Mešovita građa

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Историјски институт основан је 15. јула 1947. године са задатком да изучава економску, друштвену, политичку, и културну историју српског народа, као и његове везе са јужнословенским и осталим балканским народима, и да истовремено унапређује све гране историјске науке. За првог управника Института именован је др Виктор Новак, а за заменика управника др Георгије Острогорски. До 25. марта 1961. године Институт се налазио у саставу Српске академије наука и уметности када је одлуком Извршног већа НР Србије проглашен за самосталну научну установу. Решењем Републичке заједнице за научни рад Историјски институт је 28. септембра 1971. године стекао статус научног института.

Редакцијa Mешовитe грађe (miscellanea):

др Радомир J. Поповић (Одговорни уредник),
др Биљана Стојић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Михаил Белов (Институт међународних односа и светске историје Универзитета Н.И.Лобачевскиј, Нижниј Новгород)
др Дејан Булић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Гордана Гарић Петровић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Милош Ивановић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Андреа Картени (Сапиенца Унивезитет, Рим)
др Урош Татић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Људмила Кузмичева (Историјски факултет Универзитета Ломоносов, Москва)
проф. др Gabriella Schubert (Институт за славистику Универзитета у Јени)
проф. д.и.н. Лилиана Симеонова (Балканолошки институт БАН)


Дужности особља управе Државног сточарског завода у Добричеву
Дужности особља управе Државног сточарског завода у Добричеву
Summary/Abstract: The State Stud Farm was established in 1852 in Ćuprija. In 1859 it was transferred to Požarevac and the next year to Ljubičevo. The primary aim of the Stud Farm was to improve horse breeding in Serbia through spreading noble horse breeds. The Stud Farm Department in Dobričevo was set up in 1875. Until the formation of the Ministry of National Economy, the Ministry of the Military was in charge of the State Stud Farm. The State Stud Farm, established to upgrade horse breeding in Serbia, was re-established, in 1892, under the Law on Organisation of the State Cattle Breeding Institute, into the State Cattle Breeding Institute. The aim of this transformation was to improve cattle breeding in Serbia by breeding the heads of the best cattle breeds, which were further allocated across the country to enhance the quality of domestic cattle. The administrator with the necessary number of professional staff carried out direct supervision and care about the improvement of the Institute. The administrator, headman, procurement clerk, veterinarian, accountant and registrar were appointed by the king’s decree on the proposal of the Minister of National Economy, while the assistant procurement clerks, stablemen, veterinary assistants, registrars and practitioners were appointed by the Minister of National Economy. In addition to regular officers – the manager of the estate, veterinary, accountant, procurement clerk and stable master, the estate also employed a large number of supporting staff – blacksmiths, cartwrights, overmen, gardeners, builders, heads, keepers, coachmen, assistant stablemen and drivers. Convicts performed the most difficult jobs. The Institute’s land covered 1270.32 ha and consisted of meadows, fields, arable fields and forest. Most sowed on arable fields were oats, followed by barley, wheat, corn and turnip. In addition to horses, the State Stud Farm – later the State Cattle Breeding Institute also kept various types of cattle – bovines, sheep, pigs, goats and poultry. All animals were fed manly with animal fodder produced on the Institute’s soil. The funds for salaries, building repairs, heating and lightening, and money for daily allowances were provided from the budget. At the same time, income was generated from the garden, food and crops, stud fees, cattle and cattle breeding, lease, oxen fees, boar fees and the workshop. The document prepared for press contains the provisions of the Law on Organisation of the State Cattle Breeding Institute relating to the duties of the Institute’s staff in Dobričevo. The duties were prescribed after the arrival of the new administrator dr Uroš Stajić. They define the obligations and duties of the headman, accountant, head of cattle breeding, stable master and practitioners.
Елаборати барона Швегела, март 1878.
Елаборати барона Швегела, март 1878.
Summary/Abstract: At the time of the Congress of Berlin, Austria-Hungary was a state whose attitude had a decisive impact on the way in which the issue of Serbia’s territorial widening was solved at the Congress. Particularly important in defining this attitude were elaborates of baron Joseph von Schwegel, which emphasised the intention of the Austro-Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to use Serbia’s position and the Balkan crisis for ensuring the Monarchy’s long-term geostrategic trade-related economic interests in the Balkans and solving the related infrastructural issues concerning the Danube navigation – primarily through the Đerdap gorge, including the conclusion of construction of the trans-Balkan railway line to enable the penetration of products of the Austrian industry to the south and oppose British and French competition in the Balkans.
Епископ Кирил Живковић о рукоположењу свештеника Јована Балтића и прилика у Босни 1804.
Епископ Кирил Живковић о рукоположењу свештеника Јована Балтића и прилика у Босни 1804.
Summary/Abstract: In the Archives of SANU in Sremski Karlovci, in the fund “B”, signature 1804/12-I and 1804/12-II, there are two letters kept, written by Pakrac-Slavonian bishop Kiril Živković, which are directly related to the border area of the Habsburg Monarchy towards Bosnian Pašaluk. In the first letter, bishop Živković informs metropolitan Stefan Stratimirović that Novska krajina captain, Mustafa-Bey Cerić, asks from him to ordinate into the priest rank certain Jovan Baltić, from Rujiška village. Apart from that, he also writes about intrusion of the group of robbers accross the border and disturbence that pervailed over local muslim aristocracy, since the sultan issued the order that, allegedly 14 cities or fortified places were supposed to be given to the Habsburg Monarchy. In the second letter, which is attached in a form of transcript, Kiril Živković asks from Mustafa-Bey Cerić not to send candidates for future priests, because there had been certain problems between the Ecumenical Patriarchate and Metropolis of Sremski Karlovci. Due to this letter, it is possible to establish more clearly the date of existance of the church in village Rujiška, but also to confirm the fact who was actually Novska Krajina captain at the time of its occurence. Both letters, as significant source for history of Orthodox Church in Bosnia, are given entirely.
Summary/Abstract: The paper presents the complaint of Herzegovian-Zahumlje Metropolitan Ananias against the Bosnian vali, made in 1791, together with the accompanying documents: the transcript of the ferman on the prohibition of violence against metropolitans and the rayah from 1780, and the relating reports of court offices. The main information about Metropolitan Ananias and the circumstances in which the documents were created is presented, and their critical analysis is carried out. The main paleographic, diplomatic and sigillographic features of the documents are highlighted. They have been translated, their transcription in the Ottoman Turkish language has been given, and their photographs attached.
Жалбе сремских села на Регуламент из 1777. године
Жалбе сремских села на Регуламент из 1777. године
Summary/Abstract: The dissatisfaction of the Serbian population in the Habsburg monarchy culminated in 1777 over the changes in the organisation and internal relations of the Karlovci Metropolitanate, including in the field of national church and cultural-educational life, introduced under the pressure of state authorities. Metropolitan Vićentije Jovanović Vidak was invited to the Court to explain in detail the reasons for the Serbs’ dissatisfaction. During his stay in Vienna, he received a great number of complaints of Serbian municipalities against the reform and the Regulament – the law on the Serbian Orthodox Church adopted in January 1777. Based on the complaints received, he compiled a comprehensive petition and submitted it to the Court in February 1778. Three complaints of Serbian municipalities from Srem, presented in this paper, were also part of well-organised and coordinated activities against the reform. The timing of the complaints from the villages of Jazak, Grabovo and Ležimir shows that the activities of the Serbian municipalities began before the Metropolitan departed to Vienna, confirming that he was behind the protest. The documents contain general remarks of the Serbs against the reform, including the aspects especially burdening each of the municipalities. What is particularly important is that the documents were signed by all adult male inhabitants.
Живот и дела војводе Косте Пећанца (село Ђураковац)
Живот и дела војводе Косте Пећанца (село Ђураковац)
Summary/Abstract: We prepared for publication a note of the unknown author about the childhood and youth of the chetnik duke KostaMilovanović Pećanac. This is extremely interesting note, which offers hitherto unknown details about the youth of Kosta Pećanac, primarily concerning family tragedy and the death of his parents, and his subsequent life as an orphan, taken care of by his cousins. It is certain that this source will help to create a more complete image about the life of a unique personality.
Summary/Abstract: The paper presents a critical edition of the document titled “List of Inheritance Items of Queen Draga in her Personal Ownership”, which is, together with other documents in the Queen’s inheritance, kept in the Archive of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA Archive 13585/1–14) and the Archive of Serbia (Presidency of the Ministerial Council, box 12). It was created several months after the murder of King Aleksandar Obrenović and Queen Draga in the May coup d’état in 1903. Belgrade lawyer Živojin Veličković, the proxy of Queen’s inheritors – sisters Hristina Petrović, Đurđina and Vojka-Ana Lunjevica, initiated the process of determining her property in July 1903. The inheritance estate consisted of a single immovable object, money, jewellery and yacht “Draga”. The sisters sold a part of the inherited jewellery at the Christie’s London auction in late November 1904. The public in Serbia was informed about it through short, succinct notes in Politika, Štampa and Pravda. Many valuable items from this and the entire inheritance of the Obrenovićs, which represent national cultural heritage, were sold, unfortunately, through illegal transactions as well.
Summary/Abstract: The offer of King Milan Obrenović to the Radicals for consensual work in 1886 was the third in a row since the parties were founded in modern-day Serbia in 1881. It was made at a time when peace talks were under way with Bulgaria after the unsuccessful war. Under the instructions of Nikola Pašić from emigration, the radicals assembled in Niš in 1886 told the King in the ultimate tone that they were willing to help him if he put back in force all the political laws suspended on the eve of the Timok rebellion. They also requested a new constitution and introduction of universal suffrage, abolition of the death penalty, organisation of districts as administrative units, extension of the rights of the National Assembly to the legislative initiative, and an exclusive budgetary law. The king did not agree to these conditions. Nevertheless, negotiations gradually continued in other ways, leading to a solution accepted by the moderate wing of the Radical Party in 1888.
Забрана политички неподобне литературе у Краљевини Србији 1891. године
Забрана политички неподобне литературе у Краљевини Србији 1891. године
Summary/Abstract: To control public space and stream of printed word in to the masses, were some of fundamental techniques of police System in all of the European monarchies, trougout 18th and 19th century. Nevertheless the fact that most of it`s population still was completely illiterate, in Kingdom of Serbia, it was a task of utmost importance too. Police administration of Obrenovic dynasty, used every given shance to prevent the import of politicaly destructive literature in to the country. Socialist, anachist or various extreme religious monographies and papers, were objects of special interest, being hunted down and flushed out from society, time and time again. Strong censorship policy was also implemented in to the field of historiography, for the sake of political and dynastic reasons. As a creator of a second national dynasty, in year 1815, duke Milosh Obrenovic could afirm his power only after a successive assassinations, organised to prevent other leaders in Serbia to put in danger positions of new ruler. As a crown of more than dozen killings, came a political execution of former Serbian leader, Karadjordje Petrovic. This dark parts of a first Obrenovic`s political path were not ignored by the latter historians. However, in the second half of 19th century, nobody wanted to remember those painful episodes of the past. Apart from members of the rival dynasty ofcourse, the Karadjordjevic, who were living in exile. Bearing that in mind, it was not unusuall that police in Belgrade was alarmed, when it learned that a book that was written to venerate Karadjordje Petrovic was published in Wienna, in year 1883. As Kosta Nenadovic, the author of publication and a relative of a Karadjordjevic family insisted, his book was an endeavor to accurate the historical unjuctice brought to the memory of Karadjordge, the leader of First Serbian uprising. However, his work could be and was seen as a destructive political gesture, an atempt to damage a cult of duke Milosh, founder of Obrenovic dynasty. That was a main reason, why Nenadovic`s effort to bring in to Serbia his monography next year, was discouraged. Minister of police immediately prevented his actions, by a secret demand sent to the police officials trougout country. Similar attempts made by the writter, in year 1891, ended in formal order to exclude his book from a list of legaly imported literature. Police experts in Belgrade concluded that his work was such a threat to a state security and image of a ruling dynasty, that it should stay prohibited permanently.
Закуп рудника и хасова Трепче 1585. године
Закуп рудника и хасова Трепче 1585. године
Summary/Abstract: Document presented in this paper refers to the six-year lease of Trepča mine. Upon expiration of the lease, by one of the local Christians, the new tenant, a Muslim from Novo Brdo, has offered 2 million dirhems sterling silver for the lease of the mine, and 1,610,000 akçes for the hâs lease. Mining lease was the same as before, while the rent of the hâs was increased by 1.2 million akçes. The new tenant has set a number of conditions pertaining to the appointment of members of the mining administration, hâs staff, the local kâdı, production processes and other. The document is very important for several reasons: it shows that, at that time, the greatest Ottoman mining revenues were collected in kind; that the local Christians took part in leases of the most valuable state revenues by the end of XVI century; enables reconstruction of the procedures for the lease execution and finally, proves that the Trepča mine was one of the largest mines in the Ottoman Empire in the last decades of the XVI century.
Закупи београдске и смедеревске скеле и карловачког хаса седамдесетих и осамдесетих година 16. века
Закупи београдске и смедеревске скеле и карловачког хаса седамдесетих и осамдесетих година 16. века
Summary/Abstract: Document is related to the conditions under which overall lease of Belgrade and Smederevo ferry and Karlovac’s has has been concluded. All phases of negotiations between potential leasers and its guarantors on one side and Belgrade Inspectorate of Emperor’s incomes and state treasury on the other side are stated at the document. Duration of lease between 3 and 6 years and increase of the lease fee were main reason for signing just third version of the lease contract. Besides stated conditions contract contained various requests of leasers and guarantors. Requests were related to gaining paid services on ferries and has, employing sufficient number of vozars, martoloses and azaps necessary for transportation and control of passengers and goods, as well as other measurements related to preventing all types of smuggling which were decreasing income on ferries in previous period.
