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Philologia is a peer-reviewed academic journal established by scholars at Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, in 2003. The journal welcomes articles, critical and theoretical essays, empirically-based analyses, book reviews, conference reports and translations related to the studies of language, linguistics, applied linguistics, literature, culture, translatology, social science. Various subfields of the said sciences may also be analyzed.

All papers are evaluated in a double-blind fashion by two external reviewers who are experts in the relevant field. The contributions are required to be solidly anchored in theory and methodology (qualitative or quantitative). They may be of interdisciplinary nature.


Contemporary Phonological Theory and Common Pronunciation Issues
Contemporary Phonological Theory and Common Pronunciation Issues
This paper discusses the role of contemporary phonological theory in teaching English phonetics at university level. In particular, it is shown how, contrary to common popular belief, teaching English phonetics to students of English is not really about teaching them to pronounce English ‘properly’, whatever the idea of ‘proper’ English pronunciation might nowadays imply. As university education of future specialists in the English language requires gaining insights into the nature of pronunciation phenomena, it is argued that phonological theory can throw light on some practical pronunciation issues. This is done with reference to theoretical phonological frameworks, such as Laryngeal Phonology, Aperture Theory, Articulatory Theory and Optimality Theory, in order to show how raising phonological awareness about pronunciation phenomena can develop sensitivity to important pronunciation issues.
Contexting the Translation of Military Texts
Contexting the Translation of Military Texts
The aim of this paper is to put a spotlight on the challenges related to the translation of military texts, starting from idiosyncratic features associated with military terminology. Extensive research in the field of translation has led to new approaches regarding both the role of the translator and the way translation is envisaged. The questions to delve into are twofold: on the one hand, to determine the presence and the functions of metaphoric language in military discourse and, on the other hand, to establish the extent to which specialised translation is the hallmark of professionals certified in the corresponding field.
Crossing the Border between Reality and Fiction in Martin McDonagh’s The Pillowman
Crossing the Border between Reality and Fiction in Martin McDonagh’s The Pillowman
Martin McDonagh is a contemporary British writer with Irish parents and his play The Pillowman unrolls in an unidentifiable totalitarian setting, tackling problems related to author-work-reader relationship. The paper focuses on reality-fiction interaction at the level of the process of creation and on the impact of the work of art on the readers. McDonagh’s play is a warning against the influence the audience may have on the writer and against the impulses a work of art raises in a reader, presenting the entire process as a cyclic movement having reality as a starting point and return to reality.
D. H. Lawrence and “a shimmering protplasm” of art
D. H. Lawrence and “a shimmering protplasm” of art
The title of this paper is created after the words Paul Morel from Lawrence’s first celebrated novel Sons and Lovers uses to interpret his still juvenile paintings, the words being prophetic of the still young author’s genuine drive to make his art a living thing. For David Herbert Lawrence art exists trembling between the immanent and the transcendent truth. For him, like for his many contemporaries, the greatness of art rests in the inconclusiveness of its form that, in the dialogical process inherent to it, always transcends the immediate present. Therefore, Lawrence argues, creation of a work of art, as well as the experience of art in general, if it be true, is always a “thought adventure”. In other words, to be true in a work of art means to consciously deny the inherited patterns of expression so that the final text may testify of its own attempt to reach the other side of language and penetrate into the unspoken spheres of reality.
D`žon Ronald Rejel Tolkin u srpskohrvatskoj knji`ževnoj kritici
D`žon Ronald Rejel Tolkin u srpskohrvatskoj knji`ževnoj kritici
In this paper, the author presents the critical responses to the novels written by J.R.R. Tolkien, including all the relevant articles and reviews published in Serbo- Croat journals and periodicals, as well as the prefaces to their translations. The analysed critical commentaries deal mainly with Tolkien's most famous work - his trilogy The Lord of the Rings, while the rest of his fiction has received less attention in rather informative articles. Nevertheless, although Tolkien's fame in the examined period (ending in 1992, with the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia) was still not at the heights which it has reached lately - owing to the extremely popular films based on the first two parts of his trilogy - it can be concluded that the critical reception of his works was satisfactory. In spite of the fact that his two main novels were translated with an unforgivable delay, Tolkien was recognized by our critics as an important writer and his literary merit was fully acknowledged.
Da li se struktura naučnih radova autora sa južnoslovenskog govornog područja približila međunarodnim konvencijama?
Da li se struktura naučnih radova autora sa južnoslovenskog govornog područja približila međunarodnim konvencijama?
This paper aims to study the structure of the scientific articles written in English by academic writers of South Slavic background in the field of language studies in order to determine the extent to which they approached the international conventions on this issue. The number of rhetorical units and discourse strategies in each section were analyzed. The research was carried out on the corpus of 40 papers published in Serbian journals in the period from 2010 to 2017. The results indicate an evident improvement when it comes to the number of rhetorical units, which is not the case with the structure and organization of the sections themselves.
Dickens’s Use of Non-Fluency Features in Spoken Discourse
Dickens’s Use of Non-Fluency Features in Spoken Discourse
This article examines Charles Dickens’s use of ‘normal non-fluency features’ in his characters’ discourse, and probes the speakers’ and the author’s intent behind the use of them. ‘Normal non-fluency features’ means features of non-fluency in conversation such as hesitation, interruption, gap-fillers and the like. They are, as Hughes (1996: 39) points out, a sign of positive participation by conversational participants. In addition, they have another function when they appear in a written text, because, in the case of a drama, ‘the dramatist must have included them on purpose’ (Short 1996: 177). By looking at a number of Dickens’s works, it is possible to infer that he is particularly interested in family relations.
Didaktičko oblikovanje zadataka za samoevaluaciju u udžbenicima engleskog kao stranog jezika
Didaktičko oblikovanje zadataka za samoevaluaciju u udžbenicima engleskog kao stranog jezika
Autonomija učenika je termin koji se sve češće koristi u literaturi vezanoj za usvajanje stranog jezika i predstavlja sposobnost učenika da preuzme odgovornost za sopstveno učenje. Ovaj rad ima za cilj da predstavi samoevaluaciju kao ključnu komponentu u ostvarivanju autonomije učenika pri usvajanju stranog jezika u okviru formalnog školskog sistema, kao i da istakne značaj udžbenika u razvoju sposobnosti za samoevaluaciju. Poseban naglasak stavlja se na principe didaktičkog oblikovanja zadataka za samoevaluaciju, kao i na njihov uticaj na nastavnu praksu.
Didro i vek prosvećenosti
Didro i vek prosvećenosti
U 2013, godini jubileja tri veka od rođenja Denija Didroa, namera nam je da razmotrimo pitanje treba li na ovog francuskog stvaraoca gledati samo kao na jednog od vodećih predstavnika epohe prosvećenosti ili se on može sagledati kao oličenje samog prosvetiteljskog duha u Francuskoj 18. veka. U tom smislu, u ovom radu se sučeljavaju mišljenja didrologa i drugih teoretičara književne istorije o Didrou u epohi prosvetiteljstva i spram drugih francuskih filozofa njegovih savremenika. Suštinu prosvetiteljskog humanizma čine praktikovanje filozofije kao društveno-intelektualne angažovanosti i širenje slobodarskog antidogmatskog duha, a što je obeležilo i Didroov život.
