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Philologia is a peer-reviewed academic journal established by scholars at Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, in 2003. The journal welcomes articles, critical and theoretical essays, empirically-based analyses, book reviews, conference reports and translations related to the studies of language, linguistics, applied linguistics, literature, culture, translatology, social science. Various subfields of the said sciences may also be analyzed.

All papers are evaluated in a double-blind fashion by two external reviewers who are experts in the relevant field. The contributions are required to be solidly anchored in theory and methodology (qualitative or quantitative). They may be of interdisciplinary nature.


Die Notation als Hilfsmittel in der zweisprachig vermittelten Kommunikation
Die Notation als Hilfsmittel in der zweisprachig vermittelten Kommunikation
Das Konsekutivdolmetschen mit Notation stellt für den Dolmetscher trotz des Siegeszuges des Simultandolmetschens immer noch eine Probe seines professionellen Könnens dar. Leider wird die Technik der Notation an Ausbildungsstätten in Serbien kaum unterrichtet, unseres Wissens erst mit der ersten Bologna-Generation von Studenten an der Universität Belgrad. Dies ist besonders bedauerlich, da eine Gedächtnisleistung von ca. 7 Minuten eine normale Praxisanforderung darstellt. Entwicklungsgeschichtlich gesehen unterscheiden wir drei Schulen der Notation; die Genfer Schule (Rozan), die Pariser Schule (Seleskovich) und die Heidelberger Schule (Matyssek). Trotz unterschiedlicher Herangehensweisen sind sich alle Autoren darin einig, dass die Notation drei Grundprinzipien befolgen muss: 1. Individualität, 2. Ökonomie und 3. schnelle Erfassbarkeit. In einem kongititven Ansatz der Translationswissenschaft erscheinen auch die Auseinandersetzungen darüber, ob eine sprachenunabhängige oder sprachenübergreifende, eine ausgangssprachliche, zielsprachliche oder gemischtsprachliche Notation praktiziert werden soll, in einem völlig anderen Licht. Fassen wir die Notationssprache als Sprache und den Notationstext als anszillären Text unter solipsitischen Verarbeitungsbedingungen auf, so kann man die Notation als das untersuchen, betrachten und vermitteln, was sie eigentlich ist – ein Werkzeug des Dolmetschers zur Stütze seines Gedächtnisses, zum Abruf der im Kurzzeitgedächtnis gespeicherten Inhalte.
Difficoltà di apprendimento dei tempi e modi verbali dell’italiano L2 da parte degli apprendenti serbofoni
Difficoltà di apprendimento dei tempi e modi verbali dell’italiano L2 da parte degli apprendenti serbofoni
Il presente contributo mira ad illustrare le difficoltà degli apprendenti serbofoni nell'acquisizione dell'italiano L2, basandosi sui presupposti dell'Analisi contrastiva e dell'Analisi degli errori e con particolare riguardo alle forme ed agli usi dei tempi e dei modi verbali. Vengono inoltre indicati i livelli di interlingua dove tali difficoltà solitamente si manifestano con l'intenzione di offrire ai docenti di italiano uno strumento pratico per la pianificazione didattica avente come scopo principale l’interesse linguistico dello studente serbo.
Do indirect tests of English intonation measure students’ ability in performing English nucleus placement?
Do indirect tests of English intonation measure students’ ability in performing English nucleus placement?
This study focuses on nucleus placement in English intonation and attempts to investigate (1) the reliability and validity of indirect tests on nucleus placement, and (2) the credibility of English proficiency tests as a predictor of students’ ability in nucleus placement. Three tests were administered to 111 Japanese EFL university students: (a) an English proficiency test, (b) an indirect test on nucleus placement, and (c) a direct test (oral performance test) on nucleus placement. The results obtained are: [1] the internal reliability of the direct test was very high, but the internal reliability of the indirect test was very low, and [2] there were no significant correlations among the three tests. These results indicate that indirect tests and English proficiency tests cannot predict the students’ performance of nucleus placement. This research also made us realize the responsibility of teachers to receive adequate phonetic training to learn to auditorily discriminate between their students’ correct and incorrect performances.  
Doprinos CLIL-a savremenim tokovima nastave stranog jezika
Doprinos CLIL-a savremenim tokovima nastave stranog jezika
The communicative approach of second language teaching has entered many schools in different educational systems worldwide. The reforms that follow sociopolitical and education quality tendencies in the country and elsewhere require clearer objectives in the implementation of productive acquisition of second language in educational systems. One such successful model in second language teaching is integrated learning of content and language (CLIL). With its rising popularity CLIL method represents a solution for motivating students, fostering teaching related to linguistic aspects of foreign languages through acquiring general knowledge and reaching outcomes which are applicable not only in the area of social communication but also in academic advancement towards complex processes of thinking. This paper offers an insight into characteristics and development of CLIL (in Serbia and abroad) so that the practitioners in the classroom could reach the full potential of CLIL. The paper also provides effects gained by successful application of CLIL. I conclude that CLIL has a future in Serbia, as it does across the boarders. The paper tackles some obstacles which should be addressed in the implementation of this form of teaching and suggests further fields of research.
Dualizam reklama u (društvenoj) komunikaciji
Dualizam reklama u (društvenoj) komunikaciji
Als eine Art der modernen Kommunikationsform begleitet uns die Werbung durch den Alltag, modifiziert unsere Meinungen und Aktivitäten und gehört gleichzeitig zu den Themen, über die in der heutigen Gesellschaft täglich diskutiert wird. In ihrer gesellschaftlichen Funktion kann die Werbung als ambivalent bezeichnet werden – einerseits progressiv, weil sie den gesellschaftlichen Fortschritt und zukünftige Situation darstellt, andererseits konservativ, weil sie bestimmte Stereotype und Vorurteile unterstützt und damit ihr Abbauen beeinträchtigt. Die Kommunikation in der Werbung betont den Dualismus dieser Diskursform, indem sie Nachrichten mithilfe zwei völlig verschiedener Zeichensysteme (Text und Bild) übermittelt.
En-Gendering the Clash
En-Gendering the Clash
Ellen Wilkinson’s status as a pioneer in the history of British working-class feminism is to a great extent mediated by her reputation as the author of the 1929 novel Clash. This book stands out for its topical relevance as a major reflection on the 1926 General Strike and as a crucial interrogation of conflicting identities within the “progressive” movements of the period. In particular, Wilkinson manages to expose the contradictions haunting the labour movement on account of its stance on gender issues, and to criticise the class logic (or bias) underpinning established feminism. Wilkinson refuses to accept the terms of what she considers a disabling opposition (between labour and feminist militancy), resolving instead to weld a dialectical alternative in which gender and class identities are experienced as mutually reinforcing rather than exclusive.
English Spelling
English Spelling
Having in mind that all attempts to reform English spelling have failed through, a lot of attention should be given to the best strategies in teaching the current system. This is particularly important in the case of L2 learners whose L1 has a fairly straightforward mapping between orthography and phonology. In this paper we focus on some aspects of English spelling which might pose problems to such a learner.
