Istorijski časopis

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Историјски часопис, званично гласило Историјског института, излази од 1948. године. Објављује оригиналне научне радове на српском и другим језицима. Примењује систем „слепих“ рецензија два рецензента. Тематски оквир часописа обухвата економску, друштвену, политичку и културну историју српског народа, као и његове везе са јужнословенским и осталим балканским народима, и истовремено унапређује све гране историјске науке. Хронолошки оквир је омеђен на период од средњег века до почетка 20. века, односно до 1918. године и стварања Краљевине СХС.
ISSN: 0350-0802


Илија Гарашанин и Француска
Илија Гарашанин и Француска
Ilija Garasanin was the first serbian politician who acquainted French with Serbian foreign politics problems and establish connection with them. Garasanin traveled to the Paris for the first time in May 1852 and met leading French internal and foreign affairs representatives. Being aware that Serbia can not do much without support of one of the great world powers on one hand and wishing to free Serbia from the alternating influences of Russia, Austria and Turkey on the other, Garasanin had been seeking from french support. French and Serbian interests in the Balkans were not in the collision for that moment, and in the period up to 1860. converged completely, when the France had been working on suppressing Russian and Austrian influence in the Balkans. Garasanin’s trip to Paris in 1857, as the previous visit in 1855, was connected to attended takeover on the Serbian trone. In one hand, since the return of Obrenovic dynasty on the Serbian trone, Garasanin had been in good relationship with the prince Mihailo. On the other hand confidence that French have in Garasanin, and advice that Russian governement gave to Marinovic during his stay in St. Petersbourg influenced prince’s Mihailo decision to return Garasanin to the active stay duty. Prince Mihailo has accepted Garasanin idea of making Balkan union that had been elaborated within Načertanije document from 1844. According to this idea, Serbia was given role to the unite deliberating efforts of Balkan people and to be their stronghold. After deliberation from Turks, armed force of Balkan people should prevent other great world force to replace Turkey and conquer the Balkans. During the second period of Mihailo administration this concept has been established as foreign doctrine of Serbian principality, in which all Serbian political parties contributed.
Институтција амана и примање подаништва у Османском царству
Институтција амана и примање подаништва у Османском царству
Aman (mercy, quarter) could be granted to individuals or groups in a variety of occasions and under different conditions. A distinct type of amanname guaranteed mercy and protection to the non-Muslim inhabitants of newlyconquered territories. During the War of the Holy League, between 1693 and 1696, a few monasteries in the region of Srem repeatedly pleaded with the Ottoman authorities for aman. Documents known as amannames are central to understanding the legal status of non-Muslims in the Ottoman territory that had been temporarily held by the enemy during a war. In legal terms, there was no distinction between such territories, and their inhabitants, and those newly-conquered. Aman covered only those portions of the population who had accepted to "submit to Muslims" (ehl-i I . slama mütaba#at), i.e. had accepted the status of zimm2 - s (zimmet k.abul e. düb) thereby officially becoming "subjects", i.e. "re aya" (ra#iyyet k.abul e. düb) of the Ottoman state. Therefore the meaning and use of all terms relevant to understanding the legal status of such populations has been analyzed in the context of the Shari'ah. In order to clarify the ways in which the term aman was used by the Ottomans and to remove some possible uncertainties, the text has pointed to a few of its specific meanings such as the "letter of protection" or a sense almost synonymous to that of a peace treaty. Attention has also been drawn to the little studied use of the term re#~y~ to denote a population's citizenship or allegiance to a state.
Интернет и дигитализација у историјском истраживању
Интернет и дигитализација у историјском истраживању
This article consists of two different parts – theoretical and practical one. Theoretical part implies several problems regarding the application of Internet and digitization during the historical research: their significance and positive sides, various problems a historian encounters during the course of such application, their prospects in the future, etc. On the other hand, practical part of this lecture comprises the review of a number of various Internet sites significant for medieval history as well as those important for the history of the period extending from the French revolution until the First World War. Information about the contents are also given along with the addresses of these sites.
Исламска заједница Србије
Исламска заједница Србије
Serbia gained its full independence at the Congress of Berlin in 1878 when religious rights of minorities in the new independent Balkan states were proclaimed for the first time. The first and foremost, these rights meant that the attitude towards non-Orthodox population was based on freedom and outward exercise of all forms of worship, for all domestic and foreign entities, as prescribed by the Treaty of Berlin. However, Serbia was not unprepared for the fact that it was becoming a multi-religious country. The Jewish churchschool, Catholic Municipality, the Municipality of the Augsburg confession already existed and were active in Serbia. Since 1868, so a decade before provisions of the Berlin Treaty, the Islamic faith was also officially recognized in Serbia, as well as the Muslim community with their religious apparatus which has been financed from the budget of the Princedom thanks to the vision of Prince Mihailo, regardless the popular claims about the need for the expulsion of everything that was „Turkish“. Today’s Islamic Community of Serbia as the date of its establishment and early religious and social work takes May 18, 1868, in accordance with the decree of Prince Mihailo Obrenovic, which officially recognized the Islamic religion in the Princedom of Serbia. This paper presents life and organization of the young Muslim community as well as the problems and challenges it was facing in the first decade of its existence.
Исмаил Кемал - преображај османског службеника у вођу албанског националног покрета
Исмаил Кемал - преображај османског службеника у вођу албанског националног покрета
The paper presents the career of Ismail Kemal, one of the leaders of the Albanian national movement with a focus on the period between the 1865th and 1903. Using, first of all interactionist theories of ethnic identity and nationalism, the paper considers the development of Ismail Kemal‘s identity as one of the most important members of the Albanian Muslim elite. During this period, Ismail Kemal has crossed a long way from the imperial bureaucrat to one of the leaders of the Albanian national movement. As a result of reforms in the Ottoman Empire and the growing fear of the neighboring Balkan states and the interests of European great powers, Albanian elite, including Ismail Kemal gradually rejected the Ottoman Empire that now served only as a political necessity. From humble beginnings in the local administration Ismail Kemal managed to become trusted man of Midhat Pasha and administrator in several provinces of the Ottoman Empire. Even in the early years he was close to circles of Albanian nationalists and like most members of the Albanian Muslim elite until the early 20th century he believed to be Albanians and Ottoman are not mutually exclusive. Growing pressure of sultan Abdulhamid‘s regime, increasingly uncertain political situation in the lands which were regarded as Albanian by Ismail Kemal and inability to advance in Ottoman service completely turned him towards ideas of Albanian nationalism.
Историческая география владений Саамов в средневековье
Историческая география владений Саамов в средневековье
This papers focuses on the historical geography of the Saami Lands in the Middle Ages. In the early Middle Ages, the Sami lands were not only in the tundra, but also in forest regions. Finnish and Karelian expansion pushed Saami to north in the XIII century. Norwegians and Russians have gained an agreement about their northern borders and the distribution of tribute from the Saami in the XIII century. The rivalry between Denmark and Muscovy in the XVI–XVII centuries led to the colonization of the European North by the Russians and Norwegians. It was carried out by monks, missionaries and merchants. Lutheran pastors performed the Christianization of the Saami, erected the churches and attacked traditional culture of the Saami and their pagan beliefs.
Историјски институт 1947-2017. године
Историјски институт 1947-2017. године
A short essay written for the 70th anniversary of the Institute of History in Belgrade
К истории русско-украинско-сербских отношений в начале XVIII в.
К истории русско-украинско-сербских отношений в начале XVIII в.
The article deals with previously unknown aspects of contacts of Serbian officers with Russia at the beginning of the XVIII century. In 1703, in a visit to Russia Serbian Captain A. Leshevich offered the tsarist government the participation of the Serbian armed forces in the war against the Ottoman Empire. The article contains previously unknown facts about the arrival of colonel P. Bozic in Russia (in 1708), seeking permission from the tsarist government for the the creation of the Serbian regiment on Russian-Turkish border.
Как Белградчани и Софиянци посрещнаха електрификацията
Как Белградчани и Софиянци посрещнаха електрификацията
The article deals with the citizens' reaction to the introduction of electricity in the cities of Sophia (1879) and Belgrade (1880).
Како је Cрпска црква добила независност 1879. године
Како је Cрпска црква добила независност 1879. године
The struggle for the abolishment of the Turkish rule in Serbia and the establishment of the new independent Serbian state was followed at the same time by the endeavors of the Serbs to liberate their church from the domination of Greek bishops. With the recognition of the state autonomy to Serbia in 1830, the Serbian people acquired the freedom of religion and the possibility of choosing its own bishops. The autonomy of the Serbian Church was recognized by the treaty signed in 1831 between the Serbian Church and the Constantinople Patriarchate. This autonomy remained until 1878 when Serbian state independence was recognized, and it became obvious that the Serbian Church should gain independence too. The Serbian envoy in Constantinople received the instruction of his government in February 1879 to start the negotiations with the Constantinople Patriarchate on the granting of independence. The Patriarchate however raised various conditions that the Serbian Church must fulfill before the independence could be granted. Most of them were rejected by the Serbian envoy, which led to the dragging out of the negotiations. Finally in October 1879 by the Act of the Synod of the Constantinople Patriarchate the independence of the Serbian Church was recognized under certain conditions that did not question its authority in any way.
Калиник, Игуман манастира Хиландара
Калиник, Игуман манастира Хиландара
La seule mention de l'higoumène de Chilandar Kallinikos provient d'un prostagma grecque de Stefan Dušan pour le monastère de Saint-Jean-Prodrome sur le mont Ménécée près de Serrès. Ce document a longtemps été connu uniquement dans la forme fragmentaire alors que sa date de délivrance était fixée en 1345. L'édition récente d'un cartulaire du XIVe siècle du monastère de Menoikeon, jusqu'alors considéré comme définitivement perdu, permet d'élargir notre connaissance du prostagma de Dušan. Cet acte s'y révèle avoir été un document appartenant à l'époque impériale, avec pour datation janvier, première indiction - c.-à.-d. janvier 1348. Il a été délivré lors du séjour de la famille impériale serbe à l'Athos en 1347/1348 et porte injonction de l'empereur à l'higoumène Kallinikos de cesser d'importuner les moines du Prodrome à propos de leurs barques qu'ils possèdent au bassin près de leur métoque d'Esphagménou. Les nouvelles informations apportées sur l'higouménat de Kallinikos à Chilandar clarifient aussi la question de la chronologie des higoumènes du couvent serbe athonite vers la moitié du XIVe siècle, période assez perturbée lorsque, entre 1345- 1355, le monastère ne connaît pas moins de neuf supérieurs différents.
Карејске хрисовуље Стефана Душана
Карејске хрисовуље Стефана Душана
The three gold stamped charters of Emperor Stefan Dušan from 1348 granting the Carian Cell of St. Sava of Jerusalem the village of Kosorići in Metohija were creating some doubts among the Serbian scholars studying the Middle Ages as to their authenticity. A detailed analysis of data contained in these charters, as well as the comparison with other documents treating similar subjects (the charter of King Stefan Dečanski dated September 6, 1327, and the act of the Chilandar prior Dorotej from 1359-1361), have shown that the Carian documents could be taken at face value. The outside features of the analyzed documents show that the first one – the charter issued in Čahra by Skoplje – is an original, while both charters issued in Prilep are copies. The set of Carian grants of Emperor Dušan points to the importance of the St. Sava of Jerusalem’s Cell for him. This could be seen most clearly in the fact that the Empress Jelena became the second protector of this Cell – before her this had been King Milutin only – thus establishing a direct link with the founder of this Cell the Serbian St. Sava.
