Annals of the Faculty of Philology, the oldest academic journal of the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, publishes original research articles and critical review papers dealing with linguistic theory, applied linguistics, literature studies and other related disciplines. We also publish reviews of recently published linguistic and literature studies books.
The journal was founded in 1961 when the Faculty of Philology was established as an independent unit within the University of Belgrade, and has a long tradition of publishing articles on different languages and literatures studied at this institution of higher learning.
THEOLOGY is a scientific journal of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the University of Belgrade and is one of the oldest Serbian scientific journals. Due to war and postwar circumstances, Theology was not published from 1940 to 1956. The journal is primarily aimed at publishing the results of theological and religious researches.
Theology fosters an interdisciplinary approach; therefore the journal is open for cooperation with other scientific fields as well. The journal is especially open for research and theological reflections related to the areas of social and human sciences such as philosophy, sociology, pedagogy, psychology, law, literature, ethics and bioethics, but also to natural sciences, if they deal with the aspects that concern theological topics.
The journal publishes manuscripts in English, German, French and Russian.
ISSN: 0006-5714
The first year of publication: 1926
Frequency (annually): 2
Scientific disciplines: Social and Human Sciences; Theology
Rights of use: The full texts of manuscripts may be used free of charge for personal, scientific and educational purposes while respecting the copyrights of authors and publisher.
The printing of the journal is supported by the Patriarchal Executive Board and the Ministry of Justice – the Directorate for Cooperation with Churches and Religious Communities.
Поред главне делатности Архива, која се односи на архивску грађу и све законом прописане послове у вези са њом, у циљу њеног очувања и заштите, једна од важних обавеза и активности Архива је такође и њихова културно-издавачка и истраживачка делатност. Сходно томе, задатак Архива је, поред прикупљања, сређивања, обраде, чувања и заштите архивске грађе, и њено издавање на коришћење истраживачима, а такође и њено објављивање и публиковање широј јавности. У складу са том обавезом, ми увек настојимо да што више и што занимљивије архивске грађе изађе у јавност из нашег Архива, путем публикације.
Наш је задатак да, као објективни и непристрасни хроничари историје, јавности изнесемо потпуну истину о разним догађајима који су се десили у прошлости, на основу веродостојних историјских докумената, тј. архивске грађе, коју поседујемо, а читаоцима препустимо да сами изведу закључке и донесу свој суд о томе. Само онда ће задатак Архива, као верног чувара историјске истине, бити у потпуности остварен.
Поред тога, велики број наших сарадника и истраживача учествује у изради текстова за наш годишњак Баштиник, који издајемо већ 12 година. И они су дали и дају низ интересантних чланака, драгоцених за проширење сазнања из разних периода историјске прошлости нашег краја. Међу њима има и стручњака – професора историје, интелектуалаца разних профила, али и обичних истраживача – ентузијаста, који се баве проучавањем и прикупљањем докумената из наше прошлости, чак и земљорадника. Свима њима Историјски архив Неготин најтоплије захваљује на прошлој и будућој сарадњи.
Publishing activity of the Military Museum is primarily based on annual magazine Vesnik that covers works from History, History of Art and Archaeology. First issue was published in 1954 and untill 1989, 33 numbers were issued. When Yugoslavia colapsed, a break occured until 2007, when Vesnik started to be issued again, this time in new format. Since 2007, 4 numbers have been issued.
Aim of our magazine is to gather researchers and all people who are interested in History, Armament, Archaeology and Art.
Društvo konzervatora Srbije u skladu sa Statutom, radi na:
Unapređivanju metodologije i principa rada na zaštiti kulturnih i prirodnih dobara u Republici Srbiji;
Stručnom uzdizanju i obrazovanju konzervatora (organizacija stručnih predavanja, konferencija, radionica, studijskih putovanja);
Prati i razmatra aktuelna pitanja iz oblasti zaštite kulturnih i prirodnih dobara;
Podstiče saradnju ustanova u oblasti zaštite nasleđa i međusobnu saradnju konzervatora;
Angažovano je oko pitanja evropskih integracija (oživljavanje manifestacije Dani evropske baštine, regionalna saradnja i sl.);
Radi na popularizaciji, informisanosti javnosti i publikovanju rezultata radova na zaštiti nasleđa (predavanja, izložbe, publikacije).
Konzervatori se jednom godišnje (u maju ili junu) okupljaju na Godišnjoj Skupštini, koja uvek ima određenu temu.
Први број Годишњака Катедре за срспку књижевност са јужнословенским књижевностима изашао је из штампе 2005. године. Бројеви од један до шест су били посвећени сећањима на преминуле професоре Катедре.ISSN: 1830-5305).
Having in mind the modern development trends of world historiography, as well as the need for the domestic professional and social public to get acquainted with the problems from the history of society, the circle of scientists around prof. On his initiative, Andrej Mitrović decided to launch a journal that would open space for younger, but also prominent, domestic and world scientists, who deal with this issue, to present the results of their research.
During the fall of 1993, in a "storm", at the Department of General Contemporary History of the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, the idea of launching a magazine dedicated to publishing works in the field of social history was formed. It certainly had its origin in the unique, then two decades, experience gained at the Round Table, which was initiated by Professor Andrej Mitrović, at the same department, back in 1974. The round table brought together students, postgraduates and doctoral students, who were offered an unusual experience until then. The round table discussions, their thematic diversity, openness to new ideas and topics, their critical re-examination, were a unique opportunity for thorough preparation of a new generation of historians, for their independent step into unknown or lesser-known research spaces, which later gained its own. materialization ”in numerous master's and doctoral dissertations. Among them were those who for the first time in Serbian and Yugoslav historiography opened many types of one, widely understood, social history.
Such experience and the need to open another circle of historiographical questions, especially to the younger generation of historians, encouraged us to embark on this risky and unprofitable endeavor in relation to the time in which it took place. Despite everything, at the beginning of 1994, the first issue of the Yearbook of Social History appeared, which continued to be published in the following years, at a different pace, depending on the means and the general circumstances that prevailed. Due to "known circumstances", the agreed rhythm of publishing - three volumes a year - was often deviated from. In a few years, between one and three volumes a year were published. If we can talk about some successes of the Yearbook, among the biggest ones is only its duration all these years. In an effort to sustain itself, the yearbook gradually gained resilience, taking over some of the energy of its younger and older associates and friends, those from the country and abroad, whose scientific contributions, more than 600 of them, were printed in Serbian, English, German, French and Russian. , along with numerous other texts (documents, reviews and critiques, polemics) which filled his pages. At least half of the modest circulation of the Yearbook managed to find a way and reach many foreign libraries, gain loyal readers and collaborators, including the names of those who belong to the very top of European contemporary historiography, and those to whom the first papers were published in our magazine.
The Department of General Contemporary History of the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade first appeared as a publisher, and after the formation of the Association for Social History, it became the official publisher of the journal.
Editorial office
Editor-in-Chief of the magazine:
prof. dr Milan Ristović, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade (Serbia)
Editorial board members:
Mile Bjelajac, Institute for Recent History of Serbia, Belgrade (Serbia)
Radina Vučetić, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade (Serbia)
Goran Miloradović, Institute of Contemporary History, Belgrade (Serbia)
Radivoj Radić, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade (Serbia)
Milan Ristović, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade (Serbia)
Dubravka Stojanović, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade (Serbia)
Ljubinka Trgovčević-Mitrović, Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade (Serbia)
Foreign members of the editorial board:
Snezana Dimitrova, Southwestern University Neofit Rilski, Blagoevgrad (Bulgaria)
Karl Kazer, Center for Southeast European Studies, University of Graz (Austria)
Jan Pelikan, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague (Czech Republic)
Tetsuya Sahara, Meiji University, Tokyo (Japan)
Hanes Grandic, Humboldt University, Berlin (Germany)
Secretary of the editorial office
Jelena Rafailović, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade (Serbia)
UDC 93/99
ISSN 0354-5318
Editorial office address:
Yearbook of Social History, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of History,
Cika Ljubina 18–20, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
U širokom spektru delatnosti Istorijskog arhiva Požarevac kulturno-prosvetni rad ogleda se u mnogim segmentima. To su, pre svega, izdavačka delatnost, promocije izdanja Arhiva i izdanja koja su nastala na osnovu istražene arhivske građe u Arhivu, izložbe arhivskih dokumenata, gostovanja arhivskih izložbi u galerijama muzeja, arhiva i u drugim izložbenim prostorima Srbije i inostranstva, rad sa istraživačima, saradnja sa arhivima, naučnim i drugim ustanovama u zemlji i inostranstvu, sve u cilju približavanja Arhiva široj javnosti i većem broju korisnika.
Višegodišnji rad Istorijskog arhiva Požarevac na prikupljanju i obradi arhivske građe rezultirao je publikovanjem značajne građe za zavičajnu istoriju, tradiciju i kulturu. Objavljivanjem arhivske građe omogućena je prvenstveno zaštita originalnih dokumenata, pružena mogućnost približavanja arhivske građe i drugim čitaocima, a ne samo naučnim radnicima i istraživačima, podstaknut je interes za korišćenje arhivske građe u naučne, publicističke, književne i druge svrhe. Propagiran je značaj i razvijen odgovarajući odnos prema ovoj vrsti kulturnih dobara, kao i prema Arhivu kao instituciji koji ta dobra štiti, obrađuje, publikuje i stvara druge uslove za korišćenje.
Časopis nacionalnog značaja “Zapisi - Godišnjak Istorijskog arhiva Požarevac“ izlazi redovno od 2012. godine, uspešno promovišući arhivsku teoriju i praksu, kao i postulate društvenih i humanističkih nauka.