powers to the nationalism of the Balkan peoples was determined by their relationship to the Ottoman Empire. The Western powers – Britain, France, Austria-Hungary, then Germany and Italy, viewed the so-called Eastern Question primarily through the threat of the Russian Empire squeezing out Turkey from the European continent, and came into the possession of Constantinople and the straits. Nationalist movements of the Balkan nations rebelled and led uprisings and liberation wars in order to create national states. Whether such endeavours saw (and had) Russia as an ally determined their relationship with European powers. Nationalisms of Balkan people, except Serbian, have created plans for the formation of their big states in which the areas that were not predominantly inhabited by their own peoples were to be included. None of the Serbian governments, whether principalities, kingdom or Republic of Serbia have ever created a plan for „Greater Serbia“, but has planned and led the liberation war and set a goal to include within the Serbian state the territories where Serbs were the majority.
Заветна мисао Србије у политици пречанских Срба до почетка Првог светског рата
Заветна мисао Србије у политици пречанских Срба до почетка Првог светског рата
Summary/Abstract: From despot Đorđe Branković to the leader of Serbian radicals in Austria-Hungary, Jaša Tomić, ideological legacy of Serbia in the form of the ideas and programme for national liberation of Serbs and their unification included territories of Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Herzegovina and the Old Serbia, i. e. the territories in which Serbian people presented ethnic majority. In the efforts to conceptualize Serbian national and democratic policy and direct Serbia and Montenegro to entering a war against the Ottoman Empire in the Balkans, the political leaders of Prečani Serbs consistently and solely counted on the aid and support of the tsarist Russia as well as joint warfare of Balkan Christians against the Porte, which itself was not declined understanding by the great western European countries due to their own discordant imperialistic interests. Serbian political leaders quite rarely managed to concord their perception of national politics with the authorities in Serbia, especially in the case of bad judgement about the right timing for initiating a national movement. * Prečani (from pre = across) – a historical term denoting Serbian population living outside the territory of Serbia and Montenegro, but in the territory of Bosnia, Herzegovina and Croatia.
Зараћене силе и балканско ратиште 1914–1916
Зараћене силе и балканско ратиште 1914–1916
Summary/Abstract: This work was dedicated to one of the most dramatic moments in the modern Serbian History, when Serbian Nation and the state faced with the attack of superior powers. In this circumstances Serbia, with the help of allies of Antanta succeeded to give a strong resistance to Austria – Hungary in 1914 and defend own independence. The next year, Serbian army was attacked by mightier enemy and found the salvation towards South, crossing Albania and Adriatic seaside where allies navy powers evacuated the on the Corfu island. In that way, the army, king and the government were saved and the continued to give and important contribution in general allied efforts until the end of the war.
Историјско сећање на први светски рат – специфичност његовог формирања у Русији и на Западу
Историјско сећање на први светски рат – специфичност његовог формирања у Русији и на Западу
Summary/Abstract: This article is based on historical memory development of the First World War 1914–1918. in Russia (USSR) and Western countries in the 20th century. It deals with the meaning of heroic symbols, official and public reflection on the war, fine literature of the “lost generation”, role of the Great War historical memory in context of ideology and politics.
Национална свест Срба пред Први светски рат
Национална свест Срба пред Први светски рат
Summary/Abstract: The paper deals with Serbian national consciousness, or how widespread was nationalism in the Kingdom of Serbia, at the beginning of the 20th century. The paper analyses the development of nationalism in Serbia by applying an A–B–C scheme elaborated by Miroslav Hroch. Ethnoreligious identity is seen as a basic identity in Serbia at the beginning of the 19th century and national consciousness emerged gradually only. The reason behind a relatively slow development of national consciousness in Serbia lays in unfavourable social and cultural conditions in Serbia including a high illiteracy rate and a low percentage of urban population. The paper includes quotes from Belgrade daily Politika indicating that by 1908 nationalism was fully established in the Serbian capital. This was confirmed during the First Balkan War in 1912. Attention is drawn to the fact at the beginning of the 20th century various social groups, but also ethnic Serbs in different parts of the Kingdom of Serbia had different levels of national consciousness. The situation was made even more complex when the Kingdom of Serbia acquired Old Serbia (Kosovo, Metohia and Sanjak of Novi Pazar) and Vardar Macedonia in 1912/1913. These areas were inhabited by both Christian and Muslim populations and they dominantly had ethno-religious rather than national identity. Therefore the conclusion of the paper is that majority of the population of the Kingdom of Serbia on the eve of the Great War was still not imbued by massive nationalism.
Никола Хартвиг – Портрет руског дипломате у Србији 1909–1914
Никола Хартвиг – Портрет руског дипломате у Србији 1909–1914
Summary/Abstract: The paper provides a brief account of the life of Nicholas Genrikhovich Hartwig (Russian: Николай Генрихович Гартвиг), the Russian ambassador in Belgrade from 1909 to 1914, and the overview of Russian politics towards Serbia during that period. The paper also describes Hartwig’s diplomatic career, from taking up his duty in 1875 until he was appointed the Head of the First (Asian) Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire 1900–1906. Following that, he was appointed Ambassador to Serbia in 1909. Special attention is given to the position of the Serbian government, the heir to the throne and the public towards Hartwig during his service in Belgrade.
