Istorijski časopis

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Историјски часопис, званично гласило Историјског института, излази од 1948. године. Објављује оригиналне научне радове на српском и другим језицима. Примењује систем „слепих“ рецензија два рецензента. Тематски оквир часописа обухвата економску, друштвену, политичку и културну историју српског народа, као и његове везе са јужнословенским и осталим балканским народима, и истовремено унапређује све гране историјске науке. Хронолошки оквир је омеђен на период од средњег века до почетка 20. века, односно до 1918. године и стварања Краљевине СХС.
ISSN: 0350-0802


Рудник под османском влашћу у XV и XVI веку
Рудник под османском влашћу у XV и XVI веку
Rudnik was one of the oldest mines and squares n the Serb Medieval state, for the first time mentioned in 1293. It was a silver mine, but also produced considerable quantities of copper and lead. Rudnik was considered as a big silver mine, although not of the size of Novo Brdo and Srebrenica. The 1458 Ottoman conquest did not bring significant changes in the everyday life of the population. Local authorities still had an important role, and the existing mining codes and common law continued to be implemented. For decades, the presence of Ottoman Turkish authorities was limited to a small garrison in the nearby Ostrovica fort, along with a few clerks, who controlled mining operations and tax collection. During the Turkish rule, main mining operations on the Rudnik mountain were around the town of Rudnik, near the present-day village of Majdan. The most successful period in Rudnik's history was interrupted by the plague epidemics, which hit hard Rudnik and the surrounding mining settlements during 1520s and 1530s.However, religious differences did not present an obstacle for the common business of the adherents of different religions. It was not uncommon for the clerks of different religious affiliations to be members of the mine's management, to be co-owners of mining and melting premises, or members of the same mining associations.The rises and fallings of Rudink, caused by epidemics and hardship, continued for the most of the 17th century. In that period, the Muslim community was much more numerous than the Christian one, and Rudnik was considere to be a medium-sized mine. During the Vienna War, and the battles between Austrian and Turkish armies on the territory of the present-day Serbia (1688-1690), Rudnik was devastated, and most of its inhabitants were either killed, or emigrated. Thus ceased the organized mining production in one of the oldest and most important Serbian mines.
Русија и Дубровник почетком ХVIII века
Русија и Дубровник почетком ХVIII века
The strategic location of Dubrovnik was the reason for the strongly expressed interest in it on the part of Turkey, Austria and Venice, and also, from the end of the XVII century, on the part of Russia. The ties with the Dubrovnik Republic in the first decades of the XVIII century were a part of Russia’s attempts to play a significant role in the political life of Europe. During that time the Ottoman Empire and its European domains, as well as the Mediterranean, represented a knot of interests and problems to the backdrop of the entire political environment. Dubrovnik was a willing participant in the international affairs but it also started to ever so often attract Russia’s attention as an object of its foreign policy. The relations between the enormous Eurasian empire and the small Adriatic republic were measured first of all by the assistance to the Russian delegation in Constantinople, which was provided by some individuals. Some of them made a significant contribution to the establishment and implementation of the Russian policy in the Mediterranean and towards the Ottoman Empire and the Christians in its European domains – the Dubrovnik consuls from the Barca family, Sava Ragusinski, Florio Beneveni and others. Each one of them took part in the solution to the complicated political and diplomatic problems, which had brought the two empires to a standstill on the brink of war. Ragusinski and Beneveni were credited also as Russian diplomats in Asia as well as with the solution of certain domestic issues. However, the relations between Russia and Dubrovnik remained generally superficial and only become active towards the end of the century as a result of events in Europe and the Mediterranean.
Руска словенска добротворна друштвa и Српско подворје у Москви (1874–1917)
Руска словенска добротворна друштвa и Српско подворје у Москви (1874–1917)
The Metochion of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Moscow was opened on 13 December 1874, at the initiative of Metropolitan Mihailo and with the support of the Moscow Slavic Benevolent Committee. During its existence, it had a very important role in strengthening of Serbian-Russian relations, not only in ecclesiastical, but also in cultural, educational, scholarly and economic terms. It also played a political role. As a representative office of the Serbian church and, at the same time, as the first official Serbian authority in Russia, it strongly advocated Serbian interests and supported the Serbian national movement, which was especially reflected in the wars for liberation and union. In that respect, the heads of the Metochion of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Moscow had good cooperation with both the Slavophiles and the Neoslavists of Moscow and took an active part in the work of Slavic charity societies in Moscow. In those activities, archimandrite Sava (Grbović), archimandrite Kiril (Jovičić) and archimandrite Mihailo (Urošević) played an important part. The aim of our paper is to provide a short summary of the activities of the Slavophiles and the Neoslavists of Moscow in the context of international circumstances and to, at least partly, shed light on the role of the Serbian representative office in the realization of the Serbian national question.
Русский человек на Балканах
Русский человек на Балканах
У чланку аутор покушава да реконструише биографију Јосифа Гавриловича Мамулова – руског коњичког поручника у резерви, који је проживео у Србији 22 године (1893–1915), од којих је 13 година радио у Руском посланству у Београду, као драгоман. Био је ожењен госпођом Емилијом Сташевском – Српкињом по мајци (отац јој је био Пољак). Имајући у виду да су српски историчари увек сматрали и даље сматрају, да је 1899. године „Мамулов врбовао поједине личности за атентат на краља Милана, а по неким сведочењима и за краља Алексанра”, аутор, ослањајући се пре свега на досад непознату руску грађу, доказује да је то мит. Руски племић и официр, који се херојски понашао током Српске голготе, зашта је и добио високо војно одликовање од Руске владе, по дефиницији (не говорећи о другим чињеницама, наведеним у чланку) није могао играти толико ниску „историјску” улогу.
In the paper, we have reconstructed the war experience of Stanislav Krakow – a volunteer in the Balkan Wars, an officer in the First World War, writer and journalist after the war. By all means, Krakow was an outstanding person with extraordinary war experience and almost movielike life. In the six years-long war period Krakow was injured 14 times and honoured with 18 Serbian and foreign decorations for bravery. In many war episodes he played a very prominent role. He was in the unit that was first attacked by Bulgaria in autumn 1915 and participated in all battles at the Thessaloniki front in 1916–1918. When the Serbian and Allied army broke through the frontline, he was leading the unit that liberated Veles. The first unit, which crossed the Sava, liberated Ruma, Novi Sad and the entire Fruška Gora region, was under his command. He was in the division chosen to cross through Slavonia, Croatia, Dalmatia and finally reach the Adriatic Sea in Istria. With literary talent, Krakow was describing very meticulously the situation in Rijeka, tense relations with Italians and the outcome of that war adventure. Furthermore, he was a representative of the Serbian army within the Rijeka occupation corps under the command of French General Tranié. From Rijeka, he was transferred to Zagreb in the special military mission headed by Colonel Milan Pribićević. When the mission was disbanded in February 1919, he remained in Zagreb but now as part of a new mission under the command of his uncle Colonel Milan Nedić. In Zagreb, Krakow was the witness of a very tight antiYugoslav atmosphere, disappointment of one part of Croats with the new state, their separatist feelings, etc. Retired from the Army in 1922, he turned to a career of a journalist and writer and achieved significant success. Despite the fact that published during one decade even today he is considered one of the most prominent representatives of Expressionism in Yugoslavia. His entire literature relied on the war experience in 1912–1918. The research basis of this paper were documents, war journals and manuscripts stored in the Archive of Yugoslavia and the National Library of Serbia. Immense contributions to the research were Krakow’s novels and shorts stories. His role in the Second World War, mainly close cooperation with Milan Nedić and Dimitrije Ljotić, and his unambiguously pro-Nazi beliefs, are not examined in the paper. Krakow fled Yugoslavia in August 1944 and until its death in 1968 lived in France and Switzerland.
In the Middle Ages, Dubrovnik was the main centre in which the population from its vicinity, among others from Dračevica, came in masses. The population from this area, primarily young population, went to Dubrovnik to find jobs and learn some craftsmanship. They found work in both the domicile population and the settled foreigners who acted both inside and outside the city. This young population in Dubrovnik were primarily servants and maids, with the male population studying crafts at the same time. Many servants went to Italy, and often travelled with their employers when traveling. Despite the fact that there were strict restrictions on the settlement of foreigners in Dubrovnik, many of those who went to Dubrovnik somehow found their way and did not get back to their places of birth. Many of them permanently stayed in Dubrovnik and married according to the customs of the city.
At the beginning of 1881, modern organized political parties in Serbia emerged: the People’s Radical, Progressive and Liberal. By that time, the deputies performed individually at the National Assembly, and after 1881 they acted in accordance with the party program, respecting party discipline. Along with King Milan Obrenović, the Radical Party already turned into one of the decisive factors in the political life of the country in 1882. The political crisis caused by the collapse of the “General Company” in February 1882 could not be overcome, as radical deputies abandoned the assembly and thereby stripped it of legitimacy. The parliamentary system ceased functioning in the country, since the constitutionally envisioned quorum could not be secured. This situation led to large polarization in the country, which increasingly took on the form of an open conflict, since at the beginning of 1882, all means for political co-operation between the Progressive Party and the Radical Party were exhausted. The polarization in Serbia quickly pushed both sides into direct confrontation. Demanding the consistent implementation of its program, and having the vast support of the broad masses, the Radical Party represented a threat to the entire social and political order, which was finally manifested in the outbreak of the Timok Rebellion in 1883.
Савремена историографија и зумачење настанка османске државе
Савремена историографија и зумачење настанка османске државе
Although not equally treated, modern historiography offers several different theories about the origin of the Ottoman Empire. The most predominant is P. Wittek’s so-called ghazi-theory. It states that the Ottoman Empire established itself on the idea of Holy War (jihad) against Christians. This theory is still widely acknowledged, although historical critique showed that its basis is not in accordance with historical facts. The intent of this article is to summarize the development and problems of modern historiography regarding the origins of the Ottoman Empire, with special regard to the ghazi-theory. Having analyzed the most important scientific literature, it has been shown in this article that this theory is still the most predominant, and that the results of historical critique are not properly used. Although the question of the origin of the Ottoman Empire is still left open, modern historiography has detached itself from the theoretical approach and returned to the analyzing of historical sources.
Сазнања великих сила о стварању Балканског савеза 1912. године
Сазнања великих сила о стварању Балканског савеза 1912. године
The creation of the Balkan Alliance in March 1912 is considered by Serbian and other Balkan historiographies one of the most important events in the history of the Balkan Peninsula. In order to jointly confront the common enemy, the Balkan states (Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece and Montenegro) found a way to overcome numerous differences among themselves for the first time in their modern history. The creation of the alliance led to the great victories in the First Balkan War. In this paper we explored the Great Powers’ involvement in the creation of the Balkan Alliance. Russia’s role in this event was well understood and analysed in historiography, while the participation of other powers remained unclear. Documents from Serbian and foreign archives, as well as published diplomatic correspondence, enabled us to clarify the involvement of all Great Powers in the process of creation of the Balkan League. The earlier opinion that besides Russia none of the other Great Powers was familiar with the existence of the Alliance is inaccurate. As late as the summer of 1912 all of the Great Powers were informed from different sources about this important political and military development in the Balkans. Despite that, they chose to wait and not take any action against the Alliance. On the one hand the Entente powers supported Russia and believed that it exerted control over the allies and the Balkan affairs in general. On the other hand the Triple Alliance was convinced that the Balkan states were incapable of working in partnership and that the Ottoman Empire had enough strength to defeat them. Fortunately for the Balkan states and their national interests, the war operations proved them wrong.
Сведения францисканских источников о католической миссионерской деятельности в Золотой Орде
Сведения францисканских источников о католической миссионерской деятельности в Золотой Орде
The author of this article traces the core stages of development of the Catholic Apostolate in the Jochid Ulus. Latin sources about missionary activity of the Franciscans in the Golden Horde contain valuable information on religious policy of Jochid khans, Mengu-Timur, Tokhta and Uzbeg, and, at the same time, provide data about daily life of nomads, and the central cities of the Golden Horde Volga region.
Сведочење у судском доказном поступку према млађим рукописима законодавства цара Стефана Душана
Сведочење у судском доказном поступку према млађим рукописима законодавства цара Стефана Душана
In the manuscripts of the more recent redaction in the legislation of Tsar Stephan Dushan (mostly dating from the 17 th and 18 th century) regulations concerning court testimony in legal presentation of evidence are contained in Justinian’s Law. In Dushan’s Code there is only one regulation regarding court testimony (article 80), similar to the manuscripts of the more ancient redaction. In the article 80 one legal provision concerns the process of determining witnesses in the litigation among villages regarding village boundaries. The regulations contained in the Justinian’s Law of the more recent redaction were mostly taken from Justinian’s Law of the most ancient redaction and from the Abridged Syntagm of Matthew Blastares, sometimes with smaller and sometimes with more significant changes and sometimes also without any changes at all. However, many regulations from the manuscripts of the more ancient redaction were not taken, probably because they were considered to be outdated or unnecessary. In Justinian’s law it is determined who could be a witness and who couldn’t, along with the obligation of taking a solemn oath before the testimony and the manner in which that oath should be taken. A certain number of witnesses necessary for different legal situations is determined. The punishments for false testimony are regulated also. Some regulations are clear and detailed and some are in collision with one another which demonstrates us the confusion of the redactor/scribe and the misunderstanding in regard to the social conditions dating from the time of earlier legal codes and the rules that regulated the social relations. Some terms have become distant and some totally unfamiliar to the redactor. There was an intention to use earlier legal texts to compose the new law corpus useful to Serbian communities. Exclusion and adaptation of some norms has damaged the overall structure of the text, the accuracy of the order of articles and the relations between them. Composing legal norms in an entirely new order, avoiding collisions between them and adapting them to modern social circumstances were very complex tasks. So, in the assessment made at the omissions and the inconsistencies, we must remindourselves that a number of valuable information regarding the Serbian communities living in the time of difficult historical circumstances has arrived to us through the preserved manuscripts of the more recent redaction. These circumstances preceded the formation of new independent Serbian state in the 19th century.
Село Дубница у нахији Сенице
Село Дубница у нахији Сенице
In this article, based on new data from historical sources and using data available through the historiography, it was possible to identify an unknown church mentioned in Оttoman document from 1618. The aforementioned church titled as Dubnica village’s church located in nahiye of Senice was by now completely unknown. Using the oral tradition which preserved the name of Steva Vasojević’s church and its relations to the village of Dubnica it was possible to establish firm ground based on other sources and archeological data in accepting the thesis that two churches are the same one. This document suggests that the aforementioned church was an important early 17th century center and place of maintaining and exhibiting a local Christian cult devoted to St. Peter’s festival (June 29 / 12 July), one of the many holidays on which were based important social, cultural and economic relations among local inhabitants. Also, importance of Dubnica village through 15th-16th century was stressed, based on data from Ottoman census books (tahrir defterleri). According to these sources this settlement was most important one in the whole nahiye of Senice judging by number of population, local institutions, preserved oral traditions and spatial position with regard to the fact that the existence of today’s neighboring town Sjenica was not confirmed in available sources during 15th-17th century, especially the one’s belonging to the Оttoman provenances.
