Glasnik Etnografskog Instituta SANU

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The Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography SAS (I-VII)/ SASA (VIII/) is a scientific periodical of international significance which publishes papers in ethnology/anthropology. From its inception in 1952, the Bulletin publishes the results of scientific research projects of scientists and associates of the Institute and other affiliated institutions in the country and abroad. In addition, discussions and articles, supplements, field data, retrospectives, chronicles, reviews, translations, notes, bibliographies, obituaries, memories, critiques and similar are published as well. The Bulletin was founded as a means to publish the results of research of settlements and origins of populations, folk life, customs and folk proverbs. However, the concept of the Bulletin, like that of any other contemporary scientific journal, changed over time to accommodate the social, cultural and political processes and research trends in the social sciences and humanities.

The Bulletin (GEI) is referenced in the electronic bases: DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), Ulrich's Periodicals Directory and SCIndex (Serbian Citation Index). All articles are digitally available in a form typographically true to the original (in .pdf format). The Bulletin is also available in the same form on the website of the Institute of Ethnography SASA.

The Bulletin (GEI SANU) can also be found and read at CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Online Library):


Professions of Risan population according to 1704 land-registry
Professions of Risan population according to 1704 land-registry
This paper is based on the registrar data on Risan and the surrounding settlements, created in 1704 by the Venetians. The Venetians took over the area in 1684, after the two century rule by the Turks. The registrar contains data on agriculture, fruit and olive growing and milling industry. The registrar includes these settlements: Risan, Orahovac, Krivoshije Gornje and Donje Ledenice, Kostanjice (Risan's and Perast's), Gornje and Donje Uble, Gornji and Donji Morinj and Bunovichi. This registrar provided many more data than what is usual for this type of document. Besides the names of real estate owner, the registrar provides names of the previous owners, the Turks or local (domicile) population, who sold the land or whose land was given away to the incomers. Many parcels bear the note as an old ownership. In addition to the land size, there are data on the quality and usage: plough land, uncultivated, untilled, stony, pasture. There are data on planted soil too: wine-grows, figs, olives, chestnuts. Gardens were described separately. In addition to the population basic demography, the registrar provides data on cattle, horses owned by individual families, and whose number is described in this paper. In addition to descriptive data on houses and accompanying buildings, the registrar also describes mills and their state, whether they are damaged or in function as well as threshing-floors. At the end of the registrar, there is a list of owners by places, size and type of cultivated land, wine-growing land and required taxes by individual and settlements.
Profile and statements of potential migrants from Serbia
Profile and statements of potential migrants from Serbia
The paper uses empirical data collected by the Institute for sociological research of the Faculty of Philosophy in 2013 and 2014. The aim was to conduct research into the sociodemographic characteristics of respondents who show a tendency to emigrate, and their motives and potential obstacles they face in the context of their ties to the local community in which they reside. The results confirm that these are generally young people, mostly unmarried men with a high school education. The main problems they face in their environment are economic: unemployment and economic uncertainty, while they expect emigration to provide a better quality of life and better chances for professional advancement. The results also show a high degree of ties to the local community which implies that the real migration potential will be a good deal lower.
Programming the intangible cultural heritage of the city paradigms and perception
Programming the intangible cultural heritage of the city paradigms and perception
Institutionalization of intangible cultural heritage represents a strong bureaucratic base, strategic policy of monitoring and the creation of order in the production and consumption of culture. In this sense, an intangible cultural heritage, out of its historical projections, projects itself into the complex administrative, political and market control and presentation. UNESCO Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage was adopted in 2003 while the convention was ratified by Serbia in 2010. It is a complex, hierarchical and branched task of filing, registration, nomination and representation of heritage at the national level of the participating countries, with aims of cultural networking, promotion and preservation of cultural diversity. On one hand, the strategy of conservation and protection of intangible cultural heritage is governed by the standards and paradigms based on elements of traditional culture and folklore, and on the other hand, there is a growing trend of monitoring urban environment heritage, within the process of metropolization. Mapping of intangible cultural heritage includes strategies and indicates possibilities for the development of the city of Belgrade. In Belgrade, heritage is divided into three groups, based on the historical, territorial and social parameters: 1. cultural heritage, encompassing elements reflecting the "ancient", historically verifiable spaces (centers), related to types of practices and events; 2. urban forms of inheritance, based on modern heritage of the city especially in the twentieth century (foremost referring to the elite and popular cultures); and 3. the products of industrial and technological development. Programming intangible cultural heritage assumes the mentioned elements as marked paradigms, and also various perceptions created by individuals and groups within their identifiable enclaves and communication. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177026]
Proverbs as ethnolinguistic heritage
Proverbs as ethnolinguistic heritage
In this paper we have based our analysis on proverbs of Serbian and Spanish language in order to demonstrate the role of these linguistic and cultural constructions in the ethnolinguistic investigation. Relativism observed in them, often reflected as contradictions, is of a huge significance for the ethnolinguistic analysis, since it shows or it might show the ways in which certain society adjust or opposes to the changes, how it reacts, whether it changes only on the surface, or its deep and inside values change as well. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 178014: Dinamika struktura savremenog srpskog jezika]
The focus of this research is on the function of the holiday Purim in the life of Belgrade Jewish community. In diachronic perspective we are looking at general and local characteristics of the holiday, and different levels of its celebration (private, public sphere). In the studied community this holiday has undergone a transformation from a religious to a secular feast followed by revitalization of its religious context. This paper analyzes the mechanisms of various levels of recovery and conceptualization of this holiday, on the institutionalized level and in the form of spontaneous personal initiatives. We are looking at different functions of this holiday in broad social context and their diachronic changes. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177027: Multietnicitet, multukulturalizam, migracije savremeni procesi]
Purple journey beyond consciousness - primordial mystery of the feminine in The Sixth Day by Rastko Petrovic
Purple journey beyond consciousness - primordial mystery of the feminine in The Sixth Day by Rastko Petrovic
Novel The Sixth Day by Rastko Petrovic, even though for a long time neglected by criticism, has recently been acknowledged as the best Serbian novel about World War I. At the centre of this novel, which has autobiographical elements, is the process of dehumanization, while war is represented as a purple cyclical journey to the very essence of human being as it goes through historical and personal turmoils. War, notwithstanding its traditionally "male" nature, is experienced as part of the cycle of maternal nature, which strives towards renewal and recommencement, substituting on several levels historical factography with suggestive mythical images. Petrovic's vision of the bloodshed becomes "the cycle of the feminine in nature," which expels from herself "the half rotten seed" in order to generate a new one. "War" novel by Rastko Petrovic, interpreted in the key of Neumann's theory of the primordial mysteries of the feminine, represents an anthropological and psychological study of matriarchal consciousness in artistic form. The mysteries of blood (menstruation, defloration, birth giving, transfiguration of milk into blood, and death) are dominant in Petrovic’s novel, highlighting the “transfigurative character of the feminine” and are the effects of the anima, whose function is fundamentally positive since it represents the awakening of consciousness and thus the overcoming of the anonymous and formless subconsciousness related to “matriarchal situation.” Despite some negative aspects, the figure of the Great Woman or the Great Mother in The Sixth Day should not be associated with the existentialist approach characteristic of the patriarchal view of women given that negative aspects ensue from the pre-archetype which contains in itself both both positive and negative aspect. It was through “geological layers of humanity” and human consciousness that Rastko Petrovic aimed to disclose “the primordial mysteries of the feminine”. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. 47016: Interdisciplinarno istraživanje kulturnog i jezičkog nasleđa Srbije]
Pustoodna svetlost. An essay on four directions of Christiphor Crnilovich
Pustoodna svetlost. An essay on four directions of Christiphor Crnilovich
This paper gives insight on Christiphor Crnilovich's multilayered and valuable painting art, lectures and ethnographic work, along with his biography. Within context of psycho-social environment in which Crnilovich has lived and created, as well as within context of this environment's relation towards an artist and a researcher, motivation of his local nickname "Kica Pustood" is being analysed.
Racko Popov, Bulgarian Folk calendar
Racko Popov, Bulgarian Folk calendar
Сажетак Рачко Попов, Български народен календар Књига др Рачка Попова представља покушај сажетог и приступачног изношења (на 130 страна текста) бугарских народних обичаја и веровања везаних за годишњи циклус, у оквиру презентовања „бугарског народног календара“. Ово дело је првенствено намењено широј читалачкој публици, али ће – као сажети етнолошки приручник – свакако бити занимљиво и информативно за етнологе и антропологе, пре свега за оне који желе да се ближе упознају са народним схватањима религије и митолошким представама распрострањеним на територији Бугарске, врло блиским народној традицији Срба и Србије.
Rape was identified as a criminal act in the earliest known legal writings, Hamurabi's legal code (cir. 2000 BC). In the Balkans, in the Middle Ages, rape was always punished in one way or another, in the statutes of the Adriatic maritime towns, which were under the rule of the Nemanjić state or the West. All categories of women, even prostitutes and slaves, were protected by law from sexual violence in many statutes. Also in Dušan's legal code the regulation is found, severely punishing rapists. Laws following the Second Serbian Uprising, also provide severe punishment for sexual violence, especially towards women but also male minors. Legal and court practice, following the Second World War, indicate that the protection of women from sexual violence is completely inadequate and this at a time when women had achieved equal rights with men in many spheres of life. World events at the end of the 20th century: collapse of the Soviet Union: as well as the happenings in this region,: war, ethnic and religious conflicts resulted in massive rape of women, opening of brothels, trading women and family violence. Non state organizations, mainly women in expert associations, invest great effort to rectify this very unsatisfactory situation. They exert pressure for change in the law and in court practice, by which women would have more effective defense against sexual violence, as well as organized assistance for women victims of traffic, and warning of the possible danger.
Reading cultures
Reading cultures
Taking ancient Mesoamerica as the example, the article presents a summary of the importance of multidisciplinary research. Anthropology contributed, combined with genetics, molecular biology, linguistics, archaeology and history, to particular insights that enable us to follow processes of development and change within Mesoamerican cultures. On the other hand, the author also points to some apparently irrational moments that perhaps prevented some important ideas from being accepted earlier (as was the case with the concept of the phonetic character of the Mayan hieroglyphic writing).
Recent Turkish migrants in Serbia and the role of the Serbian-Turkish Friendship Association
Recent Turkish migrants in Serbia and the role of the Serbian-Turkish Friendship Association
The theme of this work is the population of recent Turkish migrants who live on the territory of Serbia. I wanted to establish which factors from a wider social context have an effect on the selection of signs by which ethnic groups are differentiated. Parallel to this I wanted to establish if there are any factors which could have an effect on ethnic closeness, and on what level.
Reception of Jovan Cvijić in Slovenian ethnology
Reception of Jovan Cvijić in Slovenian ethnology
The paper discusses the reception of the work of Jovan Cvijić in Slovenian ethnology. Cvijić is considered to be one of the founding fathers of Serbian ethnology, due in large part to his anthropogeographical orientation that strongly marked ethnological research in Serbia until the second half of the 20th century. In Slovenian ethnology, the so-called anthropogeographical school is virtually unknown; however, some of its tenets can be recognized or were actively applied in research of cultural areas, carried out by geographers and ethnographers before and after the Second World War when anthropogeography was considered to be a branch of geography and a discipline akin to ethnography/ethnology. The author aims to discuss when, for whom and in what way was Jovan Cvijić direct or indirect reference within the horizon of Slovenian ethnology. His reception is marked by acknowledging the powerful influence of his political views and engagement on his scholarship.
