Glasnik Antropološkog društva Jugoslavije

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ISSN 0351-1480
novi naslov Glasnik Antropološkog društva Srbije (ISSN: 1820-7936) od 2008
izdavač(i) Antropološko društvo Jugoslavije, Beograd
periodičnost godišnje
početna godina 1964
glavni urednik Petar Vlahović

CEON WoS IF2 n.a.
CEON WoS IF5 n.a.
CEON IF5 0,031


Types of narrowness in milk tooting and the index of proportionality
Types of narrowness in milk tooting and the index of proportionality
We investigate 434 children under 5 years of age. This children have incisor crowding in frequency 11,29%. Localization and morphological contour are different and typical. Suma incisivi and intercanine distance have relationship in upper and lower jaw. It is formed 'index of proportionality', which help to find a middle value of intercanine distance to specifically summa incisive. By our children, this index is 71% SI in upper and 65% SI in lower jaw.
Učestalost rađanja dece sa kongenitalnim anomalijama u porodilištu Prokuplje
Učestalost rađanja dece sa kongenitalnim anomalijama u porodilištu Prokuplje
Congenital defects assume morfological, structural and functional abnormality of organs, organic systems and tissue, formed during morphogenesa present and visible at birth. Etiological factors which lead to forming point of congenital defects could be: multifactorial, monogenetic, chromozomic teratogenic and unknown causes. The aim of our work is find the birth of children frequency with congenital defects in the maternity hospital in Prokuplje during the period of time from 1990. to 2004. The details are taken from the data base of live born children. Out of 16479 newborn infants observed in a 15 year period of time, 659 or 4% had some of the congenital defects. The most frequent congenital defects appeared on their feet and hips. Birth of children is obvious with Sy Down. Such observation fits in the world's percentage as much as in our country. It's worrying situation that the birth rate had gone down during this period of time for an quarter and number of children with congenital defects had gone up.
Variability of the distribution of patterns on right and left hands and biological asymmetry of men
Variability of the distribution of patterns on right and left hands and biological asymmetry of men
The results, presented in this paper, allow one to examine the population variability of the distribution of patterns on the right and left hands and to determine the contribution of genetic and environmental factors to this variability (12 ethnic and race groups of 7000 individuals have been studied). The multiple statistical analysis, carried out for both sexes, has revealed significant, most often nonlinear, relations in the distribution of digital and palmer patterns on the right and left hands and to have their specific features, depending on the sex and ethnic group. On the whole asymmetry in the distribution patterns is more distinct in males. A comparison of the correlation pleiads, which show significant relations between the groups of digital and palmar pattern characters, allows one to assume that there exist two internal structure organization factors-digital and palmar ones. Obviously, these factors are common to the left and right hands, since vorrelations between analogous characters of the hands are considerable. Our data on the correlation between the left and right hand characters does not enable us to verify the hypothesis about the existence of local genetic factors than control the papillary patterns on the finger. By the correlation ratio on their right and left hands, the thumb is the farthest from the other fingers.
Variation in skeletal aspects of jaws for patient with skeletal open bite
Variation in skeletal aspects of jaws for patient with skeletal open bite
The aim of this exploring was to determine variations in skeletal aspects of jaws and inclination of maxilla and mandibula for patients with skeletal open bite with Angle class I, II and III malocclusion. There were analyzed 46 profile cephalograms of patients with permanent dentition with skeletal open bite. Following parameters were measured: SNA, SNB, ABN, NS/SpP, NS/MP. Patients with Angle class I anterior open bite have bimaxillar retrognatism in 72,22% classes, bimaxillar prognatism and normognatism maxilla with retrognatism mandibula in smaller percentage. Patients with Angle class II have four variations: bimaxillar retrognatism (61,11%), maxillar prognatism with mandibular retrognatism (22,22%), maxillar normognatism with mandibular retrognatism *11,11%) and bimaxillar prognatism (5,55%). For patients with Angle class III maxillar retrognatism with mandibular prognatism is mostly present. Patients with skeletal open bite have normoinclination of the upper jaw and retroinclination of the lower jaw in all three Angle classes. Knowing skeletal jaws variations toward cranial base have great diagnostic and therapeutic importance.
Variation tendencies in dental system of schoolchildren from Belarus
Variation tendencies in dental system of schoolchildren from Belarus
Examination of dental system was a part of complex anthropological research in Belarusian children. The aim of the research was analysis of diseases of dental system and signs of reduction complex in dental system of schoolchildren to reveal variation tendencies between generations. A number of 500 schoolchildren of Minsk gymnasium № 23, schools № 133, 154 were examined. Research program included indices of caries involvement, oral hygiene, and malocclusion. Some ethnic odontological signs, such as the form of maxillary incisors and mandibular molars, tuberculum Carabelli, reduction of maxillary second incisors and hypoconus etc. were also examined. Reduction of some crown elements, teeth crowding, presence of diastemas where examined as a part of reduction complex. Examination showed 57,7-58,1% of 14-16 years old children had decayed teeth. 39% of examined children had malocclusion. Deep overbite was met in 17% of examined, distal bite in 9%. The other forms of malocclusion: mesial, cross and open bites were met in 5%. In comparison with the data of 2000 year by V.V. Gatalsky the frequency of malocclusion increased reliably (p<0,05). Crowding of teeth was met mostly of all the reduction complex signs. High statistic reliability (p<0,001) obtained comparing contemporary crowding frequency with the data, received in 70ies of XX cent, when crowding frequency in Minsk and Minsk region was 6,7%. The comparison of the results with the data received over 30 years ago and later gives possibility to see the tendencies in dental system variation. Evidently, crowding of teeth and different forms of malocclusion are to be more frequent in modern schoolchildren. This tendency is to be connected with the microevolution processes. .
Variations in body fat mass in normal-weight subjects
Variations in body fat mass in normal-weight subjects
The aim of this study was to assess body fat mass (BF%) in our population of normal-weight subjects (according to body mass index, BMI) and to examine gender and age dependence of BF% changes. Study group consisted of 437 subjects of both genders, aged between 18 and 78 years, with BMI values between 18.5 and 24.9 kg/m2. BF% was assessed using bioelectrical impedance. Our results showed great variations of BF% in normal-weight subjects with outstanding differences between genders and different age groups. Mean BF% value was 17.64±5.33% in males, and 26.27±5.04% in females. Within the same BMI interval females had 8.6% greater BF% and the difference increased with increasing of BMI values. BMI values correlated significantly with BF% while relationship was stronger in females. Although we didn't find statistically significant correlation between BF% and aging, it was evident that BF% increases with aging in both genders but in males it decreases significantly after the age of 60. Postmenopausal females also had significantly higher BF% comparing to premenopausal females (28.39±5.07% vs. 25.90+4, 96%). According to cut-off values given by manufacturer 17.74% males and even 64.73% females had increased BF%. Thus, further investigations have to evaluate health risk and to define population specific body fat percentage references.
Variations of sagital skeletal relations in persons with normal occlusion
Variations of sagital skeletal relations in persons with normal occlusion
The aim of the research was to show all sagital variations that may occur in people with normal occlusion, i.e. the level of coincidence between skeletal and dental relationship. The research was done on 44 profile teleradiographs of people with normal occlusion by cephalometric method of analysis by Schwarz (angle PgA/SpP) and Steiner (angle ANB). The results obtained by Schwarz's method showed that 52,28% of the cases had class I skeletal relationship, 27,28% had class II and 20,45% had class III. Steiner's method of analysis showed greater coincidence of skeletal and dental relationships: skeletal class I was found in 63,64% cases, class III in 22,72% and class II in 13,64% of the cases. The comparison of Schwarz's and Steiner's methods of radiocephalometric analysis proved the coincidence of skeletal relationship in 26 people (59,09%). Among them only 17 cases (38,63%) had skeletal relationship of class I, 5 cases (11,36%) had coincidence of skeletal relationship of class II and only 4 people (19,09%) had coincidence of class II. There were also other variations of skeletal relationship according to Schwarz and Steiner (I and II, II and I, I and III as well as III and I). Combinations of II and III class have not been found.
Vision and visual anthropology in Montenegro
Vision and visual anthropology in Montenegro
Glasnik Antropološkog društva Jugoslavije
Šaka kao model umetnika
Šaka kao model umetnika
Hand as a part of the human body provided monkeys to leave the world of animals and lie the foundation of the civilization. It has also provided the civilization to remain on the same time. Hand as a part of the human body was a miracle to Paleolithic when and they drew it on rocks. We enter life with moving hands and leave it with crossed hands which remain still. We could discover illness of the whole body according to the shape of the hand. According to its move, hand can discover spirit, thought and temper of a person. That's why it has always been attractive to painters, sculptures writers, actors and compressors. We could look at arm trough it's shape and function. The first thing doctors are interested at, is the shape of arm in order to survey, its function. As to painters, it's vise-versa: According to its position and shape they survey the function in order show psychological moment of movement. Nowadays there is a consensus in psychological literature about parallelisms between the shape and the position of the hand and broadcasted life of a person. The mime range of the hand could be very wide. It could express concern, pain threaten, but also wonder, joy and love. Movement of the fingers offers help to those with speech and hearing difficulties. In addition, hand is a very important part of the human body and human spirit, h attracts not only doctors. but also artist's. Arm is a symbol of homo sapiens and that's why people are afraid of an arm injury. Te sum up, there is a big responsibility and obligation to those who are supposed to treat an injured arm.
