Vojnoistorijski glasnik

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Vojnoistorijski glasnik is a scientific journal of the Institute for Strategic Research. The journal was founded in 1950 as a journal of the Military History Institute and in the meantime has undergone many changes in terms of concept, content, design and frequency of publication.


,,Смем ли се ја, син таквог оца осрамоћен вратити у Србију“
,,Смем ли се ја, син таквог оца осрамоћен вратити у Србију“
Summary/Abstract: This article looks at an interesting and as yet completely unknown episode in the life of Aleksandr Mishich, son of a prominent Serbian commander field-marshal Zhivoin Mishich (1855-1921). Aleksandr Mishich (1891-1941) served as an officer in the Balkan wars of 1912-13 and in the First World War. In 1941 he died heroically as one of the leaders of the chethnic movement in Yugoslavia. One of the blank pages in his biography is the time he spent in Russia from 1908 to 1912, where he tried to receive a military education. This article, based on previously unknown documents from the Russian State Military History Archive and the Foreign Policy Archive of the Russian Empire looks at how Mishich and his two Serbian friends joined the Vilna Infantry Junker school, their subsequent expulsion, acute conflict with the college’s authorities and the long and unsuccessful efforts of the three Serbs to obtain a review of their case from the military-bureaucratic machine of the Russian empire. The article also examines the discussions which took part between Russian authorities at interdepartmental level concerning the education of southern Slavs in military institutions of the Russian empire, which coincided with Mishich’s presence in Russia. The difference in opinion of representatives from the Russian military and diplomatic institutions on the problems of raising the effectiveness and the goals of Russian military-educational policy towards southern Slavs is shown. Also covered are the circumstances regarding the preparation of the Rules of admission of subjects of south Slavic states into Russian military-educational institutions, approved in 1912. This article can be of interest to all those interested in the life of field-marshal Zhivoin Mishic and his family, as well as in the questions of Russo-Serbian cooperation in the sphere of military education at the start of the 20th century.
130 година организованих војноисторијских истраживања у Србији - Избор излагања са округлог стола о решавању статуса Војноисторијског института (1. фебруар 2006.)
130 година организованих војноисторијских истраживања у Србији - Избор излагања са округлог стола о решавању статуса Војноисторијског института (1. фебруар 2006.)
Summary/Abstract: Уочи обележавања 130-те годишњице организованих војноисторијских истраживања у Србији (5. фебруар 1876, дан оснивања Историјског одељењa Главног ђенералштаба српске војске), одржан је, 1. фебруара 2006. године, Округли сто у Дому војске Србије и Црне Горе, у организацији Војноисторијског института (ВИИ). Повод за његово одржавање биле су најаве и планови за решење статуса Војноисторијског института, односно његовог укидања као самосталне установе. [...]
38. конгрес Међународне комисије за војну историју „Технологија и ратовање“
38. конгрес Међународне комисије за војну историју „Технологија и ратовање“
Summary/Abstract: 38. конгрес Међународне комисије за војну историју „Технологија и ратовање“, Софија, Република Бугарска, 25–31. август 2012. године / Congress of International Commission for Military History “Technology and Warfare”, Sofia, Bulgaria, 25–31 August 2012
Summary/Abstract: Presenting the facts concerning those military force units which played the key role in events that took place in territories where reprisals against Serb civilians were committed during the fall of 1941, provides the clearer insight into structure of the battalions that participated in them. Data refer to 717th Infantry Division, battalions I-III/749. and I-III/797, i.e. their troops which participated in battles fought during September, October and November of the same year. Human losses as well as the basic positions and movements of German battalions in those months, war period especially difficult for the population of the wider Central and Western Serbia – Krupanj, Loznica, Draginac, Sabac, Kraljevo, Kragujevac and nearby villages where massive war crimes were committed by different profiles and purposes military units, are to be shown here. Brutality is reinforced by General Franz Beme's directives with the 100:1 quota implemented, unlike General Maximilian Reichsfriaier von Weiss' command of April 1941, which was operationally impracticable in terms of arresting hostages before the incident. These battalions' fallen soldiers are used for carrying out retaliation according to set quotas. This work is one part of the sequel in investigating details about perpetrators of the crime - German battalions participating battles around Kragujevac and Kraljevo and other territories and areas where they were stationed or moved to, during the fall of 1941.
Albania During World War I (1914-1918)
Albania During World War I (1914-1918)
Summary/Abstract: On 29 July 1913, the London Ambassadors’ Conference definitively settled the question of the Albanian state. Albania should be governed by a foreign prince, Wilhelm zu Wied. After the departure of Wied from Durrës and the beginning of World War I, Albania would be violated by seven foreign Armies and was divided into occupation zones, mainly into Austro-Hungarian, Italian, and French zones. This invasion was accompanied by important political, social, and military developments for the Albanians. After the World War I, the future of the Albanian state was to be determined by various factors. With regard to national objectives, the Albanians had to deal with the objections of the Greeks, Serbs, and Italians. The postwar disputes between the major powers was an advantage as they paid little attention to Albania. By the end of the war and the opening of the peace conference a new dangerous phase began for the political and territorial future of Albania.
Fabrizio Rudi, Soglie Inquiete, L’ Italia e la Serbia All’ Inizio dell’ novecento (1904–1912)
Fabrizio Rudi, Soglie Inquiete, L’ Italia e la Serbia All’ Inizio dell’ novecento (1904–1912)
Summary/Abstract: Fabrizio Rudi, Soglie Inquiete, L’ Italia e la Serbia All’ Inizio dell’ novecento (1904–1912), Mimesis, Milano-Udine, 2020, pp. 228
IХ годишња конференција евроатлантске радне групе за студије конфликта (CSWG) “End Of Empires
IХ годишња конференција евроатлантске радне групе за студије конфликта (CSWG) “End Of Empires
Summary/Abstract: IХ годишња конференција евроатлантске радне групе за студије конфликта (CSWG) “End Of Empires: Challenges to Security and Statehood in Flux”, Букурешт, 25–29 мај 2009. године / 9th Annual Conference of the Conflict Studies Working Group (CSWG): “End of Empires: Challenges to Security and Statehood in Flux”, Bucharest (Romania), May 25–29th , 2009
