Istorijski časopis

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Историјски часопис, званично гласило Историјског института, излази од 1948. године. Објављује оригиналне научне радове на српском и другим језицима. Примењује систем „слепих“ рецензија два рецензента. Тематски оквир часописа обухвата економску, друштвену, политичку и културну историју српског народа, као и његове везе са јужнословенским и осталим балканским народима, и истовремено унапређује све гране историјске науке. Хронолошки оквир је омеђен на период од средњег века до почетка 20. века, односно до 1918. године и стварања Краљевине СХС.
ISSN: 0350-0802


Деспот Ђурађ Вуковић и закуп коморе у Нађбањи
Деспот Ђурађ Вуковић и закуп коморе у Нађбањи
The paper analyses the judgment of the city court of Buda of 2 April 1433 regarding the dispute which arose in September 1431 in connection with the lease of despot’s monetary chamber in Nagybánya in Hungary (present day Baia Mare in Romania). This document, containing a letter of Despot Đurađ Vuković (Branković) (1427–1456), hitherto unknown in our country, to Queen Barbara and Hungarian Estates of 20 August 1432, issued on the same occasion in Smederevo, provides new insight into the way the Serbian ruler leased regal revenues on his Hungarian estates. The document shows that lessees of the Nagybánya chamber were the local citizens of German origin – Nicolaus Wasserpauch and Johannes Cammermeister, whom the despot accused of embezzling 10,000 gold forints of the annual lease. As Despot Stefan before him, who gave his “customs” (regal revenues) in Nagybánya in lease to traders of Dubrovnik, primarily those from the noble family of Bobaljević, in the newly arisen circumstances Despot Đurađ dispatched his man of confidence –a noble from Dubrovnik Andreas Czansick to assume the administration of the chamber. However, Nicolaus Wasserpauch eventually lost the lawsuit before the court of Buda, which he had initiated against his erstwhile companion over the purported embezzlement concerning the lease of the Nagybánya chamber. The dispute shows that the Serbian ruler collected significant revenues from his Hungarian estates, primarily from mining towns such as Nagybánya and others in the Szatmár County (Szatmár, Németi, Felsőbánya). It is therefore no wonder that John Hunyadi was also interested in these estates. In 1444, together with several others of his estates in Hungary, Despot Đurađ gave in pledge to Hunyadi the estates in the Szatmár County. The Serbian ruler and his family never managed to restore Nagybánya and other pledged estates.
Деспот Стефан Лазаревић и "господин" Ђурађ Бранковић
Деспот Стефан Лазаревић и "господин" Ђурађ Бранковић
The relations between the Despot Stefan Lazarević and “Sir” Đurađ Branković had two different phases between 1397 (the death of Vuk Branković) and 1427 (the death of Stefan Lazarević). In the first phase, which lasted until 1411, these relations were hostile. Upon his return from the Angora battle, in 1402, the Despot imprisoned his nephew Đurađ. At the end of that same year, there was an armed conflict between the Lazarevićs and the Brankovićs in Kosovo. They had different policies during the first decade of the 15th century: the Despot was closer to the Hungarians, while the Brankovićs remained the Sultan's faithful vassals. Vuk's inheritors supported the 1409 rebellion of Vuk Lazarević against his brother. However, while taking part in Turkish intercorridors, “Sir” Đurađ experienced hardship, and even struggled to save his own life. That is why in 1411 he made peace with his uncle Stefan, effectively submitting to his authority. However, each one of them continued ruling his own region. They had different status. In the Branković lands, Turks had territorial oases, and took various forms of revenue. They had no such rights in the Lazarević lands, so Despot Stefan's revenue was much higher. As the Despot inherited Zeta in 1421, two years later, he left war and negotiations with Venice to his nephew Đurađ. Numerous documents from Venice show that Đurađ negotiated in 1423 in the name of the Despot Stefan. Already in 1424, he started speaking in his own name, and began to claim to be the lord of the parts of Zeta annexed to the Serbian state. This shift was more pronounced in the next year, and in 1426, he included his children in contracts with Venice. Venice documents also indicate that the state assembly in the mining Srebrenica, where Đurađ was officially presented as the inheritor of the Despot Stefan, took place in 1424 or 1425.
Дневник Тошка Влаховића као историјски извор
Дневник Тошка Влаховића као историјски извор
There are a small number of historical sources regarding the Toplica Uprising. This absence was significantly supplemented by the original material preserved in the Central State Archives in Sofia. Among it is the dairy of Toško Vlahović, the Chetnik duke and commander of the Krajina Detachment in the Toplica Uprising. A valuable writing of Toško Vlahović, a pre-war student of philosophy, provides information on the most important events between 31 January 1917 and the death of the author on 2 November of the same year. He wrote his diary in three “notebooks”, different both in size and number of pages. The notes are written in Cyrillic. Vlahović recorded daily events. One of the leaders of the Serbian guerrilla wrote about the establishment and activities of the Krajina Detachment, as well as the organization of the resistance movement in occupied Serbia. The notebooks contain information on important events from the Toplica Uprising and the resistance movement activities preceding and following the Uprising. Chronology is generally reliable, and hence is a good source for dating important events. From the records, one can see the severity and cruelty of the punitive expedition of the Central Powers, mainly directed towards the civilian population in the area covered by the uprising. Many pages are dedicated to numerous pursuits, continuous movement and retreat, in addition to moments when the fight could not be avoided. Toško Vlahović wrote about Chetnik comrades, courageous individuals who gave life in fighting, commissioners, local people and towns. There are numerous data on everyday life in occupied Serbia.
Државна лутрија у Венецији (lotto) од 1713. до 1715. године
Државна лутрија у Венецији (lotto) од 1713. до 1715. године
State lottery in Venice was proposed in 1712 and materialised in conditions quite different to those when it appeared in the Apennine Peninsula. While passion and the buying power of people who wanted to try their luck in games of chance were large in the 16th century, just before the outbreak of the Second Morean War that was not the case any more. Poverty that struck allsocial strata left its mark on the interest in lottery. The same fact made the Senate intervene to ensure larger income. Venetian authorities used the experience of other Italian states – primarily of Genoa. A new model was used to organise a draw announced in 1714. The draw organised in 1715 is documented in materials of British provenance, giving a new insight into the organisation of this model of games of chance in Venice. After that, lotto was not drawn for several decades and some scientists see the imminent Second Morean War as a prime reason.
Дубравчићи, власи Угарци са подручја Љубомира
Дубравчићи, власи Угарци са подручја Љубомира
The paper extends what is known about the Ugarci Vlachs. They were vassals of the respected Bosnian Kosača family, and they permanently settled in the Ljubomir area. Apart from Borojevićs, Musićs, and Bogavčićs, among the better known were also the Dubravčićs, Dubravko Ugarčić’s sons: Kejčin, Pokrajac, Radivoj, Vlatko, and Pavlica. During the first half of the 15th century, with their inheritors (Radivoj, Vladislav, and Radič “Vlatković”, as well as Ivaniš Pavličić), they acted as priders, merchants, but were also frequently accused of being thieves, in the wider Ljubomir area. Identifying them enables one to complete the view of certain areas with Vlach population, and hence future wider and more complex research on the Vlach-related topics.
Дубровачка грађа о цркви Грлици у Полимљу
Дубровачка грађа о цркви Грлици у Полимљу
There are known only four documents from the State Archive of Dubrovnik that mention the church Grlica in Polimlje. Although the exact place of the church was unknown until recently, some valuable information indicate that it was in the village Rodijelja, on the mouth of the stream Grlica (Grlički potok) to the river Bistrica, the right confluent of the river Lim, near Bijelo Polje. Ragusan documents show that the church Grlica was frequented by ragusan caravans with various goods, cloth, tin and wine. Their owners were well-known ragusan merchants of the XV century, some living for a long period in Pristina (Nikola Glavić, Nikola Živolinović) and the traffic and transport organized well known Vlachs Herak Milošević, brothers Stanoje and Klapac Stanković. The original texts of the ragusan documents from the years of 1423 -1430, with translation, are given in the annex.
Дубровачка породица Жаретић пореклом из Бара у средњем веку
Дубровачка породица Жаретић пореклом из Бара у средњем веку
Based on the literature and archival materials of Dubrovnik, the author portrays the members of the Žaretić family, who came to Dubrovnik from Bar in the second decade of the 14th century. The author studies three generations of the Žaretić family in the time period of about a hundred years. Grube, the originator of the family, was a successful merchant and respected citizen, who very quickly became part of the business and social life of the town under Mt. Srđ. However, his descendants apparently did not follow in his footsteps. One of them, though, Father Andrija, carried on the family tradition and became a priest.
Дубровачка породица Цицеровић у средњем веку
Дубровачка породица Цицеровић у средњем веку
According to Čingrija's Antunin genealogy, the family Cicerović lived in Dubrovnik until 1642, or, around theree centuries and through seven generations. In the 15th century, three members of this family and three generations did business. Cicerovićs were mostly intermediaries in trade between the Serb lands and the Mediterranean. They acquired wealth and prestige due to trading. This was especially true for Mihailo, who was in the business from 1420s until 1440s, that is to say, during the economic prosperity of both Serb lands and the Dubrovnik itself. As a successful merchant and respected citizen, he became a member of the Antunin brotherhood, the corporation of the wealthiest merchants, ship owners, and financiers.
Дунавски басен у новијој турској историографији
Дунавски басен у новијој турској историографији
This article presents some results of the latest Turkish historiography concerning the Danube Basin that had a key role in Ottoman history. The works cited in the article are based on the unknown archive material and bring various new data about the Danube region, both in the state of war and at peace. The main topics are Belgrade sieges in the 15th century and its conquest in 1521, the policy and strategy of the settlement of Rumeli, the organization of Irongate, the Danube in Ottoman archive sources, migrations of the Muslim population from the cities on the banks of the Danube river (Belgrade, Kladovo and Smederevo). The Danube was not just a natural border between Hungary and the Ottoman Empire. It was a life important river for the Ottomans who used its potentials from the 16th until 19th century.
Енглези о бунама у Кнежевини Србији 1842-1844. године
Енглези о бунама у Кнежевини Србији 1842-1844. године
With reffer of the basic principle of the British policy on the Balkans in the 19 th Century that it is nedeeded to disable Russian influence Foreign Office permanently observed what was happened in Serbia after leaving of the prince Miloš Obrenović. Those years featured many riots and uprising against Serbian princes. British consul in Serbia Thomas Grenier de Fonblanque permanently reported to Foreign Office about internal political situation in Serbia. He has described widely three riots which were happened between 1842, and 1844. It was Vučić, Rajović and Katanska riot. But his reports were unrealiable and biased. In one moment Foreign Office thought to remove Fonblanque from his diplomatic post from Serbia.
Епископ и град у светлу црквено-канонских правила помесних и васељенских сабора
Епископ и град у светлу црквено-канонских правила помесних и васељенских сабора
The jurisdiction of episcopal authority in relation to a particular local church or episcopal city, was established by canons of all local and Ecumenical Councils, defining and establishing the hierarchy of episcopal catholicity within a given province, and the regulation of the episcopal city bishop’s championship. In relation to the city, it is observed that the episcopal dignity finds its foundation also in the imperial legislation that articulates bishop’s civic duties as an impartial local guarantor in the implementation of law.
