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Сарајевски атентат као провокација територијалне поделе Србије
Сарајевски атентат као провокација територијалне поделе Србије
Summary/Abstract: Prosecutions of austrian-hungary authorities in an address Serbia and Russia in relation to their involvement to preparation of encroaching upon heir of throne Franca Ferdinand were part of military propaganda. Belgrade not only did not participate in preparation of this murder, but improbable is and participating in him of Serbian secret organization the “Black hand” under the direction of colonel Dragutin Dimitrijević. Most probably, that murder in Sarajevo was straight geared-up austrian military party which was headed by general Konrad background of Getcendorf. The purpose of this provocation was laying of Belgrade to terrorism and after it territorial dismemberment of Serbia. Thus main from point of geopolitics for aggressors there was a Kosovo question, that allows to understand motive reasons of actions of row of powers in the third millennium.
Срби Јужне Угарске (Војводине) у потрази за парадигмом политичког израза пред Први светски рат
Срби Јужне Угарске (Војводине) у потрази за парадигмом политичког израза пред Први светски рат
Summary/Abstract: The political life of Serbs in the South Hungary (present Vojvodina) from the early 20th century to the beginning of World War I had been largely conditioned by the work of Serbian political parties and ideological currents that emerged in the second half of the 19th century. Inaddition, it was undoubtedly influenced by liberal ideas of Western social thought, and the populist movement that spread from Russia. All this affected thedisparity of political party activity among the Serbs. The political landscape grewmore complex due to the legislationof the nationalist politics in Hungary, as well as to the antagonism between Serbian political parties supported by mutual accusations. Such a background cradled an idea of a unique conceptual gathering of Serbian intelligence in order to establish a broader political front of democratic ideas. However, because ofthe ambivalence of political behaviour, disorientation, national autism and chauvinistic phobia, this idea remained unfulfilled.
Србија Виктора Берара
Србија Виктора Берара
Summary/Abstract: In this paper, the author examinates the symbolical and material aspect of the Victor Berard’s brochure Serbia published in 1915 in the moment when the Allies and Serbia find themselves in the extremely difficult and uncertain war situation. In France, this brochure had a double function, propagandistic and humanitarian-philantropic. But, it also reflected a specific political culture of one part of the French intellectual elite who adapted itself to the conditions of war. This political culture of surpassing of interior differencies in the name of France was herited from the period of the end of 19th and the beginning of the 20th century.
Србија после Балканских ратова
Србија после Балканских ратова
Summary/Abstract: The Balkan wars 1912/13 had been very important in solving the Eastern question. The Balkan peoples wanted to achieve their national programs on their own, but they had no sufficient capacities to exclude the Great powers which had interests in Balkans. In Balkan wars was achieved Serbian vow, in accordance that the regions which were considered as traditional Serbian were legally included in Kingdom of Serbia. Extraordinary regime was established for the regions that were annexed to the Serbia based on international treaties. The Serbian Radical party Government held that the citizens of the Old Serbia should not be instantly equalized with the citizens of the pre-war Serbia, but that they should be gradually prepared for that. Therefore, the Government ruled the new regions without the Parliament; it introduced specific laws, parts of Constitution and issued decrees for the new acquired territories on its own. Although extraordinary regime was supposed to last for six years, what was thought to be sufficient enough for the citizens of the new regions to accustom themselves to life in Serbia and to become its full right citizens, the started process of integration of the new regions in Serbia due to outbreak of First World War in 1914 and creation of a new state, Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes in 1918, remained unfinished.
Српска војска у предвечерје епохе ратова 1912–1920
Српска војска у предвечерје епохе ратова 1912–1920
Summary/Abstract: Serbian Army, as it was known from the period before the War era (1912–1920), was created during the 80’s and 90’s of XIX century, as a professional institution, based on basically positive selection and in accordance with the Prussian organizational pattern. King Milan Obrenović and Serbian officers educated abroad (especially in Prussia) played the most important role in its successful development in that period. Thanks to the institutions created for professional military education and very serious system of selection, Serbia managed to form very capable and professional Officer Corps and well trained and modern technically equipped Armed Forces. During the period of modernization, military expenses were the largest part of the whole state budget, reaching between 30 and 44%. The crisis of military professionalism in Serbia started with the Coup d’état in May 1903 and continued during the whole period, reaching its peak with the creation of the secret officer’s society „Black Hand“ in 1911. However, the Serbian Army managed to preserve the basic values of the professional system and it was manifested to a great extend during the period of national liberation wars 1912–1920. According to the opinion of the author, it was professional military organization, instead of individuals, that played the key role in the great Serbian victories gained in that period.
Српске избеглице у Русији у Првом светском рату
Српске избеглице у Русији у Првом светском рату
Summary/Abstract: The Serbs who have been in schooling or staying in Russia at the beginning of the World War I, change their status and become refugees in that country. Since October 1915, and tripartite attack on the Serbian onarchy, one part of civilians from the county of Zaječar, were attacked by the Bulgarians, so they crossed to Romania, where they have stayed for almost a year. After Romania entered the alignment with the forces of Antanta, Serbian refugees moved to Odessa, Russia, in a very bad condition, starved, tortured and exhausted. They were secured with a stay, education for children, and supplied with essential.. from many different sides the help of Russian ministary, Serbian consulate, the committee of Tatiansky, trough charity donations. They stay there until the revolution 1917, when they needed to travel by trains all the way through the Siberian railway, because of some troubles. Serbian refugees from a lot of different cities Samara, Omsk, Chelyabinsk, Irkutsk and Vladivostok. They returned to Serbia during the next eleven years from three directions: they came to Solun from Shanghai across Sinai mountain, the second path was passing across Japan, Canada, USA and France. They were travelling by boats and trains to their motherland. The third path lead trough Romania. It can be considered that the final repatriation of the Serbs, who escaped to Russia had finished in 1929.
Улазак Русије у велики рат – морално-обичајни аспект
Улазак Русије у велики рат – морално-обичајни аспект
Summary/Abstract: This work is analyzing the reasons why Russian Empire enter the First World War. After analyzing the summaries of many different historiographies in this work which analyzing the situation in Russian before begging of the war, her geopolitical, military and economic interests. After first military achievement on the East front, which helped the Serbian Army in the beginning of the war, fallowed and the other activities of the Russian government and nation. The great humanitarian help which was coming to Serbia were and medical missions. Summary is that Russia entered the First World War being motivated by moral, not by material imperatives in the relations with close Slavic Orthodox Nation.
Хашке конференције из 1899. и 1907. у међународном праву и односима
Хашке конференције из 1899. и 1907. у међународном праву и односима
Summary/Abstract: This research describes organization of the Hague conferences, goals that were to be fulfilled through the conferences and legal acts that have been adopted. Reviewing the period through the organization of the conferences the author also presents positions of the influential states. Concluding on the value of the conferences and adopted conventions, it has been deemed as very important that the real stands of states were different than the ones publicly manifested. Main conclusion and also the governing thesis of the paper is that First World War should be analyzed bearing in minds the thought that legal regulations and legal norms on the conduct of the war was already existing. From that starting point responsibility for war and mass atrocities and destructions should be analyzed and valued.
„Nova klasa“ i raspad komunističkog sistema u delima Milovana Đilasa
„Nova klasa“ i raspad komunističkog sistema u delima Milovana Đilasa
Summary/Abstract: In his "New Class" Djilas vividly and convincingly presents the birth of a group (new class) that has a monopoly on political, economic and ideological power. It arises from former revolutionaries and transforms into a political party bureaucracy, being nothing more than a new group of rulers and exploiters. "New Class" has a totalitarian character, it does not tolerate any opposition, subdues all aspects of political, social and personal lives of individuals. It is a political realization of the communist utopia, which - like any utopia - does not reach its initial goals and includes some elements of imminent collapse. Djilas precisely and accurately announces the fall of that "new class", which is the core of the communist system. That fall will be a simple consequence of the fact that individuals and society are "subjects of the right to life" that imposes the need to enlarge and improve production. Djilas claims that the phenomenon is only a tendency; a long process without the final, ultimate fulfillment. It is a tendency that leads "to a better understanding, harmonization and utilization of global production capacity." Indeed, the world is moving towards the optimal use of global production capacity in accordance with the growing needs of individuals, nations, and societies. At the same time it destroys everything that prevents such a development, including obsolete social relations and ownership, and above all - exclusive and isolated systems and ideologies. Also the communist system is incapable to develop, what is more – it is an obstacle of that development. As a result, in terms of Djilas, a gradual disappearance, fall of communism as an ideology and practice is an objective necessity determined by inevitable requirements and circumstances, not by aspirations and actions of its opponents.
„Балкански чвор“ и Први светски рат
„Балкански чвор“ и Први светски рат
Summary/Abstract: Until 1914 „Balkan knot“ can be understood and displayed as series of mutual conflicts, alliances and diplomatic actions of the Balkan states from the Congress of Berlin in 1878 until the outbrake od First World War, and, but it can also be understood, as cross interests of the great powers in this area, especially Austro-Hungarian and Russian Empires. Decisive impact, with consequences of long duration, until the outbreak of First World War in the Balkans had at least three events: the Congress of Berlin in 1878, Annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1908, and the Balkan Wars 1912–1913. After the Second Balkan War, Balkan states were maneuvering to gain the most favorable position for future events, while great powers were trying to attract and bind them to their interests and alliances. In 1913 and 1914 Balkan Peninsula was in a state od tension and Balkan states, not only because od the nresolved questions of Albania and Aegean islands, but also for other boundary disputes, were disjointed and conflicting. The rivalry of the great powers only increased the discord. Opposing and warring Balkan states accounted this area of Europe to be a powder keg that exploded in the year of 1914. Austro-Hungarian Empire wanted war with Serbia, and found a convenient cause in murder of the Crown Prince in Sarajevo. From that moment and for the next four weeks diplomatic and military preparations were conducted, and alliances were secured by. Hope and plan that the war would be conducted only between Austria-Hungary and Serbia turned out to be a disastrous mistake. Despite the absence of solid evidence that the Serbian government was implicated in the assassination and conciliatory gestures and statements by Serbian government, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. A few days after that, war has become a European and global scale event.
