Glasnik Antropološkog društva Srbije

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ISSN 1820-7936
prethodni naslov Glasnik Antropološkog društva Jugoslavije (ISSN: 0351-1480) do 2007
eISSN 1820-8827
izdavač(i) Antropološko društvo Srbije, Niš i Univerzitet u Nišu - Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Niš
veb adresa
periodičnost godišnje
početna godina 2008
glavni urednik Perica Vasiljević, Univerzitet u Nišu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Departman za biologiju i ekologiju
adresa uredništva Bulevar dr Zorana Đinđića, 81-III-170,18000 Niš
osoba za kontakt Perica Vasiljević

kategorija časopisa K52, K52
CEON WoS IF2 0,000
CEON WoS IF5 0,000
CEON IF5 0,050
referisan u SCIndeks
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Posture in young preschoolers in the four counties of Vojvodina
Posture in young preschoolers in the four counties of Vojvodina
The aim of the paper was to assess posture in young preschoolers and determine the possible differences between boys and girls, as well as the differences among the counties of Vojvodina. The evaluation of the posture in young preschoolers (I-IV grades) was done The sample included 392 students of both sexes, aged 7 - 11 from the counties of South and Western Bačka, Mid-Banat and Srem. Posture assessment was done using the method designed by Napoleon Volanski with eight body segments included: the head, shoulders, chest, the scapula (shoulder blades), spine, stomach, legs and feet. The cross-tabulation method was applied, which produced the marginal frequencies of certain categories in assessing the posture and analyzed counties. This helped us analyze the distribution of certain characteristics among the counties of Vojvodina. The differences in frequencies distribution were verified by means of the chi-square test. No significant differences were determined in posture assessment among the young preschoolers of the particular counties of Vojvodina with respect to gender. With respect to certain segments of the poseur in children from different counties of Vojvodina the following differences were found: in the segments of chest, shoulder blades and feet position assessment. In all probability, the observed differences are partly the consequence of socioeconomic and demographic living conditions of the children from certain counties of Vojvodina, but for the most part they are determined by the processes of children's growing up and development. .
Posture of preschool boys and girls at the age of 6
Posture of preschool boys and girls at the age of 6
Introduction: Many posture problems of preschool age children are indications of health problems that could become serious if not treated early. These problems are not detected in time for optimal treatment. Setting: A Serbian kindergarten. Subjects: A total of 242 children aged 6 years at baseline; 121 preschool boys and 121 preschool girls. Methods: Posture was assessed by inspecting several body sites such as head, shoulders, chest, scapulae, vertebra deviation, abdomen, legs and heels according to the method of Wolanski, N. Results: Significant differences were determined among preschool boys and girls. Neither boys nor girls had a satisfactory posture, although girls had only two while boys had, as much as, six critical sites. .
Posture of preschool boys and girls at the age of 7
Posture of preschool boys and girls at the age of 7
Introduction: Many posture problems of preschool age children are indications of health problems that could become serious if not treated early. These problems are not detected in time for optimal treatment. Setting: A Serbian kindergarten. Subjects: A total of 377 children aged 7 years at baseline; 184 preschool boys and 193 preschool girls. Methods: Posture was assessed by inspecting several body sites such as head, shoulders, chest, scapulae, vertebra deviation, abdomen, legs and heels according to the method of Wolanski, N. Results: Significant differences were determined among preschool boys and girls. Neither boys nor girls had a satisfactory posture. Girls had a satisfactory status of scapulae, heels and shoulders. On the other side, boys had a satisfactory status of only vertebrae deviation. .
Posture, depending on presence deformities of the lower extremities
Posture, depending on presence deformities of the lower extremities
The subject of this research consists in identifying ways posture examined the relation between population and keeping the body with a particular status extremity lower, as well as the frequency of the lower extremities - 'X' and 'O' legs. The sample of the pupils in primary school suburban elementary school. For assessment posture status, we selected two variables to assess disorders of the spinal column and they are kyfosis and scoliosis , for the evaluation of deformities of the lower extremities disorders take the 'X' and 'O 'feet. For the assessment of kifotic and poor scoliotic holding body, the method used methods of observation and methods of measuring by authors LJ. Koturovic and D. Jeričevic, and determine the presence of deformities of the lower extremities - 'X' and 'O' feet, is done using a modified Volansky Napoleon. In kyfotic poor keeping the body of respondents, present deformity - 'X' feet, is twice as high percentage of respondents who have 'O' feet. In keeping scholastic poor, far greater number of respondents with 'O' feet than is the case with the respondents that the present deformity - 'X' feet. Personas value of chi-square test of 20:41, points to a statistically significant correlation between holding the body depending on the presence of deformities lower extremity at the level of significance of 0.00. .
Presence of blood groups by Lewis and Kidd system in population of Vojvodina
Presence of blood groups by Lewis and Kidd system in population of Vojvodina
Blood groups by Lewis and Kidd system ware tested in the population of Vojvodina region. Tests was performed on 200 blood donors. The analysis ware performed with standard work method, with the help of antiserums from different manufacturers, imported from several countries, and at the end, statistical processing of the data ware carried out. Given results for antigen Lea and Leb, as well as for Jka and Jkb ware compared with frequencies that are applicable for caucasian race, since such results have never been published for the territory of the Republic of Serbia. Statistcal significance in correlation with known results for the coucasian race in the world is not existent, but very small degrees of dissimilarity in a frequency of certain genes are. Frequencies in phenotypes correlate with a result of majority of European countries. By analyzing the results we can concur that population of Vojvodina has specificity in a frequencies of some gene, since in Vojvodina resides great number of people, members of different national groups. With this tests and this pilot study we are totaling genetic map of presence of blood groups and give contribution by having in mind the genetic variability within the population of Vojvodina.
Presence of foot deformities depending on sex of pupils
Presence of foot deformities depending on sex of pupils
The subject of this research consists in determining the frequency of deformities of the feet of primary school students and their presence depending on the sex of the respondents. For the assessment of deformities of the lower extremities taken the foot deformity - flat foot (pes planus). The sample of the pupils in primary school suburban elementary school. This study included 651 subjects of which 310 girls and 341 boy. Flat feet were plantography method, and analysis was performed plantogram Thomsen's method. Of 341 male respondents population proper foot is present in 92 cases ie. 27.00% of males have the proper foot. The degree of deformity was present in 51.60% of respondents, deformity in second degree 21.10%, while the presence of deformities of the third degree neglected at the level of 0.30%. When respondents female, right foot are present in a greater percentage than is the case with men. The degree of deformity is almost indentical at male respondents, while the presence of deformities second degree much less, and deformities of the third degree, and there is no general. The value of Pearson's chi-square test of 9.99, the level of significance of 0.02, indicates the statistically significant correlation between the presence of foot deformities depending on the gender affiliation.
Presence of irregular posture of the younger school age depend on the way of sitting
Presence of irregular posture of the younger school age depend on the way of sitting
Knowledge achieved by domestic as well as by foreign authors, regarding postural disorders and corporal deformities of school population, point out a very high percentage of present postural disorders. Having in mind that knowledge, we have decided for the research of the space of postural disorders of vertebra column in sagittal plane and establishing the dependence of disorders presence regarding pupil's knowledge about regular postural pose while sitting. Complete program contents was carried out on the territory of the city Kragujevac in several elementary schools of the fifth grade age on a sample of 299 pupils. Indexes indicate that there are more irregular kifotic poses then in cases of irregular lortodic postures. Also, we see more noticeable presence of irregular kifotic posture in the group of indecisive questioned pupils, at the male as well as at the female population of questioned pupils. Irregular kifotic posture of boys as well as of girls is the most perceptible in the group of answers where the questioned pupils responded as indecisive. Irregular kifotic posture is more noticeable rather at the male population than in case of the female population. Irregular lortodic posture is more present at the questioned pupils of the female population than in case of the male population. Larger presence of deformities of questioned pupils of the male population as well as of the female population is there where the questioned pupils are indecisive about the regular way of sitting. .
Presence of lower extremity postural deformities of students of different sex and age
Presence of lower extremity postural deformities of students of different sex and age
The subject of this research consists of determining the status of lower extremities of primary school population, as well as frequency of disorders of the lower extremities in the knee joint ('X' and 'O' legs). The aim was to determine the presence of the mentioned disorders and also to establish connection of the present deformities with age and sex of subjects. The research took samples from students from the first to the eighth grade of elementary school Dragiša Luković - Španac, which is located in the suburb of the city of Kragujevac. The study comprised 651 respondents (310 girls and 341 boys). Identifying the presence of deformities of the lower extremities 'X' and 'O' legs, was carried out using Napoleon Volanski's modified method. The existence and the size of connection between the researched fields was calculated by Pearson's Chisquare test and Coniingency coefficient as a measure of connection based on Chisquare test. By analyzing the total number of respondents (651), we conclude that the deformity 'X' legs is much more widespread (7.53%) than the deformity 'O' legs (4.76%) considering the researched population. The deformity 'X' legs is mostly present in the fifth (11.36%) and in the first grade (10.59%), while it is the least manifested in the sixth (3.57%) and second grade (4.17%). 'O' legs deformity is mostly manifested in the eighth grade with 11.67%, whereas it is not present in the second, fifth, and sixth grade. Deformity 'X' legs is mostly manifested in the eighth grade for boys (10.84%), while for girls in the fourth (17.39%) and in the first grade (14.89%), and the deformity 'O' legs is mostly manifested with boys of the eighth grade (19.28%), while the girls recorded the highest manifestation in the third and eighth grade with about 5%. The value of Pearson's Chi square test of 10.00 and Contingency coefficient of 0.12 with the level of significance of 0.02, indicate a statistically significant differences in the status of lower extremity in the knee joint, depending on the sex of the researched population.
Prevalence of anthropometric and cardiovascular risk factors among Bulgarian university students
Prevalence of anthropometric and cardiovascular risk factors among Bulgarian university students
The aim of this paper is to investigate the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors and their conection with health risk anthropometrical factors among Bulgarian university students, the main in the South Bulgaria. The sample population of the study included total 386 young people, of which 303 females and 83 males, between 18-30 years of age i.e. the mean age is 21.3-21.4 years. They were from different regions of Bulgaria, mainly from Southern Bulgaria.The study was conducted transversally in the period between 2015 and 2017. For each person the weight, height, waist circumference and blood pressure were measured. On this base the body mass index and waist to height ratio were calculated by formulas. Underweight was defined as BMI< 18.5 kg/m2, overweight as BMI 25-29.9 kg/m2 and obesity as BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2. Waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) was used for evaluation of central (abdominal) obesity, that was defined as WHtR ≥ 0.5. The prehypertension was defined when SBP > 120 <139 and/or DBP > 80 <89 mmHg and hypertension when SBP ≥ 140 and/or DBP ≥ 90mmHg. The statistical processing of the data was done using software package Statistica 10.0 and SPSS 20.0 by means of descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. The results show that the underweight occurs among 1.2% of the men and among 15.2% of the women, the overweight occur among 32.5% of men and 13.9% of women and obesity was found among 10.8% of the men and 8.6% of the women.Central obesity occur among 32% of males and 17% of females, independently of their nutritional status. The prehypertension occur among 46% of the men and 28% of the women.The hypertension found among 18% of the men and among 2% of the women. Among male students with prehypertension the overweight occur among 35.7%, and obesity occur among 10.7% of participants, while among hypertensive male the overweight and obesity occurs in 18.2% and 36.4%, respectively. In group of prehypertensive females 22.4% are overweight and 14.9% are obese. Hypertension occur among 20% of overweight and 40% of obese female students. In group of central obese male the prehypertension and hypertension occurs among 55% and 20%, respectively. Among central obese females 47.5% are prehypertensive and 7.5% are hypertensive. The results also show that the waist circumference has a serious potential to influence on the blood pressure level at an early adulthood in both sexes. The higher prevalence of elevated blood pressure, overweight, general and central obesity among Bulgarian university students maybe connect with factors such as a sex, hormonal status, hereditary burden and sexual differences in some lifestyle habits as a nutrition, smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, individual physiological and biochemical status, psychological stress during student life and other. The prevalence of this risk factors among young Bulgarian adults needs of urgent attention and further evaluation because of the grave consequences of obesity and hypertension and because the hypertension and overweight is an important amendable risk factors in young life.
Prevalence of colour blindness in province of Vojvodina - Republic of Serbia
Prevalence of colour blindness in province of Vojvodina - Republic of Serbia
The absence of one or more receptor types in the eye leads to colour blindness. The frequency of this anomaly varies between populations but also within different regions of a country. The aim of the study is to determine the frequency of colour blindness in the region of Vojvodina-Republic of Serbia. The study includes data obtained in the investigations conducted during the period 1996-2009. The total number of subjects is 14125 (6847 males; 7278 females). The Ishihara plates are applied as a common methodological procedure. In total, the frequency of colour-blind males and females is 5.62% and 0.34%, respectively. As for a particular type of this deficiency, the results suggest that deutan deficiency prevails in relation to protan. Prevalence of colour blindness in all three regions of Vojvodina is very similar. The genetic heterogeneity of ethnic groups for this anomaly is relatively small. In comparison with earlier studies conducted in the region of Vojvodina, a slightly lower prevalence of daltonism is observed in the present population. The obtained results are within the limits set for European populations.
Preventive importances of differences in anthropometric characteristics and functional abilities among female football and basketball players
Preventive importances of differences in anthropometric characteristics and functional abilities among female football and basketball players
The aim of this investigation was to find out the differences of anthropometric characteristics and functional abilities of female football and basketball players. We carried out the research in Niš among 40 football and 40 basketball female players. The anthropometric measurements of 26 variables were taken according to International biological program (Weiner J., Lourie J., 1969) Measured functional variables were: heart rate in rest and during exercise test, systolic and diastolic blood pressure in rest and during exercise test and values of maximal oxygen uptake Functional parameters were measured by standard methods. The maximal oxygen uptake were determined indirectly by Astrand method. Our results showed that basketball women players have higher values of longitudinal, transversal and circular dimensions of body structure than football women players. According to our results, for basketball women team it is necessary to select taller females with longer extremities. Average values of oxygen uptake were statistical significantly better at female football players than in basketball players. The training process could decrease values of systolic and diastolic blood pressure which is more important in selection of girls for football then for basketball.
Problem of cranial remains identification
Problem of cranial remains identification
In forensic medicine, violence resulting in skull crushing, represents big problem in cadaveric identification, especially if soft tissues are missing due to decomposition. Skull bones need to be put together, determine the sex, age, race characteristics and mechanism of injury. After that, two specific methods provided by forensic anthropology, are being used. Personal identification is a field where pathology, anthropology, odontology, and even genetics must merge. However, age can be estimated by skeletal, and dental analysis. Forensic facial reconstruction is the reproduction of the lost or unknown facial features of an individual, for the purposes of recognition and identification. Skull/photograph superimposition is the most prevatent method by which un­known skulls are being identified, since a photograph of the suspected dead person can be easily obtained from the victim's family. The sex characteristics can be precisely proved from DNA tests. This reference reefers to the problem of cranial remains identification, using two specific methods - facial reconstruction and superimposition. In all of the cases, cadaveric material from Institute of Forensic Medicine Novi Sad was used. .
