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The Balcanica is an annual, peer-reviewed journal of the interdisciplinary Institute for Balkan Studies of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA). Their histories have been intertwined since 1934, when King Alexander of Yugoslavia founded the Balkan Institute in Belgrade as the only of its kind in the region. The newly-founded institute started to publish Revue internationale des Etudes balkaniques, a high-profile scholarly outlet that disseminated the findings of the most prominent European experts on the Balkans. This journal was terminated, along with the work of the institute itself, in 1941 by the order of the German occupation authorities. It was not before 1969 that the institute resumed its scholarly activities under its present-day name and within the framework of the SASA. The Balcanica became a principal platform for publishing the results of Serbian (and former Yugoslav) scholars as well as their foreign colleagues interested in different aspects of Balkan studies.
Today, more than ever, Balcanica reflects the original aspirations of its founders: its aim is to publish articles of the highest standard which deal with the Balkans from prehistoric times to modern age and through the prism of a number of disciplines. These encompass archaeology, anthropology, ethnography, history, art history, linguistics, literature, law. Such orientation perfectly fits with the most recent scholarly trends in humanities and it will contribute, along with other sustained efforts to further advance the quality and impact of its issues, to Balcanica’s finding its place among the top internationally-renowned journals of this kind. In order to increase our visibility and reach as wide readership as possible, the Balcanica is published in English language with the exception of a small number of articles written in French or German.
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ISSN: 0350-7653
- A propos du futur et de la modalité
- L’article est une description des temps du futur en valaque, dialecte daco-roumain de Serbie orientale. Les valeurs temporelles et modales des formes étudiées dans ce parler de Valakonje ont évolué de façon différente du roumain standard, d’où la nécessité d’une description aujourd’hui
- Actele simpozionului
- Na desetom godišnjem naučnom skupu posvećenom istoriji i kulturi Banata (održanom 3-5. juna 2005. godine u Rešici, Rumunija) promovisan je i dugo očekivani zbornik radova sa tri ranija simpozijuma "Banat, istorijska i kulturna prošlost" (ovi skupovi bili su naizmenično održani u Rešici decembra 2001, u Novom Sadu novembra 2002. i u Rešici oktobra 2003. godine). Ovaj zbirni tom zajednički su izdali Rumunsko društvo (fondacija) za etnografiju i folklor iz Vojvodine i Savet županije Karaš-Severin, Rumunija a uredništvo potpisuju Kosta Rošu i dr Valeriu Leu. Radovi su objavljeni na rumunskom ili srpskom jeziku, i to uglavnom u formi u kojoj su bili usmeno izloženi na skupu, a nažalost, nisu opremljeni rezimeima (kao što je to bio slučaj sa prethodnim zbornicima radova sa ovih simpozijuma).
- Anglophiles in Balkan Christian States (1862-1920)
- The life stories of five Balkan Anglophiles emerging in the nineteenth century - two Serbs, Vladimir Jovanović (Yovanovich) and Čedomilj Mijatović (Chedomille Mijatovich); two Greeks, Ioannes (John) Gennadios and Eleutherios Venizelos; and one Bulgarian, Ivan Evstratiev Geshov - reflect, each in its own way, major episodes in relations between Britain and three Balkan Christian states (Serbia, the Hellenic Kingdom and Bulgaria) between the 1860s and 1920. Their education, cultural patterns, relations and models inspired by Britain are looked at, showing that they acted as intermediaries between British culture and their own and played a part in the best and worst moments in the history of mutual relations, such as the Serbian-Ottoman crisis of 1862, the Anglo-Hellenic crisis following the Dilessi murders, Bulgarian atrocities and the Eastern Crisis, unification of Bulgaria and the Serbo-Bulgarian War of 1885, the Balkan Wars 1912-13, the National Schism in Greece. Their biographies are therefore essential for understanding Anglo-Balkan relations in the period under study. The roles of two British Balkanophiles (a Bulgarophile, James David Bourchier, and a Hellenophile, Ronald Burrows) are looked at as well. In conclusion, a comparison of the Balkan Anglophiles is offered, and their Britain-inspired cultural and institutional legacy to their countries is shown in the form of a table.
- Baedeker und Meyer - Ein Bild der Balkanhalbinsel für Reisende
- Tokom druge polovine 19. i prvih decenija 20. veka u katalozima izdavačkih kuća u Nemačkoj nalazilo se pregršt vodiča za turiste po Jugoistočnoj Evropi, putniku i čitaocu bile su na raspolaganju razne knjige ovog podžanra putopisne literature. U radu se raspravlja o tome kako je Jugoistočna Evropa bila predstavljena u vodičima za turiste, ili bedekerima, do Prvog svetskog rata u dve tada najpoznatije izdavačke kuće Karla Bedekera (edicija Handbuch für Reisende von Karl Baedeker) i Bibliografskog instituta, (edicija Meyers Reisebücher). Putnik koji je u u pomenutom periodu nameravao da obiđe celo Balkansko poluostrvo morao je sa sobom da ponese nekoliko turističkih vodiča, jer Jugoistočna Evropa nije bila opisana samo u jednoj knjizi. Najveću pažnju izdavača ipak je zaokupljala, na prvom mestu, Grčka, pa tek onda ostale zemlje regiona. O Zapadnom delu Balkanskog poluostrva putnik je informacije crpeo iz knjiga u kojima je opisana Austro-Ugarska, a potom i iz vodiča za putovanje Jadranskim morem, od Trsta pa sve do južnih obala Peloponeza. Centralni i istočni deo Balkanskog poluostrva opisivani su u turističkim vodičima samo kao delovi jednog regiona. Nijedna od zemalja koja se nalazila na ovoj teritoriji, a bila je međunarodno priznata država, Srbija, Rumunija, Turska Bugarska, nije dobila zasebnu knjigu. O njima je pisano zajedno sa ostalim, ali centralno mesto zauzimala je Turska. Kada se analizira prikazivanje Istočnog i Zapadnog Balkana, kao i cele Jugoistočne Evrope, u vodičima za turiste u drugoj polovini 19. i prvim decenijama 20. veka, sve do Prvog svetskog rata, može se primetiti da su tri zemlje dobile centralnu ulogu: Grčka na samom jugu poluostrva, Turska na istočnoj i Austro-Ugarska na zapadnoj strani. U tom trouglu oslikavala se i trenutna politička situacija na Balkanu, ali i politička moć dveju pomenutih carevina koje nikako nisu htele da izgube svoje uticaje na ovom prostoru. U radu su istaknute neke zajedničke karakteristike putovođa najpoznatijih putovođa druge polovine 19. i prvih decenija 20. veka: a) Vodiči za turiste imaju dve ciljne grupe. Na jednoj strani su putnici, a na drugoj čitaoci koji su nešto više želeli da saznaju o Jugoistočnoj Evropi. b) U objavljenim tekstovima se stalno insistira na čvrstoj vezi između prošlosti i savremenog trenutka naroda i zemalja Balkanskog poluostrva. v) Vodiči o kojima se raspravlja su turkocentrični. U centru pažnje nalazila se Turska, odnosno tadašnje Osmansko carstvo. Njoj je bilo posvećeno najviše prostora i najveća pažnja. g) U svim vodičima stalno su praćene političke promene u Jugoistočnoj Evropi. One koje koje su se dogodile između dva izdanja, kako na celom prostoru, tako i u pojedinim zemljama regiona, odmah su registrovana u prvom narednom.
- Basic Philosophical texts in Medieval Serbia
- Medieval Serbian philosophy took shape mostly through the process of translating Byzantine texts and revising the Slavic translations. Apart from the Aristotelian terminological tradition, introduced via the translation of Damascene's Dialectic, there also was, under the influence of the Corpus Areopagiticum and ascetic literature, notably of John Climacus' Ladder, another strain of thought originating from Christian Platonism. Damascene's philosophical chapters, or Dialectic, translated into medieval Serbian in the third quarter of the fourteenth century, not only shows the high standards of translation technique developed in Serbian monastic scriptoria, but testifies to a highly educated readership interested in such a complex theologico-philosophical text with its nuanced terminology. A new theological debate about the impossibility of knowing God led to Gregory Palamas' complex text, The Exposition of the Orthodox Faith. Philosophical texts were frequently copied and much worked on in medieval Serbia, but it is difficult to infer about the actual scope of their influence on the formation and articulation of the worldview of medieval society. As a result of their demanding theoretical complexity, the study of philosophy was restricted to quite narrow monastic, court and urban circles. However, the strongest aspect of the influence of Byzantine thought on medieval society was the liturgy as the central social event of the community. It was through the liturgy that the wording of the translated texts influenced the life of medieval Serbian society.
- Bijoux romains dans les Balkans
- Les bijoux en métaux précieux, or et argent, reflètent non seulement la position sociale d'un individu ou d'un groupe social, mais aussi de nombreux éléments relevant de la vie spirituelle, de nature religieuse ou esthétique. Le matériel, trouvé Dans les Balkans central, offre donc des informations importantes sur la culture des habitants militaires et civils de ses centres ainsi que le rôle des traditions locales Dans la production et l'usage des ornements précieux. Etant donné le nombre réduit d'exemplaires de bijoux luxueux nous arrivons a la conclusion que les ateliers d'orfevres provinciaux produisaient des bijoux de qualité moyenne destinés a la clientele habitant les agglomérations formées pres des camps militaires. Le répertoire de ces centres, présentant les formes habituelles des bijoux romains, est en partie enrichie par des formes en usage Dans la population autochtone et basées sur des traditions hellénistiques, produites par des ateliers locaux a l'intérieur des Balkans. L'apparition des bijoux de style traditionnel indique que, jusqu'au moitié de IIIe siecle en particulier, la component locale a joué un rôle considérable et que ne pouvons comter avec une romanisation intensive qu'a parir de ce temps
- Caspar Luyken's Illustrated Bible among the Serbs and Bulgarians in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
- The engraving of the Finding of Moses from Caspar Luyken's Amsterdam (1694) and Nuremberg (1708) bibles served as a model for Teodor Kračun's painting for the small iconostasis of the Orthodox cathedral in Sremski Karlovci (1780), for the Viennese printer J. G. Mansfeld's frontispiece of Dositej Obradović's Poem of the Deliverance of Serbia (1789) and for Dimitar Zograf 's fresco in the vault of the exonarthex of the Rila Monastery (1843). Three different versions of the original copper engraving reveal how Luyken's Bible was used in support of the cause of religious revival and national liberation of the Serbs and Bulgarians in the Habsburg and Ottoman empires respectively in the late eighteen century and the first half of the nineteenth.
- Coping with Socially Sensitive Topics. Discourse on Interethnic Marriages among Elderly Members of the Serbian Minority in Hungary
- Drawing on the field research conducted in the Serbian community in Szigetcsép, Hungary, the paper examines interlocutors' oral discourse on interethnic marriages. Until the Second World War, the Serbs in Hungary, rural communities in particular, mainly practised endogamy. In the post-war era, however, they tended to be among the minority groups with the highest rate of exogamic marriages. Consequently, the interviewees established discourse links between 'interethnic marriages', 'loss of native language' and 'fear of identity loss'. The analytical focus is on the interlocutors' internal dialogism between the authoritative word of the ancestors and autobiographical assertions.