Glasnik Antropološkog društva Jugoslavije

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ISSN 0351-1480
novi naslov Glasnik Antropološkog društva Srbije (ISSN: 1820-7936) od 2008
izdavač(i) Antropološko društvo Jugoslavije, Beograd
periodičnost godišnje
početna godina 1964
glavni urednik Petar Vlahović

CEON WoS IF2 n.a.
CEON WoS IF5 n.a.
CEON IF5 0,031


Characteristic of skin creases among school children in urban and rural areas Tuzla Canton in Bosnia
Characteristic of skin creases among school children in urban and rural areas Tuzla Canton in Bosnia
Mjerenja kožnih nabora često se koriste u epidemiološkim studijama, jer direktno daju količinu tjelesne masti i pokazatelji su veličine energetske rezerve organizma. Cilj rada je utvrditi vrijednosti kožnih nabora kod djece osnovnoškolskog uzrasta u urbanoj i ruralnoj sredini na području Tuzlanskog kantona. Istraživanje je rađeno na uzorku od 1544 ispitanika, uzrasta osam deset i četrnaest godina na području četiri općine Tuzlanskog kantona izabrane metodom slučajnog uzorka. U svakoj općini je urađen uzorak u urbanoj i ruralnoj sredini, a mjerenje je rađeno standardnim antropometrijskim metodama. Vrijednosti kožnog nabora iznad bicepsa i tricepsa kod dječaka u ruralnoj sredini su neznatno veće od nađenih vrijednosti u urbanoj sredini, dok su vrijednosti kožnog nabora iznad skapule i abdomena veće u urbanoj sredini. Slično je stanje kod djevojčica s tom razlikom što su u uzrastu od 8 godina vrijednosti kožnog nabora iznad skapule i abdomena veće u ruralnoj sredini. Od svih izmjerenih nabora najveće vrijednosti kod oba pola u obje životne sredine ima kožni nabor iznad tricepsa, sa većim vrijednostima kod djevojčica.
Characteristics of cephalic dimensions in children from Niš 7 -13 year of age
Characteristics of cephalic dimensions in children from Niš 7 -13 year of age
This paper presents results of longitudinal cephalic and facial growth and development in children between the age of 7 and 14 years. Cephalic dimensions are in all test groups considerably in favor of the boys. Different rhythm of growth is noted in the course of development: while the width of the head is at its maximum at the age of 7. Longitudinal growth is a longer process showing the biggest intensity between the ages of 11 and 13 years in both sexes. Boys have in most cases short and medium long heads in both tested periods, with a growing percentage of cases in the second group. Girls most of ten have medium long heads with a growing percentage of long heads. This percentage doubles with growth. Both sexes have predominantly narrow sculls at the age of 7. These become wider with growth. Measured by mean values of cephalic index, children in all tested groups belong to the category of brachycephal.
Characteristics of the blood groups of population from the region of Devina
Characteristics of the blood groups of population from the region of Devina
The authors study the distribution of the blood group belonings for the ABO and Rh systems among two ethnical groups in Bulgaria. There were examined 1135 persons from the region of Devina -823 from the people are Bulgarians and 312 - Turks. There weren't any significant between the blood group belongings of the two groups. In both cases the arrangement of the incidences gives the first place to the group A, followed by groups ?, ? and AB. The theoretical distribution of the fenotypes of ABO-system in similar. In the both groups the positive Rh factor is significantly more widespread towards negative Rh factor (p<0,001).
Characteristics ontogenesis teeth system in republic Belorussia in modern ecological conditions
Characteristics ontogenesis teeth system in republic Belorussia in modern ecological conditions
The process of constant teeth eruption, presents the large interest for human physical development study, school maturity, development of malocclusion. Our research has revealed change of permanent teeth eruption terms in relation to normal terms accepted in 70ies. Owing to change of eruption terms the processes of occlusion formation are broken. The new apparatus, introduced in the article (Fig. 8), may be used for the prophylaxes the following anomalies.
Chromosomal status analysis in individuals occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation effects
Chromosomal status analysis in individuals occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation effects
Modern radiation cytogenetics had accepted long ago a postulate that DNA molecules as the essential biological substrate represent the most important target of the ionising radiation. The effects of the radiation include possible development of highly delicate lesions of the genetic material which may be manifested as structural chromosomal aberrations. The study represents the results of years - long cytogenetic studies of chromosomal aberrations in individuals occupationally exposed to ionising irradiation (684 subjects). The subjects were classified into different groups according to the type of their jobs. During the period 1995-1996. the incidence of chromosomal aberrations was increased among nuclear medicine professionals ranging from 19,1-10,9%. Significant increase of chromosomal aberration incidence was evidenced during the period 1997-1998. among radiologists and X-ray technicians, ranging from 23.52% to 19.64%. Dicentric type of chromosomal aberrations, ring - shaped chromosomes and acentric fragments were detected. Occupational exposure is particularly delicate issue due to the chronic exposure to small doses of ionising irradiation and consequential cumulative irradiation effect necessitating the insight into the biological response of the organism to the given conditions of exposure. Adequate education of the staff and appropriate protection against irradiation, which is at the same time best prevention both for early disorders and late consequences of the ionising irradiation.
Coincidence in gnathic and dentoalveolar relation of maxilla and mandibula
Coincidence in gnathic and dentoalveolar relation of maxilla and mandibula
Examination was done in one hundred prophile-telerendgenographics which belong to orthodontic patients from Niš, with first, second and third class of malocclusion in order to estimate the grade of coincidence in gnathic and dentoalveolar relation. The next angles were used AB/SpP, M/M by Schwarz method and ANB by Steiner method. All angles are same in 57% while the angles done by Schwarz (gnathic and dentoalveolar relation) are same in 83%. The same gnathic relation (M/M and ANB) are in 64% of cases. In 5% there are absolute uncoincidence in sagittal gnathic relation (all the angles are different).
Combined tests of the hands in Bulgarian population from northwestern Bulgaria
Combined tests of the hands in Bulgarian population from northwestern Bulgaria
In the investigation anthropophysiological tests Hand clasping, Arm Folding Clapping et individuals of both sexes from the regions Vidin, Montana and Vratsa were followed 1608 persons for Hand clasping, 1618 persons for Arm Folding and 1247 persons for Clapping tests were embraced. In comparison with data from earlier our investigations of Bulgarian population from the country as a whole and this one from North Bulgaria is observed the following: for Hand clasping some increasing of the right and neutral types more strongly expressed in neutral type; for Arm Folding the data nearly coincided and by Clapping test it were observed significant differences (p<0,001). The last one is connected with nearly two times bigger share of the Neutral type of performing.
Combined tests of the hands in Bulgarian population from northwestern Bulgaria
Combined tests of the hands in Bulgarian population from northwestern Bulgaria
In the investigation anthropophysoilogical tests Hand clasping, Arm folding Clapping et individuals of both sexes from the regions of Vidin, Montana and Vratsa were followed. 1608 individuals for Hand clasping, 1618 individuals for Arm folding and 1247 persons for Clapping tests were embraced. In comparison with data from earlier our investigations of Bulgarian population from the country as a whole and this one from North Bulgaria is observed the following: for Hand clasping some increasing of the right and neutral types more strongly expressed in neutral type; for Arm folding the data nearly fully coincided and by clapping test it were observed significant differences (PO.001). The last one is connected with nearly two times bigger relative share of the Neutral type of performing.
Comparative analysis of certain morphology characteristics of schoolgirls of 11 to 12 years of age
Comparative analysis of certain morphology characteristics of schoolgirls of 11 to 12 years of age
The structure of morphology dimensions was evaluated in a sample of 277 schoolgirls of 11 to 12 years of age in the elementary schools in Novi Sad (one group was tested in 1985, and the other one in 1995). On the basis of descriptive statistical indexes we could point on possibility of growth and developmental acceleration of generation tested in 1995 (younger generation) compared to the tested in 1985 (older generation). Literally the same structure of dimensions was fortified for both generations of schoolgirls as well two morphology factors (factor 1: volume and body mass, and factor 2 body dimensions). High levels of correlation of these factors were fortified in both generations.
Comparative analysis of some anthropometrics measures and motorical abilities of young male and female volleyball players
Comparative analysis of some anthropometrics measures and motorical abilities of young male and female volleyball players
The research was done on the sample of 50 male and 55 female volleyball players fourteen year of age. The players took part in summer camp of candidates for national team. Research included examination of differences in four anthropometrics (body height, body weight, height within reach for the block and height within reach for the spike) and five motoric variables (the standing linear jump, the block jump, the spike jump, 9-3-6-3-9 test and depth reach on box). Differences of results were established by multivariate analysis of variance, and the analysis has shown statistical significant differences in almost all variables in favor of male players, except in variable the depth reach on box, where female players had better results.
Comparative analysis of the anthropometric characteristic and the motor abilities of the generation of the primary school pupils
Comparative analysis of the anthropometric characteristic and the motor abilities of the generation of the primary school pupils
At the end of school years 1976/77. and 1986/87, the measurement of the antropometric variables and motoric abilites of the seventh-grade pupils of the primary school in several towns in Vojvodina, was done. The aim of this research was to find out if there were certain differences between the antropometric characteristics and the motoric abilities of these two generation of pupils. The sample of the tested pupils og the 1976/77. generation consisted of 72 female and 83 male pupils of the 1986/87. generation of 69 female and 85 male students of the seventh grade, who all were healthy and ready for the physical education classes. According to aim of the research, seven anthropometric variables were tested. For the evaluation of the motoric abilities, live motoric tests were applied. ,On the basis of the data and analysis, if is possible to conclude the following comparing the antropometric variables a significant disitnetion was discovered for the following variables: body mass, middle chest circumference and creases of skin of the back for the boys and body mass nad middle chest circumference for the girls, with the advantage for the generation of 1986/87. There were great differences in the motoric tests as follows: long jump, foreword bent and stative strength of arms and shoulder zone for the boys and foreword bent and stative strength of arms and shoulders for the girls.
Comparative body-mass values in children at enrollment in first grade of elementary school
Comparative body-mass values in children at enrollment in first grade of elementary school
In the improvement of hygienic and epidemic conditions and the level of physical and mental development of the youngest population, the goals are those of reducing the morbidity and mortality rates in later life, as well of developing and practicing of healthy lifestyles and promoting physical activity and appropriate manner of nourishment. These basically are the objectives of children's medical care, especially school children's. By continuously monitoring the growth, development and nourishment, a reduction should be achieved in the number of children outside growth normogram limits, while. an adequate 'growth diagram' for our climate should be introduced, to constitute an integral part of every medical card. The most important growth and development indices are body mass and height. In this paper we deal with that of body mass. We observed the children born in 1989 and 1993 during the systematic medical screening conductor before enrollment in the firs grade of elementary school. In 638 children from Group 1 35,7% had the body mass by 2 SD greater than normal and 6,0% by 2 SD less. In 466 children groom Group 2, - 38,4% had body mass greater by 2 SD, and 6,6% less by 2 SD. The results were compared with standard body-mass values according to Tanger.
