Vojnoistorijski glasnik

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Vojnoistorijski glasnik is a scientific journal of the Institute for Strategic Research. The journal was founded in 1950 as a journal of the Military History Institute and in the meantime has undergone many changes in terms of concept, content, design and frequency of publication.


X годишња конференција евроатлантске радне групе за студије конфликта (CSWG) “Military and political aspects of armed conflicts”
X годишња конференција евроатлантске радне групе за студије конфликта (CSWG) “Military and political aspects of armed conflicts”
Summary/Abstract: X годишња конференција евроатлантске радне групе за студије конфликта (CSWG) “Military and political aspects of armed conflicts”, Варшава, 24–28. мај 2010. године / 10th Annual Conference of the Euro-Atlantic Conflict Studies Working Group: “Military and Political aspects of Armed Conflicts”, Warsaw, 24 to 28 of May 2010
XI годишња конференција Евроатлантске радне групе за студије конфликта (CSWG) “The Regular and Irregular Warfare
XI годишња конференција Евроатлантске радне групе за студије конфликта (CSWG) “The Regular and Irregular Warfare
Summary/Abstract: XI годишња конференција Евроатлантске радне групе за студије конфликта (CSWG) “The Regular and Irregular Warfare: Experiences of History and Contemporary Armed Conflicts”, Београд, 23–27. мај 2011. године / 9th Annual Conference of the Euroatlantic Conflict Studies Working Group (CSWG) “The Regular and Irregular Warfare: Experiences of History and Contemporary Armed Conflicts”, Belgrade, 23–27 May 2011
XII годишња конференција Радне групе за студије конфликата земаља НАТО и програма Партнерство за мир (CSWG) „Past through Present
XII годишња конференција Радне групе за студије конфликата земаља НАТО и програма Партнерство за мир (CSWG) „Past through Present
Summary/Abstract: XII годишња конференција Радне групе за студије конфликата земаља НАТО и програма Партнерство за мир (CSWG) „Past through Present: Thoughts on Military History at the Strategic, Operational and Tactical Levels of War“, Беч, 21–25. мај 2012. године / 12th Annual Conference of the Conflict Study Working Group (CSWG) of the NATO and PfP Consortium “Past through Present: Thoughts on Military History at the Strategic, Operational and Tactical Levels of War”, Vienna, 21–25 May 2012
XIV годишња конверенција Евроатлантске радне групе за студије конфликата (CSWG) “Doctrinal Сhange
XIV годишња конверенција Евроатлантске радне групе за студије конфликата (CSWG) “Doctrinal Сhange
Summary/Abstract: XIV годишња конверенција Евроатлантске радне групе за студије конфликата (CSWG) “Doctrinal Сhange: Using the Past to fight the Present”, Братислава (Словачка) 7–11. април 2014. / 14th Annual Conference of the Euro-Atlantic Conflict Studies Working Group (CSWG) “Doctrinal Change: Using the Past to fight the Present”, Bratislava (Slovakia), 7-11 April 2014.
XVI годишња конференција Евроатлантске радне групе за студије конфликта (CSWG)
XVI годишња конференција Евроатлантске радне групе за студије конфликта (CSWG)
Summary/Abstract: XVI годишња конференција Евроатлантске радне групе за студије конфликта (CSWG): ”Veterans and Society, Demobilization and Reintegration of Ex-Combatants Trough History”, Љубљана (Словенија) 4–7. јул 2016. године / XVI Annual Conference of the Euro-Atlantic Conflict Studies Working Group on (CSWG): "Veterans and Society, Demobilization and Reintegration of Ex-Combatants Through History", Ljubljana (Slovenia) 4-7. July 2016
«У нас больше не повторится того, что было между нашими странами…» Н.С. Хрущев на встрече с делегацией югославских ветеранов войны (октябрь 1957 г.)
«У нас больше не повторится того, что было между нашими странами…» Н.С. Хрущев на встрече с делегацией югославских ветеранов войны (октябрь 1957 г.)
Summary/Abstract: 5 октября Первый секретарь ЦК КПСС Н.С. Хрущев принял гостящую в Советском Союзе по приглашению Советского Комитета ветеранов войны делегацию Союза борцов народно‐освободительной войны Югославии во главе с Генеральным секретарем ЦК Сою‐ за борцов, народным героем Югославии Велимиром Стойничем. В составе делегации народный герой Югославии генерал‐полковник Владо Янич, Зденко Кидрич, Мишо Иованович, Саго Бркович, Боро Чаушевский, Драги Миленкович, Душко Меятович. От Советского Комитета ветеранов войны на приеме присутствовали А.С. Гундоров, А.Н. Сабуров, М.Ф. Лукин, Г.Ф. Зайцев и А.С. Никитин.
Αρριανου Εκταξισ Κατα Αλανων. Аријанов бојни поредак против Алана
Αρριανου Εκταξισ Κατα Αλανων. Аријанов бојни поредак против Алана
Summary/Abstract: Пред читаоцем је први превод са грчког оригинала на српски језик дела ’Έκταξις κατά Αλανών, (Бојни поредак против Алана), римског историчара, филозофа, теоретичара и високог војног заповедника Луција Флавија Аријана, познатијег као Аријан из Никомедије. Овај по много чему јединствен приручник – извештај садржи прецизан опис тактичког деловања војних јединица царског Рима у доба Принципата, за време марша, непосредно пре и током битке. Уз превод су дати коментари и кратак осврт на војно-историјски значај овог Аријановог дела.
Ђенерал Драгутин Милутиновић (1865–1941). Војник и историчар
Ђенерал Драгутин Милутиновић (1865–1941). Војник и историчар
Summary/Abstract: Dragutin Milutinović, who was born in Beloševac, Kragujevac, on 28 September 1865 and died in Belgrade on 5 January 1941, was a cadet of the 17th class of the Serbian Military Academy and the Nikolayevsk Staff Academy in St. Peterburg, Russia. As a cadet, he participated in the war between Serbia and Bulgaria in 1885. He served in infantry assignments culminating as a regimental commanding officer prior to the Balkan wars of 1912-1913. He also served as a section chief in the Operations Department of the General Staff and chief of adivisional district staff, and was a prominent military writer and historian as well as a professor at the Military Academy. He served as chief of the External Section of the General Staff in 1901-1902, and as head of the Reporting Section from 1906 to 1909. During the Balkan wars, he commanded the 2nd line Timok Divison; and during the Great War, he commanded the 1st line Šumadija Division; Albanian troops; the Vardar Division; the Reserve Troop and Non-Commissioned Officers’ schools in Bizerta, Tunisia; the First Volunteer Division in Russia; and Adriatic troops. After the war, he was a delegate at Cetinje, Montenegro; Inspector for the Infantry; Chancellor of the Royal decorations; and member of the Military Council before retiring in 1927. He wrote a series of historiographical and memoir volumes. General Milutinović’s legacy is preserved in the Archives of the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts.
Summary/Abstract: Despite military defeat and occupation of the country, Yugoslav government in emigration remained an active part of the Allied coalition. Formation of Yugoslav military units in emigration was high on Government`s agenda. In that respect, decision was made to send military mission led by colonel D. Savich to North America on March 1942, in order to conduct recruitment process among Yugoslav migrants. Yugoslav politicians in emigration, as did Yugoslav State in the interwar period, perceived migrants of Yugoslav origine as part of national unity and therefore potential source of recruits for Yugoslav military forces. Without possibility of imposing compulsory military service, both members of military mission and Yugoslav diplomats relied on propaganda and appealed to patriotism. However, final results of recruitment were disappointing. Only 11 recruits and volunteers entered Yugoslav military camp in Windsor (Canada) at the end of the recruitment process and, very soon, they were discharged from Windsor military camp. Misperceptions, migrant sence of identity and belonging, atmosphere of constant hostility and antagonism among both Yugoslav politicians and emigration, obstructive policy of American officials, were some of the reasons for this disappointing outcome.
Summary/Abstract: The mass migration from socialist Yugoslavia, which reached its peak in the late 1960s and early 1970s, was triggered by both internal and external factors. The key internal factor that generated the phenomenon of mass emigration from socialist Yugoslavia was the enormous pressure on the domestic labor market, which was a collateral consequence of the economic reform implemented in the mid-1960s. On the other hand, the most developed Western European countries were in desperate need of additional sources of labor force. The emigration of hundreds of thousands of Yugoslavs to the West (primarily to Western Europe) brought significant benefits to Yugoslavia (departure of redundant workers, remittances from guest workers), but it also posed considerable challenges to Belgrade. The Yugoslav regime was particularly concerned about negative consequences of this mass migration for the security of the Yugoslav system. The Yugoslav People's Army feared, above all, the influence of political emigration and foreign intelligence services on conscripts from Yugoslavia working abroad, as well as the impossibility of conducting full mobilization in extraordinary circumstances. In fact, the Yugoslav regime was provided with the information on possible obstructions of the return of Yugoslav conscripts to Yugoslavia in the case of Yugoslavia's entry into the war by the governments of Western European countries. Being aware of this potential risk, the Yugoslav regime contemplated measures to limit these effects of the mass labor migration from Yugoslavia.
Summary/Abstract: By the end of 1960s due to the changed international relations worldwide newly elected American administration strive to implement world peace policy and to enhance international cooperation. This new constellation of powers, regardless on all existing disagreements between two countries as a result of a collision of Yugoslav peaceful coexistence policy versus American interventionism policy, led to their cooperation. Brezhnev's doctrine of “limited sovereignty” and fear of possible Soviet intervention in Yugoslavia definitively turned Yugoslavia towards Washington. Yugoslavia became economically dependent on USA while the Americans showed readiness to continue military aspect of cooperation, providing Yugoslavia usage of spear parts of ammunition and armament. USA in detante period accepted Yugoslavia as a partner in productive bilateral relations but also as a mean for accomplishing its own long term interests.
