Vojnoistorijski glasnik

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Vojnoistorijski glasnik is a scientific journal of the Institute for Strategic Research. The journal was founded in 1950 as a journal of the Military History Institute and in the meantime has undergone many changes in terms of concept, content, design and frequency of publication.


Oфанзивно наоружање нордијских и других западних најамника у комнинској Византији
Oфанзивно наоружање нордијских и других западних најамника у комнинској Византији
Summary/Abstract: The work is an attempt to reconstruct arsenal of offensive weaponry of westeuropean, especially scandinavian mercenaries in Byzantium of Comnenian epoch. The work is based on Byzantine and western written sources (esp. Byzantine narrative sources of Comnenian epoch, Nordic and Latin narrative works likewise). It deals with main components of offensive weaponry (axe, spear, lance, sword, and hypothetically bow and mace), and tries to identify the exact type of each of them. The most attention is dedicated to the questions of these mercenaries` usage of „Danish“ axe, one- and two-edged swords and lance. This work concludes that the Latin mercenaries in Comnenian Byzantium, like in previous and subsequent epochs, retained the most of their offensive armament, thus reflecting the fact that they played their original tactical role in Byzantine army – the role of heavy cavalry (the Normans, French, Lombards, etc.) and heavy infantry (the Nordmen and Anglosaxons).
Summary/Abstract: Prikaz/The review of: Антифашизам и демократија. Антифашистички рат у Југославији и савременост, зборник, Београд 2006., издавач Друштво за истину о антифашистичкој борби у Југославији, стр. 448.
Summary/Abstract: Prikaz/The review of: Martina Grahek Ravančić, Bleiburg i križni put 1945. Historiografija, publicistika i memoarska literatura, Hrvatski institut za povijest, Zagreb, 2009, 486 str.
Summary/Abstract: Prikaz: (Шен Џихуа, Мао Цедунг – Стаљин и Корејски рат, Гуандуншки народни издавач, Гуандунг 2003, стр. 509) - The review of: Shen Zhihua, Mao Zedong – Sidalin yu Chaoxian zhanzheng, Guandong renmin chubanshi, Guandong 2003, pp. 509
Summary/Abstract: The review of: Иван Лаковић, Западна војна помоћ Југославији 1951-1958, Подгорица2006, 293
Summary/Abstract: Prikaz/The review of: Љубомир Петровић, Невидљиви гето. Инвалиди у Краљевини Југославији 1918-1941, Београд 2007, 341стр.
Summary/Abstract: Prikaz/The review of: Edwin P. Hoyt, Boje na Balkáně. Balkán 1941. Fakta a svědectví, Praha, Naše vojsko 2009, 172. str.
Summary/Abstract: Prikaz/The review of: Gobetti, Eric: L’occupazione allegra. Gli Italiani in Jugoslavia (1941–1943), Roma: Carocci editore, 2007, 260,
Summary/Abstract: Prikaz/The review of: Peter Jackson, The Mongols and the West 1221-1410, Pearson, Harlow 2005, pp. 414+xxxiv
Summary/Abstract: Prikaz/The review of: Terence Zuber, Inventing the Schlieffen Plan. German War Planing 1871-1914, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2002. 340+xii pp.
Summary/Abstract: Prikaz/The review of: - Душан Батаковић, Дечанско питање, Београд 2007, 354; - Душан Батаковић, Косово и Метохија у српско-арбанашким односима, Београд 2007, 393; - Душан Батаковић, Косово и Метохија-историја и идеологија, Београд 2007, 469;
Summary/Abstract: Prikaz/The review of: László Borhi, Hungary in the Cold War 1945-1956. Between the United States and the Soviet Union, Budapest (Central European University), 2004, 352 стр.
