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Publisher: Scientific Society for the History of Health Culture, Belgrade

ISSN 0352-7840 (print)

ISSN 2466-2925 (online)

UDK 61+615+616.31+619(091)

DOI 10.25106/ahm

Frequency: biannual

The journal Acta Historiae is an open access (CC BY) external double-blind peer reviewed academic periodical; every manuscript is evaluated by two independent experts on the subject matter. The journal publishes original scientific articles, review articles, short scientific articles, reviews and bibliographies from fields of history of medicine, medical deontology, history of mentality, private life, urban and rural everyday life and living conditions, structure of urban and rural settlements, history, demography, boundaries, as well as the history of architecture and urban planning in the context of history, culture and health care institutions.

The first issue of the journal was published in 1961 and for three decades it was one of the most modern, open and dynamic Yugoslavian journals.

The journal is also available on the Copernicus and CEEOL databases.

Editor in chief is prof. dr Nikola Samardžić


Eugenics and Sterilization Policies
Eugenics and Sterilization Policies
Summary/Abstract: In the first decades of twentieth century, eugenic theories were used by some of the Western countries to justify actions of biopolitics toward various categories of persons defined as “degenerated” (feeble-minded, criminals, ethnic minorities, “morally irresponsible” persons, alcohol and drugs addicted, vagrants, etc). One of the cruelest actions was the compulsory sterilization policies toward these categories, to whom was denied the right to have child in the name of “racial integrity” of the social body. Not only in Nazi Germany, but also, in the United States, Canada, Switzerland, and in the countries from Scandinavian area, Roma and other groups of nomads by similar customs were victims of these policies. Since second half of the nineteenth century, scholars in eugenics and criminology defined them as “hereditary wanderers” or “born criminals”. The article will focus on the case of Tattare, a group of nomads settled in Sweden and Norway since the sixtieth century, which was targeted by Swedish eugenic law. Between 1920 and 1950, Swedish scientists tried to prove the “racial inferiority” of Tattare, while politicians and economists stressed the impossibility of their integration in the Swedish society, and their condition of parasitism. Therefore, between 1935 and 1960, Swedish law included the Tattare in the eugenic national program of compulsory sterilization, contributing to their ethnocide.
Eugenics in Canada
Eugenics in Canada
Summary/Abstract: While Canada has a rich and complex eugenics history, historians did not begin to unearth it until the 1990s, when Angus McLaren published the only overview Our Own Master Race: Eugenics in Canada, 1885–1945. Since McLaren’s landmark study, historians have primarily focused on the history of sexual sterilization legislation prior to 1945. In particular, the Sexual Sterilization Act (1928) in the province of Alberta has been closely analyzed by scholars, who have placed the eugenics movement in the province within the larger context of social reform movements. Historians have also drawn scholarly attention on eugenics in the second half of the twentieth century focusing on Alberta’s long eugenic history, as well as connecting the early movement in Canada with the current discussion about reproductive rights and choice. Th is article provides a historiographical overview of the approaches (legal, social, cultural)employed by Canadian historians to map Canada’s eugenic history
Summary/Abstract: The paper discusses medical recipes against a variety of diseases whose important constituent is fig, whether it is the fruit, the tree or the root of this subtropical fruit. These are data from the Byzantine medical treatise dated into a rather wide time frame, from the middle of the 11th to the second half of the 14th century. The fig was also used in making balms and in cosmetics.
Summary/Abstract: A number of articles and books published since 1979 have successfully shown that eugenics in Britain was compatible with various political views, including progressive ones. Th is contribution to the debate, however, argues that eugenics as originated by the scientist and explorer Francis Galton in 1865 was intended as an ameliorative doctrine of creating better human beings and a better society. It was based on Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution and Galton’s own studies of heredity. Both men believed that societies generally advance towards greater benevolence and altruism. Galton additionally thought that this process could be speeded up through selective breeding. He assumed most improvements in civilization were the result of superior minds. Moreover, eugenics could replace natural and sexual selection, which often had cruel consequences for the least “fi t” members of a species. Eugenics, as Galton conceived it, was therefore an alternative to social Darwinism, not a synonym for it. In the fi rst decade of the twentieth century, towards the end of his life, Galton began institutionalizing eugenics. Th is article analyzes these eff orts through the use of Max Weber’s theory called “charisma and its transformation.” What became the Galton Laboratory at University College London was clearly meant as a continuation of Galton’s work on eugenics. It was led by his chosen successor Karl Pearson. Galton’s public lectures on race improvement, however, also inspired the founding of a Eugenics Education Society in 1907. Th is society had no initial connection with Galton and Pearson disapproved of it. Member contributions to the Eugenics Education Society’s journal and other media outlets turned the doctrine into a variant of social Darwinism. Because the Eugenics Education Society was better at propagating its message than the Galton Laboratory, eugenics gained a reactionary reputation. By reconstituting Galton’s original eugenics, we understand better why it also appealed to progressives.
Failed Judiciary Reform Instead of Lustration in Judiciary
Failed Judiciary Reform Instead of Lustration in Judiciary
Summary/Abstract: Participants of the failed Reform of the Judiciary from the Government and Non-Government sectors indicate the existence of fear among judges and prosecutors, but does not offer a clear answer to the causes of the condition. This paper investigates the role of the academic community and intelligence agencies in the Security System Reform (SSR), i.e. their intervention in the Criminal Justice System. The subsequent problems in the reform of the Serbian Justice System could be explained by “politicization and ideologization of human rights that usually comes from methalegal sources of power – political, economic or military (which) (…) arbitrarily usurp right to control (…) human Rights and apply the so-called double standards (…) Intention of the author of this paper is to initiate awareness of mental pollution and its attachment to Human Rights to Life and a Healthy Life” [1]
From Precept to Regulation of Renaissance Household
From Precept to Regulation of Renaissance Household
Summary/Abstract: Precepts for the conduct of individuals at Renaissance courts and in urban settings still off er plethora of information about the gradual codifi cation of the life styles of the elite, written as statutes used in closed court settings, or as widely read treatises. Such is the case with two 15th century manuscripts: a copy of the regulation of the life at the Montefeltro court, Ordine et offi cij de casa de lo Illustrissimo Signor Duca d’ Urbino (Cod. Urb. lat. 1248, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana), and Alberti’s De Famiglia. Both authors strove to establish models for ideal court and civic households, respectively. Th ey certainly represent already established practices, dealing with everyday duties and obligations of masters and servants. In this paper, we are representing several issues that pertain to both court and civic settings.
Habsburško vojno zdravstvo u Slavoniji i Srijemu do ukidanja Vojne krajine
Habsburško vojno zdravstvo u Slavoniji i Srijemu do ukidanja Vojne krajine
Summary/Abstract: The Military Frontier fulfilled its purpose. It had created animosity toward the Ottoman Empire; gave military training to farmers and used their potential on the European battlefields. Frontier introduced intensive agriculture instead of earlier foraging economy with extensive agriculture and stopped the spread of some epidemics by means of sanitary cordon. The Military Frontier changed the look of the villages by separating human and animal living space. Manures and wells were built at a sufficient distance, the houses were large, airy and with glass windows; in its rooms stayed fewer people than before. In the cities housing for the poor, infirm and mentally ill were build, as well as orphanages and hospitals. The cities of the Military Frontier attracted medical staff (surgeons of different specialties, pharmacists), and military and civilian doctors who educated midwives. Schools were opened, the settlement of craftsmen and traders was forced, and the children from the upper strata and classes, as well as scientists were educated. They studied at universities across the Habsburg Monarchy and returned as teachers, pharmacists, lawyers, polytechnicians, doctors and veterinarians. Along with other physicians and medical professionals they acted as founders of social and sporting associations and foundations, and helped improve the general atmosphere in civilian areas of Slavonia and Srem.
Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Globalization Processes
Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Globalization Processes
Summary/Abstract: The article focuses on the impact of the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic on globalization processes. Analysis of the state of the trade, financial and migration sectors of the international economy provides an understanding of reality and a conscious idea of the further development of globalization. The article also analyzes various approaches and opinions on the presented problems, and also reveals the forecasts of experts.
Inquiries on Homosexuals in Serbia During the Second World War
Inquiries on Homosexuals in Serbia During the Second World War
Summary/Abstract: Th is paper focuses in the issues regarding homosexuality in Serbia in the period of Second World War and the German occupation, how it was perceived by German occupying forces and their Serbian collaborators and what actions were taken against homosexuals in this period. Th e goal was to establish to a fair certainty what was the ideological framework of the oppressors, what was general policy towards homosexuals and whether this policy diff ered from policies in other parts of occupied Europe, but, considering the scarcity of saved sources, this was accomplished only conditionally. Also, the paper gives an account on previous research done on homosexuality and homosexuals in Yugoslavia and Serbia during the war, the legal status of homosexuals before and during the war and gives the account on available resources for further research. Th e paper is based on relevant literature and archival material.
Summary/Abstract: Konstantinopolj – Istanbul zauzima važno mesto u istoriji pandemija kuge. Njegova lokacija na istorijskoj mapi pandemija stoji u vezi sa njegovom geografskom pozicijom i složenim sanitarnim uslovima. Istanbul je jedan od najvećih evropskih gradova, koji delimično leži i na azijskoj obali, dok ga sa Afrikom vežu snažne ekonomske veze. Međutim, epidemije kuge koje su sredinom XVIII veka izbijale u Osmanskom carstvu nisu dovoljno istražene. Stav vlasti i društva prema epidemijama i bolesti je generalno bio takav da ih je smatrao Božijom kaznom, koju je potrebno mirno i trpeljivo izdržati. Shodno tome, lekari u Osmanskom carstvu nisu posmatrali kugu ko medicinski fenomen, tako da nisu ostavili dovoljno zapisa o njoj. U ovom radu se služimo izvorima evropske provenijencije, pre svega pismima doktora Mordaha Mekenzija (1712–1797), koji je u prepisci sa svojim kolegama u Londonu izneo zapažanja u vezi sa kugom u Istanbulu 1848-1762. U tim pismima se nalaze vredne informacije o njegovoj lekarskoj praksi, kao i uvid u manifestacije i lečenje kuge u Istanbulu sredinom XVIII veka.
Kolektivni imunitet, razvoj vakcine za SARS-COV-2 i pušenje duvana u doba KOVIDA-19
Kolektivni imunitet, razvoj vakcine za SARS-COV-2 i pušenje duvana u doba KOVIDA-19
Summary/Abstract: A new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, is responsible for the Covid-19 pandemic. With collective immunity, the threshold is above 50 percent, the chain of virus transmission will be broken. This immunity is acquired in two ways: by the natural spread of the disease and by vaccination. While waiting for the effect of vaccination and acquiring immunity by spreading the disease, the infection can be curbed by epidemiological procedures, and the treatment of Covid-19 is reduced to supportive therapy. Risk factors that aggravate the disease include geriatric age, tobacco smoking, diabetes, arterial hypertension, vascular disease, bronchial asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Because tobacco smoking leads to a more severe form and higher mortality due to Covid-19, many smokers are motivated to smoke less or quit tobacco during the pandemic. To facilitate smoking cessation, abstinence disorders are alleviated by the pharmaceutical preparations nicotine, bupropion (Zyban) and varenicline (Chantix). The World Health Organization reports that by November 2020, there were more than 164 candidates for the vaccine in the preclinical trial, and 48 vaccines were then clinically evaluated, and today a dozen of them are already in clinical use. In order to acquire the necessary threshold of collective immunity in the world, it may be necessary to produce close to 16 billion doses of vaccine and to organize successful rapid global vaccination. In Serbia, the suppression of Covid-19 can be expected at the latest at the end of 2021 or the beginning of 2022.
