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The Kultura Journal is an international scientific journal for the theory and sociology of culture and cultural policy, which follows culture in the widest sense of the word where science, education and all human activities are taken as its integral part.

It was started in 1968 courtesy to the efforts of Stevan Majstorović, founder of the Centre for Studies in Cultural Development, with the objective to encourage integrative, analytical and critical interpretations of the modern cultural phenomena.

At the time of its establishment, the Kultura Journal was unique in the domain of intellectual thought both in terms of its concept and its design. Since the first issue, i.e. over the fifty years of its existence, Kultura has been and has remained open to creative ideas from the country and the world, as seen from the texts of important foreign authors and contributions from professionals coming from the cultural centres of former Yugoslavia, as well as domestic authors who offered new ideas and approaches to culture. The recognizable design solution of the logo of the journal and its cover page were created by the artist and calligraphist Božidar Bole Miloradović, for the very first number.

As of 1971, the issues were edited thematically, which has been dominant practice to this date, with the aim of enriching certain thematic fields in our cultural and scientific community.

The first Editorial Board of the Kultura Journal consisted of eleven members, led by the Editor-in Chief Stevan Majstorović and Trivo Inđić, as conceptual instigators of the journal which heralded a new orientation in the intellectual field. Members of the Editorial Board were: Slobodan Canić, Dragutin Gostuški, Vujadin Jokić, Danica Mojsin, Mirjana Nikolić, Nebojša Popov, Bogdan Tirnanić, Milan Vojnović and Tihomir Vučković. Over the five decades of the Kultura Journal, editorial boards changed several times.

Kultura is issued every three months (four times a year) and its printing has been financed by the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia since 2001. With support of the competent ministry, all numbers of this journal, from the first to the last issue, were digitalized in 2009. As a result, a DVD containing digital form of the journal, was available with the issue No. 129, titled "Electronic libraries". A few years later, in 2013, Kultura switched to the Cyrillic script, with an important note that it still published in Latin script those authors from the region who originally use Latin script(Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia). With the issue No. 140, on the occasion of marking the 45th anniversary of the Kultura Journal, a special USB was made available, with all the texts from the numbers 1-137. The web page of the Centre for Studies in Cultural Development contains all the texts ever published in any issue of the Kultura Journal over half a century of its existence.

The Department for Registration of Journals of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, the Kultura Journal was registered in 2005 (when categorisation of scientific journals started) marked as category P53. In 2010,it was registered as category M52 in the group of journals for history, art,history, ethnology and archaeology. At the beginning of July 2012, the journal advanced to the category of national interest, by Decision of the Ministry of education, science and technological development of the Republic of Serbia (M51).

Kultura is regularly deposited with the Repository of the National Library of Serbia, and since 2010, it has been included in the Serbian Quotation Index, where the texts published in Kultura can be found in full digital form. As of 2011, the texts i.e. scientific articles, apart from the regular UDK (universal decimal classification) also carry specific DOI (Digital Object Identifier) codes, that allow for their greater visibility and international indexing under international standards. In the meantime,electronic version of the journal was started i.e. the first steps were made towards electronic edition by CEON (Service for monitoring, measuring and valorisation of scientific journals) through Aseestant electronic editing programme. This has contributed to the quality of published articles, as the editorial board now have at their disposal adequate programmes for text checking in terms of correct citation sand listings of references as well as prevention of plagiarism.

Kultura is regularly delivered to the National Library of Serbia in Belgrade, Belgrade City Library,University Library "Svetozar Marković" in Belgrade, Library of Matica Srpska in Novi Sad, Library of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Belgrade, Library of the Rectorate of the University of Arts in Belgrade, University Library in Niš and University Library in Kragujevac. The Kultura Journalis regularly received by numerous interested institutions of culture (libraries, theatres, museums, culture centres) as well as individuals. The Journal nurtures professional exchanges with many similar institutions and magazines in the country, region and in Europe (Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia,Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany, Switzerland and other countries).

In addition to respecting scientific rules and standards for publishing scientific papers, Kultura has not lost the curiosity or the freshness of an avant-garde magazine dealing with both eternal and very actual topics.


European media in the digital age
European media in the digital age
Mediji ne deluju u vakuumu već u političkoj, društvenoj i ekonomskoj sredini koju je moguće definisati. U Evropi je ta sredina složena i ima više nivoa. Shvatanje medija u Evropi podrazumeva poznavanje njihove proizvodnje, distribucije i korišćenja ne samo kao žanra, već i na lokalnom, regionalnom, nacionalnom, EU ( evropskom) i međunarodnom nivou. Politička, društvena i ekonomska sredina u kojoj mediji deluju takođe je predmet rasprava i postoje brojni modeli koji nastoje da objasne njihov uticaj i dejstvo. Današnji studenti, istraživači i medijski praktičari moraju dublje poznavati neke od modela koji se primenjuju, kao što su globalizacija, lokalizacija, evropeizacija, pa čak i 'glokalizacija'. Na medije se može gledati kao na komunikacijski proces i kao na proizvod. Za istraživanje njihove moći mogu se koristiti brojne akademske discipline. U tim okvirima, moraju se razumeti svet politike i regulative u kojima mediji funkcionišu, kao i kulturni sadržaj tog sveta. Razumevanje načina odlučivanja na nivou politike i donošenja mera doprinosi pojedinačnom, zajedničkom i poslovnom angažovanju na razvoju medija u novom dobu.
European media policy, where is it going?
European media policy, where is it going?
Europe is a part of the world characterized by the decennial effort of its countries to form a unique kind of policy in all fields and therefore in media as well. The common policy rose from a desire for construction of a unique media space and a need for information exchange over the state borders. Even though this intention was not immediately realized, some other principles and values in the respect of realizing human rights, free flow of information, media pluralism, support of objective and independent media, cooperation and exchange of content were present at all times in the international framework and bound together the common point of view on these questions. Nowadays it can be concluded that the European media policy is very firmly established in spite of difficulties and differences. That is precisely why it is interesting to see which way is it going nowadays and what are its goals. Is there any danger from technological-commercial interests to overshadow needs for objective and qualitative informing and other contents, or does Europe have its own mechanisms to, without giving up on innovations, canalize their influence for the well-being of people and preservation of civilization's values.
Event management in theatre arts
Event management in theatre arts
Cultural events are very important for a community and its cultural and economic development. Theatre performances as cultural events are studied as a distinctive social phenomenon. In this article we will observe theatre art and its development from religious rituals and poetic plays to Broadway. Organization of an event such as theatre performance is a very complicated process which requires the organizers to have specific set of skills and knowledge. In addition to coming up with the idea for the theme of a cultural event, it is necessary to consider a range of convenient places and always have in mind the budgetary and other limitations. Event management has become a special field of research in a large number of educational institutions.
Everyday life in the media in a picture civilization
Everyday life in the media in a picture civilization
As a criticism of certain forms of life, the standpoint of everyday life in the context of a postmodern society points to the relationship of an individual with the mechanisms of the global market, the state and new information-communication technologies. It is the time of the Internet and social networks in which the terms of 'convergence', 'interactivity', 'global connectivity' are encountered. If the connection between the development of the media and communication in sports in the age of civilization is placed at the center of the reconsideration of the influence of media sphere on changes in daily life of people and their creativity as well as changes in the aesthetic being, then one should start from seeing the benefits that the audience receive by watching sports spectacles. Since sport is an integral part of people's everyday activities, it has long become addicted to the media (and vice versa) and should be seen as their product omnipresent in mass media communication. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the revitalization of interest in theoretical thinking and practical research of everyday life in the field of social experience that began in the 1970s; to point out the connection between the world of the media spectacle and the everyday life of mass audience; to indicate, in the case of sports as the most popular and most productive media event, how the audience, in their everyday interaction with mass media, accepts modern lifestyles, uses new technologies and identifies itself with sports idols. From the perspective of technology of sport spectacle broadcasting, the television transmission of 2018 FIFA World Cup was analyzed.
Evolution of the autocephality of the Serbian church
Evolution of the autocephality of the Serbian church
According to the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) ecclesial/political theory, in order for a nation to be granted church autonomy by the Ecumenical Patriarchate, they had to meet certain statesmanship, political, ecclesial and culturological standards required by competent authorities of the Byzantine Empire. From the settlement of the Serbian tribes in these regions during the 6th century, the process of cultural elevation of the Serbs involved their Christianisation, popular education and creation of first smaller and then bigger "political" communities, in accordance with the Christian patterns of the Eastern Roman Empire. After several ages of rising into the Christian life, granting of autocephality to the Serbian church in 1219 was a clear indicator of spiritual maturity of the Serbian people, as well as of the place and role of the Serbs on the geopolitical map of Southeast Europe at the start of the 13th century. Since then, the head of the Serbian church (archbishop) was officially granted a place in the hierarchy of Orthodox leaders (diptych) while the Serbian king obtained a high position in the Byzantine hierarchal system of political rulers. The paper points to the basic trends of transformation of the Serbian nation from paganism to Christianity and its gradual evolving in terms of ecclesial life until 1219, when the Serbs were officially recognized among civilized Christian nations.
Exhibition of new German architecture in Belgrade, 1940
Exhibition of new German architecture in Belgrade, 1940
Among architectural exhibitions that marked the interwar period of Serbian architecture, the exhibition of new German architecture held in Belgrade in October 1940 attracted great attention. It was the first exhibition of German national socialist architecture abroad. Top members of Yugoslav government took part in the organizational activities, with Prince Pavle as a patron. The exhibition was prepared by architect Albert Speer who was a public works inspector for the Reich capital, and according to the directives of the Foreign Minister Ribbentrop and propaganda minister Goebbels. The exhibition attracted a great deal of attention from both High-profile and wide public, and was reported widely by the daily press. It has interpreted the social, cultural and political aspects of German architecture and its reception in Serbian and Yugoslav architecture.
Exhibitory potential of national pavilions in the Venice Biennale and other world fairs
Exhibitory potential of national pavilions in the Venice Biennale and other world fairs
By examining the role of exhibition pavilions with a particular focus on the World Fairs and the Venice Biennale (including visual arts and architecture), questions arise as to the nature and importance of the pavilions as a specific type of architectural objects. Having in mind that contemporary pavilions could be considered as architecture items or installations, boundaries between these two are questioned within this research. At what exact moment does something cease to be an architectural space in the classical sense of the term to become an art project? Pavilions are examined both as exhibition spaces hosting the content, and the content itself. Most probably the answer is somewhere in between and the pavilions are both exhibition spaces and the exhibits per se. They are very often small scale in size but are very important in idea.
Understanding folklore in the light of Dundes' definition and Jones' observations regarding occupational folklore gave an impetus for analysing professional folklore in the domain of culture in Serbia. According to a leading paradigm in cultural policy theory, development of culture in its widest sense (as suggested in Tylor's definition) depends on the development of culture in its narrow sense (institutions, organizations, differently connected individuals). This case study was based upon researches conducted in 2009 and 2013 in Serbian institutes for protection of cultural heritage. These researches provided data on human resources of these institutes. Expertise exams, as obligation for new employees, are analysed as a step in up-building of occupational folklore and idioculture. From the corpus of professional folklore two 'myths' are extracted and analysed as mirrors of the past and present situation in the field of protection of tangible cultural heritage: the 'myth' of (old) experts and the 'myth' of 'bad' institutes. These myths are seen as reflection of current position of the domain of culture in contemporary Serbia.
Expertise and potential of women's activism
Expertise and potential of women's activism
The authors of the paper address women's activism, which has opened many doors for women around the world - since the Victorian era, as well as the needs of women for better opportunities to gain proper education. Education has always been the stumbling rock for women whose goal is to gain equal status in society, and is one of the main factors that separated men and women. Without education to empower them, many women felt they should not have the right to influence policy or to make decisions about their own property. Education system in every society has a great responsibility to communicate the values of gender equality, especially among younger generations. State institutions are trying to carry out their actions to achieve gender equality, which are based on consensus on the need for its establishment. The road to relatively high employment rate for women was not easy and is under the influence of many demographic factors, with emphasis on the European regional differences. In order to maintain protection and equal social rights, the tolerance in relations between employers and employees, it is necessary to achieve high level of cultural and social compromise of collective interests.
