Prilozi za knjizevnost, jezik, istoriju i folklor

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Title: Prilozi za knjizevnost, jezik, istoriju i folklor
ISSN: 0350-6673
eISSN: 2406-0798
First published: 1921
Frequency: annually
Subject: history, archeology and ethnology; language and literature; other humanities
Publisher: Filološki fakultet
Publisher address: Studentski trg 3, 11000 Beograd, Serbia
Editor in chief: Zlata Bojović, Serbia
Editorial board: Slobodan Grubačić, Serbia
Giorgio Ziffer,
Milica Jakobiec-Semkowowa,
Tomislav Jovanović, Serbia
Jovanka Kalić-Mijušković, Serbia
Nada Milošević-Ðorđević, Serbia
Dragana Mršević-Radović, Serbia
Johannes Reinhart,
Ðorđe Trifunović, Serbia


Milan Rešetar and Stanoje Stanojević
Milan Rešetar and Stanoje Stanojević
In the paper is published correspondence between Milan Rešetar and Stanoje Stanojević which was kept from 1924 to 1927. The correspondence refers to Rešetar’s cooperation in National Encyclopedia Serbo-Croatian-Slovene, which was edited by Stanojević. Published letters contribute to more comprehensive perception of the flow of work on the Encyclopedia and of the way of solving the problems that occurred writing entries. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 47027: Srbi i Srbija u jugoslovenskom i međunarodnom kontekstu: unutrašnji razvitak i položaj u evropskoj/svetskoj zajednici]
Milovan Vojičić's epic songs about the Kosovo battle 1389 in the Milman Parry collection of oral literature
Milovan Vojičić's epic songs about the Kosovo battle 1389 in the Milman Parry collection of oral literature
In "The Milman Parry Collection of Oral Literature" on Harvard University out of 131 epic songs recorded from Milovan Vojičić, several are dedicated to the popular theme of the Serbian and Balkan epic - the Kosovo Battle 1389 (Prince Lazar and Miloš Obilić, The Defeat of Kosovo, Тhe Kosovo Tragedy, The Kosovo Field after the Battle, The Death of Mother Jugovići, The Death of Pavle Orlović at Kosovo, noted in 1933-34 in Nevesinje). The paper examines Vojičić’s Kosovo songs from the perspective of textual, stylistic and rhetoric criticism, poetics, and memory studies. An analysis of Milovan Vojičić’s Kosovo epic poetry leaves an impression of an active singer who has internalised tradition, and on this foundation composes new works in the traditional manner and "in the folk style". Vojičić is a literate singer who was familiar with the collections of Vuk Karadžić, Bogoljub Petranović, the Matica Hrvatska, and the songbooks of the time. He did not hesitate to remake or rewrite songs from printed collections or periodicals, which means that his understanding of authorship was in the traditional spirit. Vojičić’s compilations lie on that delicate line between oral traditional and modern literary poetry; he is, naturally, not alone in this double role - the majority of the gusle-players who were his contemporaries could be similarly described. In the body of Kosovo epic poetry Vojičić’s songs stand out (The Death of Pavle Orlović at Kosovo, The Kosovo Tragedy), where he abandons the printed model and achieves the kind of originality which is in fact part of tradition itself. Vojičić highly valued oral tradition and the opportunity to perform it, as part of the process of creating an image of himself as a folk gusle-player in modern terms. For this reason, his repertoire includes both old and new themes. They are sung according to the epic standard, but also in accordance with the modern standard of epic semi-literary works. In Vojičić’s world, oral tradition is an important component in viewing the historical past, and in perceiving reality and the singer’s place in it. The epic is a form of oral memory and the guardian of remembrance of past events; however it also provides a space for surveying and commenting on modern historical situations in a popularly accepted manner, at times in an ideological key, as seen in songs which gather together major historical events. This perception of the epic tradition and history is mirrored in the heterogeneity of the corpus and in the repertoire of songs, and is all a consequence of vastly changed conditions of origin, existence and acceptance, i.e. the consumption of oral works in the first half of the 20th century, in a process of interaction between literature and folklore.
Milutin Bojić’s letters to Milan Grol sent from Corfu 1916-1917.
Milutin Bojić’s letters to Milan Grol sent from Corfu 1916-1917.
The Archive of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Belgrade holds three letters that the young writer Milutin Bojić (1892-1917) sent to dramaturge and politician Milan Grol (1876-1952). Bojić wrote to Grol from the island of Corfu, where, together with the Serbian government and the army, he was spending his days in exile. Bojić had a great desire to continue his education and thus to contribute to the Serbian people and the state. These letters are very important historical sources about the life of a young poet who has famously described the suffering of Serbian Army in World War I in his Ode to a Blue Sea Tomb.
Motifs from the life and work of the first contemporary Turkis woman writer Fatma Aliye in Jelena Dimitrijević’s novel the New women
Motifs from the life and work of the first contemporary Turkis woman writer Fatma Aliye in Jelena Dimitrijević’s novel the New women
The paper presents a consideration of the assumption that Jelena Dimitrijević in her novel Nove gave homage to the suffragist and the first Turkish contemporary writer Fatma Aliye, reflecting the motives from her life and work on the topic and characters of this novel. More examples of similarities between fates and actions of the characters from mentioned novel and the biography of Fatma Aliye refer to Dimitrijević’s intention to draw attention to the work of her Turkish contemporary and, throught that, her support of the late Ottoman society’s reforms and the question of women rights in it, for which Fatma Aliye advocated.
Motyw „Kuszenia na pustyni“ w SŁowianskiej literaturze Hagiograficznej
Motyw „Kuszenia na pustyni“ w SŁowianskiej literaturze Hagiograficznej
Jednym z najistotniejszych, wykazujacych duza zywotnosć i silę oddzialywania, motywow pismiennictwa hagiograficznego byl motyw 'kuszenia na pustyni', ktory bezposrednio nawiazywal do archetypowego, ewangelicznego obrazu kuszenia Chrystusa. Oryginalne obrazy walki duchowej pozostawili pierwsi Ojcowie Pustyni. Najbardziej rozbudowany schemat walki anachorety z szatanem i demonami nakreslil Atanazjusz Aleksandryjski w Zywocie Antoniego Wielkiego. Walka duchowa ascety stawala sie niezbednym elementem argumentacji hagiograficznej, ktorej glownym zadaniem bylo udowodnienie swietosci glownego bohatera zywota. Schemat duchowych zmagan ascetow poprzez hagiografie wczesnochrzescijanska i bizantynska trafil do slowianskich żywotow. Artykul prezentuje adaptacje motywu 'kuszenia' na wybranych przykladach: Zywota Petara z Koriszy, najstarszego Zywota Iwana Rylskiego Zywota Teodozjusza Pieczerskiego, opowiesci Pateryku Kijowsko-Pieczerskiego czy hagiograficznych fragmentow Powiesci minionych lat. Sama postac szatana w literaturze hagiograficznej pelnila istotna funkcje artystyczna i teologiczna, wystepujac jakoswoisty 'antybohater' kontrastujacy z postacia swietego. Asceta w drodze zmagan z wlasnym ciałem i z upersonifikowanymi myslami mial przede wszystkim stac sie idealem zycia monastycznego, miedzy innymi poprzez nasladowanie Chrystusa i wczesnochrześcijańskich mistrzow zycia duchowego.
