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Philologia is a peer-reviewed academic journal established by scholars at Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, in 2003. The journal welcomes articles, critical and theoretical essays, empirically-based analyses, book reviews, conference reports and translations related to the studies of language, linguistics, applied linguistics, literature, culture, translatology, social science. Various subfields of the said sciences may also be analyzed.

All papers are evaluated in a double-blind fashion by two external reviewers who are experts in the relevant field. The contributions are required to be solidly anchored in theory and methodology (qualitative or quantitative). They may be of interdisciplinary nature.


Frazemi u reklamnim tekstovima
Frazemi u reklamnim tekstovima
Wegen des riesigen Einflusses der Massenmedien ist Werbung ist ständiger Begleiter in unserem Alltags: ob im Fernsehen, im Radio oder in der Zeitung - wir sind ständig von Werbung umgeben. Daher verwundert nicht, dass Werbetexte ein sehr beliebtes linguistisches Forschungsfeld sind. Das Interesse richtet sich auf alle sprachlichen Beschreibungsebenen (z.B. Phonologie, Wortbildung, Ortographie). Ziel ist es, Phraseologismen in Anzeigen zu untersuchen und die wesentlichen sprachlichen Charakteristika herauszuarbeiten. Das konkrete Anliegen dieser Arbeit besteht in der exemplarischen Untersuchung der syntaktisch modifizierten Phraseologismen in Werbeanzeigen.
From ”Not Funny Enough” to the Nobel Prize
From ”Not Funny Enough” to the Nobel Prize
Plays by Harold Pinter have always attracted attention from theatre and literary critics. In the last 50 years, his opus received a vast variety of domestic as well as international reviews, the Slovene space being no exception. This article sets out a selection of the most prominent and influential productions of his plays on the world and Slovene stages, and adds selected analyses of and comments on the critical views provided by Pinter himself and by others. Some representative reactions to Pinter’s winning the 2005 Nobel Prize for Literature are presented in the last part of the paper.
Gender identity, culture and ideology in George Eliot’s The Mill on the Floss
Gender identity, culture and ideology in George Eliot’s The Mill on the Floss
This paper closely examines George Eliot’s response to cultural and ideological perspectives of the Victorian English society based on gender polarisation and her attempt to transcend this segregation in The Mill on the Floss. In terms of culture and ideology, the paper first focuses upon the issue of education, which was used by patriarchy as one of ideological state apparatuses to construct and categorise gender identity in the Victorian England. Secondly, the paper deals with a girl’s attempt to find out her own voice and way of life beyond what is culturally and ideologically decided for her, yet the paper illustrates how women are crippled, silenced and forced to obey the norms of patriarchal society.
Gendered Masculinity
Gendered Masculinity
“Beat Generation” is a term that refers to the writers and poets of the American society of 1950s. The “Beat” culture was both the outcome as well as the harbinger of a set of the literal, cultural, political, social and intellectual phenomenon that occurred in the 1950s and continued, in a metaphosed form, into the 60s. What formed the ‘The Beat Generation’ movement was in fact the distinctive reaction that individual artists and poets demonstrated, albeit separately, on different terms. One of the best depictions of the effect of such social conformity and restriction can be found in Gregory Corso’s poem “Marriage”. In this poem, a satiric vision of the hackneyed structures of conservatism and traditions prevalent in American society has been delivered. This paper aims at tracing the effects of performative gender-specific practices and norms in America of the 1950s and its impact on the formation of the Beat Generation revolt against those norms and “facts”. The research has been carried out on the basis of the gender theories of judith Butler, an American theoretician in feminist field as well as in gender studies. The researcher aims to demonstrate the effects of the conservative orthodox American society of Corso’s time, typically Beat generation period, on the masculine gender formation.
Grafiti u Delilovom Podzemlju
Grafiti u Delilovom Podzemlju
Rad se bavi motivom grafita u DeLilovom romanu Podzemlje. S obzirom na to da se u ovom romanu prikazuju nekolike, za američku popularnu kulturu reprezentativne prakse izrade grafita, rad analizira kontekste u koje ih DeLilo smešta, način na koji razumeva estetiku i politiku ovih praksi i njihov odnos prema drugim vrstama stvaralačkih delatnosti, prema kreativnim industrijama i umetničkim formama i žanrovima. S obzirom na to da se rad umetnice Klare Saks predstavlja kao žiža značenja ovih tipova stvaralaštva, posebno se razmatra kako se u romanu predstavlja njihov uticaj na njeno stvaralaštvo i njeno prilagođavanje postupaka i motiva crtača grafita.
Grejem Grin kao „katolički pisac“ u srpskoj književnoj kritici
Grejem Grin kao „katolički pisac“ u srpskoj književnoj kritici
The paper deals with the reception of Graham Greene as a “Catholic writer“ in the 20th century literary criticism in Serbia. The paper concentrates on Greene’s themes and motives which Serbian critics discussed: the motive of persecution, criminals being persecuted by the police, victims by their tormentors, human souls being persecuted by God, who is seen both as the persecutor from whom there is no escape and the Saviour who redeems people from sin. Some critics believed that the more dominant the Catholic teachings in his novels are, the less plausible his characters become. So, it is claimed that, to some extent, Greene sacrificed God to the plausibility and credibility of his characters.
