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Publisher: Scientific Society for the History of Health Culture, Belgrade

ISSN 0352-7840 (print)

ISSN 2466-2925 (online)

UDK 61+615+616.31+619(091)

DOI 10.25106/ahm

Frequency: biannual

The journal Acta Historiae is an open access (CC BY) external double-blind peer reviewed academic periodical; every manuscript is evaluated by two independent experts on the subject matter. The journal publishes original scientific articles, review articles, short scientific articles, reviews and bibliographies from fields of history of medicine, medical deontology, history of mentality, private life, urban and rural everyday life and living conditions, structure of urban and rural settlements, history, demography, boundaries, as well as the history of architecture and urban planning in the context of history, culture and health care institutions.

The first issue of the journal was published in 1961 and for three decades it was one of the most modern, open and dynamic Yugoslavian journals.

The journal is also available on the Copernicus and CEEOL databases.

Editor in chief is prof. dr Nikola Samardžić