Vojnoistorijski glasnik

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Vojnoistorijski glasnik is a scientific journal of the Institute for Strategic Research. The journal was founded in 1950 as a journal of the Military History Institute and in the meantime has undergone many changes in terms of concept, content, design and frequency of publication.


Summary/Abstract: У раду се анализира извештавање, у то време, најтиражнијег београдског дневног листа „Вечерњих новости” о ратном учинку Војске Југославије током НАТО агресије 1999. године, а које је било део информационог рата. Посебан акценат је стављен на анализу навода о обореним ваздухопловима Северноатлантске алијансе.
Владимир Смирнов (1899–1985). Руски емигрант – југословенски генерал
Владимир Смирнов (1899–1985). Руски емигрант – југословенски генерал
Summary/Abstract: After the victory of the Bolshevik forces in the Russian civil war, a significant number of Russian exiles found refuge in the newly formed Yugoslav Kingdom. Vladimir Smirnov, a young civil engineering student, was among them. In the interwar period, he completed his studies in Belgrade (which he started in St. Petersburg) and worked as a respected civil engineer specialist for railway construction. Smirnov actively joined the partisan movement in 1941. During the war, he was the chief of the technical unit at the Supreme Headquarters. His name is linked to a series of war feats, especially during the Battle of the Neretva. After the war, he was the head of the Construction Directorate of the Yugoslav Army and its chief engineer. In this position, he dealt specifically with the construction of military facilities, including those for housing, and a number of military facilities for special purposes, as well as with the system of permanent fortifications of border regions. Smirnov was a prominent military writer and translator and was awarded a number of prestigious Yugoslav military decorations.
Војвода Живојин Мишић у загребачкој катедрали
Војвода Живојин Мишић у загребачкој катедрали
Summary/Abstract: Наиђу, посебно у српском народу, нека чудна времена у којима је насушна потреба причање доконих прича. Та потреба настаје обично када људи беже из неизвесне садашњости у неко давно прошло ратничко време и тамо преплићу своју судбину са животима великана, ратника у неком давно прошлом времену и тако се њихово постојање изједначава са бесмртном славом мртвих људи. У њиховом друштву осећају извесну сигурност. Уколико нађу у новинама потврду тих доконих прича, посебно оних које су уперене против „издајничке браће“, то разбуктава машту до неслућених размера, због „нерашчишћених рачуна од памтивека“. [...]
Војна надлежност над ратним војним инвалидима у Југославији 1945–1948.
Војна надлежност над ратним војним инвалидима у Југославији 1945–1948.
Summary/Abstract: After the Second World War, in 1945 in Yugoslavia, there was approximately 400,000 war military invalids and families of killed, dead and missing soldiers who had fought in the 1941–1945 Peoples Liberation War of Yugoslavia and previous wars fought by Serbia, Montenegro and Kingdom of Yugoslavia. A new Yugoslav revolutionary state regime formed during the People’¬s National Liberation War of Yugoslavia attempted, as a token of gratitude and in order to gain support of a massive social group on which to rely, to provide material ptotection for war invalids and families of killed, dead and missing soldiers in Yugoslavia. The passing and implementation of measures for the acquisition of status, rights and protection of war invalids and families of killed, dead and missing soldiers in Yugoslavia during the period from 1945 to 1948 was delegated to the military authorities, starting with the Ministry od National Defense to the regional army unit headquarters and the military and territorial commands of the Yugoslav Army authorities. The Yugoslav military authorities held jurisdiction over the war invalids and families of killed, dead and missing soldiers under the Law on War Military Invalids of 1946. Until the end of 1946, the Yugoslav military authorities carried out mainly organizational preparations: establishment of the military invalids agencies all over Yugoslavia and passing of the regulations necessary for their work on protection of the war military invalids and families protected under the Law. The measures of providing protection of war military invalids and families protected under the Law were carried out and to the greatest extent completed during the period between 1947 and 1948, primarily by resolving the cases of status acquisitions. The acquisitions of the status of a war military invalids and a families protected under the Law during the above period was a prerequisite for a full and life-long protection and social security. Because most of the war military invalids and families protected under the Law received the positive resolutions on their status and due to the deterioration of relatonship between Yugoslavia and USSR, by the autumn of 1948 the jurisdiction over war military invalids and families protected under the Law was transferred from the military invalid agencies to the civil authorities of social welfare all over Yugoslavia.
Војничка заклетва у Србији у XIX и почетком XX века
Војничка заклетва у Србији у XIX и почетком XX века
Summary/Abstract: Swearing an oath is legally regulated by laws, rule books, decisions and clarifications. The first regulation on soldier’s oath can be found in Vojeni Ustav (Military Constitution) from 1813, which never came in force. The decrees on soldier’s oath were passed in 1836, 1839, 1840, 1861, 1883, 1901 and 1904. In the first half of 19th century, there was a hierarchy of oaths, in accordance with the ranks. From the second half of 19th century, the pattern of oath was same for all the members of the army. Soldiers swore the oath at the beginning of their military service, while officers had to take an oath in writing in addition to swearing it orally. In the first half of 19th century, the oath was taken in the church, but from the second half of the century swearing the oath was performed in garrisons. Civilians serving in the army took an oath in compliance with the provisions of the Law on civil servants from 1864. Members of the committees for military procurement value assessment swore the oath in accordance with the Law on military procurement from 1899. Priests played the most prominent role at oath taking ceremonies. Soldiers swore the oath with their three fingertips of the right hand joined and raised to the height of the head. In 1900, a form of the oath for Muslim and Jewish soldiers was enacted into law.
Војничка заклетва у бугарској армији
Војничка заклетва у бугарској армији
Summary/Abstract: The article is dedicated to the most important official ritual in the Bulgarian Army - the military oath. The necessity of its use was laid down in the Constitution of Turnovo, which was approved in April, 1879 - the main law of the Bulgarian country, restored in 1878. It was estimated that in this way exercising the duty to the homeland of all people entering the army will be guaranteed. From 1878 up to the modern days the text of the military oath has been repeatedly modified. Initially, until the election of the first prince of Bulgaria - Alexander I, those entering the Bulgarian infantry, give oath that they will serve “honestly, willingly, fulfilling their commanders’ orders”. After 1880 the soldiers of the Bulgarian army swear in the name of the prince and the homeland and after the proclamation of the independence of Bulgaria in 1908 - in the name of the king and the mother country. Since the beginning of 1945, each and every one of the departing recruits swear “before their conscience and their people”, and since 1945 the oath is taken in the name of “the people and the People’s Republic”. Since 1996 the new text has been used for the military oath, according to which the soldiers take the oath “in the name of the Republic of Bulgaria”. Independently and apart from the particular historical moment in which the oath is taken, the military oath in the Bulgarian army, as well as in the army of every country is a secret pledge to the homeland, and the day in which it is taken remains memorable in the lives of soldiers.
Summary/Abstract: In the moments after the end of the Battle of the Drina, when the withdrawal of the main part of the operative part of the Serbian army to the Valjevske posts began, the command of the Austro­Hungarian Armed Forces, in anticipation of the final victory over the Serb army, decided to undertake a risky move related to the execution of the desant near Smederevo with the aim of mastering the bridge at the confluence of the Velika Morava and threats to the direction of the Velikomoravska Valley lead to the interior of Serbia. In the beginning, a desirable operation of the Austro­Hungarian army was favorable due to the effect of surprise and the use of weaker parts of the Serbian army. After clarifying the situation, collecting the majority of Serb forces in geographically dominant positions and arriving at fresh troops from the reserve of the Branicevo detachment, a successful counterattack was made, resulting in a complete defeat of the Austro­Hungarian units. The largest part of the Austro­Hungarian troops that failed to retreat across the Danube was captured. The counter­attack included two recruits coys from the Vardar Division, which in the following period were especially used for political and propaganda purposes. The reluctance of the merit of the Vardar regrutes for the victory of the Serbian army in that color in relation to the multiple number of troops of the third call successfully held by the Austro­Hungarian attack and then made up more than 90% of Serbian troops during the counter­attack that followed, opened a controversy among the participants of the events. The memories of the commander of "thirdliners" of Lieutenant Colonel Svetomir Cvijovic were given to former War Minister General Dusan Stefanovic in general with the necessary comments in order to shed light on the events at Smederevo in the autumn of 1914.
Горска гарда њ. в. краља Петра Другог у Орашачком срезу. формација, борбе, злочини
Горска гарда њ. в. краља Петра Другог у Орашачком срезу. формација, борбе, злочини
Summary/Abstract: The first units of the Mountain Guard of H. M. King Peter II, commonly known as Mountain Guard or Mountain Royal Guard, were established on 1 November 1941 at Ravna Gora. The original idea was that the Guard was extraterritorial, and an elite task force, composed of the best soldiers and officers recruited primarily from Kragujevac, Užice, Belgrade, and Valjevo district. On 12 June 1943, the unit was elevated to the status of a corps and sent to the area of Oplenac and Orašac municipality, where it became known for brutal confrontations with the members and sympathizers of partisan movement. In January 1944, the Guard was expanded to Kosmaj and Mladenovac municipality with an increase to the corps group structure. Most of the force remained in this area until the liberate of Arandjelovac on 20 September 1944, when broken by the NOVJ, began preparations for the withdrawal to Bosnia. Smaller elements that remained on the ground to fight against the forces of the new established communist government were finally liquidated during and at the end of 1945.
Гранични карактер војноисторијске науке
Гранични карактер војноисторијске науке
Summary/Abstract: Војноисторијска наука бави се, уопштено говорећи, проучавањем ратова и оружаних сукоба. Они су као сложене друштвено политичке појаве предмет изучавања и других друштвених, природних и техничких наука одвојено од опште историје и војне науке. Војноисторијска наука је, пре свега, систем знања о војно-стратешком карактеру ратова, приступима за њихово спречавање, припремама земље и оружаних снага, о законитостима, принципима и способностима за вођење оружане борбе и др. Са своје стране, општа историја изучава рат као друштвену појаву, повезану са конкретним током и законитостима историјског развитка. [...]
Грчка историографија и приватни архиви о животу православног паше Ђорђа Беровића, кнеза Самоса и последњег османлијског гувернера Крита
Грчка историографија и приватни архиви о животу православног паше Ђорђа Беровића, кнеза Самоса и последњег османлијског гувернера Крита
Summary/Abstract: The author of this paper points to some irregularities that appear in Greek historiography related to the figure of Djordje Berovic, Pasha of Orthodox Christian faith who was the Prince of Samos and the last Governor of Crete. Namely, Greek authors stated that Djordje Berovic died and was buried in Venice. However, his grave is located in Orthodox Christian part of the graveyard in Dubrovnik. Besides, some disagreements regarding his ethnic affiliation appear in Greek historiography. This paper is a result of field and archive research of Paljic family personal archive in Belgrade and State archives of Greek Republic on the island of Samos. The paper also gives littleknown information about Pasha’s descendants in Belgrade and Crete today.
Summary/Abstract: У јесен 1912. године почео је Први балкански рат у коме је Србија као циљ имала добијање приступа јадранском мору. Међутим, жеље Београда сукобиле су се са чврстом позицијом Беча, који се залагао за формирање Албаније чије би границе значиле крај српским жељама. Ниједна од страна у спору није била вољна да одступи, па је Аустроугарска прешла на отворене претње ратом. Рад проучава погледе различитих слојева руског друштва према могућности уласка земље у рат у одбрану Србије и анализира узроке тих ставова. Износи се да је руско друштво било више расположено за рат, али не да би заштитио Србију, већ због очуванја националног поноса пред аустроугарским агресивним акцијама.
Далибор Денда, Тенкисти Краљевине Југославије
Далибор Денда, Тенкисти Краљевине Југославије
Summary/Abstract: Dalibor Denda, Tankers of the Kingdom Yugoslavia, Media Center "Defense" and Institute for Strategic Research, Belgrade, 2020, 412 pages.
