Glasnik Antropološkog društva Srbije

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ISSN 1820-7936
prethodni naslov Glasnik Antropološkog društva Jugoslavije (ISSN: 0351-1480) do 2007
eISSN 1820-8827
izdavač(i) Antropološko društvo Srbije, Niš i Univerzitet u Nišu - Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Niš
veb adresa
periodičnost godišnje
početna godina 2008
glavni urednik Perica Vasiljević, Univerzitet u Nišu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Departman za biologiju i ekologiju
adresa uredništva Bulevar dr Zorana Đinđića, 81-III-170,18000 Niš
osoba za kontakt Perica Vasiljević

kategorija časopisa K52, K52
CEON WoS IF2 0,000
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CEON IF5 0,050
referisan u SCIndeks
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An anthropological analysis on the casuistry of the emergency medical service
An anthropological analysis on the casuistry of the emergency medical service
The objective of this study is to observe the contribution of the current distribution of diseases in a group of patients from the urban area, considering their sex and age, contribution which is visible in the emergency medical service and the importance of the computed-tomography in the process of diagnosing. This cross-sectional study was taken during two months in the emergency medical service of Bucharest, studying a group of 600 patients (236 women, 364 men), 1-92 years of age, based on the diagnostics agreed when the subjects concerned had been hospitalized and the computed-tomography had already completed. The results were processed using statistical methods. 27.12% of women involved were diagnosed with tumor conditions and 20.60% of the men involved were diagnosed with CCT. 27.78% of men above 80 years of age usually need emergency medical services because of intracranial expansive processes and cerebral vascular accidents (strokes). The percentage of women (55.17%) having tumors is higher than that of men included in the study (44.83%), the difference being statistically significant (p<0.05). This study reveals that men under the age of 60 and women under the age of 40 are affected by traumas, in comparison with the people of both sexes over this age, for whom the most frequent diseases visible are tumors. Consequently, we consider that it is necessary to promote the primary prevention method, to fight the risk factors, so that such severe conditions are avoided.
Anaerobic capacity of elite martial arts fighters
Anaerobic capacity of elite martial arts fighters
96 elite fighters practicing three martial arts (34 judokas, 29 boxers and 33 wrestlers) took part in this study. The analyses revealed significant between-group differences in certain indices of anaerobic performance. Both judokas, boxers and wrestlers recorded high values for 'peak power' (815 W, 702 W and 770 W, respectively), as well as 'relative power' (10.1 W/kg, 8.78 W/kg and 9.18 W/kg). Unlike some other reports of a slightly higher 'peak power' (10.2 W/kg; Inbar et al., 1996), they were not as high in our investigation.
Analiza razlika nekih antropoloških karakteristika učenika srednje škole različitog uzrasta
Analiza razlika nekih antropoloških karakteristika učenika srednje škole različitog uzrasta
Nastava fizičkog vaspitanja, kao organizovan i osmišljen vaspitno-obrazovni proces, mora imati jasno definisan cilj koji je realno postavljen i dostižan. Generalno gledano, taj cilj bi trebao biti da učenici aktivno učestvujući u procesu nastave fizičkog vaspitanja shvate vrijednost i značaj sistematskog vježbanja za njihovo psiho-fizičko zdravlje, fizički razvoj i sticanje pozitivnih moralnih kvaliteta ličnosti. Zbog svega toga nastavni proces mora imati obilježja organizovane i racionalne aktivnosti koja će učenicima omogućiti razvoj sposobnosti i sticanje određenih znanja. Budući da nastavnik izvodi nastavu fizičkog vaspitanja sa velikim brojem učenika, iluzorno je od njega očekivati da vizuelno može pratiti i registrovati stanje i promjene kod učenika, a da to ne bude čista improvizacija. Pravi put i način je, svakako, sistematsko evidentiranje i praćenje stanja i promjena svih učenika pomoću ličnih kartona. To nam, prije svega, omogućava dijagnozu stanja u kome se učenici trenutno nalaze i njihov nivo rasta i razvoja u odnosu na prosječne vrijednosti datog uzrasta. Na osnovu dijagnoze možemo izvršiti prognozu željenog stanja, a periodičnim praćenjem provjeravati efekte transformacionog procesa, vršiti eventualne korekcije i konstatovati dinamiku i stepen napretka od jednog mjerenja do drugog. .
Analysis of acquisition level of wedge turn technique in alpine skiing in comparison to anthropometric characteristics of examinees
Analysis of acquisition level of wedge turn technique in alpine skiing in comparison to anthropometric characteristics of examinees
The anthropometric characteristics can potentially affect the success of adopting the technique of alpine skiing. The aim of this study was to determine the differences in the technique adoption level of alpine skiing in relation to anthropometric characteristics of the subjects. The research was conducted on a sample of 30 male examinees of the average age of 22, all students of Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Montenegro. In a sample of measuring instruments, 12 anthropometric measures and a situational-motor test intended for evaluation of skiing technique (wedge meandering) was carried out. After the results analysis, the examinees were classified into three groups ("weak", "average" and "good") according to the level of alpin skiing technique adoption. Applying the mathematical-statistical analysis, the homogenity of subsamples was determined and the boundary between them compared to anthropometric characteristics was clearly defined. The research results can give an answer about how much the anthropometric characteristics can contribute to the process of adopting the technique of alpine skiing.
Analysis of preference and frequency of physical activity in girls aged 7-14 from canton Central Bosnia
Analysis of preference and frequency of physical activity in girls aged 7-14 from canton Central Bosnia
School and extracurricular sections are aim to quality development of morphological, motor skills and functional abilities of children. In order to preserve the health, well­being of the individual, but also the entire population increasingly points to the importance and necessity of active lifestyle with regular physical activity throughout the life span, both in times of childhood and adolescence and in the adult age. The purpose of the research is to analyze the preferences and frequency of physical exercise in girls aged 7-14 years with the Central Bosnia Canton. The sample was composed of 291 child, female, ages 7-14 years, various primary schools in Central Bosnia Canton. The respondents are members of the entertainment football school. The survey was conducted in 2014 in Travnik. Were determined by morphological measurements (height and weight), early in the morning, on the basis of which calculated the body mass index. After measuring the girls met the anonymous questionnaire consisted of eight questions from the questionnaire 'Fels physical activity questionnaire for children' (FPAQ). On the basis of the questionnaire were calculated indices in the field of sports (IS), leisure time (ISVs), housework (ICP) and the total score of physical activity (UTA). According to the level of physical activity according to the Likert scale, the largest proportion of girls who are mainly engaged in physical activity 167 (57.39%), while the total sample there is no proportion of girls who are in no way involved in physical activity. Today's daily habits are changing due to new forms of entertainment (TV, Internet, video games, etc.) which consequently leads to a growing number of children and adolescents with overweight and obesity. Therefore, there is a concern that new habits and a sedentary lifestyle have contributed to this phenomenon in recent years.
Analysis of the polymorphism -590 C/T of IL-4 gene in Bosnian-Herzegovinian population
Analysis of the polymorphism -590 C/T of IL-4 gene in Bosnian-Herzegovinian population
One from a number of problems that occur when attempting to establish a possible link between certain diseases and genetic polymorphisms is certainly the absence of data on the frequency of these polymorphisms in general populations. Any variation in allele frequencies between different populations may have clinical significance. Factors that may influence the association of alleles with disease, such as ethnic or gender effect, is not possible to determine without allele frequencies in the general population. Aim of the research was to analyze the polymorphism -590 C/T of IL-4 gene in general bosnian-herzegovinian population. From a total of 528 patients analyzed for the polymorphism of IL-4 -590 C/T, 22 had the TT genotype, 150 TC and 356 CC genotype. Genotyping was performed by PCR - RFLP method. Comparing the frequencies of genotypes by gender did not determine statistically significant difference. The distribution of genotypes in the total sample was consistent with Hardy-Wainberg's equilibrium (p = 0.2251). Analysis of the -590 C/T polymorphism determined the allele frequencies T 0.18 and C 0.82 in the total sample. Comparing the allele frequency with the frequencies determined in other European general populations found no statistically significant difference. Further investigations that would be in relation to the association of certain genotypes and specific immune phenomena would be important for explaining the basic biological processes and indicating ways of prediction, prevention or repair of adverse situations in immunological diseases.
Analysis of the status of spinal disorders in frontal plane in adolescents of rural and urban environment
Analysis of the status of spinal disorders in frontal plane in adolescents of rural and urban environment
The aim of the research is to determine the frequency, sizestructure, and possible differences of the spinal disorder in the sagital plane in boys from different socioeconomic backgrounds in Montrenegro. Research program included 160 male responedents, of which 80 were from urban of 80 from rural enviroment with average age of 13.6 years. Assessment of postural status of the spine was performed by using several combined techniques and methods of measurement: somatoscopy method, Adams test, Mattiass test, test of 'voluntary' muscle contraction and higher position test (Koturovic & Jeričevic, 1998; Radisavljevic, 2001; Jovovic, 2008). For all postural variables and their variations have been calculated frequency distribution of interrupted statistical series and the differences between the subsamples of respondents were tested using the chi-square test. The obtained results of the research indicate that the status of spinal disordersin frontal plane is significantly affected at the large number of responendents. Between subsamples of the respondents have not been confirmed statistically significant differences. It turned out that the largest percentage of deviations form the functional disorders, which can be successfully corrected with adequate application of physical treatments.
Analyzes of morphological characteristics and functional abilities of girl's selection for volleyball
Analyzes of morphological characteristics and functional abilities of girl's selection for volleyball
The game of volleyball is played above the net of 224 cm. This is the reason why height above the net has a big influence on successful block and smash. Top volleyball requires of female players to smash ball at zone of 300 cm above the floor, one meter above the net. This is the reason why in selection we take girls with high values of estimated height of body. Except height in selection we require high abilities jump and explosive strength of upper and lower extremities. The aim of this investigation is to find out developing characteristics and functional abilities at the sample of 40 spontaneous selection girls. .
Anatomical variations of the human occipital condyles
Anatomical variations of the human occipital condyles
Occipital condyles, located at the inferior sides of lateral parts of occipital bone, are important structures that connect the cranium and the vertebral column. Their size, shape, location and, also, their congruence with superior articular facets of the atlas vertebra are of great importance for the stability of craniovertebral junctions. The progress in medical diagnostic and surgical techniques in the area of foramen magnum, requires the knowledge regarding anatomical aspects of this region. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the measurements of the occipital condyles, as well as to analyse the variations in the shape of the condyles and their position in relation to the foramen magnum. This study included 25 adult human skulls (11 male and 14 female) from the Osteological collection of the Department of Anatomy at Medical Faculty in Novi Sad. Nine parameters, which define morfological properties of the occipital condyles, were measured using Vernier caliper. Also, the shape and location of the condyles, as well as the narrowness of the foramen magnum were described. Our findings show that length of the left occipital condyle, as well as distance between the posterior top of the left occipital condyle and basion are statistically greater in male crania, comparing to female crania. According to the shape of the occipital condyles, we classified them in seven groups. Predominant type is oval shaped. The condylar foramen is bilaterally present in 36 % and the occipital condyles bilaterally protrude the foramen magnum in 40 % of analyzed crania. Morphometric analysis of the occipital condyles showed variations in their size, shape, presence of condylar canal and relation to the foramen magnum.
Anthropogenic examination of schoolchildren in Pljevlja and Kotor
Anthropogenic examination of schoolchildren in Pljevlja and Kotor
Anthropogenic examinations are conducted in sample of 645 schoolchildren from two localities (Pljevlja and Kotor) in Montenegro. Presented are results of analysis of frequency distribution of groups of homozygous-recessional morph-physiologic characters of human in sample of schoolchildren in Pljevlja and Kotor. Frequency and frequency distribution are observed of twenty-two phenotype's characteristics, which have well-known type of reversion. In conclusion, there are no statistically significant differences in average number of homozygous-recessional characteristics among compared populations. However, frequency distributions of some examined characters are different even among populations, as well as among generations. That could be consequence of their geographical distance and specific evolution. .
Anthropological analysis of differences in psychomotor skills area high school students and their linkages with the formal representation of kinesiological education classes in the curriculum
Anthropological analysis of differences in psychomotor skills area high school students and their linkages with the formal representation of kinesiological education classes in the curriculum
In order to determine differences in anthropological space psychomotor skills and their connection with the formal representation of kinesiological education classes in the curriculum of secondary school students, conducted the study in part on a simple random sample of 200 female high school population of entities, which are described with 7 sets of primary psychomotor indicators. According to the criterion of formal representation of kinesiological education classes in the curriculum, the sample was stratified on the subsample with two or four hours a week. To determine the difference discriminant analysis was applied. According to the actual parameters, confirmed the initial assumption that the system of psychomotor variables and criterion variables no statistically significant association, then it was concluded that the results do not contradict current scientific knowledge indicated the need and transition model curriculum in favor of the treated population biopsihosocijalnog integrity of its entities.
Anthropological and medical marks of smoking behavior of the Romanian teenagers
Anthropological and medical marks of smoking behavior of the Romanian teenagers
The objective of this study is to determine the frequency and the effects of smoking on health and establish the importance of some educational programs for preventing and quitting smoking for teenagers and young people. The cross-sectional study was created in 2011-2012, within the partnership educational projects, No. 357/2011 and 356/2011, the sample comprised 515 subjects (228 male, 287 female) from both urban and rural areas, 12-20 years of age. They were medically and anthropometrically examined and they filled out questionnaires containing 41 items. The results were statistically processed with SPSS version 13. 37.18% of the participants, of both genres, smoked at least once in a lifetime. 55.17% of the boys and 65.04% of the girls first tried a cigarette between 11 and 16 years of age. 49.70% of the participants had regular smokers in their families. 37.63% of the girls and 25.67% of the boys had consistent smoker parents. The cardio-vascular and digestive illnesses were found in 24.59% of the participants' family members, these cases all being followed by diabetes and metabolic diseases (22.95%). 31.71% of the participants of both genres considered their health status as satisfactory, the acute infections of upper respiratory tract being the most common. Young people start smoking for various reasons. Awareness campaigns are, thus, necessary, in order to popularize the negative effects of smoking on health for both active and passive smokers, passive smokers who are not to be blamed in any case.
