Zbornik Radova Vizantološkog Instituta

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Publisher: Institute for Byzantine Studies of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
ISSN: 0584-9888
eISSN: 2406-0917


Historical basis of the Miracula of Saint Symeon in Stefan the First-Crowned’s life of Symeon
Historical basis of the Miracula of Saint Symeon in Stefan the First-Crowned’s life of Symeon
The paper is devoted to the research of the so-called Catalog of Miracles in the Life of Saint Symeon by Stefan the First-Crowned. Because the miracles are divided in the Life into those in which Symeon-Nemanja is revealed as a Saint, and those in which his heir Stefan the First-Crowned conquers the enemies of the Serbian State with his help, the attention is paid on research of their historical basis and chronological frame, as well as their religious essence. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177029: Srednjovekovne srpske zemlje (13-15. vek): politički, privredni, društveni i pravni procesi]
Hristova genealogija u crkvi Sv. Petra i Pavla u Velikom Trnovu
Hristova genealogija u crkvi Sv. Petra i Pavla u Velikom Trnovu
(bugarski) Statijata razgležda unikalnata kompozicija na Hristovata genealogija v mitropolitskata c''rkva 'Sv. Sv. Pet''r i Pavel' v''v Veliko T''rnovo. Razpoloženi v medal'oni, obrazuvani ot rastitelen motiv, predcite na Hristos po pl''t zaemat arkite meždu pritvora i naosa, kakto i vsički steni na pretvora. Dvanadesette sina na patriarh Jakov sa izobrazeni v golemi medal'oni v apsidata. Unikalen element ot Genealogijata e vključvaneto na obrazite na 14 starozavetni ženi v južnata arka. Osnovana v''rhu genealogiite po Matej i Luka, kompozicijata sledva očevidno s''ščestvuval po-ranen variant na tazi čast ot Erminijata na Dionisij ot Furna, koeto osobeno jarko se projavjava v obrazite na pravednite ženi i sinovete na Jakov. Starozavetnata tema se dop''lva ot obrazite na proroci v gornite časti na stenite, ot koito sa zapazeni fragmentarno samo dvama, kato edinijat može da se identificira s prorok Samuil.
I hear you have a noble horse - Manuel II Palaiologos’ letter no. 43 addressed to Demetrios Chrysoloras
I hear you have a noble horse - Manuel II Palaiologos’ letter no. 43 addressed to Demetrios Chrysoloras
The letter of Manuel II Palaiologos no. 43 addressed to Demetrios Chrysoloras, as their correspondence in whole, is a vivid testimony, not only on the friendship between these two great intellectuals, but also on some social rules and customs of the court of the last Palaiologan emperors and habits of the Byzantine social and intellectual elite in the first half of the XV century. Through the paradigm of noble horse, used as a symbol of public office, in this case the one of mesazon in the service of John VII, the emperor showed that he was not indifferent and suggested to his friend to give up something which doesn’t suit him and continue to occupy himself with intellectual work. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177032: Tradicija, inovacija i identitetu vizantijskom svetu i br. 177015: Hrišćanska kultura na Balkanu u srednjem veku: Vizantijsko carstvo, Srbi i Bugari od 9. do 15. veka]
Ikona bogorodice "Aksion Estin" iz Protata i njene kopije
Ikona bogorodice "Aksion Estin" iz Protata i njene kopije
(francuski) L’auteur s’occupe de la fameuse icone de l’église du Protaton a Karyes 'Axion Estin'. Il présente la tradition de l’icone, qui remonte au Xe siècle, et il examine son type iconographique et sa datation. Il présente aussi les copies de l icone, conservées pour la plus part aux monastères du Mont Athos (XVIe - XIX siècles) et les appellations des icones, notées a ses copies (Eleousa, Axion Estin, Protaitissa).
Ikonografija žitija sv. Dimitrija Solunskog - njena obnova u ruskom ikonopisu kraja XVII i početka XVIII veka
Ikonografija žitija sv. Dimitrija Solunskog - njena obnova u ruskom ikonopisu kraja XVII i početka XVIII veka
(ruski) Ikonografija sv. Dimitrija Solunskogo prodolžaet razvivat'sja v russkoj ikonopisi daže v konce XVII - načale XVIII vekov. Novyj variant Žitija sv. Dimitrija, napečatannyj v 1689 godu v Kieve v oktjabr'skom tome Čet'ih Minej Dmitrija Rostovskogo, vpervye soderžit rasskaz o detstve svjatogo. Èto načinajut Izobražat' v ikonah, pokazyvaja sceny blagočestivogo sozercanija ikon rebënkom i ego roditeljami.
Il Postagma di Govanni VI Cantacuzeno del marzo 1347
Il Postagma di Govanni VI Cantacuzeno del marzo 1347
The article presents the first critical edition of the prostagma of John Kantakouzenos (March 1347) with an historical introduction on the deposition of the patriarch John Kalekas and on the Synodal Tome of the end of february 1347 and a study of the manuscripts.
Ilustracija Druge uskršnje homilije Grigorija Bogoslova
Ilustracija Druge uskršnje homilije Grigorija Bogoslova
(francuski) L'illustration de la Deuxième homélie pascale de Grégoire de Nazianze a trouvé place dans plusieurs manuscrits byzantins datés du IXe au XIVe siècle et sur une fresque datée de 1294/95 ornant la calotte du narthex de l'église de la Vierge Péribleptos à Ochrid. Le contenu iconographique complexe de cette vision trouve son explication dans le texte même de l'homélie de Grégoire le Théologien, ainsi que dans les commentaires dus à la plume d'écrivains tardifs : Jean Damscène, Basile Le Minime, Georges Mocénos, Michel Psellos et Nicétas d'Héraclée.
Imperatrix Bulgariae Anna-Neda (1277-c.1346)
Imperatrix Bulgariae Anna-Neda (1277-c.1346)
Si è fato il tentanivo di presentare dettagliatamente la vita di Anna-Neda, la celebre imperatrice bulgara di origine serba. Si è ribadito sulle sue attività e le relazioni con vari personaggi dell’epoca a partire dal matrimonio con Michail III Šišman Asen, despota di Vidin, fino alla morte di lei, probabilmente avvenuta nel 1346 a Dubrovnik. Parole chiave: Impero bulgaro, Vidin, Tǎrnovo, Regno di Napoli. In this article an effort is made to present in detail the life of Anna-Neda, famous Bulgarian empress of Serbian origine. The accent is put on her activities and relations with various characters from the period after her marriage with Michail III Asen Šišman, despot of Vidin, until her death, which probably occurred in 1346 in Dubrovnik.
In search for ’Higher education’ in Byzantium
In search for ’Higher education’ in Byzantium
This study aims to present and critically investigate the development of the socalled ‘higher education’ in the Byzantine Empire. Some institutions will be examined, such as the teaching with public funding (the case of Themistios), the well-known Pandidakterion of the fifth century, Magnaura in a much subsequent age, and, finally, the re-organization of education during the reign of Constantine IX Monomachos in the eleventh century, when, for the last time in its history, a case can be made for a higher education institution in Byzantium.
In the Chronographia, is Michael Psellos’ concern for the army entirely disinterested?
In the Chronographia, is Michael Psellos’ concern for the army entirely disinterested?
The present article analyzes Psellos’ commentary on the disarray of the Byzantine army in the Chronographia. The topic is examined in relation to the political circumstances of the time, and the author’s own particular situation. It is possible to conclude that much of his commentary on the military in the Chronographia is disingenuous and is influenced by his own position and interests.
Inoplemenici u prepisci vizantijskih intelektualaca XII veka
Inoplemenici u prepisci vizantijskih intelektualaca XII veka
(francuski) Lorsque l'on sait reconnaître dans l'attitude méprisante des intellectuels byzantins à l'égard des étrangers ce qui tient à l'expression de l'idéologie politique de l'Empire et écarter soigneusement la couche archaïsante d'un mode d'expression rhétorique qui était de riguer dans ce genre littéraire, la correspondance du XIIe siècle peut nous fournir de précieuses données sur les allophyloi et nous offrir des représentations plastiques de leur mode de vie.
Istraživanje ostataka hrama Sv. Pantelejmona u Nišu
Istraživanje ostataka hrama Sv. Pantelejmona u Nišu
(francuski) Les principales communications concernant les fouilles de l'église Saint-Pantéléèmôn ayant déjà été publiées dans le recueil de travaux consacré à Stefan Nemanja, le présent texte propose un rapport détaillé des dernières fouilles et des résultats obtenus. Il est complété, en se fondant sur les maigres vestiges architecturaux mis au jour, d'une tentative de reconstitution idéale de la conception spatiale de l'église. Son rapprochement avec les plans des autres églises ayant eu pour fondateur Stefan Nemanja permet de conclure que le conception de l'espace et la structure de Saint-Pantéléèmôn était très proche de celles de l'église de la Vierge à Studenica. Ce rapport sur les fouilles effectuées contient également un catalogue de trouvailles funéraires, parures et objets utilitaires qui, au vu de leur grande valeur, appartenaient de toute évidence aux couches élevées de la population.
