Zbornik radova Instituta za savremenu istoriju

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Tokom svoje istorije, ISI je ostvario bogatu izdavačku delatnost objavljujući monografije, tematske zbornike, zbornike građe, periodične publikacije, hronologije i bibliografije. Publikacije izlaze u pet biblioteka: (1) Studije i monografije, (2) Posebna izdanja, (3) Skrivana istorija, (4) Zbornici radova, (5) Dokumenta.


Николај II у покушајима да заустави Велики рат
Николај II у покушајима да заустави Велики рат
Summary/Abstract: This paper presents the attempts of Nicholas II to prevent a local war on Austria-Hungary against Serbia growing into a large-scale war of the European powers. In the final phase of the July crisis, along with the actions of Russian diplomacy, he has taken his personal efforts to stop Europe falling into the abyss. Over the last five days of European peace Nicholas used the personal letters and telgraph, addressed with „Dear cousin and friend“ to Kaiser Wilhelm II and urged the common steps to be taken to prevent the outbreak of war. „Dear cousin“ joined the correspondence and reportedly expressed his willingness to contribute to the preservation of peace, but he and his generals were completing preparations for the declaration of war against Russia and France.
Поздравни говори
Поздравни говори
Summary/Abstract: Проф. др МОМЧИЛО ПАВЛОВИЋ директор Института за савремену историју АЛЕКСЕJ АНАТОЉЕВИЧ ГРОМИКО директор европских програма Фонда Руски свет, Москва СЛАВИЦА ЂУКИЋ ДЕЈАНОВИЋ председница Народне скупштине Републике Србије Проф. др ЖАРКО ОБРАДОВИЋ министар просвете и науке Републике Србије ВУК ЈЕРЕМИЋ министар спољних послова Републике Србије Проф. др ВЛАДИМИР Н. ЦВЕТКОВИЋ декан Факултета безбедности Универзитета у Београду АЛЕКСАНДАР ВАСИЉЕВИЧ КОНУЗИН амбасадор Руске Федерације у Србији ДРАГОМИР АЦОВИЋ председавајући Крунског савета
Први светски рат и руска емиграција на Балкану
Први светски рат и руска емиграција на Балкану
Summary/Abstract: The First World War has tied Russia forever with Balkans. This region plays a significant role in the history of Russian Army, the undefeated army in exile, which found its shelter and won the recognition of its efforts only in Balkans. Here in Balkans you can see the unique significant war memorial that commemorates it. So many kinds of experienced militaries found themselves in emigration that there was no other way than to transform their knowledge, experience, memories and conclusions into series of outstanding studies in war history. And among them the works of Belgrade war immigrant circle are of great importance. The works of Y. N. Danilov, A. A. Kersnovsky, N. N. Golovin, Y. E. Messner, I. F. Patronov and many others have seen the light here in Belgrade. All Russian war emigrants one way or another asked themselves these fatal and timeless questions: Was the World War inevitable? Could Russia escape taking part in it? How did Russian army fight? What were the reasons for war failures and of triumphs? Has the war become the reason of the revolution or have the revolution processes predetermined a catastrophic outcome of the war? Russian emigrants in Balkans showed themselves extremely active in all aspects of military culture – in developing military organizations, military schools, military press and commemoration. Having gone through a tragic experience of the First World War, Russian war emigrants tended to learn the lesson and to develop the doctrine of the future Russian army.
Први светски рат и украјинске земље
Први светски рат и украјинске земље
Summary/Abstract: In this work is being analyzed the main ways of studding of the First War in modern Ukrainian historiography. The great attention was dedicated in the new methods of research of different aspects, and also culture of wars.
Примирје дуго 20 година
Примирје дуго 20 година
Summary/Abstract: This article analyzes international processes which happened in European continent in the period between two world wars. The author considers the main geopolitical consequences of the First World War 1914–1918 and underlines the links with growth of crisis of Versailles system of the international relations, which had as greater consequences the greater catastrophe – The Second World War.
Пробој Солунског фронта, ослобођење и обнова власти у Јужној Србији
Пробој Солунског фронта, ослобођење и обнова власти у Јужној Србији
Summary/Abstract: Paper deals with situation during and right after the breakthrough of Macedonian front and liberation of Macedonia (also known as South Serbia). Liberation of these areas by allied troops (Serbian, French, British, Greek and Italian) was followed by different and numerous problems. Previous years of Turkish Ottoman rule, awaken Balkan nationalisms, insurgencies, epidemic diseases and three major war conflicts in these areas have left hard heritage. Serbian military together with renewed civil authorities had to cope with different traditions, cultural and political frameworks. For the Serbian military and politicians the goal was creating stabile surrounding as main condition for economical, cultural and political development which represented necessary conditions for successful incorporation of those areas into new heterogeneous but ambitious Yugoslav state. Complicity of political relations in everyday life Macedonia was characterized by raids of Albanian cattle rustlers, lack of security forces and incompetence of civil administrators.
Пропаст империја на Балкану и српски национални идентитет
Пропаст империја на Балкану и српски национални идентитет
Summary/Abstract: The disappearance of traditional empires in the vortex of the Great War led to the emergence of new national and transnational states in the Balkans as well as Central Europe. As one of the successors to a former empire, the Balkan Kingdom of Yugoslavia had the task of integrating (in a small territory and over a short time span) a heterogeneous population with entirely different and often directly opposed religious and cultural roots into a political and civilizational whole. The author shows the influence of this political experiment on the national identity of Serbs as the most numerous nationality in the former transnational state. Owning to numerous changes in the government/legitimacy framework and social structure, modern-age Serbs were torn between an imparted (ethnic, „conservative“, Orthodox) national identity and a transnational (Yugoslav) one, self-interpreted as „progressive“ and necessarily atheistic. The shared features of these two opposite identities are exclusiveness, romanticism, Slavophilism, Caesarism, and occasionally, the illusion of self-sufficiency.
Процеси националне еманципације Јужних Словена и Белоруса у перцепцији руске либерално-конзервативне елите на почетку ХХ века
Процеси националне еманципације Јужних Словена и Белоруса у перцепцији руске либерално-конзервативне елите на почетку ХХ века
Summary/Abstract: The article is devoted to the problems of national, sociocultural and confessional identity forming of the Southern slaves and Belarus nation in the ideology of the liberal political parties and public organizations; the research of the Bulgarian, Serbian and Belarusian national idea genesis in the political movements of Russia at the beginning of the XX century. Attitude towards the history of the Southern slaves and Belarusian ethnic question by both the All-Russian liberal (the Constitutional-Democratic party) and regional parties and organizations (“Belarusian Society“) is examined. Evolution of the views on the Southern Slavonic and Belarusians self-determination problems is observed: from ethnos recognition, definition of its settling territory, necessity for studying its cultural features to raising a question of the nation-building by the end of Great War.
Рад слободних зидара на српско-хрватској сарадњи од краја XIX века до почетка Првог светског рата
Рад слободних зидара на српско-хрватској сарадњи од краја XIX века до почетка Првог светског рата
Summary/Abstract: From late 19th century to the beginning of World War I Masonry won the South Slav feature among the Serbs and Croats, which marked the good political relations between these two nations. Their political representatives are increasingly entering the ranks of Freemasonry, and there they worked on deepening the Serb-Croat unity. This has not been without obstacles. Such actions were against the interest of the ruling circles of Vienna and Budapest, which is supported by the Roman Catholic Church. On several occasions, including allegations that Masonry is organized assassination, which led to the outbreak of World War I, the Freemasons of South Slavic countries were attacked because of their political work on Serbo-Croat cooperation. These charges were dropped after World War I, when the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes was established, thanks to the work of Serbian and Croatian Freemasons – the state in which the South Slav politicians and Masons tried to find common interest in further development and cooperation.
Руска Црноморска флота у Великом рату – заборављене победе
Руска Црноморска флота у Великом рату – заборављене победе
Summary/Abstract: In this work shortly and with proves was disclosed that in the period of the First World War on south wing of the battle with the common enemy, with power of the Russian army and Black sea Navy, was set a strong corner stone for upcoming victory. But the political government of the state did not succeed to use that, and the heroic attachment of the Russian sailors was distorted with propaganda and and went to oblivion for long time.
Руска војна помоћ Србији 1914–1915
Руска војна помоћ Србији 1914–1915
Summary/Abstract: The First World War meant unprecedented challenges for each of the involved states. The demands of the front exhausted the resources of many smaller and unindustrialized countries quite soon. The Serbian army entered into the war with already used and damaged equipment, thus it was already in august of 1914 dependant from the shipments of the materials sent from abroad. France and Russia were the main suppliers of ammunition, food and uniforms. They also sent some of the more modern military equipment including heavy artillery and naval mines, all accompanied by the personal necessary for the usage of these weapons. Consequently, the Russian assistance was not only significant for the pure prolongation of the Serbian war efforts, but it represented, in several aspects, the modernization of the two most technical branches of the Serbian army: artillery and engineer core. As most of the Russian specialists in Serbia were positioned at the Belgrade front, the pick of their battle experiences in the Balkans came with the attack of the Austro-Hungarian and German units in October of 1915. During the subsequent and constant clashes most of the Russian units were destroyed or severely diminished. Nevertheless, their remnants continued to support the fighting of the retreating Serbian army right until the arrival on the Adriatic coast.
Руске јединице у Француској и на Солунском фронту током Првог свetskog рата
Руске јединице у Француској и на Солунском фронту током Првог свetskog рата
Summary/Abstract: This work fallows the Russian military units which French and English command tried to use during First World War in the war against the enemy. The initiator of the sending of the Russian units in the Balkan was Serbia, and they played an important role during breakthrough of Thessaloniki’s front.
