Књижевна историја (Literary History)

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Literary History (Književna istorija) was founded in 1968 as a journal of the publishing house “Obod” from Cetinje, and later of the publishing house “Vuk Karadžić” as well. Its founder and first Editor-in-Chief was Aleksandar Petrov, succeeded by Jovan Deretić. During its entire existence, the journal relied on the cooperation of the research projects’ associates at the Institute for Literature and Art. In 1991 Literary History became the official organ of the Institute, and its newly appointed Editor-in-Chief, Dušan Ivanić, continued with the distinct literary-theoretical and literary-historical orientation of the journal. With Miodrag Maticki taking the position of Editor-in-Chief in 2001, Literary History broadened its concept to include interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary scientific studies and articles as well.


Епска хроника и тужбалички текст у процесима трансформације и интерференције
Епска хроника и тужбалички текст у процесима трансформације и интерференције
Central and Eastern European Online Library - CEE journals, documents, articles, periodicals, books available online for download, Zeitschrfitendatenbank, Online Zeitschriften, Online Zeitschriftendatenbank
Ерос, лепо, секс, без љубави
Ерос, лепо, секс, без љубави
Central and Eastern European Online Library - CEE journals, documents, articles, periodicals, books available online for download, Zeitschrfitendatenbank, Online Zeitschriften, Online Zeitschriftendatenbank
Естетски и етички проблеми поетског сведочења
Естетски и етички проблеми поетског сведочења
Central and Eastern European Online Library - CEE journals, documents, articles, periodicals, books available online for download, Zeitschrfitendatenbank, Online Zeitschriften, Online Zeitschriftendatenbank
Етнобиографија једне Оравчанке
Етнобиографија једне Оравчанке
Central and Eastern European Online Library - CEE journals, documents, articles, periodicals, books available online for download, Zeitschrfitendatenbank, Online Zeitschriften, Online Zeitschriftendatenbank
Жене и књижевност
Жене и књижевност
Central and Eastern European Online Library - CEE journals, documents, articles, periodicals, books available online for download, Zeitschrfitendatenbank, Online Zeitschriften, Online Zeitschriftendatenbank
Женска поезија и стратегије спољашње дијалогичности
Женска поезија и стратегије спољашње дијалогичности
Summary/Abstract: This article deals with Slovenian poetry written by women in the last two decades and focuses in particular on the use of so-called external dialogism. In the introductory section, I present a brief outline of the historical position of women poets in the Slovenian literary system along with structural changes that have occurred since 2000. Although these changes have had a positive influence on both poetic production by women and on its overall reception, statistical data reveals that the Slovenian literary field remains largely phallocentric. In the second section, we analyse recent women’s poetry published in Slovenia, finding in it many of the female attitudes toward the patriarchal symbolic order identified by Julia Kristeva: namely, accommodation and appropriation, and subversion through an exploration of its constitutive mechanisms. At the same time, we argue that all phases in the development of women’s writing defined in Elaine Showalter’s gynocritic are present in contemporary Slovenian women’s poetry: protest, imitation and accommodation, self-discovery and self-exploration. Although Saša Vegri was one of the first to begin this emancipatory process in late 1960, radical critiques of the symbolic order appearing in women’s poetry were rare and sporadic, and the majority of women poets in subsequent generations drew upon the same patrilinear tradition at the beginning of their poetic careers. In the generation of women poets born around 1970, the emancipatory approach was followed most systematically in Taja Kramberger’s poetry, and in the next decade in the work of Alenka Jovanovski and Ana Makuc. Female authors of the 1960 generation, Barbara Korun and Maja Vidmar, also increasingly stepped out of the accommodational mechanisms of patriarchal structures and began to investigate the neuralgic points of the symbolic in a more daring manner. Authors confronting patriarchally-formed mental, socio-cultural, and enunciative patterns generally use two strategies in reconstructing their own discursivity: the concept of the fictive persona, and the dramatic monologue. We provide a brief historical outline of these poetic techniques, incorporating both in so-called external dialogism, a category drawn from Bakhtin’s typology of dialogic relations in prose fiction and transposed onto lyric discourse. In the rest of the paper, we analyse poetry collections by Taja Kramberger, Katja Gorečan, Barbara Pogačnik, Barbara Korun, Ana Makuc, and Maja Vidmar. The theoretic framework for the analysis is a reconceptualized view of the lyrical subject, using concepts such as focalization in the analysis of the lyric. The article comes to the conclusion that the persona poem and the dramatic monologue are principle strategies used to explore the intimate and social habitus that had so long been maintained in silence, the very gesture of acquiring voice undertaken by hitherto “fragile” subjects – women, animals and even plants – endowed with the symbolic value of the subversive and transformative impulse.
Женски ликови у Горском вијенцу Петра II Петровића Његоша
Женски ликови у Горском вијенцу Петра II Петровића Његоша
Central and Eastern European Online Library - CEE journals, documents, articles, periodicals, books available online for download, Zeitschrfitendatenbank, Online Zeitschriften, Online Zeitschriftendatenbank
Живот и смрт Бранка Ве Пољанског
Живот и смрт Бранка Ве Пољанског
Central and Eastern European Online Library - CEE journals, documents, articles, periodicals, books available online for download, Zeitschrfitendatenbank, Online Zeitschriften, Online Zeitschriftendatenbank
Central and Eastern European Online Library - CEE journals, documents, articles, periodicals, books available online for download, Zeitschrfitendatenbank, Online Zeitschriften, Online Zeitschriftendatenbank
Заборав политичког у огледалу античке грчке драме
Заборав политичког у огледалу античке грчке драме
Summary/Abstract: Through analysing the dramatic poetry of Ancient Greece, we shed light on the issue of the rise and fall of the shared world of the polis. The theoretical framework is the Nietzschean analysis of the relationship between the Dionysian and the Apollonian principle, which according to our analysis corresponds to the relationship between Politics and Order. We show the shared world comes about through forging an alliance between Politics and Order, and survives while these two warring brothers (frères ennemis) are united under great tension. The Greek tragedians teach us that doing away with this tension poses a dire threat to the survival of the shared world. Following the Ancient Greek artistic roadmap, we show how the rational striving to remove the dis-order and potential chaos from the foundations of Order leads to the ultimate separation of the Apollonian and the Dionysian, whose nature, once they have been disjointed, start changing. The Apollonian becomes an empty husk that fails to tame the awakened, chaotic life of the society, while the political descends either into unhinged beastliness or dull listlessness, devoid of meaning and measure. The conclusions this analysis leads us to are used to shed new light onto the misguided post-WW2 attempts of European politicians to build an Apollonian supranational Order of reason and measure, from whose foundations will the political, the unpredictable, the elusive, and the potentially destructive, be banished forever.
Заборављене вредности наше оријенталистике
Заборављене вредности наше оријенталистике
Central and Eastern European Online Library - CEE journals, documents, articles, periodicals, books available online for download, Zeitschrfitendatenbank, Online Zeitschriften, Online Zeitschriftendatenbank
Central and Eastern European Online Library - CEE journals, documents, articles, periodicals, books available online for download, Zeitschrfitendatenbank, Online Zeitschriften, Online Zeitschriftendatenbank
