Vojnoistorijski glasnik

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Vojnoistorijski glasnik is a scientific journal of the Institute for Strategic Research. The journal was founded in 1950 as a journal of the Military History Institute and in the meantime has undergone many changes in terms of concept, content, design and frequency of publication.


Summary/Abstract: The issue of relationship among the Soviet Union, communist Vietnam and Yugoslavia after the 20th Communist Party Congress to the overthrow of Nikita Khrushchev in the fall of 1964 has been revealed in the article. While studying the theme of the investigation, the author has used the data taken from the Russian and Serbian archives. The Soviet authorities was interested in strengthening all‐round relationship among the socialist countries but the past experience still influenced greatly the opinion on Yugoslavia in the socialist world, it caused a new step in opposition between Moscow and Belgrade. In that situation Hanoi preferred to sit on the fence which was determined, firstly, by its leaders’ short‐time interests wishing to unite Vietnam under communist reign regardless of the cost. This task was formulated as the prior one. Moscow’s interests were ignored, but Moscow wished to continue weakening the sharpness with West which would have been practically impossible due to entanglement of the USSR into a new conflict concerning Indo‐China. The overthrow of Nikita Khrushchev in the fall of 1964 in the Soviet Union drew a line under ideological side of disputes between Moscow, Hanoi and Belgrade, the relationship inside this triangle broke new ground. Ho Chi Minh needed financial and moral support from the USSR and Yugoslavia during the Indo‐Chinese War II, and he got it. Ideological side gave place to pragmatic interests which were different in every country. In the article we show development of Soviet‐Chinese conflict which is directly connected with different estimations of the decisions taken at the 20th and 22nd Communist Party Congresses, the estimations which were given in Moscow and Beijing. Belgrade took the Soviet Union’s position on this question, and Hanoi tried „to swim” between the USSR and China.
Summary/Abstract: The paper is based on the archival sources from the Military Archives in Belgrade, published documents and appropriate literature. The author presents development of the heavy artillery motorized units in the Army of Kingdom SCS/Yugoslavia from 1918 to 1941, including its performance during the short April war 1941. During the 1920‘s Yugoslav army possessed only 9 heavy artillery motorized batteries consisted of 18 Škoda М16 305 mm siege howitzers which were captured from the Austro-Hungarian army at the end of a Great war. First plan of Yugoslav General Staff was to create 4 army regiments of motorized heavy artillery, but there were not enough artillery pieces for that purpose. When the new 12 Škoda heavy artillery motorized batteries comprised 20 M28 150 mm long range guns, 10 М28 220 mm howitzers and 4М11/30 305 mm siege howitzers were purchased from 1929 to 1934 from Czechoslovakia, Yugoslav army managed to create 3 motorized battalions of heavy artillery which should convert to 3 artillery regiments during the wartime. A new material consisting of 18 new Škoda motorized batteries (12 Škoda 150 mm howitzers and 6 Škoda 105 mm long range guns batteries) was bought 1937, also from Czechoslovakia. After that a new artillery unit was formed as a 1st heavy artillery regiment which should be converted to 114th and 115th war regiment of heavy artillery during the war time. Yugoslav General Staff had idea to purchase 18 more heavy artillery motorized batteries from Škoda Company and to create another 2 heavy artillery regiments forthe war time (one for each of 7 war time armies), but they did not make it until the beginning of hostilities with Nazi Germany in April 1941. In April 1941 Yugoslav Army had 124 heavy artillery motorized pieces. According to the project of the strategic deployment of the Yugoslav forces elaborated inside the Yugoslav war plan R – 41, heavy artillery motorized units were deployed as a part of 3rd group of armies in Macedonia, 5th Army in eastern Serbia, 6tharmy in Šumadija, and 1st group of armies in Bosnia, Croatia and Slovenia.The overall impression of its activities in the April war 1941 is not different from the general remark on the attitude of the whole armed forces, who, except for a few examples of courage and self-initiatives, were infected by defeatism and vulnerable to actions of the ”fifth column”, so that they could offer only sporadic and short-lasting resistance
Међународна Конференција „Словачки национални устанак – Словачка и Европа у 1944. години“
Међународна Конференција „Словачки национални устанак – Словачка и Европа у 1944. години“
Summary/Abstract: Међународна Конференција „Словачки национални устанак – Словачка и Европа у 1944. години“, Банска Бистрица, Република Словачка, 22–25. април 2014. године / International Conference “Slovak National Uprising – Slovakia and Europe during 1944”, Banska Bistrica, Slovakia, 22-25 April 2014
Међународна конференција “War, Revolution, Civil war
Међународна конференција “War, Revolution, Civil war
Summary/Abstract: Међународна конференција “War, Revolution, Civil war: Eastern Europe 1917–1923“, Даблин, Република Ирска, 5–26 март 2011. године / International conference “War, Revolution, Civil War: Eastern Europe 1917–1923”, Dublin, Republic of Ireland, 25–26 of March 2011
Међународна научна конференција
Међународна научна конференција
Summary/Abstract: Међународна научна конференција: „Село Балкана. Континуитети и промене кроз историју”, Сирогојно, 10–11. Јун 2016. / International Scientific Conference: "The Village of the Balkans. Continuity and Changes in History ", Sirogojno, 10-11. June 2016.
Међународна научна конференција “Kosovo case and the Multinational Peace Forces”
Међународна научна конференција “Kosovo case and the Multinational Peace Forces”
Summary/Abstract: Међународна научна конференција “Kosovo case and the Multinational Peace Forces”, 11–15. maj 2009, Софија, Бугарска / International Conference “Kosovo Case and the Multinational Peace Forces”, May 11–15th , 2009, Sofia, Bulgaria
Међународна научна конференција “M. R. Štefanik in the light of Sources and the most recent historiographic discoveries”
Међународна научна конференција “M. R. Štefanik in the light of Sources and the most recent historiographic discoveries”
Summary/Abstract: Међународна научна конференција “M. R. Štefanik in the light of Sources and the most recent historiographic discoveries”, Братислава, 4–5. мај 2009 / International Conference “M. R. Štefanik in the Light of Sources and the Most Recent Historiographic Discoveries”, Bratislava (Slovakia), May 4–5th, 2009
Међународна научна конференција „Српско-италијански односи
Међународна научна конференција „Српско-италијански односи
Summary/Abstract: Међународна научна конференција „Српско-италијански односи: историја и савремено доба“, Београд, 28. мај 2014. године / International Conference “Serbian-Italian Relations: History and Modern Times”, Belgrade, 18 May 2014
Међународни научни скуп „Бој на Чегру 1809. године у историји и традицији балканских народа“
Међународни научни скуп „Бој на Чегру 1809. године у историји и традицији балканских народа“
Summary/Abstract: Међународни научни скуп „Бој на Чегру 1809. године у историји и традицији балканских народа“, Ниш, 29–30. мај 2009 / International Conference “Čegar Battle 1809 as a part of History and Tradition of Balkan People”, Niš, 29-30 May 2009
Међународни научни скуп „Косово и Метохија у цивилизацијским токовима“
Међународни научни скуп „Косово и Метохија у цивилизацијским токовима“
Summary/Abstract: Међународни научни скуп „Косово и Метохија у цивилизацијским токовима“, Косовска Митровица, 8–11. октобар 2009. године / International Conference, Kosovo and Metohija as a part of European Civilization, Kosovska Mitrovica, October 8-11th, 2009
