Mešovita građa

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Историјски институт основан је 15. јула 1947. године са задатком да изучава економску, друштвену, политичку, и културну историју српског народа, као и његове везе са јужнословенским и осталим балканским народима, и да истовремено унапређује све гране историјске науке. За првог управника Института именован је др Виктор Новак, а за заменика управника др Георгије Острогорски. До 25. марта 1961. године Институт се налазио у саставу Српске академије наука и уметности када је одлуком Извршног већа НР Србије проглашен за самосталну научну установу. Решењем Републичке заједнице за научни рад Историјски институт је 28. септембра 1971. године стекао статус научног института.

Редакцијa Mешовитe грађe (miscellanea):

др Радомир J. Поповић (Одговорни уредник),
др Биљана Стојић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Михаил Белов (Институт међународних односа и светске историје Универзитета Н.И.Лобачевскиј, Нижниј Новгород)
др Дејан Булић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Гордана Гарић Петровић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Милош Ивановић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Андреа Картени (Сапиенца Унивезитет, Рим)
др Урош Татић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Људмила Кузмичева (Историјски факултет Универзитета Ломоносов, Москва)
проф. др Gabriella Schubert (Институт за славистику Универзитета у Јени)
проф. д.и.н. Лилиана Симеонова (Балканолошки институт БАН)


Deforis (De foris) у Котору у средњем веку (15. век)
Deforis (De foris) у Котору у средњем веку (15. век)
Summary/Abstract: On the basis of the data from the Statute of Kotor and Cadestral book of Roanne (1457), we tried to explain the notion of deforis (foreigner) – when it first appeared in Kotor and under which circumstances. Acording to a decision of the Statute of Kotor from 1367 only the citizens of Kotor who lived in Kotor were allowed to possess land in Grbalj, while foreigners were prohibited from owning land in Grbalj regardless of living in the city or having the citizenship of Kotor. However, when Kotor came under the rule of Venice in 1420, aforementioned statutary decision was not respected and Venetian citizens were made equal in rights with citizens of Kotor. Therefore, all Venetian citizens who lived on the territory of the Republic of Venice could own land in Grbalj. Those citizens of Kotor who were not living in Kotor and in the territories under Venetian rule could not own land in Grbalj (those who lived in Dubrovnik, Bar and other places). Their land was confiscated for the benefit of Kotor region and they were considered foreigners (deforis).
Summary/Abstract: This paper presents one example of Venetian contracts for beef trade through the port of Zadar, during the period between 1784 and 1785. All of the contracts were printed in identical form, and are preserved in the number of fifty five. The names of merchants from Sarajevo, dates of conclusion of contracts and dates of transaction were inserted in additional fields. The paper also presents the names of these merchants from Sarajevo, with data on every transaction that they arranged for beef trade. Special attention is paid to the merchant with the surname Socivizza, a family from Sarajevo that was famous for cattle trade. One merchant from this family died in Venice ten years after he concluded the type of contract presented here. The contracts are preserved in the State Archives of Venice, and they are important for understanding trade between Venice and Ottoman Bosnia.
Јован Ћирковић у Успоменама о људима и догађајима у Македонији Стевана Симића
Јован Ћирковић у Успоменама о људима и догађајима у Македонији Стевана Симића
Summary/Abstract: The personality of Jovan Ćirković, a well-known Serbian national worker in the Ottoman Empire and later functionary of the Radical Party, stirred numerous controversies among contemporaries. It is therefore no wonder that Stevan Simić, who conflicted with Ćirković back in 1906 in Bitola over the methods to organise the Serbian revolutionary action in Turkey, wrote Ćirković’s biography from an exclusively critical aspect. As a result of his clashes with Ćirković and his associates from the Serbian consulate, in February 1907 Simić was transferred to the Serbian grammar school in Pljevlja. Despite the bitter tone, the text about Jovan Ćirković is an interesting and important historical source as it presents the machinations of the authorities in the new areas of Serbia as of 1913. Jovan Ćirković was the symptom and symbol of the system established by the Radical Party in Old Serbia and Macedonia, from the moment of their annexation to Serbia. Simić’s memories of Ćirković have already been used in historiography, but have not been published in entirety. They serve as a useful source because there is still no comprehensive monograph about Jovan Ćirković although he was considered one of the most important politicians in Old Serbia and Macedonia.
Акт монахиње Јевгеније о разрешењу рачуна Марина Лебровића 1402, мај 23, Ново Брдо
Акт монахиње Јевгеније о разрешењу рачуна Марина Лебровића 1402, мај 23, Ново Брдо
Summary/Abstract: Sister Eugenia document is one of the two-preserved releases from Lazarević family to Marin Lebrović. This act is important not only for its data on business operations between Princess Milica and Marin, but also because of the information it gives about the position and status of Milica at that time, like that the custom of Rudnik was in her hands.
Акт хиландарског братског сабора о продаји аделфата
Акт хиландарског братског сабора о продаји аделфата
Summary/Abstract: King Milutin buys three adelphata from Hilandar monastery, two for the sustenance of monks of the Tower of Chryse (Pyrgos of Holy Ascension) and one for dweller of the kellion of Holy Trinity. The contract was confirmed by the decision of the Council of brethren of Serbian athonite convent, headed by hegoumenos Gervasios and 19 of its most distinguished monks. The document was made in the last years of Stephen Uroš II’s reign (1318–1321) and it came down to us as a transcript from the third or fourth decade of the XIVth century.
Акта о исплати дела Светодмитарског дохотка деспотици Јелени. Дубровник, 1463, мај 11 - Дубровник, 1463, новембар 11
Акта о исплати дела Светодмитарског дохотка деспотици Јелени. Дубровник, 1463, мај 11 - Дубровник, 1463, новембар 11
Summary/Abstract: It is not know in detail if the so-called Serbian tribute (tribute given on St. Demetrius Day) was paid regularly during the rule of King Stefan Tomašević. In the Charter of Privileges dated November 23, 1461, the King emphasized that the tribute should be paid annually. Although these funds were mainly used to regulate his and debts of his predecessors, a part of a tribute was paid to him directly. At one point Tomašević bought asola, an expensive piece of jewelry, borrowing the money from his mother-in-law despotess (despina) Jelena Paleolog Branković of Serbia. The document analyzed in this paper is a testimony of payment of a part of St. Demetrius tribute to Jelena. King Stefan transferred the right to collect the money on her in order to return the loan. It is also the last known document which mentions Serbian tribute. The document is an example of two-part receipt, made from two different acts: a more formal charter – Dubrovnik’s guarantee that the sum will be paid (I) and the receipt – confirmation that the money was collected (II). Along with other historical facts, the document also reveals the relation between Ragusan perpera and Venetian ducat at that moment and the specific intitulation of Jelena (господин госпођа деспотица – lord lady despotess). Also, these two acts represent a good example of the Ragusan legal practice in the case of the handover of tribute. Usually, as the confirmation of the transaction, a receipt (expeditoria) was issued, which could be composed of one or two parts.
Архијерејски синод из 1774. године о разрешењу заповедних празника
Архијерејски синод из 1774. године о разрешењу заповедних празника
Summary/Abstract: During the 18th century, at the time of the reform in the Metropolis of Sremski Karlovci, the Serbian religious calendar was reformed as well. The annulment of the jussive holidays that were celebrated as non¬working days was done in three steps by the Holy Synod of Bishops which was under a heavy pressure by the ruler. At the beginning of the reform in 1769, the orthodox calendar had 121 jussive holidays. After the third reduction, made in 1786, there were 29 of them left. At the time of the second reduction of orthodox holidays, which started in 1774, among the repealed holidays were those dedicated to Serbian saints. In the calendar there was only one Serbian holiday dedicated to Saint Sava, who was proclaimed the national defender. Two documents, presented in this paper, were created during the session of the Holy Synod of Bishops in 1774. The first document contains the list of 35 jussive holidays which, in the opinion of the Bishops, must not be repealed. Among them are 13 holidays dedicated to Serbian saints. Although this was not the final solution, this decision indicates that the Synod attempted to reject demands and resist the pressures from Vienna. The second document contains mostly Maria Theresa’s remarks on the former work and decisions of the Synod, as well as new requirements indicating the direction in which the reform of the orthodox calendar should continue.
Аутобиографија Константина Пејчића
Аутобиографија Константина Пејчића
Summary/Abstract: The article presents a critical edition of the autobiography of Konstantin (Kosta) Pejčić, M.D., doctor, author, and national worker. Pejčić was an extremely prominent Hungarian Serb from the first half of the 19th century — he was a personal physician of the Metropolitans Stratimirović and Stanković, and member of the Society of Serb Slavs, Literature Department of theMatica Srpska, SerbianMedical Society, as well as many local societies and organizations. As a practitioner, he worked on educating people, and he is responsible for establishment of a health culture among the Serbs in Hungary. For many years, he served with distinction as a president, lifetime member, and lifetime president, of the oldest Serbian singing society—Serbian Church Singing Society in Pančevo, supervisor of the Tekelianum in Pest, director of the Serb elementary schools and one of the patrons of the Sremski Karlovci Philosophical Gymnasium, as well as the president of the Serb Orthodox Church-School Municipality n Pančevo. In the 1872 Autobiography, besides descriptions of his school, student, family and professional life, Pejčić devoted most of the text to his role in the Serb movement during the 1848/49 Revolution, and some events related to it, which is most interesting for the researchers of this period. The data gains in importance because of the loss of Pejčić's memoir work, Outlines of the History of the Serb NationalMovement inAustria 1848 and 1849, which contained historical sources and many data about this movement, in which he took active part, first as vice-president, and then as president of the Pančevo County Peoples' Committee, and member of theWar Council.
Аутобиографија др Милована Спасића
Аутобиографија др Милована Спасића
Summary/Abstract: Milovan Spasić is known today primarily as the founder of the Serbian Agricultural Society. However, he was also the first citizen of the modern Serbian state who defended a PhD thesis. He devoted his entire life to civil service. He served in the ministries of education and finance, and was for some time a member of the State Council and government representative in the Assembly. As a doctor of philosophy, he was a member of the Society of Serbian Letters from 1844. Dr Milovan Spasić was born in 1818 in the village of Rekovac near Kragujevac. After the Second Serbian Uprising, Milovan’s father became a village knez, who brought to Rekovac the first teacher – Dimitrije Protić from Srem. As in the meantime his father died, Milovan could not continue with his education, but became a trade and tailor apprentice in Kragujevac. Wishing to continue with education, Milovan left Serbia and went to the Gymnasium in Karlovci. Four years later, he received a state scholarship and went to the Gymnasium in Požun. He continued his education at the universities of Halle and Berlin, where he attended lectures in philosophy. He received a doctoral degree in philosophy at the University of Halle on 13 March 1844 by defending the thesis De vectigalibus publici directis et indirectis. Already a month later, he was appointed an extraordinary clerk at the Ministry of Justice and Education of the Principality of Serbia. In 1844, he managed to organise and make an inventory of books belonging to the Ministry. This library fund and inventory are the basis of the National Library’s fund. The same year, Spasić became a member of the Society of Serbian Letters. In May 1845, he was appointed the supervisor of primary schools in western Serbia. He thus visited all schools, existing at the time, in that part of Serbia. The results of these visits were the first printed statistical reports about the educational system in Serbia. Going around Serbian villages, Spasić worked on the opening of new schools and improvement of teachers’ status. In parallel with his service of the main administrator of schools, Spasić was a member of the Educational Board (Odbor Prosveštenija). One of Spasić’s main intentions, while serving in the Ministry of Education, was to improve the material standing of teachers and formalise their education. After the Ministry of Education, Spasić was appointed the first administrator of the Fund Administration, established in 1862. After two years of painstaking work on organising the Fund Administration, in 1864 Spasić became the head of the Economic Department of the Ministry of Finance. He then initiated the establishment of an association dealing with the promotion of agriculture. He achieved this idea in 1868, when the first meeting of founders was held. Already in early 1869, the rules were adopted and the first meeting was held, when dr Milovan Spasić was elected the president of the society. He chaired the society until 1881. During this period, he organised the first agricultural exhibitions in Serbia – in Topčider and Kragujevac. In the course of six years, he edited the society’s gazette “Težak”, where he published a number of articles.
Аутобиографске белешке Радивоја Милојковића
Аутобиографске белешке Радивоја Милојковића
Summary/Abstract: Радивој Милојковић рођен је у селу Глоговцу у Пожaревачком округу 1832. године. Школовао се у Пожаревцу и Београду, где је завршио гимназију и Лицеј (1847-1852). Од 1852. до 1855. године био је практикант у Пожаревачком суду, а у јесен 1855. године као државни питомац отишао је на студије у иностранство. После повратка у Србију, 1864. године, био је секретар и начелник Министарства правде, секретар Државног савета, па председник Апелационог суда. За министра унутрашњих послова први пут је постављен после убиства кнеза Михаила 1868. године. Председник Министарства био је од 1869. до 1872. године, а потом члан Државног савета. Министар је био у владама Стевче Михајловића 1875. и 1876. годи- не, као и у владама Јована Ристића 1878-1879, 1880. и 1887. године. По политичким уверењима био је либерал, као и већина ондашњих чиновника школованих у иностранству. Умро је у Београду 15/16. децембра 1888. године.
Аћим Чумић о узроцима пропасти Мариновићевог кабинета
Аћим Чумић о узроцима пропасти Мариновићевог кабинета
Summary/Abstract: During the second half of the 19th century, the political life in Serbia entered an important phase of its development, with first the Regency taking over and then Prince Milan Obrenović. Many changes in Parliament and the government, as well as the public influence on the political life happened precisely during the 1870s, when Jovan Marinović and Aćim Čumić were head of the government. These two governments will be remembered by the biggest achievement in the Parliamentary life in Serbia of that time – the resignation of the government due to the distrust of the Parliament. Also, the government’s program was formulated as a separate document for the first time and then it was announced to the public. Although these two governments did not last long nor did they achieve any greater political success, especially in the foreign politics, the mentioned progress was extremely significant for the future Parliamentary progress of the Serbian political scene. The letter written by A. Čumić to his former president of the government, Jovan Marinović, tells of rough changes, a desire to apply the European political practice in Serbia and of numerous, traditional types of behaviour.
