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The Management Board of Matica Srpska passed a resolution on publishing the Journal of Classical Studies of Matica Srpska (Zbornik Matice srpske za klasične studije) at its 4th meeting on the 11th of March 1996.

The Journal focuses on studying the classical antiquities in all aspects. The classical period is the core of European civilization and culture, and our country and the Serbian people are an integral part of that cultural area of the classical era. Many achievements of the classical period in culture, philosophy and science, languages, literature, history, art and material culture were handed down to future European and other nations by the Ancient Balkans. As stated by our leading authority on the Balkans of the classical period, Academician Milan Budimir, the Balkan Slavs as well as all other citizens of former Yugoslavia had strong ties with the culture of the classical period, its location as well as representatives of the era.

“That antique influence and classical heritage, as well as the heritage and reception of the classical period in the Serbian nation are least mentioned in the world. Thus the primary objective of the journal is the contribution to the promotion of our classical science abroad. To this end are the contributions of colleagues from Europe, Russia, the USA, Canada and India published in our journal.”

The Journal is to cover critical acclamation and presentation of works of our scientists and authors dealing with classical topics. This is the reason why the reception of Hellenic philosophy, literature, art and culture, both Greek and Roman, in Serbian tradition will be one of the major topics. Comparative research of religion and myth along with theoretical definition of this sphere are further interests of our international partners, including law and natural sciences of the classical period.

Apart from original research studies and articles on classical topics, the Journal publishes proceedings from scientific conferences on the classical period in our country and abroad, relations with the Orient, classical heritage in Byzantium, interrelations with the Slavic World and Serbian language and culture.

The Journal also features permanent sections like Hronika naučnog života (the Chronicle of Scientific Life), Projekti (Projects), Vesti iz sveta (News from the World), Nekrolozi (Necrologies) and so forth.

Special attention is devoted in the Journal to scientific criticism and presentation of new books and studies published in our country as well as abroad, thus publications of the most important publishers have been provided.

We would like to point out that this Journal is the only one of its kind and has appeared rather late, bearing in mind that the Yugoslav journal on classical topics was lost with the secession of former Yugoslav republics. Precious support to our Journal was given by the International Federation of the Societies of Classical Studies FIEC at its General Assembly on the 20th of August 1999, in Kavala (Greece), when the president of FIEC, Academician Carl Joachim Classen, member of Matica Srpska, publicly supported the publishing of the Journal of Classical Studies and invited colleagues to cooperate with the Journal. We would like to emphasize that FIEC is one of thirteen UNESCO associations for social sciences. Papers from our Journal enter the leading bibliographical publication in the world in this field L’Année Philologique.

The Journal is edited by an international editorial board comprised of the most esteemed scientists at home and abroad.


Memento mori
Memento mori
Приказ књиге: Велика Даутова Рушевљан: Касноантичка некропола код Свилоша у Срему, Нови Сад, 2003.
Napomene i bibliografske reference uz tekst Bibliografija: 207-211 Abstract ; Περιληψισ.
Meroitska Isida
Meroitska Isida
Summary: The Meriotic Isida Napomene i bibliografske reference uz tekst Apstrakt ; Summary
Michael Dietler
Michael Dietler
Prikaz knjige.
Miles gloriosus и Симо Матавуљ у тумачењу Драгише Живковића
Miles gloriosus и Симо Матавуљ у тумачењу Драгише Живковића
Dragiša Živković's study Simo Matavulj's Art of Story-telling deals with the origin of the character of miles gloriosus in Matavulj's short stories. The author perceives that the character as given by Matavulj is rooted in both European and Serbian literary tradition, and illustrates the ways in which miles gloriosus, known since early days of Greek and Roman comedy, was changed and adapted to realistic story-telling. Živković follows its development through three of Matavulj's short stories, and concludes that it has gradually transformed from an episodic type into a character developed by realistic narrative techniques., Summary: Dragiša Živković on the character of Miles Gloriosus in Simo Matavulj's short stories Напомене и библиографске референце уз тексt Апстракт ; Summary.
Names and falsity in Plato's Cratylus
Names and falsity in Plato's Cratylus
Napomene i bibliografske reference uz tekst. Rezime na grč. jeziku. Abstract ; Summary.
Narratio vespertina secunda de Robinsone
Narratio vespertina secunda de Robinsone
Daniel Defo's world-famous novel Robinson Crusoe was translated into German in 1720, only a year after its first publication in England; not long afterwards many Robinsonades came into existence and became widely read and highly popular all over Europe especially in the latter part of the seventeenth century. From K. Petrović's Istorija Karlovačke gimnazije (The History of the Sremski Karlovci High School), published in 1818, it becomes evident that certain anthology extracts either from Defoe's Robinson Crusoe or one of the Robinsonades were used in the school German readers. Nevertheless, from the Latin note in Petrović's Istorija - "vespertina secunda de Robinsone in sermonem Serbicum translata" - we do not get an exact idea as to what extract from Defoe's novel or from its many adapted versions was read in the Sremski Karlovci High School. In case that Robinson Crusoe was referred to it is presumed that Robinson's second religious meditation (which is a part of the hero's Diary, contained in the first half of the book), his devout prayes addressed to God after his deliverance from a serious illnes through divine providence would have been the most likely choice for a German reader. At the same time another suggested possibility is considered: namely that the extract in question could have been taken out of one of the Robinsonades. In that case the author is of the opinion that J. H. Kampe's Robinson der Jüngere. Ein Lebebuch für Kinder (1779/80) may have been the most probable choice for the anthology inq uestion both on account of its religious seriousness as well as on account of its composition (Robinson's adventures together with the rrelation of his belated religious awakening is related to a group of children in the course of many summer evenings). In either case the extract in question does appear to have been one of the mediative, contemplative passages primarily on accountof the moral and religious (Protestant) implications it was known to contain,w hich were so relevant for the prevailing school currisuclum, as well as for the educational preferences it was expected to maintain rather than any of the numerous passages relating Robinson's endeavours for his sole physical survival or the relationof the one of his many adventures., Summary.
Nekaj misli ob Prokopijevem predgovoru k "Tajni zgodovini"
Nekaj misli ob Prokopijevem predgovoru k "Tajni zgodovini"
Napomene i bibliografske reference uz tekst Zusammenfassung.
