Istorijski časopis

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Историјски часопис, званично гласило Историјског института, излази од 1948. године. Објављује оригиналне научне радове на српском и другим језицима. Примењује систем „слепих“ рецензија два рецензента. Тематски оквир часописа обухвата економску, друштвену, политичку и културну историју српског народа, као и његове везе са јужнословенским и осталим балканским народима, и истовремено унапређује све гране историјске науке. Хронолошки оквир је омеђен на период од средњег века до почетка 20. века, односно до 1918. године и стварања Краљевине СХС.
ISSN: 0350-0802


Аврам Петронијевић и српски покрет у Војводини 1848-1849. године
Аврам Петронијевић и српски покрет у Војводини 1848-1849. године
As Prime Minister, Petronijević actively supported and helped the Serb struggle in Vojvodina (sending of volunteers, issuing weapons and ammunition from the military magazines in Serbia). Through reliance upon the Port, Russia, and Austria, he tried to realize the proclaimed goals of the Serbs, as expressed in the May Assembly. In these efforts, he enjoyed the support of the Patriarch Rajačić. He was unforgiving to Hungarians, fearing their rising nationalism, and rejected all collaboration with them. In 1849, Petronijević proposed a particular project of the Constitutional organization, which included some articles used in Serbia. Because of illness and private affairs, at the time when the Viennese Court took over the control over the Serb movement, in May 1849, Petronijević was granted a three-month leave, ending his participation in Serbian politics, towards the 1848-1849 revolution in Austria.
Алекса П. Милојковић
Алекса П. Милојковић
During the people's uprising in the region of Timok of 1883, special committees were newly established to promote peace and order. The first Committee for Peace and Order was established on October 27, 1833 thanks to the initiative of the local civic leaders, only two days after the initial riots on the streets of Banja. Aleksa P. Milojković, a well-respected teacher, director and supervisor of the schools in Banja, became an active member of this Committee. He negotiated the necessity of disarmament of the people's army in order to avoid bloodshed, ensure the safety of its citizens, and protect governmental assets, while promoting a peaceful settlement of contested issues. The general malaise in the country reflected the political, economic and bureaucratic set up, and was the main instigator of an apparently spontaneous upheaval. After the suppression of the uprising by the regular army, Milojković was questioned by the police and declared as one the most influential ideological leaders of the upheaval. Milojkovi}, a member of the Radical party, repeatedly denied the accusation of an organized upheaval in Banja or in the county. In fact, the radical leaders themselves did not consider organizing an uprising at the time. Yet, Milojkovi} was sentenced and incarcerated. He left his recollection of the days spent in prison in his autobiographical narrative "Crte iz Zaječarske Bune", published during 1890 in the paper Radikalac. Moreover, Milojkovi} recalled a number of outstanding civic leaders who were imprisoned with him rendering a valuable testimony of these events. As a respected teacher, Milojkovi} advanced the methodology of teaching by publishing two textbooks for the schools of the Serbian Kingdom, "Učenik" and the "History of the World". He also penned his thoughts about the necessity of reforms in the elementary schools of the Serbian kingdom in a series of articles published in [abački Glasnik in 1887. Most notable is Milojković's dedicated engagement as a Board member of Committees for Peace in 1883, promoting the idea that peace could be achieved without fighting and only with writing about the feasibility of an orderly society. In addition his life-long role as teacher, peoples' advocate, and contributor to number of dailies, pointed to his active involvement in the social and political dialogue of his days.
Анализа земљорадничких техника у долини Тимока у текстовима Адама Богосављевића
Анализа земљорадничких техника у долини Тимока у текстовима Адама Богосављевића
Agricultural development represented one of the most important issues in political ideas of Adam Bogosavljević. The reason was his perception of interrelatedness of the social structure of Serbian peasant society and organization of the state, as well as of material prosperity of the Serbian peasant as a prerequisite for the education of the people. In a situation in which agriculture in Serbian villages dominantly remained on the existential level, education by example was considered the only way forward. In his writings, these attitudes represented the essence of his commitment to agriculture and to gradual introduction of changes, both in the processing of the land, as well as in tools, with long¬term consequences on the transformation of pre¬modern agriculture. In several texts Bogosavljević described the characteristics of agricultural techniques of enhancing soil fertility – fallow, crop rotation, fertilization and livestock breading connected with manuring and working animals – and ways of sowing and harvesting crops. Regional specificities are visible in the texts, not only in relation to differences between the Negotin region and the rest of the Principality, but also within the Timok area, depending on the characteristics of the terrain and soil fertility. In this way, one of the main characteristics of pre¬modern societies, with agriculture as the dominant economic activity, came to the fore – regional differences and specificities of applied agricultural techniques as well as their level of development.
Антрополошка анализа скелетних остатака са локалитета Манастирак код Рековца
Антрополошка анализа скелетних остатака са локалитета Манастирак код Рековца
The fact that all deceased were buried under the church floor, thus not representing the usual paleo-demographic sample, as well as that there were no excavations outside the church, in the churchyard, demands great caution with the results. The results obtained through anthropological analysis show a relatively short life of the people buried in Manastirak. Great number of pathological changes on ankles clearly points to hard living and working conditions. Very bad taphonomic conditions present a considerable obstacle to cleared defining of this population's profile, so it was not possible to entirely study all the skeletal remains. Bad stomatological profile of this population also point to hard living conditions, as a great degree of caries paradentopathy and dental calculus. It is not possible to determine ethnicity of these individuals, as only two skulls have been preserved. Further research on the Manastirak site, that is to say, in the churchyard of the monastery, would provide more data, and complete the image obtained by this analysis. The fact that the material is preserved and thus available for further analyses provides possibilities for gaining more information about the life of this population.
Антрополошка анализа скелетних остатака са локалитета Суви Рид код Врања
Антрополошка анализа скелетних остатака са локалитета Суви Рид код Врања
Necropolis at the Suvi Rid site, in the village of Dekutinci, Vranje municipality, was discovered by chance in 1996, while laying down pillars for the power grid. The National Museum of Vranje organized smaller surveys, during which seven graves were discovered. Osteological remains consist of a skeleton of a child only a couple of years old, two skeletons of juveniles, and three skeletons of adults — one female and two male. Although small, this paleodemographic sample is interesting, as several age groups are represented. The average age at death of these individuals is estimated at 27.5 years, but 45 years if only adults are taken into consideration. Thus, it is not possible to conclude more about the paleodemographic structure of this necropolis. Paleopathological analysis points to the great presence of caries, especially with elder individuals, low frequency of indicators of developmental stress (lack of enamel hypoplasia, and cribrae orbitaliae present at only one individual). There are some ostheoarthritic changes at the individuals from graves 3 and 5, which is fairly common at people over 35 years of age. Broken first and second right ribs at the individual from grave number 3 could be related to a fight-related injury. Occupational stress markers have been noted on clavicles, humeruses, femurs, and tibias. Based on such a small sample, it can only be noted that male skeletons seem to be more robust, and that the upper extremities were subject to greater stress.
Архиепископ Никодим I
Архиепископ Никодим I
Nicodemus, hegoumenos of Hilandar monastery (1311-13116) and Archbishop of the Serbian Church (1317-1324), is an interesting figure who appears in different roles: as a monk, theologian, writer, diplomat, politician and saint. Source material about him is rich and diverse, both by type (documentary and narrative) and by origin (Greek and Serbian). His birth date is unknown and the first mention of Nicodemus, as a young monk with the important function of the paraoikonomos of Hilandar’s Thessaloniki metochion of St. George, is from the year 1290. Since Nicodemus was Daniel’s disciple and given the fact that the former was succeeded by the latter, it is assumed that in the difficult years of Catalan menace (1307-1310) he had an important role in the defense of the Serbian monastic community on the Mt. Athos. While in the office of hegoumenos, Nicodemus saw to the growth of monastic estates in the vicinity of Thessaloniki and in the valley of the Strymon river. He also actively partook in deliberations of the Athonite Council of elders. As a representative of Kings Milutin and Dragutin he carried out a delicate mission in Constantinople at the court of Andronicus II, probably in the early 1312. In the first half of the 1316 he went to Serbia and from King Uroš II received help for the hermitage of St. Sabbas in Karyes. After the death of Archbishop Sava III (26 July 1316) Serbian Church was without a head for more than nine months, until Nicodemus was elected on 12 May 1317 as a compromise candidate – king’s favorite being Daniel. During his term, which lasted exactly seven years for he died on 12 May 1324, Nicodemus made efforts to enrich ecclesiastical libraries and particularly important is his translation, dating from 1318/19, of the Jerusalem Typicon of St. Sabbas the Sanctified, whose Greek original was acquired in Constantinopolitan monastery of St. John the Forerunner. As a politician he was no less prosperous, because he convinced King Milutin to allow the return of banished Stephen to Serbia. After Milutin’s death and the outbreak of the succession war, Nicodemus sided with Stephen (the eventual winner) and anointed him as King Uroš III. It is known that he built the churches of St. Demetrius in Peć (where he was buried) and of St. Sava the Serbian in Lizica. Shortly after his death he was canonized and in the early XVth century Bishop Mark of Peć wrote Service to Archbishop Nicodemus in which he had praised him as the persecutor of heretics and the defender of Orthodoxy.
Архимандрит Хаџи Рувим Нешковић (1752-1804) - прилози за биографију
Архимандрит Хаџи Рувим Нешковић (1752-1804) - прилози за биографију
Hadži Ruvim Neškovic, prior of Voljavča, and head of the Bogovađa monastery afterwards, is a representative of the most prominent Serbian spiritual dignitaries in the times immediately preceding the uprising. Born in 1752 in Babina Luka near Valjevo, he acquired basis of his priestly education in the surrounding monasteries. He got ordained to the priestly rank in the Ćelije monastery in 1774. He entered a monastic order as a young man, upon the death of his wife Marija in 1784, and made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in the same year. He sojourned in the important Orthodox spiritual centers, where he acquired a considerably wider education than it was the case in those days; he had knowledge of both oral and written Greek, but he also mastered other, rare skills, such as artistic engraving. He was the principal figure in reconstruction of the Bogovađa monastery, that got burnt down during the last Habsburg-Turkish war. He compiled a significant library and developed an educational activity there. He was a respectable figure among his contemporaries – being a spiritual dignitary, a writer, and a chronicler. Apart from his local environment and monasteries of Mount Athos, he maintained contacts with priests of the Mitropoly of Karlovci of the Habsburg Monarchy likewise. He was endowed with great courage, and informed of preparations for the uprising against the Dahies in the Belgrade Pashaluk. It was at the Dahies' order that he was executed at the end of January 1804 in Belgrade.
Аустро-српски односи и питање границе на Дрини 1878-1879.
Аустро-српски односи и питање границе на Дрини 1878-1879.
In the context of the final phase of the Eastern Crisis of 1875–1878, solutions of the Congress of Berlin and implementation of its decisions by the International Commission for the demarcation of Serbia in 1878–1879, one of the less significant issues that arose was that of the border on the Drina river. During the demarcation of 1878–1879, the majority of the commissioners observed this issue as a matter of relations between Austria­-Hungary and Serbia, and they reacted primarily at the initiative of the Austrian commissioner. The work of the International Commission, and the position taken by Serbian diplomats and commissioners, can be analysed through the perspective of defining a new system of international relations after the Berlin Congress, and, in this context, defining the position of newly independent Balkan states, including Serbia. At the micro level, the conflicting views of representatives of the major powers in connection with the demarcation of new Serbian borders, reflected deeper strategic concepts of their governments regarding the preservation and strengthening of their position in the Balkans. The issue of the border on the Drina river indicated the possibilities of action of a nominally independent Balkan state neighboring a great power which had to prove its strength primarily through the expansion of its sphere of influence in the Balkans. The basis of the Monarchy’s policy was the attitude that in all issues that could be defined as bilateral, the possibility of interference of any other power had to be excluded.
Б(иј)ељин(a) – земља, кнештво, архиђаконат, дистрикт, нахијa
Б(иј)ељин(a) – земља, кнештво, архиђаконат, дистрикт, нахијa
Belin, Belјin or B(ij)eljina (Bellen, Belyn, Beligna, Bielina, Bellina) is mentioned in historical sources from the 13th until late 15th century as a land, territory, keneziatus, district or province, often together with Mačva, but also as an archdeaconry of the Bishopric of Srem. Mihailo Dinić’s opinion – that the medieval castle Beljin was situated on the river Sava, near the village of the same name in the municipality of Vladimirci, and that the župa Beljin encompassed the castle and its immediate environs – has been widely accepted in Serbian historiography. However, one Hungarian document from 1464, which was never used before, states that the fortress of Zvornik was in “the land of Beljin” (castrum Zwonnyk in terra Belyn). Since another document from 1273 points out that Ernye Ákos, Hungarian ban of Usora and Soli was, at the same time, knez of Beljin, we are led to conclude that the notion of Beljin (Belin) from the medieval, mostly Hungarian documents is, in fact, preserved in the region which would be largely encompassed by the Ottoman nahiye Beljina (Belina). This nahiye was situated in present-day Semberija in northeastern Bosnia. Its main settlement – Četvrtkovište, which used to be a marketplace at least since the end of the 14th century, received the status of kasaba in the late 16th century and ultimately changed its name to Bijeljina, according to the name of nahiye, which it still carries.
Балдуин од Еноа и "номадска дипломатија " Латинског царства
Балдуин од Еноа и "номадска дипломатија " Латинског царства
In his famous relation, Franciscan missionary and traveler William of Rubruck makes two references to the diplomatic mission of Baldwin of Hainaut, a noble of Latin Empire of Constantinople. According to Rubruck, he conducted talks with Batu’s son Sartaq and went to the Еast as far as Mongolia. Baldwin of Hainaut is mentioned in the sources for the first time in 1219, as a witness in one document of Conon of Bethune, the then regent of the Empire. Two decades later, he participated in the making of an alliance between the Latin Empire and the nomadic Cumans, when he married a daughter of Cuman chief Soronius. His voyage accross the Mongol Empire took place sometime between 1249 and early 1253. Short-term alliance with Cumans and subsequent mission of Baldwin of Hainaut, are a vivid testimony of the importance of nomadic factor in the foreign policies of the Latin Empire and of the political role of the Mongols in Southeast Europe in the mid Thirteenth Century. At the time, the Latin Empire was in dire straits: pressed by the Empire of Nicaea and left without any support from the West. Therefore, the emperor and the political elite in Constantinople turned their attention to the East, seeking alliance with Mongols. The initial contacts might have been prompted by the fact that pope Innocent IV and French king Louis IX had already came into touch with the Mongol power. However, the circumstances, aims and goals of Baldwin’s mission were different from these of his predecessors, papal envoy Ascelin of Cremona and Andrew of Longjumeau, potentiary of the French king. Baldwin of Hainaut first visited prince Sartaq and Mongols in Eastern Europe. This decision might have been influenced by several other factors: Venetian merchants have already established their presence in the lands under Mongol control on the northern shores of the Black Sea; Bulgaria, neighbor and former adversary of the Latin Empire, was under their overlordship and Mongol influence was already firmly present in the Balkan lands; finally, prince Sartaq himself was a Nestorian Christian and at the time a major political figure in the western parts of the Mongol domains.Although mission of Baldwin of Hainaut may have been just an ambitious political adventure, without far-reaching consequences on the fate of the Latin Empire, its outcome was not a failure. It led to the establishment of the diplomatic relations between Constantinople and Mongols in the Black Sea region and in wider context by facilitating Rubruck’s enterprize it had an important impact on subsequent European discovery of Asia and Far East. His voyage to Mongolia and back, marriage with Cuman princess and impressions on Sartaq reveal that Baldwin of Hainaut was extraordinary and gifted man, better suited to deal with Mongols and able to achieve more than his contemporaries – the members of the mendicant orders.
