Vojnoistorijski glasnik

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Vojnoistorijski glasnik is a scientific journal of the Institute for Strategic Research. The journal was founded in 1950 as a journal of the Military History Institute and in the meantime has undergone many changes in terms of concept, content, design and frequency of publication.


Познавање турског и албанског језика у Војсци Србије концем XIX века
Познавање турског и албанског језика у Војсци Србије концем XIX века
Summary/Abstract: Paper deals with analyses of the survey related to the knowledge of Turkish language among members of Serbian armed forces at the end of 19th century. It reveals that among the officers and NCO`s there were only several tens of relative connoisseurs of this language, however, genuine experts who knew Turkish (and Albanian) were just few. It is pointed out that among those there were no inhabitans of Serbia in borders before 1878. As main reason for this situation is noted the absence of indigineous Turkish population, especially well educated, as well the fact that number of native Turks in Serbia during whole 19th century was generally very small.
Покушај одбране источне Македоније у Априлском рату 1941.
Покушај одбране источне Македоније у Априлском рату 1941.
Summary/Abstract: This paper, based on relevant documents and other accounts, chronicles the combat operations in eastern Macedonia between 6 and 10 April 1941, when all organized resistance of the Yugoslav Royal Army ended. The German offensive was initiated on 6 April with simultaneous attacks in three directions: towards Strumica, Bregalnica, and Kriva Reka. All Yugoslav military positions were breached on the first day. The German 2nd Armored Division, operating towards Strumica, reached the village of Suševo (10 km north of Strumica), while the 73rd Infantry Division, attacking towards Bregalnica, paused its advance in Kočani (25 km northeast of Strumica). After heavy fighting with the Yugoslav Morava Division defending in Stracin, the German 9th Armored Division reached the vicinity of Kumanovo (some 20 km). On the second day of the offensive, the German 2nd Armored Division reached Lake Dojran and the next day it entered Greece. After overwhelming the Bregalnica Division, units of the 73rd Infantry Division captured Veles, facilitating the advance on routes towards Veles-Prilep-Bitolj and Veles-Skoplje. The most important event of 7 April occurred towards Kriva Reka, where the 9th Armored Division broke through Yugoslav positions at Mlado Nagoričane and occupied Kumanovo, then Skoplje, thus “reaching the most important strategic decision in the Balkan campaign,” as recorded in the German 12th Army Group Log. After two days, the Bregalnica Division ceased to exist, while the Morava and Ibar Divisions were shattered. The only division remaining combat effective was the Šumadija Division. During the two following days, 8 and 9 April, combat operations were conducted on Serta Mountain, in the area of Krivolak, Kavadar, Gradsko, and Negotin, when the last remaining Yugoslav division in this region, the Šumadija Division, was destroyed. On 10 April some 8,000 Yugoslav soldiers (of the Šumadija Division) were captured, making the total number of Yugoslav prisoners of war on this part of the front around 40,000. After that day, all organized resistance of the Yugoslav Army in east Macedonia ceased.
Покушај прикупљања војске
Покушај прикупљања војске
Summary/Abstract: Yugoslavian civilian and military representatives in South Africa tried to get the approval they needed for the smooth conduct of military issues from the South African and Rhodesian authorities. In May 1942, the Yugoslav Military Mission, based in Cape Town, was formed and its main tasks were gathering volunteers of Yugoslav nationalities among the Italian prisoners, recruitment of Yugoslav subjects of the Union of South Africa, recruitment in South and North Rhodesia, and the relocation of Yugoslav military personnel from other locations to the Union of South Africa. However, according to contemporary reports and statements, the Mission resulted in almost complete failure. In addition to the Yugoslav Military Mission in South Africa, the headquarters of the Yugoslav Air Force training mission, which had previously trained many Yugoslavs, was situated in Johannesburg.
Покушај стратешког ослонца Југославије на СССР 1939-1941.
Покушај стратешког ослонца Југославије на СССР 1939-1941.
Summary/Abstract: Strategic military alliances are not qualified by ideological, religious, ethnic, economical or cultural reasons nor old enemities or alliences but mainly by primal national intereses, esspecially when the survival of the unitty is at stake. These were the guidings of Yugoslav military and state leadership in its rotation towards the USSR, esspecially after the French surender. After the Anschluss in 1938, one group of most outstanding Yugoslav generals (Zivko Pavlovic, Vojin Maksimovic, Milan Nedic and others) estimated that the stretegic situation for Yugoslavia will be more difficult than during the WWI because UK and France wouldn`t be capable to stop German divisions. Italians would make impossible Yugoslavs to be supplied. They appealed on state leadership to make new strategic steps. Generals Milan Nedic and Petar Pesic as defence ministers and general Petar Kosic as chief of General staff participated in attempts to achieve strategic cooperation in form of allience and in provision of lacking armament and raw materials from the USSR. General Dusan Simovic was also supporting this cooperation with the USSR all away from the early 30`s. His comrade and new minister of defense in government of 27th of March started the most intensed negotiations about allience. Because of some revizionistic attempts of distortion of Serbian history in modern French historiography it si useful to remind that king Alexander has strongly supported French politics of military and strategic cooperation with USSR in order to preserve the peace in Europe. This is confi rmed in French sources of the highest level. Also, with this paper we are correcting some prejudices and simplifi ed ideological interpretation in decrepit socialist (communist) about military and state leaders from that period. Sometime “traitors” and “enemies of bolshevism” are shown in totaly different light. Military leaders actually hoped to procure aproximately 800 airplanes with spare parts and ammunition from USSR. Later om, during the nogotiations and with more realistiv approach total number was reduced to 300 and number of tanks and armoured vehicles to 100. Also were requested 200 anti-aircraft guns, ammunition, spare parts 30 000 tons of air plane gasoline, 4 000 tons of coil for the navy, radio-stations, ponton bridges and raw materials for weapon industry. In preparations for this operation, which took part in February of 1941 also was prepared complete transport plan from harbours Odessa to Thessalonica as well throuh the Danube. Immediatelly after Soviet side became mute. “April war” overtook Yugoslav army without enough of modern weaponry, strategically surounded and with two weak allies from previous war - UK and Greece.
Полицейский батальон фон Семенова – «образцовая часть» русских фольксдойче
Полицейский батальон фон Семенова – «образцовая часть» русских фольксдойче
Summary/Abstract: The 3rd Battalion of the German auxiliary police (HIPO), containing Russian emigrants of German origin from Serbia and other Balkan countries, was formed in the summer of 1942. Its commander was a former Russian officer, SS Hauptsturmführer Mikhail von Semenov. This unit was formed to strengthen the German police force in Serbia. Until the end of the occupation, this unit performed auxiliary functions in Serbian territory. The number of Russian immigrants in the HIPO continually increased, and after the formation in 1944 of Police Regiments ”Serbia,” they served in different units from that to which they were originally assigned. In 1943 a ”Russian” police cavalry squadron was also established. The composition of the HIPO included Soviet citizens, but their number was small. Police units ”Serbia,” which included Russian Germans and Russian in their ranks, were deployed in the territory of current Slovenia at war’s end.
Почетак наставе ваздухопловства на Техничком факултету у Београду
Почетак наставе ваздухопловства на Техничком факултету у Београду
Summary/Abstract: As a result of the intensive development of aviation, air forces, aviation techniques, and aviation industries after the First World War in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, the Technical Faculty of the Belgrade University of Belgrade introduced training in aviation techniques. The first aviation courses and programs of instruction began, after a competition involving various instructor and aviation industry representatives, during the 1930s. The 1935 Statute on technical faculties established an aviation department and a course of instruction. Instructors were hired in 1937 and 1938 and began teaching their courses the same year. World War II interrupted aviation training and it was continued after 1945 with frequent organizational changes, the introduction of new subjects, and an increase in the overall number of lecturers and students. Beginning in 1948, instruction was given at the Mechanical Engineering Department of the Technical Faculty, and later at the autonomous Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The development of aviation education continued, as it had before the war, in close connection with the aviation industry and military aviation. Aviation instructors who were there from the beginning and who remained active after the war (Sima Milutinović, Dušan Stankov, Miroslav Nenadović, and Slobodan Dobrosavljević), as well by those which did not remain after 1945 (Dušan Lučić, Miloš Martić, and Milan Pajević), made significant contributions to the development of aviation training and education.
Право на памћење – немачко убијање Београда 1941. године (научни есеј)
Право на памћење – немачко убијање Београда 1941. године (научни есеј)
Summary/Abstract: Њујорк Тајмс 29. марта 1941. године: „Никада и нико, од почетка његове државничке каријере [Адолфа Хитлера – оп. аутор] није му тако пред целим светом, јавно пљунуо у лице“. Све енглеске новине истог дана крупним насловима доносе речи члана Горњег дома лорда Леополда Емерија (старијег), министра Индије: „Нисмо сами!“ Винстон Черчил у Доњем дому: „Југославија је овим чином [27. Март – оп. аутор] пронашла своју душу.“ Америчке и енглеске новине од 1998–2008. године, провинцијалне и оне најугледније, блиске владама и финансијском капиталу, просто се утркују да Србију истакну као поуку како не треба превише гледати у прошлост. Према главној уредници наших најстаријих и најугледнијих новина, „сувише смо, наводно, према написима у светској штампи, склони самосажаљењу, сувише смо се уживели у улогу жртве, сувише се сећамо Косовске битке, боље би нам било да мање памтимо и славимо поразе“. У вези с тим, требало би се запитати шта значи планетарни мит америчког пораза код Алама и погибија Дејви Крокета, кога је убио мексички генерал Санта Ана, потпуно уништење 7. коњичког пука генерала Џорџа Кастера од стране уједињених племена Сијукса код Литл Биг Хорна или Перл Харбор 1941. године? [...]
Први светски рат у сећању мађарских учесника Првог светског рата. Прилог вредновању ратних дневника и мемоара
Први светски рат у сећању мађарских учесника Првог светског рата. Прилог вредновању ратних дневника и мемоара
Summary/Abstract: This year marks the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of World War I, and this seminal event in world history is highlighted by numerous books, special studies, and reports. An important part providing new information on World War I is the search for unpublished private papers. Individual viewpoints and experiences are contained in sources that generally mirror and incorporate individual views, and the relevant personal reflect experiences of people living ordinary lives. These include World War I era diaries and memoirs, many of which remain available provide special research opportunities for researchers. Several cultural, social, psychological, and strategic historical themes can be discovered by their use, as they can be excellent sources regarding relations between nations living side by side or waging war against each other. The most important aspect is that through them we can learn the individual stories, intense experiences, and written thoughts of “ordinary” people, and they reveal levels of historical past that cannot be learned by studying great politics. With the help of these personal accounts, we can compare official wartime propaganda to a soldier's experience on the front line. What did it mean in reality for him that the official papers coded as heroic war for God, home, nation, king, etc.? This paper seeks to show the special historical value of such sources by highlighting several wartime diaries and memoirs, featuring one of the most interesting, the most individual ones: that of Bela Munczy. Born in 1896, he was a descendant of a famous Gypsy musician family in Sopron. During the Great War, he served on the Italian Front in 1916 and on the Russian/Polish Front in 1917. His six-volume diary, containing entries written between 4 February 1916 and 31 December 1917, records his impressions of his frontline combat experiences.
Превага прагматизма (Прилог разумевању британско-југословенских односа у Другом светском рату)
Превага прагматизма (Прилог разумевању британско-југословенских односа у Другом светском рату)
Summary/Abstract: During World War II, the United Kingdom and the USSR were the holder of the policy toward Yugoslavia, but differently motivated. The position on the sustainability of Yugoslav concept prevailed with the great Allies, and the crucial thing was who fits into that concept. At the beginning of the war, the Yugoslav Royal Government was in a better position than the National Liberation Movement and laid hopes in General Mihailović. General Mihailović was its political and military support in the field. Over time, for military interests, the British turned to other militant partisan movement, although it was an ideological exponent of the USSR. Over time, the communist movement expanded its international capabilities, with its combat activity bridging its position among the Western allies. In international relations, it took a leading role in representing the Yugoslav peoples. Thus, in the final stage of the war, compared to the Yugoslav royal government and General Mihailović, it expanded its international capabilities. In such foreign policy circumstances and the reality of military and political situation in Yugoslavia, the outcome of the Yugoslav war was determined and the United Kingdom recognized the changes made in Yugoslavia during World War II.
Предвојничка обука на југословенским универзитетима 1948–1968
Предвојничка обука на југословенским универзитетима 1948–1968
Summary/Abstract: Premilitary training was introduced as a subject at the universities in Yugoslavia in 1948, during the conflict with the Cominform and in time of danger to the independence of the country. It should prepare students for military service and defense of the country, through mastering military skills and ideological and political education. The subject was initially studied in all years, and the curriculum was adjusted to individual military services and faculties. Despite the efforts of government, military, academic, student and party bodies, premilitary training encountered resistance and problems from the beginning: faculty administration and students underestimated the subject, classes were.
Summary/Abstract: Prikaz/The review of: Први светски рат и Балкан 90 година касније, Институт за стратегијска истраживања, Одељење за војну историју, 2011, 292
Summary/Abstract: Prikaz/The review of: Закони и уредбе о Универзитету у Београду 1945 - 2000, I - III, (приредила Бранислава Грбић), Београд, 2008, 897+689+729
