Књижевна историја (Literary History)

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Literary History (Književna istorija) was founded in 1968 as a journal of the publishing house “Obod” from Cetinje, and later of the publishing house “Vuk Karadžić” as well. Its founder and first Editor-in-Chief was Aleksandar Petrov, succeeded by Jovan Deretić. During its entire existence, the journal relied on the cooperation of the research projects’ associates at the Institute for Literature and Art. In 1991 Literary History became the official organ of the Institute, and its newly appointed Editor-in-Chief, Dušan Ivanić, continued with the distinct literary-theoretical and literary-historical orientation of the journal. With Miodrag Maticki taking the position of Editor-in-Chief in 2001, Literary History broadened its concept to include interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary scientific studies and articles as well.


Руски живот Биргерове „Леноре”
Руски живот Биргерове „Леноре”
Central and Eastern European Online Library - CEE journals, documents, articles, periodicals, books available online for download, Zeitschrfitendatenbank, Online Zeitschriften, Online Zeitschriftendatenbank
Руски живот Биргерове „Леноре”
Руски живот Биргерове „Леноре”
Central and Eastern European Online Library - CEE journals, documents, articles, periodicals, books available online for download, Zeitschrfitendatenbank, Online Zeitschriften, Online Zeitschriftendatenbank
Руски формализам по други пут међу Србима
Руски формализам по други пут међу Србима
Central and Eastern European Online Library - CEE journals, documents, articles, periodicals, books available online for download, Zeitschrfitendatenbank, Online Zeitschriften, Online Zeitschriftendatenbank
Русо y чвору књижевног и економског
Русо y чвору књижевног и економског
Summary/Abstract: This paper discusses Rousseau’s approach to the relationship between literature and economy. Since there was no literature or economy in the contemporary sense in the pre-revolutionary France of the 18th century, the links between the literary and the economic were less concealed. These fields were not strictly distinguished but made up a tight knot. Drawing upon the dialectical approach, I read Rousseau’s questioning of the literary-economic node on several levels: i.) the economic conditions of the literary practices in the context of French absolutism; ii.) the economic contents in literary works; iii.) the overlapping of the literary with economic forms, and iv.) the economy of literature that incites courage and calls for a change of the socio-economic reality.
Central and Eastern European Online Library - CEE journals, documents, articles, periodicals, books available online for download, Zeitschrfitendatenbank, Online Zeitschriften, Online Zeitschriftendatenbank
Сoфoклoв Ajaнт
Сoфoклoв Ajaнт
Central and Eastern European Online Library - CEE journals, documents, articles, periodicals, books available online for download, Zeitschrfitendatenbank, Online Zeitschriften, Online Zeitschriftendatenbank
Савремене компјутерске игре и њихове књижевне конотације
Савремене компјутерске игре и њихове књижевне конотације
Central and Eastern European Online Library - CEE journals, documents, articles, periodicals, books available online for download, Zeitschrfitendatenbank, Online Zeitschriften, Online Zeitschriftendatenbank
Савремене студије кубанске културе
Савремене студије кубанске културе
Summary/Abstract: At the very basis of the Western European cultures, and as of recently of Eastern cultures too, lies the process of meeting, communication, mixing, permeation and mutual change. Apart from the European continent, this phenomenon is especially present in the cultures that stood, in the political and social sense, as constituent parts of the colonial system, in the relation of domination and submission. In the process of contact with different cultures, some elements are often assimilated selectively, which lends them new forms, new meanings, or different symbolic functions.The Cuban anthropologist, historian, ethnologist, criminologist, lawyer, linguist, politician and diplomat Fernando Ortiz Fernández (1881–1969), being among the first theorists of Latin American culture, in his book Cuban Counterpoint – Tobacco and Sugar (1940) highlighted the importance of the concept of “transculturation”. This concept was at the center of his research of the so-called capacity of “peripheral” cultures to create an intercultural fusion through encounters and take in certain elements, as opposed to the free or passive assimilation of entire cultures and/or only some cultural elements. Transculturation is the basic element of Cuban history, since it has accompanied the cultural and social development from the first settlement to the present day. Although it is being carried out in phases, this type of fusion implies the mixture and permanent racial, social, cultural etc. dialogue.This extensive, systematic and unique essay partially examines the limits of the concepts of contemporary postcolonial criticism. The basic idea of the book was, obviously, to show, using a dynamic form of the so-called “transculturation”, that there must be stability in the modern world, but also a dose of reduced violence, a constant game of power and its social consequences. This paper also allows us to observe the complexity of deception and the game of power in the process of creating or degrading cultural formations.
Савремено проучавање периодике у Европи
Савремено проучавање периодике у Европи
Central and Eastern European Online Library - CEE journals, documents, articles, periodicals, books available online for download, Zeitschrfitendatenbank, Online Zeitschriften, Online Zeitschriftendatenbank
Самјуел Бекет и лингвистички егзил
Самјуел Бекет и лингвистички егзил
Central and Eastern European Online Library - CEE journals, documents, articles, periodicals, books available online for download, Zeitschrfitendatenbank, Online Zeitschriften, Online Zeitschriftendatenbank
Сан Густава Ашенбаха у приповеци Смрт у Венецији Томаса Мана
Сан Густава Ашенбаха у приповеци Смрт у Венецији Томаса Мана
Central and Eastern European Online Library - CEE journals, documents, articles, periodicals, books available online for download, Zeitschrfitendatenbank, Online Zeitschriften, Online Zeitschriftendatenbank
Сан, душа и смрт
Сан, душа и смрт
Central and Eastern European Online Library - CEE journals, documents, articles, periodicals, books available online for download, Zeitschrfitendatenbank, Online Zeitschriften, Online Zeitschriftendatenbank
