Istorijski časopis

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Историјски часопис, званично гласило Историјског института, излази од 1948. године. Објављује оригиналне научне радове на српском и другим језицима. Примењује систем „слепих“ рецензија два рецензента. Тематски оквир часописа обухвата економску, друштвену, политичку и културну историју српског народа, као и његове везе са јужнословенским и осталим балканским народима, и истовремено унапређује све гране историјске науке. Хронолошки оквир је омеђен на период од средњег века до почетка 20. века, односно до 1918. године и стварања Краљевине СХС.
ISSN: 0350-0802


Балкански Комитет о Македонији
Балкански Комитет о Македонији
The basic aim of the Balkan Committee founded in London in 1903 was to put pressure to bear on the British Government to reduce the danger of war in the Near East and to make the Turkish Government carry out the necessary reforms in Macedonia. The Committee was founded by the supporters of reforms in Turkey with a view to influence the Foreign Office and the Parliament of their country to insist on the improvement of the conditions in Macedonia, and they were motivated solely by humanitarian considerations. The Committee included eminent members of the British Parliament, representatives of the Church, journalists and historians. Its activity (political, publicistic, humanitarian) became especially prominent during the rising in August 1903, during the revolution of the Young Turks and during the Balkan Wars. There were several currents of opinion within the Committee; the most influential was the Bulgarophile group, which prevailed until the Balkan Wars, after which the pro-Serbian stance proved stronger.
Балкански имигранти у Пољској XVI века. Случај браће Дукађиновича, власника града Уланова на Подољу
Балкански имигранти у Пољској XVI века. Случај браће Дукађиновича, власника града Уланова на Подољу
The migrations from the Balkan region to Polish lands in the 15th and 16th centuries have been rarely studied in historiography. These migrations were considered a phenomenon of lesser importance, though some researchers of the past initiated their study on the margins of treaties of a wider scope; however, this issue remained among the categories of rare examples. In addition, any broader research was hampered by the specificity of information in sources – this information is scarce and, as a rule, rather generalised and scattered across numerous editions of sources and manuscripts, stored in Polish archives. The objective of this paper is to shed light on the destiny of representatives of the family indicated in the title – the Dukagjini, who arrived in the 16th century most probably from Albania to the area of Podolia, which at the time belonged to the Polish Kingdom. The author focuses particularly on the place of origin of these immigrants, the causes and probable direction of their migration movement, as well as economic initiatives in the new homeland. Also highlighted are the difficulties that they must have faced in Podolia, which eventually resulted in the failure of the endeavour of brothers Dukagjini. Besides, the key objective of this paper is the author’s intention to underscore potential possibilities, unused so far, of undertaking comprehensive researches of migrations of representatives of various Balkan ethnic groups towards the borders of the Polish-Lithuanian state, both in the late Middle Ages and the early modern times. In this context, the postulate of the development of separate monographs on this issue is put forward.
Балшићи и Дубровник прилог познавању правних односа
Балшићи и Дубровник прилог познавању правних односа
Legal relations between the Balšić family and the Republic of Dubrovnik were gradually built. They were based upon principles which were not significantly different form the principles that regulated legal affairs between citizens of Dubrovnik and rulers from the neighbourhood as well as from the interior of the Balkan Peninsula. In occasion of shift at the head of the Balšić family, the Republic of Dubrovnik asked for confirmation of old privileges which guaranteed that the relations established in the past should be respected in the future. From the earlier contracts stemmed the obligations, which were accentuated in order to substantiate certain requirements, to justify certain actions or to enhance fortitude of established relations. As in the case of all other regional lords from the territory of former Nemanjić’s Empire, the Republic of Dubrovnik asked from the Balšić family the confirmation of privileges, which were once granted by the Emperor Stefan Dušan. People from Dubrovnik were interested in stability of mutual relations with the Balšić family and in the continuity of the obtained privileges primarily in order to protect their trade. The important trade routes led across the Balšić’s family land from the coast to the interior of Serbia. Therefore the Republic of Dubrovnik had made with the Balšić family a series of treaties and charters, which regulates the legal status of its citizens.
Београдска и Карловачка митрополија. Процес уједињења (1722-1731)
Београдска и Карловачка митрополија. Процес уједињења (1722-1731)
In the war against Turkey (1716-1718), the Habsburg Monarchy conquered Serbia and Banat. There were four dioceses in the region, and it was expected that, following the war, they would be joined to the existing Orthodox Karlovac Metropolitan-Archdiocese. However, because of the political considerations, the Emperor Charles VI established the new Belgrade Metropolitan- Archdiocese for the newly conquered lands. In 1718, the Belgrade Bishop Mojsije Petrović was confirmed as the Archbishop and Metropolitan in the Kingdom of Serbia, and in 1720, in the Timisoara Banat. In 1721, the Peć Patriarch, Mojsije Radović, canonically recognized the second archdiocese in the Habsburg Monarchy. By the establishment of the second autonomous archdiocese, the Serb Church in the Monarchy was divided in two wholes. The first step towards unification was made in 1722, when the People- Church Gathering choose co-adjutor for the sick Karlovac Metropolitan Vićentije Popović. According to the Serb understanding, the co-adjutor was both the assistant and the heir to the archbishop. Serb popular leaders intended to choose the Belgrade Metropolitan Mojsije Petrović, and thus initiate the process of unification of the Karlovac and Belgrade Metropolitans. This action was carefully planned. On 8 (19) September 1722, the Gathering of the Karlovac Metropolitan decided that the Belgrade Metropolitan, Mojsije, be co-adjutor to the Karlovac Metropolitan, Vićentije, and that he should inherit him after death. As the Emperor knew Serb intentions, he forbade emissaries from the Belgrade Metropolitan to attend the Gathering. That is why, on 10 (21) September 1722, hitherto unknown Gathering of the Belgrade Metropolitan was held, which made the identical decision.The problem of two archdioceses was not opened after the death of Metropolitan Vićentije Jovanović in 1737. In the same year, the Peć Patriarch, Arsenije IV Jovanović, crossed to the territory of the Habsburg Monarchy. People and clergy accepted him as the Church leader, and the Emperor did notquestion that for political reasons, for that was the time of war against Turkey (1737-1739). With the Belgrade Peace of 1739, Austro-Hungary lost Serbia, the border with Turkey was settled on Sava and Danube, and the larger part of the Belgrade Metropolitan’s territory ceded back under Turkish rule, and was returned under the jurisdiction of the Serb Patriarchy in Peć. In 1741, the Patriarch Arsenije IV was confirmed as the archbishop of the Karlovac Metropolitan.
Београдска митрополија по попису из 1826.
Београдска митрополија по попису из 1826.
After the Second Serbian Uprising, the joint Serbo-Turkish administration was established in the Belgrade Pašaluk, and lasted until the creation of the Principality of Serbia in 1830. Throughout its duration, the Serbian authorities have considerably gained in power, while the Osmanic ones have gradually decreased its influence. During the 1820’s, a series of apprehensions occurred between the Serbian national authorities which were about to be established, and the archpriests of the Grand Church, who governed the Orthodox eparchies in the Belgrade Pašaluk. These apprehensions concerned the authority issues as well as the pecuniary obligations of the believers towards the mitropolitans and the Patriarchate. The first Register of the Belgrade Bishopric, constituted of Serbian authorities, was carried out at the beginning of 1826, after these conflicts have been resolved and the position of the Serbian Prince Miloš Obrenović has prevailed. The Register included the enumeration of the towns, villages and Christian households for the circumfused region the bishopric englobed, while the information concerning the towns of Belgrade and Kragujevac was absent. On the basis of these information, further comprehension of the changes occurred in the structure of the Belgrade Bishopric, as well as of the demographic changes in the region it englobed is made possible. Consequently, the Register allows us to establish the maximum amount of the mitropolitans’ income in that period, and it also enables comparison with the set of circumstances existing before and during the First Serbian Uprising. The information regarding the monasteries and their villages attest the economic power some monasteries had, which is proved to be the valuable fact for the study of the church history likewise. This Register may, altogether with some other sources of Serbian, Greek and Osmanic origin, serve as a sound starting point for the examination of certain issues concerning the church history, and for the exploration of the demographic questions as well.
Београдски митрополити од 1739. до 1804. године
Београдски митрополити од 1739. до 1804. године
Following the 1739 conclusion of the Belgrade Peace between the Ottoman Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, establishing the frontier at Sava and Danube, the Church structure was also reorganized. The Belgrade-Karlovac Metropolitan continued, as an independent Karlovac Metropolitan, to operate in the Habsburg lands, while the Belgrade Metropolitan was reorganized as one of the ordinary eparchies of the Peć Patriarchy. Its borders were not changed even after the abolition of autocephaly of the Peć patriarchy in 1766, and remained until the 1831 creation of the autonomous Serbian Metropolitan. Between the 1739 Belgrade Peace and the 1804 First Serbian Uprising, seven Metropolitans headed the Belgrade Metropolitan, only one of which was ethnic Serb. All the others were Greek, and most of them fulfilled their spiritual mission in a conscious and responsible manner. This was a period of the great renewal of Church life, primarily seen in the repairs and reconstructions of old or ruined churches and monasteries. This renewal reached climax during Haji- Mustafa Pasha's rule of the Belgrade Pashaluk, during the last decade of the 18th century, when the reforms extending religious liberties of the Christian population were implemented. This process was interrupted by the Janissary 1801 takeover in the Belgrade Pashaluk and the abolition of these rights, which eventually led to the First Serbian Uprising in 1804. Between then, and the 1831 creation of the autonomous national Serbian Church, the Belgrade Metropolitan existed in circumstances vastly different from the pre-uprising times.
Битка код Лепанта као прекретница у односима на Медитерану
Битка код Лепанта као прекретница у односима на Медитерану
After the battle of Lepanto for the Ottoman Empire begins the period which was named “the time of disorder (zaman-i ihtilat)”. Reconquest of Tunisia for the Ottomans meant nothing more than the “Pyrrhic victory”. Regarding to decline of the Ottoman fleet, the penetration the “North nations” on the Levant represents a serious factor. The Policy of capitulations offered these Nations favorable opportunity for their economic growth, which followed the battle of the Lepanto. On the Levant these nations found row materials and new market for their products. With theirs appearance on the Mediterranean the vacuum which was created with the retirement of the Spain was filled.
