Glasnik Antropološkog društva Jugoslavije

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ISSN 0351-1480
novi naslov Glasnik Antropološkog društva Srbije (ISSN: 1820-7936) od 2008
izdavač(i) Antropološko društvo Jugoslavije, Beograd
periodičnost godišnje
početna godina 1964
glavni urednik Petar Vlahović

CEON WoS IF2 n.a.
CEON WoS IF5 n.a.
CEON IF5 0,031


A comparative analysis of the functional abilities of young male and female alpine skiers
A comparative analysis of the functional abilities of young male and female alpine skiers
This research was carried out with the aim of determining the differences in the functional response of the cardio-vascular system to load on a sample consisting of 16 male skiers and 8 female skiers, members of the "Niš" Skiing Club in Niš. The research encompassed 9 tests used for functional abilities three of which were tests for heart rate frequency, three were tests for systolic and three for diastolic blood pressure. The results of this research have indicated that the frequency of the resting heart rate of male skiers was 79, 38 beats per minute, and for female skiers was 88 beats per minute. After a five-minute load it was 145 beats/min. for male skiers, and for 166,5 beats/min. for female skiers, and after a one-minute rest following a load the pulse frequency was 93,63 beats/min. for male skiers, and 121,13 beats/min. for the female skiers. Even after identical aerobic loads, the results obtained in this research indicate that the values for heart rate frequency after a five-minute load and a one-minute rest after load of female skiers was statistically significant greater in comparison to the values for male skiers at the 0.05 level. The obtained data indicate that it is necessary to be cautious about determining the load for skiers who take part in organized physical activities and are of different sexes.
A comparative analysis of the morphological status of boys and girls who take an active part in alpine skiing
A comparative analysis of the morphological status of boys and girls who take an active part in alpine skiing
The aim of this research was to determine the differences between the morphological status of boys and girls who actively participate in alpine skiing. The research was carried out on a sample of 16 male skiers and 8 female skiers, members of the "Niš" Skiing Club in Niš. The research encompassed a total of 17 morphological measures which were taken in accordance with the methodology recommended by the International Biological Program. The results of the research have indicated that the differences in the morphological status of the selected male and female skiers have been found in most of the measured variables, but that these differences are not statistically significant. Statistically significant differences were noted for the thickness of skinfolds on the forearms, back and abdomen, and that their numerical values were greater for the female skiers than for male skiers. The determined statistically significant differences are similar to the differences which exist between boys and girls who do not take part in organized physical activities. As part of the other anthropometric variables we found identical values as for the population which does not take part in organized physical activities.
A comparison of the different models used for teaching of the parallel turn in alpine skiing
A comparison of the different models used for teaching of the parallel turn in alpine skiing
With the purpose of presenting an outline of the research that deals with making a decision regarding the optimal choice and order of pre-exercises in the training process, this paper is based on a comparison of two different pre-exercise models used for teaching the parallel turn, both of which have been offered by different authors. On the basis of the results of the data analysis, it can be concluded that both pre-exercise models are in agreement with methodological-didactic principles, but the pre-exercise model offered by A. Simovski is more optimal and methodologically more grounded. By carrying out the task set by this research, which was to offer scientific proof of which of the models for teaching the parallel turn is preferable, we have made a small contribution to the improvement of skiing practice. This kind of research could be a valuable addition to the improvement of the methodological training of motor habits in other sports, as well as in the field of physical education.
A contribution to the knowledge of the relationships between the dimensions of skeleton and the muscular mass of women
A contribution to the knowledge of the relationships between the dimensions of skeleton and the muscular mass of women
The relationships between some measures for evaluation of longitudinal and transversal dimensionality of the body and measures for evaluation of the female muscular mass, have been analyzed an a sample of 308 women, aged 19-27, under the model of bipartial biorthogonal canonical correlational analysis. A part the variance, drawn from both sets of measures, which depended on the relationships between these measures and measures of the fat tissue, has been partialized. Skeleton dimension have been estimated by body size, horizontal circumference of the head, vertical circumference of the head, transversal diameter of the head, wrist diameter, knee diameter biacromial and bicrystal range, arm length, leg length, foot length and food width. The muscular mass was evaluated on the basis of the following circular measures of trunk and limbs: supramammillary chest circumference submammillary chest circumference, hips circumference, fore-arm circumference, arm circumference, calf circumference and thigh circumference. Evaluation of the matter was made on the basis of the following measures: face skin depth, chin skin depth, scapula skin depth armpit skin depth, chest skin depth, abdomen skin depth, back skin depth hip skin depth, patella skin depth, popliteal skin depth and calfskin depth. The analysis has isolated four pairs of canonical factors with significant mutual canonical correlations. The correlation between the first pair of canonical variables was easily ascribed to the correlation between the general factory of the bone mass and the general factor of the bone mass and the general factor of the muscular mass. The second correlation was ascribed to the influence that the leptomorphous body-type exerts on the reduction of the muscular mass, with the exception of the gluteal region. The third relationship was ascribed to the influence that the longitudinal dimensionality of body exerts on the reduction of the muscular mass especially on limbs. The fourth canonical correlation was a consequence of the influence that the body type characterized by the brachiochepal head-form and short, thin limbs, exerts on the reduction of the muscular mass on trunk and growth of the muscular mass on limbs.
A historical-cultural aspect of sexuality and sexual offenses
A historical-cultural aspect of sexuality and sexual offenses
Sexuality represents one of the most complex aspects of a human being with inherited and acquired anatomical, physiological and psychological characteristics which have appeared through milleniums under the influence of physical, biological and historical-cultural factors. It has been studied by many social and natural sciences, more than any other phenomenon not just related to human beings but to nature in general, as well. Many people consider sexuality to be the force which moves (and stops) the world. Sexual delinquents, more or less dangerous, disturb the public with their behaviour. In the eyes of people, they are dangerous criminals and the society wants to be protected from them. Their agressiveness is the category which connects them to perpetrators against life and body. In addition to psychopathological causes, the essence of their existence, with quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the act related to time and space, is also in sociopathological causes.
A study of morphological traits of the teeth from two medieval necropolis in west Serbia
A study of morphological traits of the teeth from two medieval necropolis in west Serbia
A study of the teeth from two medieval Serbian necropolis (Žiča and Čačak) included investigation of the measurable and non-metrical variations in tooth form. Dental morphology is the result of complex relationship between genetics and environment and, as a convenient and easily recorded aspect of phenotypic variations, could be suitable method of examining biological relationships between ancient populations and their evolutionary trends. The study treated a shape of the crowns, roots number and morphology of the molars occlusal surface.
About relationships between the dimensions of skeleton and the female fat tissue
About relationships between the dimensions of skeleton and the female fat tissue
The relationships between some skeletal measures and some measures of the female fat tissue were analyzed on a sample of 308 women, aged 19-27, under the model of bi-orthogonal canonical correlational analysis. The skeleton measures were the following: body height, horizontal circumference of the head, vertical circumference of the head, transversal diameter of the head wrist diameter, knee diameter, biacromial and bicrystal range, arm length leg length, foot length and food width - 12 skeleton measures giving a fair evaluation of the latent dimensions of the longitudinal and transversal dimensionality of the skeleton. The fat-tissue measures were the following face skin depth, armpit skin depth, patella skin depth, popliteal skin depth and calfskin depth -11 measures which produced a fair evaluation of the overall mass of the fat tissue, while giving a correct identification of the topological factors which regulate the actual allocation of the fat matter. Four significant and relatively high canonical correlation have been found. The correlation were ascribed to knee diameter and arm length, which exerted a significant influence on the allocation of the fat matter in all parts of the body, except face and chin. A similar influence was exerted by transversal dimensions of the skeleton, while biacromial range had a negative influence on the storage of the matter. Furthermore, longitudinal and lateral cephalometric dimensions played a differential influence on the allocation of the fat matter in the body but had a positive influence on the allocation of the fat matter on limbs. Finally, foot width was shown to have a strong influence on the allocation of the fat matter on chin and hips.
Accidental medicament hypertension
Accidental medicament hypertension
The last decade of 20th century and the first years of 21st century developed a long range of new illnesses on the medicine scene, which were unknown to the classic medicine ( Lyme disease, Sy.Kawasaki, HIV,SARS). none of these diseases have not presented isolated. They have appeared together with one or even two or three parallel syndromes. Such polymorph clinical pictures need multidimensional therapy approach. Some of the medicaments used in this occasion could cause arterial hypertension. At the top list of incriminated medicaments which are met nowadays are: unsteroid antirheumatics corticosteroids and some hormones such as eritropoetin, ciklosporin from a group of imunosuppressors medicaments. Unsteroids antirheumathics change the quality of the blood are assure by inhibition of prostaglandin production. They even change the whole volume of circulated blood and the whole electrolyte balance. Our researches have shown that medicaments out of this group: Aspirin, Diclofen, Brufen, Naproksen, Roxicam, significantly decrease antihypertensive effects of diuretics, beta - blocators and prazosin, while their hypertensive potential are presented by increased blood pressure approximately 10 mm Hg. Corticosteroids and eritropoetin lead to increased blood pressure. It mainly appears to patients who have hypertension, diabetes or kidney illness. eritropoetin increases blood pressure directly and indirectly: by increasing of hematocrit and viscosity of blood, which results with increased of peripheral vascular resistance and again with hypertension. Imunosuppressive medicaments and ciklosporin, frequently lead to hypertension and their effects are speculating.
Age related changes in glucocorticoid hormone receptor binding parameters and plasma cortisol levels in macrobiots
Age related changes in glucocorticoid hormone receptor binding parameters and plasma cortisol levels in macrobiots
Vezujući parametri adrenalne funkcije i glukokortikoidnih receptora menjaju se starenjem. Nema dovoljno informacija o normalnoj receptorskoj regulaciji ovog sistema kod osoba preko 90 godina starosti. Cilj naše studije bio je da ispitamo te parametre kod zdravih makrobiota. Proučili smo 10 osoba čija je prosečna starost bila 100<=3,65 godina (grupa 1) i uporedili ih sa 33 osobe čija je prosečna starost bila 33,12 godina <= 4,05 godina (grupa 2), kao i sa 20 osoba čija je prosečna starost bila 45,95 godina <= 6,87 godina (grupa 3). Broj glukokortikoidnih mesta vezivanja po leukocitnoj ćeliji (latinica, plava slova: GCR) kao i konstanta afiniteta (Ka), analizovani pomoću radioreceptorskih vezujućih proba i pomoću plazma-kortizola, bili su prikupljani u bazalnim uslovima. Rezultati pokazuju:- statistički signifikantno snižavanje GCR kod grupe 1 u poređenju sa grupom 2 (p<0,001) i odsustvo razlike u porođenju sa grupom 3.- odsustvo statističke diferentnosti (različitosti) u Ka između grupe 1 i grupe 2, ali povećanje Ka između grupe 1 i grupe 2 (p<0,02).- sniženje nivoa plazma-kortizola u fiziološkom rasponu (p<0,05) između grupe 1 i grupe 2 ali odsustvo različitosti između grupe 1 i grupe 3. Kao zaključak, nalazimo da su kod mikrobiota očuvani parametri (engl. binding parameters) kortizolnih receptora očuvani, u poređenju sa sredovečnim zdravim osobama, ali smanjeni u poređenju sa istim parametrima kod mladih zdravih osoba. Pretpostavimo da je otpornost (ovih makrobiota) na stres nastala zahvaljujući funkcionisanju adaptivnih mehanizama.
An intercorrelation between variables of morphological dimensions and postural status among 13(thirteen) years old boys
An intercorrelation between variables of morphological dimensions and postural status among 13(thirteen) years old boys
In this work, which presents a segment of wider science-research project, we dealt with analysis of mutual relations and intensity of correlative connections between variables of morphological dimensions and postural status. The aim of this work is to solve the problem of concerned influences in order to prevent and also to eliminate effectively postural disturbances among school children and young people. Researches showed that we didn't get important coefficient of connection between latent mobile dimensions and postural evaluation of some body parts.
Analiza DNK profila iz kostiju neurokranijuma
Analiza DNK profila iz kostiju neurokranijuma
U okviru programa identifikacije nestalih osoba u proteklom ratu, u laboratorijama ICMP-a (Međunarodna komisija za nestale osobe) u Bosni i Hercegovini DNK profili se rutinski dobijaju iz uzoraka kompaktne kosti najčešće butne. Određivanje DNK profila iz koštanih uzoraka je dugotrajnije i manje uspješno u odnosu na većinu drugih bioloških uzoraka (krv pljuvačka, bris bukalne sluznice, itd) zbog relativno male količine DNK u koštanom tkivu i prisustva različitih inhibitora iz zemljišta. Veoma često postoji potreba da se za analizu koriste i druge kosti (kosti lobanje, rebra pršljenovi, itd) posebno u slučaju reasocijacije skeletnih ostataka. Naša istraživanja bila su usmjerena na analizu DNK profila iz različitih kostiju neurokranijuma. Ukupno je obrađeno 102 različita uzorka kostiju neurokranijuma, od čega: 3 čeone, 60 potiljačnih, 14 tjemenih i 25 sljepoočnih kostiju. Svi uzorci su prošli isti postupak ekstrakcije DNK na silika membrani, fluorometrijske kvantifikacije, amplifikacije 16 STR lokusa (PCR) i detekcije kapilarnom elektroforezom. Od ukupnog broja uzoraka uspješnost dobijanja DNK profila je 44,2%, a prema vrsti kosti rezultati su sljedeći: čeona kost - 100%, potiljačna - 46,7%, tjemena - 42,9% i sljepoočna - 68%. Poređenja radi uspješnost dobijanja DNK profila iz kompaktne kosti (femur) je oko 81%.
