Vojnoistorijski glasnik

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Vojnoistorijski glasnik is a scientific journal of the Institute for Strategic Research. The journal was founded in 1950 as a journal of the Military History Institute and in the meantime has undergone many changes in terms of concept, content, design and frequency of publication.


Заоштравање југословенско-албанских односа у сенци совјетско-албанског сукоба (1959–1961)
Заоштравање југословенско-албанских односа у сенци совјетско-албанског сукоба (1959–1961)
Summary/Abstract: Due to the Albanian-Soviet conflict, Yugoslavia was in a very specific position. On the one hand, it was trying to re-normalize its relations with the Soviet Union, and on the other it condemned the Soviet severance of all relations with Albania, considering such a measure anachronistic and counterproductive. The Western powers were keeping an eye with great attention on the Yugoslav reactions to these events expecting a clearer Yugoslav reaction. Italy and Greece, each from the aspect of its interests, were trying to learn more about the Yugoslav plans and intentions toward Albania. However, although suffered a series of political preachings and insults, the Yugoslav government was trying to let it pass, leaving the Albanian government to the elementary fight with the eastern bloc and firm support of China, which also stood out with a very straining campaign against the Yugoslav views on the issues of development of socialism. In an atmosphere that resembled a contest between the Great Powers, Yugoslavia was trying to keep aloof. Its bilateral relations with Albania were minimized almost to the existential level. There was only a limited trade between the two countries. Although it continued with a hard propaganda against Yugoslavia, the Albanian government often tried to become closer to Yugoslavia on the wings of its conflict with the Soviets and their allies. The Yugoslav government refused such Albanian initiatives, believing that this would indirectly support Hodža’s regime and that it would sour its relations with the USSR, and the western world as well, which the Albanian regime considered completely unacceptable and unreliable for any sort of serious political cooperation. The Albanian gradual and opened linking with China and its self-isolation in comparison to neighboring countries, the Eastern bloc and the Western world countries, together with the Yugoslav more opened adherence to the „third world countries“ and vacillation between East and West caused very poor relations between Yugoslavia and Albania for many years.
Summary/Abstract: The paper deals with the emergence of colonized communities in Banat in the period between the two world wars, which were in the function of the national and state politics of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, and the identification of their newly founded settlements. The colonized communities were the symbols of the newly established Yugoslav state in the territory of Banat, and their difference with relation to the encountered social, economic, ethnic and cultural surrounding was a motive for the conflict with it. The essential conflict of the colonized communities and the encountered population was the conflict over the land freed from the landowning estate framework in the process of agrarian reform. Also, due to the settling of different domiciliary groups within the new settlements, the question that arose was the creation of their new local identity. The colonized communities emphasized their “national mission” of the change in ethnic relations and the protection of the new Yugoslav-Romanian border by means of the names of the new settlements that were mostly populated by Serbian war veterans-volunteers and that symbolized the new Yugoslav state. The formation of the political municipalities in the territory of the new settlements intensified their identification, as well as the building of Orthodox temples that were build in the Serbian-Byzantine style, which negated the baroque sacral heritage considered to be the symbol of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy in Banat between the two world wars. The intensified public building in the new Banat settlements in the period of 1934–1936 emphasized the renewed detecting of its defenders by the Yugoslav state in the circumstances of a worsened international situation.
Summary/Abstract: During the Siege of Belgrade in August 1717, a report was written by an anonymous Spanish officer about the events which had happened during the conquest of the city by the Austrian army. The report was written in Spanish and has been preserved in the Historical Archive of the Nobility in Toledo. The report told about military order, battle operations, and also about names of dead and wounded in the battle. This report presented an important piece of information for Spanish Empire in that moment, because Spain was in hostile relations with the Empire of Charles VI, with which it would go in war the following year. By this report, the Spanish court was informed about the Austrian victory, because the Duke of Osuna, whose family archive this report belonged to, was a well positioned person in the court of Spanish king Philip V.
Summary/Abstract: The problem of regulating the Yugoslav-Italian border was topical for a long period of time, from the end of the First World War, until the final demarcation with the signing of the Osimo Agreements in 1975. The article analyzes the attempts of the Yugoslav and Italian governments to determine the final line of the new borders established by the Peace Treaty. Pursuant to Article 5 of the Peace Treaty, the Italian and Yugoslav governments had an international obligation to jointly define the border line. Attempts to determine definite border lines and adjust the border to local geographical and economic conditions were accompanied by incidents at the border. The author points to the diplomatic contacts of the Yugoslav and Italian representatives in order to overcome the problems related to the determination of the final border. Given that an agreement could not be reached, and it was not possible to meet the six-month deadline set by Article 5 of the Treaty, the two governments continued to co-operate on other outstanding issues, while the demarcation was left for some better times. The article was written on the basis of unpublished archival material from the Diplomatic Archive in Belgrade and the Archives of Yugoslavia, published normative documents and literature in Serbian, Croatian and Slovenian.
Summary/Abstract: Article describes Monden’s first stay in Serbian principality (1853-1855)and general conditions of country and its armed forces, described in documentnamed Спис from 1856. French Captain was hired to investigate Serbia’s defensivepossibilities for defence in case of Serbia being involved in Crimeanwar. Paris had interest to send its Captain to Serbia whose intermediaton couldinfluence decision making process of Serbian government during this war.Just before his arrival to Serbia Monden was inspector of studies in Paris PolitechnicalSchool.
Идеологија и политика уништења Срба у НДХ
Идеологија и политика уништења Срба у НДХ
Summary/Abstract: Extreme Croatian nationalism was the basis for the ideological profiling of the Croatian fascism. The Roman Catholic Church also had the key role in this. The creation of a large Croatian Ustasha state after the aggression of axial forces on Yugoslavia enabled the achievement of a strategic goal of Croatian nationalism, and that was ethnic and mostly religious, homogeneous state by destroying the Serbian people. Even before the creation of the NDH, plans to destroy the Serbs had been made at the top of the Ustasha terrorist organization, and from April 1941, systematic implementation of the program of destruction began. Besides the largest target group of Serbs, like in the other states of the “new European order”, the program of destruction included Jews and Gypsies. The territories compactly inhabited by the Serbian people, as well as border areas to the mainstream of the Serbian people were primary targets of the destruction process. Shortly after the killing of the most vital part of the population, men, the entire Serb population was under attack, followed by the legalized looting of their property. After the start of the uprising of the Serbian people, military actions and operations against the rebels were used for the continuation of the process of destruction, and also for the even stronger homogenization of Croatian and Muslim population to participate in the destruction. After the start of the uprising of the Serbian people, military actions and operations against the rebels were used for the process of destruction, and also for the stronger homogenization of Croatian and Muslim population to participate in the destruction. Along with this, the system of concentration camps was established, where from the detainees were sent to the newly established death camps. The first such camp was in Gospić, being moved to Jasenovac in the second half of August 1941. Military operations against the rebels were still used for the continuation of the process of destruction which was particularly evident in the German-Croatian military operation in Kozara and Prosara in the summer of 1942. The last project of mass murder in the field was the action of Viktor Tomić in Srem in August-September of 1942. Although by the end of the war crimes against Serbs were still carried out during military operations, the process of destruction mainly continued in the Jasenovac death camp by the end of April 1945, when the Ustasha crew left the concentration camp and mostly destroyed it.
Извори војне стратегије Јосипа Броза Тита 1948 (Поштовање историјског искуства)
Извори војне стратегије Јосипа Броза Тита 1948 (Поштовање историјског искуства)
Summary/Abstract: Југословенски (Титов) сукоб са СССР-ом (Стаљином) 1948. године представљао је сложено размимоилажење кроз које су се преламали различити фактори: идеолошки, партијски, политички, војни, економски, културни, лични итд. Југославија и Тито су до сукоба били верни следбеници прве земље комунизма и совјетског вође Стаљина. Идеолошка сродност није била спорна и управо су Ј. Б. Тито и партија (Комунистичка Партија Југославије – КПЈ) уз совјетску помоћ дошли на власт у Југославији. Због тога су од западних земаља окарактерисани као најтврђи следбеници совјетског вође, у свету који jе након завршетка једног, кренуо у други, „Хладни рат“. Сукоб је изненадио Запад који у почетку мислио да је реч о „породичној“ свађи Истока. Увиђајући да је реч о спору који се неће превазићи заузео је став Титовог одржања, пружајући му подршку. [...]
Између аматерског спорта и неформалног војног васпитања (Фрагменти из историје стрељаштва Србије у 19. веку)
Између аматерског спорта и неформалног војног васпитања (Фрагменти из историје стрељаштва Србије у 19. веку)
Summary/Abstract: Shooting sport in Serbia was initiated in 19th century by war veterans who invited the citizens of Belgrade to attend and take part in a competition in hitting targets. Military personnel, diplomats of the Serbian state, merchants and ordinary people established the first shooting sport troop. The support provided by the Ministry of Army and Artillery Committee was crucial in shaping and spreading of shooting sport, which followed the Swiss pattern. The association of shooting troops in the Kingdom of Serbia was established in 1887. In the period 1880–1888 shooting troops took forms of townsfolk societies. Expansion of shooting sport in Serbian villages in the last decade of 19th century was the result of conscientious efforts by civilian and military groups, the Royal Court and teachers, who worked together to prepare the people for the mission of national liberation. The rules for shooting competitions were getting more complex, and various tournaments lasted several days. The state championships were also staged in provincial towns across Serbia. They were exciting spectacles for numerous crowds, and the successful shooters and champions in the shooting events were awarded by the King and the Minister of Army.
Изјава армијског генерала Душана Симовића о учешћу у Априлском рату – проблеми анализе и тумачења
Изјава армијског генерала Душана Симовића о учешћу у Априлском рату – проблеми анализе и тумачења
Summary/Abstract: У раду се на основу необјављених извора из Војног архива у Београду, објављених извора и релевантне мемоарске и историографске литературе критички анализира изјава армијског генерала Душана Симовића о његовом учешћу у Априлском рату. Детаљној анализи су подвргнута његова сведочења о склапању Уговора о пријатељству и ненападању са СССРом, о понуди непознатог југословенског официра да Југославија уђе у састав СССРа, о проблемима везаним за мобилизацију војске Краљевине Југославије за Априлски рат и о наређењу за закључење примирја са непријатељем које је 14. априла 1941. године упутио генералу Данилу Калафатовићу.
Ин мемориам
Ин мемориам
Summary/Abstract: Пуковник у пензији: др Борислав И. Ратковић (Стари Бар, 29. јуни 1925 – 31. август 2006)
Иполит Монден у Србији. Други боравак (1861–1865)
Иполит Монден у Србији. Други боравак (1861–1865)
Summary/Abstract: French Major Hypollite Monden arrived in Serbia in mid-may 1861 where he was appointed as Head of General department for building. Than, by special decree from 4 October same year he was appointed as Head of General military administration in rank of Colonel of Serbian armed forces. Monden demonstrated his military expertise during Ottoman artillery bombardment of Belgrade 1862. For purpose of better functioning of Serbian standing army, on his initiative, a Bill on organization of Standing army Headquarter was introduced. In organization of Serbian army he used French model. Also, changes in military health service have been introduced by introduction of medical orderlies in existing military hospitals. He also drafted significant number of bills regarding officer and their armament, pays and pensions.
Summary/Abstract: Присуство каталанских најамника у окружењу Немањићких владара одавно је препознато у историографији. Ипак, чињеница да је боравак Каталанаца у српским земљама само фрагментарно посведочен у изворном материјалу имала је за последицу то да је њихова улога сведена на својеврсни историјски куриозитет и била везана само за један конкретни догађај – битку код Велбужда 1330. године. На основу објављене дубровачке архивске грађе, обавештења западних и византијских извора, од којих су поједина први пут разматрана у овом контексту, у чланку се детаљно анализира улога, значај и присуство Каталанаца у српским земљама. Изворни материјал указује на то да њихово учешће није било ограничено само на битку код Велбужда, већ да су они били у служби Стефана Душана и током наредних година, све до времена када је дошло до разлаза између њега и византијског претендента Јована Кантакузина.
