Glasnik Antropološkog društva Srbije

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ISSN 1820-7936
prethodni naslov Glasnik Antropološkog društva Jugoslavije (ISSN: 0351-1480) do 2007
eISSN 1820-8827
izdavač(i) Antropološko društvo Srbije, Niš i Univerzitet u Nišu - Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Niš
veb adresa
periodičnost godišnje
početna godina 2008
glavni urednik Perica Vasiljević, Univerzitet u Nišu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Departman za biologiju i ekologiju
adresa uredništva Bulevar dr Zorana Đinđića, 81-III-170,18000 Niš
osoba za kontakt Perica Vasiljević

kategorija časopisa K52, K52
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50th anniversary of Serbian Anthropological Society (1959-2009)
50th anniversary of Serbian Anthropological Society (1959-2009)
Anthropological Society of Serbia from 2007th continues with activities prior taken by Yugoslav Anthropological Society, Yugoslav Anthropological Society was founded in 1959. in a need to merge and develop Yugoslav anthropological science in one organization, and connect it with modern anthropological science in Europe and world. This activity marked and developed new stage in anthropological studies and also in terms of organizational and scientific methods. Yugoslav anthropological Society has developed and raised to a new level our professional and scientific activity. It helped anthropology to get an appropriate place in our universities and also in highest scientific institutions as science. It has organized scientific sets (48 congresses) with international participants, and the results were published in 44 re leases of 'Glasnik Antropološkog društva Jugoslavije' and also in 12 releases 'Posebna izdanja ADJ'. It has contributed in founding process of Anthropological society of Europe and anthropological societies in Croatia, FYR Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. In that way, along with scientific, it has done its social on cultural historic role. .
A comparative analysis of anthropometric measurements and postural disordes of schoolchildren of the 1987 and 2002 generations
A comparative analysis of anthropometric measurements and postural disordes of schoolchildren of the 1987 and 2002 generations
In order to determine the differences between anthropometric characteristics and postural disorders of schoolchildren aged 12, a study was carried out which encompassed two generations of schoolchildren, on a sample of 299 boys and girls, measured during the 1987 and 2002 school years. In order to determine the differences between the anthropometric area and the postural status of two different generations of schoolchildren, a canonical discriminant analysis was used. The anthropometric area was defined by 10 measurements, which covered the longitudinal and circular dimensionality of the skeleton and fatty tissue below the epidermis, while postural status was evaluated by two variables, defined as bad posture due to scoliosis and flat feet. The results of the study indicate significant differences between the schoolchildren belonging to the two generations, which are especially visible in the measurements of the longitudinal dimensionality of the skeleton, and which are significantly greater for the children of the 1987 generation, as well as in circular dimensionality and fatty tissue below the epidermis, which are greater for the children of the 2002 generation. Significant differences were not noted in the area of postural disorders, but an informative difference was visible for bad posture due to scoliosis, which was more pronounced in the children belonging to the 2002 generation. .
A comparative analysis of motor models of the volleyball pioneer selections of Serbia during the period from 1996 until 2004
A comparative analysis of motor models of the volleyball pioneer selections of Serbia during the period from 1996 until 2004
For the purpose of determining the state and development of the motor skills of a population of male volleyball selections of Serbia, all from the pioneer selections (the 14- 15 category), a longitudinal study covering the period from 1996 up to 2004 was carried out. The measuring of the motor skills was carried out during a summer volleyball camp organized for the pioneer selection of Serbia, and on a sample of 353 volleyball players aged 14 and 15, which was further divided into 9 sub-samples, where each sub-sample represented one generation of players. The comparison of the sate of motor skills of all of the generations of players (1996-2004) was carried out to gain information about the differences between them, or to be more precise, about the development of these skills during the period covered by the study. In order to define the specific motor area of the volleyball players, 6 tests were measured, covering the area of explosive strength, flexibility and speed of the change in direction (agility). A canonical discriminant analysis was used to provide answers about the assumed differences. By analyzing the differences between the motor models of all of the generations of players, it can be concluded that during the period covered by the study, the 2003 and 2004 generations had statistically significant better results than the other generations in the area of explosive strength, which is a clear indication of the fact that the level of this skill increased significantly during the period starting from 1996 up to 2004. The assumption behind this increase is that the requirements of the representative selections have contributed to better work on the improvement of explosive strength in club selections, as well as the more demanding criteria for the selection into the national team of Serbia.
A comparative analysis of the aerobic ability of volleyball pioneer selections during the preriod from 2000 to 2004
A comparative analysis of the aerobic ability of volleyball pioneer selections during the preriod from 2000 to 2004
For the purpose of determining the state and development of the aerobic ability of the male volleyball selection of Serbia, in this case the pioneer selection (the 14 - 15 category), a longitudinal study covering the period from 2000 to 2004 was carried out. The measurement of the aerobic abilities was realized during summer volleyball camp for the pioneer selections of Serbia, on a sample of 119 volleyball players aged 14 and 15, which was further divided into 5 sub-samples, where each sub-sample represented one generation of players. The comparison of the state of the aerobic abilities of all of the generations of players (2000-2004) was carried out for the purpose of gaining information on the differences between them, or to be more precise, about their development during the period selected for the study. In order to define the aerobic ability, two tests were measured, the VO2max and the VO2/TM. In order to obtain answers about the assumed differences, a canonical discriminant analysis was carried out. By analyzing the differences in aerobic abilities of all of the generations it can be concluded that during the period covered by the study, the 2003 and 2004 generations had significantly better results in comparison to the other generations, which is a clear indication of the fact that the level of this ability increased significantly during the period between 2000 and 2004. The assumption behind this increase is that the demands of these representative selections contributed to an improvement in the work on the development of aerobic abilities of the club selections, as well as the more demanding criteria of the selection for the first national team of Serbia. .
A study of laterality in Albanian and Macedonian students
A study of laterality in Albanian and Macedonian students
Dominant laterality de notes appearance of a dominant extremity or sense in the performance of complex psychomotor activities. The aim of this study was to investigate the dominant side and hand preference by means of various manual procedures. This investigation was concerned with sex interaction, dominant sides and ethnic affiliation. The sample consisted of 200 Albanian and 200 Macedonian students of both sexes, aged between 15-19 years, randomly chosen and examined. Measure of hand preference for 12 different activities was obtained by using (Briggs and Nebes 1975). modification of the original Annett-s hand preference questionnaire. Sex was not significantly related to handedness in both examined groups. In Albanian individuals from R. Macedonia (both sexes) the distribution of left-handedness was 5,2 %, and in the sample of Macedonian population 8,8 %. It was found that a family history of left handedness was significantly related to the handedness of the all subjects. Our results were compared with earlier studies and similarity was found with other European populations.
About 'the social genotype' of the settlers from Durmitor region in Vojvodina
About 'the social genotype' of the settlers from Durmitor region in Vojvodina
The author analyses the social genotype of the settlers from Durmitor region (Republic of Montenegro) in Vojvodina on the occasion of their 62nd anniversary. Starting from the definition of national culture by Fukujama, which considers culture as customs heritage, author views culture as a group of: tradition, history, beliefs, customs, collective memory, symbols, quantification and adequate forms of behavior. Cultural values can have a positive or negative effect on socio-economic development. Considering that, every economic system becomes specific 'cultural asset', on which development depends on. Based on the analysis of the rich literary material, as well as the personal experience (as a descendant of settlers), the author points out the main traits of the settlers: Dinara type personality, violent temper, epic spirit, traditional culture and peasant roots. The rich peasant experience and primeval attachment to agriculture makes up the rural character of these people. The author analyses the roots of the settlers starting from the thesis that the appreciation of one's roots means the dignity of individuals and nations, as well as of their cultural identity.
Acute effects of vibration training on explosive strength performance
Acute effects of vibration training on explosive strength performance
Researches about the impact of vibration training to rapid improvement of the motor performance quality are widely spread in official foreign literature, but not in our country. The above mentioned researches contributed to a great extent to the improvement of the fast preparation of the locomotor apparatus for forth coming muscle exertion efficiency. Authors' standpoint was that it would be interesting to analyze this problem on the sample made of examinees of above average motor characteristics. On the sample of 36 adult males, students of Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, age 20±6, the acute effects of the vibration training on the performances of explosive strength of lower limbs were analyzed. The multivariant analysis of variance was applied. The effects of vibration training were compared with the effects of conventional method of preparation of lower limbs for the manifesting of explosive strength. After the conducted experimental treatments based on above mentioned various methods of prep a ration of locomotor apparatus for the forth coming maximal muscle exertion, it was concluded that the method of the vibration training is much more efficient (significant level .01) then the applied conventional method. .
Adolescent mother's newly born babies
Adolescent mother's newly born babies
The most sensitive period in the development of an individual per son is certainly the adolescence. It is a cross roads where a person, leaving their child hood behind, via puberty chooses their direction to a life full of productive ness and good health or to ill nesses and vices. This period is followed with more intensive biological, psychological and social changes. Sexuality is an important aspect of adolescents' life whereas the adolescents' pregnancy and the delivery are considered to be both medical and psychological problem, be cause the morbidity and mortality of these mothers and their babies is more frequent than it happens with the rest of the women. The objective is to determine the percent age of the adolescents' pregnancy and delivery in the maternity ward of the District General Hospital in Prokuplje, as well as the percent age of both the morbidity and the mortality of the babies from the adolescents' pregnancies. The subject of our re search are the babies born form the adolescents' pregnancies during the period from 1st January, 2005, to 31st December, 2009. During the observed period the total number of newly born babies was 3905. 244 or 6.25% of that number were the adolescents who gave birth during that period. The data concerning the adolescent mothers' babies were analyzed for: TM of the babies, gestational age, APGAR score, parity, the way of a delivery closing, as well as for both the morbidity and mortality of babies and mothers. Two pregnancies resulted in twins, while 35 adolescents or 14.46% of the total number were delivered using cesarean section. The youngest adolescent (T.S) was 14 years, 6 months and 4 days old during the time of the delivery. Apart from a higher rate of both morbidity and mortality of these babies and their mothers, the adolescent mothers also risk not to grad u ate from school, to be unemployed and financially dependent.
Age changes in limbs proportions of children and adolescents at the age of 7-17
Age changes in limbs proportions of children and adolescents at the age of 7-17
The study is based on anthropometrical measuring of limbs and their segments in children and adolescents at the age of 7-17. Age changes in limb proportions and their changeability have been studied. Throughout the growth period, lower limb proportions in boys are bigger than those in girls. The relative lower limb length in both sexes is the biggest at the age of 14. The growth of upper limb segments goes in almost the same way in children of both sexes. In the beginning of the age period in both boys and girls, lower limbs and their segments are characterized with a more intensive growth compared to upper limbs, as this characteristic in boys continues to the end of the explored time period, but in girls - up to 15 years. Limbs and their segments practically reach their definitive values at the age of 15-16 in girls, and in boys they keep growing after this age, though less intensively. .
Age changes in the morpho-functional status of men with different professions
Age changes in the morpho-functional status of men with different professions
The purpose of the present work is to study and assess the age changes in the basic features which characterize the morpho-functional status in men at active-working ages from different professional groups. 786 men were measured anthropometrically by Martin-Saller's method (1957-58). The men are representatives of 4 professions, which differ in conditions, nature and the subject of work as well: founders, carpenters, fitters, and drivers. They were divided in two age groups: 1st group ª30-40 years oldº and 2nd group ª41-50 years oldº. The data about 6 body lengths and proportions, 6 body diameters, 6 body circumferences and as well as 3 basic physico-metrical parameters: pulse rate, blood pressure and vital capacity. The results showed that the highest age changes were in the linear features, as well as in the diameters and circumferences, in the bodies of drivers. The age changes in construction and body measurements of the carpenters are considerably slighter. We observed a worsening of spirometric abilities in men of age 41-50, and higher blood pressures in carpenters and drivers.
Age features in the development of the subcutaneous fat tissue, muscularity and muscle-fat ratios in men with different physical activity
Age features in the development of the subcutaneous fat tissue, muscularity and muscle-fat ratios in men with different physical activity
The purpose of the present work is to study and assess the age features in the development of the subcutaneous fat tissue, limbs' muscularity and interactions between muscles and fat in men at active-working ages from different professional groups. The data about 9 standard skin folds, 7 circumference of body and limbs as well as muscle-fat relation of arm and thigh in 786 men at the age of 30-50 have been analyzed. The subjects were from 4 professions with different physical activity (smelters, carpenters, fitters, and drivers). They were divided in two age groups: 1st group -30-40 years old, and 2nd group -41-50 years old. The results show that the men from all professions with the age advancing have bigger circumference body sizes but their limbs sizes are not considerably changed. The age changes are not more than 10% in the absolute quantity of measured subcutaneous fat tissue in all professional groups. More definite differences in the age aspect have been observed regarding the topical distribution of subcutaneous fat tissue in the body and limbs in the separate professional groups. .
Age-independent anthropometry in nutritional assessment of Macedonian children
Age-independent anthropometry in nutritional assessment of Macedonian children
Jelliffe D showed that body height and other genetically dependent measurements are useful to relate with nutritionally labile tissue in construction of age-in dependent anthropometric parameters for nutritional assessment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between different anthropometric measurements with body height; and with nutritionally labile parameters in Macedonian children. Method: In 800 healthy and well-nourished children (age 9.2 ± 3.2 y), divided in different age and gender groups, were obtained ac cording to IBP: body height (BH), body weight (BW), arm length (AL), leg length (LL), sitting height (SH), knee height (KH), upper arm circumference (UAC), triceps and sub-scapular skin-folds and were calculated: BMI, upper muscle (UMA) and fat area (UFA). Results: Correlation between BH and other genetically dependent measurements was stronger in boys. The most significant predictors of BH were KH in boys aged from 9-9.99 y (R=0.850, F=29.25, p=0.0001), and LL in girls aged 10-10.99 y (R=0.760, F=19.80, p=0.0001). In most of the groups the correlation between SH, AL, LL and KH with nutrition ally labile parameters was not significant. Conclusion: Knee height and leg length are the most significant age-in dependent measurements that can be used in nutritional assessment of Macedonian children aged from 7-10 years, when it is impossible to take a reliable measurement of body height.
