Vojnoistorijski glasnik

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Vojnoistorijski glasnik is a scientific journal of the Institute for Strategic Research. The journal was founded in 1950 as a journal of the Military History Institute and in the meantime has undergone many changes in terms of concept, content, design and frequency of publication.


Тимочка дивизија у Априлском рату 1941.
Тимочка дивизија у Априлском рату 1941.
Summary/Abstract: With the outbreak of World War II in September 1939, Yugoslav military preparations for war were also carried out in the Timok Divisional district. These preparation included the activation of war units, securing the border and interior of the territory, and economic preparations. The wartime units for the Timok Division were mostly mobilized prior to the German attack on 6 April 1941. In accordance with the “R41” war plan, the Timok Division had to defend a 3640 kilometerlong front on the Bulgarian border from St. Nicholas Pass to the village of Vražogrnac. The Division consisted of the 20th and 75th Infantry, 311th Reserve, 9th Artillery Regiment, and other smaller units. After the German breakthrough at the front near Pirot, the Division was ordered to abandon the border frontline, and redeploy to new positions. As a result of their motorization, German forces were advancing rapidly and managed to cut off the Timok Division’s retreat. The Timok Division now had to fight on two fronts. From 11 to 13 April 1941, heavy fighting took place in the Soko Banja region, and all German attacks were halted. On 1314 April, the Timok Division tried to breach the German lines, but failed to do so and was destroyed in the next few days.
Summary/Abstract: Краљевина Србија имала је неколико разлога за покретање војне интервенције у Албанији. Међу њима су били и константни напади Арнаута на пограничну линију, односно на варошице и села на Косову и Метохији и у Македонији – територијама Нових области, које су добијене након победе у балканским ратовима. Такво фактичко стање нису признавали противници Србије, који су још од 1913. године обилато користили Арнауте за дестабилизацију територије путем упада, застрашивања, пљачкања, паљења и убијања. Напади сy повећали на почетку српско‐аустроугарског рата како би што мање српског људства одлазило на главно бојиште. План за одлучан контранапад завршен је почетком 1915. године, док је последњи велики арнаутски упад у фебруару пресудно утицао да српска влада, након што је склопила споразум са албанским прваком Есад‐пашом Топтанијем, нареди дуго одлагану војну интервенцију на подручју Албаније. Коначно, и сад Есад‐паша је до краја 1914. године у више наврата позивао српску владу да војно интервенишу у његовој земљи. Рад преко расположиве документације и литературе прати војно учешће Охридског одреда српске војске, који је сламао побуњенички отпор и учествовао у освајању Елбасана и Тиране, као и све компликације које су том приликом настале.
Убикација средњовековног утврђења Неваде
Убикација средњовековног утврђења Неваде
Summary/Abstract: The only trace of existence of the medieval fortress Nevade is preserved in the Charter issued in 1411 by Hungarian King Sigismund to peer Petar Perenji, as well as in the name of the village of Nevada, located near Gornji Milanovac and former Rudnik. The abundance of material remains in this area is completely understandable if we bear in mind the importance of the medieval city of Rudnik and mining grounds around it. Although on the territory of the village of Nevada, there have not been found yet medieval material traces, there are remains of several fortresses in its vicinity. The fortress located in the hill of Trijeska, in the territory of the Jablanica village, on the mouth of the Jablanica Stream and the Grabovicka River, is the nearest one to the present-day village of Nevada. By all accounts this fortress is so far non located fortress of Nevada. Located near the village of Nevada, the fortress in Trijeska is one of the dominant points on the southern sides of Rudnik, from where it was possible to control the roads from Rudnik to Moravian Grac and Žiča. At the same time it was also part of the fortifications that protected the medieval town of Rudnik and the territory where strip mines, plants and settlements were located.
Убиство браће Новаковић 1907. године, судска истрага и скупштинска дебата поводом овог случаја (утицај војске на политику)
Убиство браће Новаковић 1907. године, судска истрага и скупштинска дебата поводом овог случаја (утицај војске на политику)
Summary/Abstract: Quelling of the so called “counter-conspiracy” movement marked the temporary victory of officer-conspirers responsible for the May 1903 coup d’état and assassination of Obrenović royal couple. In years 1906-1907 Nikola Pašić and his cabinet found interest in cooperating with conspirers and managed to suppress opposition coming from the part of Serbian officers corps which were against influences on politics coming from the nonconstitutional elements. Captain Milan Novaković became leader of this movement although he spent two years in prison. Immediately after return fron his imprisoment je founded Society for legal solution of conspirers question which aimed to remove all conspirers from public life and punish them for assassination and coup d’etat from 1903. Political constellation, however, prevented this endeavor to end successfully. Novaković brothers were arrested under false accusation and subsequently murdered. According to the available documents describing attitudes of Serbian officials it can be concluded that they were murdered for their political engagement. Initialy Minister of interior issued official statement which stated that brothers killed each other. Soon after he denied this statement. Whole affair was taken of the agenda by simple vote in National parliament. Novaković affair happened in the middle of important events which influenced not only the Balkans but Europe and the rest of the world as well. Their fate was unjustufuly put aside. This murder never reached judicial conclusion while even today no one conluded that Novaković brothers payed with their lives to do what Pašić and Prince regent Aleksandar Karađorđević managed to do on Salonika trial in 1917 – to put an end on military influencing Serbian politics.
Улога Лиге народа у очувању мира на Балкану 1925. године
Улога Лиге народа у очувању мира на Балкану 1925. године
Summary/Abstract: This publication is intended to demonstrate that the League of Nations is the main factor to resolve the armed conflict between Greece and Bulgaria and preserving peace in the Balkans in October 1925. A peaceful proposal by President Wilson to the European powers on 18 December 1916 for the formation of an international organization to ensure peace throughout the world quickly „matures“ and took place on January 25, 1919. Peace building emerged as a priority in the work of the League of Nations. According to Art. 10 of its Statute, each State Party to the international organization is obliged to respect the territorial integrity of member states in the organization. Greek-Bulgarian armed conflict constitutes a League of Nations touchstone from which you will see how it is not only proclaimed but it is an actual international organization that is able to eliminate the conflict. Moreover, both involved in armed conflict countries are members of the League of Nations. Chronological limits of the treated problems include the time from 22 of October to 12 of December 1925.The intervention of League of Nations to end the Greek-Bulgarian armed conflict is a verbal note from Bulgarian government to secretary of the Council of League of Nations Sir Eric Dramond in which insists on the convening of an emergency to resolve the conflict on 22 October 1925. Sir F. Dramond immediately informed the Chairman Aristied Brian and had decided to convene an extraordinary session of Council of League of Nations in Paris on 26 that month. As a result of coordination between them F. Briand sent a telegram with the same content to governments of countries involved in a conflict on 23–24 October. Informing the governments decision to convene an emergency in connection with the Greek-Bulgarian armed conflict, two countries are urged to comply with Art. 12 of the League of Nations Covenant, they are forbidden to resort a war. During the XXXVI session dedicated to the Greek-Bulgarian armed conflict, are held five meetings in 1925 from 26 to 30 October. The action of the military attaches-Delta, Dzhayns and Visconti, whose mission started on 27 October and ended on 9 November, 1925 deserves attention. The Council of League of Nations formed an international committee to clarify the reasons, occasion, and the consequences of the Greek-Bulgarian armed conflict, and also measures to prevent future ones. The Presidency is entrusted to the British ambassador in Madrid Horast Rambold, its members are the French General Major General Serini, Italian General Major Ferario, Plenipotentiary Minister of Sweden in The Hague de Adlerkroyts a member of the Dutch Parliament Droklever Fortuin. Abraham H. is. a Secretary of the committee and Captains Metheny, Sispendes and Pietromarko are his assistants. The report of O. Chamberlain referred to the functions and duties of the International Inquiry committee. Its members have to develop and make specific proposals to the Council of League of Nations to prevent future armed conflicts between the two countries. The examined documents demonstrated undeniable desire for objectivity and impartiality of the International Inquiry committee. It describes the attack of the Greek army on 22 October 1925 as a deliberate intervention in the territory of sovereign Bulgaria.
Улога војске у васпитању омладине – сарадња са спортским савезима у Нишу 1918–1941.
Улога војске у васпитању омладине – сарадња са спортским савезима у Нишу 1918–1941.
Summary/Abstract: Army, in cooperation with sports federations, was an essential factor in young people’ education. The promotion of a healthy way of life and cherishing Yugoslav spirit in young people were just some of the tasks on which military and civilian authorities were working together. With their activities in that area, the troops of Nis garnison, have, in their domains, contributed to strengthening of sports societies, both through active membership of officers at the top of the federation, and contribution in joint exercises, which enabled the tendency for militarization of physical culture, evident in most European countries. Bearing in mind the variety of army troops situated in the city (the army and two division commands, one infantry, cavalry, engineering and artillery regiments each, as well as three independent artillery divisions, later formed regiment of fighting aviation and batallion of special troops), as well as a great number of officers (several generals in the garrison only), an important advance has been made in affirming sports with the young people and impressive results have been achieved. First of all, organization Soko (Falcon) be mentioned, with the aim of promoting ideology of integral Yugoslavship, through its activities among young people in the area of sport and development of physical culture. This organization prepared young men in military knowledge and habits, taught them obedience and behaviour. Men with sound bodies left this organization, resistant and enduring, and accordingly, capable of great body and mental efforts. In addition to cooperating with Falcon societies, contribution of the army, and particularly its officers, has been evident in improvement of actual sports. Cavalry officers have been cited as pioneers of equestrian sport in the city, as well as shooting which became more and more popular with the civilians. Among the founders of the first football club in Niš were Army men, while due to contribution of the Air Force, the city air club and the sailing club have achieved outstanding results at the level of the country.
Улога војске у модернизацији града (нишки гарнизон 1918–1941)
Улога војске у модернизацији града (нишки гарнизон 1918–1941)
Summary/Abstract: The army, as factor of modernization, affected the city on various levels. Above all, due to needs of modern warfare, demands of military authorities for cooperation with industrial companies were increased. In connection with that, the incentive of the Army towards the civil structures proved to be really significant for such undeveloped city as Nis. Of particularly visible trace was the functioning of the Institute for making military uniforms, which was able to employ an equal number of workers in the city, as all other companies together, even in the years of economic crisis. Significant activities were done in connection with procurements for the garrison, out of which we can particularly single out making use of bigger flour mills in the city. Besides, considering the Army as participant in modernization of the city and its institutions, we have to mention also their activities on construction of modern railway and road networks, important not only for supply of the garrison of Nis, but also for the surrounding garrisons, as well as construction of facilities in the city itself and its surroundings. The contribution of the Army to improvement of literacy was also significant (in certain periods it even went ahead of civilian institutions), if we take into consideration very low cultural level of the population, which was directly reflected on the condition of the units which often had up to 30– 50% of illiterate soldiers.
Улога јединица КНОЈ‐а у гушењу побуне у Цазинској крајини маја 1950
Улога јединица КНОЈ‐а у гушењу побуне у Цазинској крајини маја 1950
Summary/Abstract: One of the measures that the Yugoslav state and party leadership stuck to in the process of reforms was the change in overall relations in the countryside. This change was to be created through collectivization that followed the example of the first socialist country. The transformation envisaged a compulsory croppurchase system and establishment of cooperative farms in villages. The dogmatic, doctrinaire and uncritical approach of the Yugoslav communists to this process prompted resistance. The resistance to the compulsory croppurchase system took its passive and active form. The culmination of the resistance to the aggressive policy of the Yugoslav leadership aimed at „socialist transformation of villages“ was an armed riot in Cazinska Krajina in Bosnia and Herzegovina in May 1950. Like many other topics of Yugoslav history, this one has become a hotly disputed issue, often malevolently interpreted by some contemporary historians from Bosnia and Herzegovina who took a narrowminded and xenophobic stand based on the visions of the daily politics. An analysis of the role played by the Yugoslav National Defence Corps in quelling the riot could help lift the veil of mystery obscuring that event and reject a great deal of claims put forward by „contemporary” interpretations.
Утврђивање граница Краљевине Југославије (1935-1941)
Утврђивање граница Краљевине Југославије (1935-1941)
Summary/Abstract: The military leadership of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia was forced to consider border fortifications where it shared boundaries with hostile neighbors. The aim of fortifications was to prevent strategic surprise by the enemy and provide protection for the mobilization and concentration of friendly troops. The first steps towards achieving this goal were made in 1935, when the Standing Commission for fortification, responsible for making a study and project works regarding strategic-geographical and tacticalfortifications, was established. Besides the Standing Commission, the Command for Fortification (with its headquarters based in Ljubljana, with sixteen territorial departments for fortification responsible for the execution of the work on the ground), was established in 1937 to achieve that goal. The first field works began in the spring of 1938 at the western border with Italy. The following year (1939), works started along the northern border, first with Germany (Austria), and then Hungary. Works on the borders with Romania and Albania began in the same year. Yugoslavia began fortifying its eastern border with Bulgaria in the late autumn of 1940. That year works on establishing a Yugoslav marine front also began. By the beginning of the 1941 April War, fortifications had not yet been completed. The border with Italy was the best fortified, and the worst border fortification was with Bulgaria, which would prove crucial in the April War, when the enemy made its first and most powerful attack across it. Completed fortifications were partially occupied by troops called ”Posadne trupe” formed specially for that purpose in the period 1939-1941. The challenge of fortification was often the reason for disputes among the Yugoslav military leadership, because there were those who felt that the money spent on border fortification could have been better spent by purchasing new military equipment and on the readiness of the troops. The results of Yugoslav fortification were far from what was expected. The most fortified parts of the front did not even have the wartime temptation and the ”Posadne trupe” retreated from them without a fight, permitting the enemy to occupy important objectives with minimal effort.
Утицај окупационих власти на ревизију наставних програма и уџбеника у Србији 1941–1944 (Прилог друштвеној историји рата)
Утицај окупационих власти на ревизију наставних програма и уџбеника у Србији 1941–1944 (Прилог друштвеној историји рата)
Summary/Abstract: The changes in the school textbooks and curricula in occupied Serbia, made by the collaborationist authorities, on one hand were designed to appease the occupation rulers, and on the other hand to alienate the previous political system and to promote and popularize the new policies and ideas. Efforts were made to incorporate the political and ideological aspirations of the collaborationists into the educational contents and enforce a new orientation and ideological upbringing of the population. In this context, the biggest importance was placed on teaching history, geography and language, but due to the sensitivity of topics and difficulties in harmonizing their contents and wishes of collaborationists, new textbooks and teaching of these subjects either did not take root at all or were reduced to inessential contents. The inability to conduct regular classes and a lack of appropriate associates who would create acceptable textbooks made the education authorities resort to provisional measures and enforced and incomplete solutions that remained in force until the end of the occupation.
Утицај совјетске спољне политике на војне односе између Румуније и Југославије у раним педесетим годинама двадесетог века
Утицај совјетске спољне политике на војне односе између Румуније и Југославије у раним педесетим годинама двадесетог века
Summary/Abstract: In the period when Romanian communists took control over the country, similar as in Hungary and Bulgaria, the peace treaty was signed in Paris by the Soviet dictate, which regulated the size and power of armed forces of the three former co-belligerents of the Third Reich. By the same Soviet dictate a violation of the peace agreement occurred when in the early fifties the coordinated process of Sovietization and equipping armies of the socialist bloc countries was launched. This process was crowned by signing the Warsaw Pact in 1955. Building of the Romanian armed forces on the new bases ran parallel with the crisis in relations between countries of IB with Yugoslavia. The crisis particularly reflected in the two neighboring countries and represented big economic burden, while we should not neglect the repressive measures members of the Serbian and other ethnic minorities in the border area between Romania and Yugoslavia were exposed to.
Summary/Abstract: In this paper the author focuses firstly on the development of the attitudes of Russian social and political society circles towards the Balkan wars 1912 – 1913. He stresses the nationalistic approach of the Russian right wing parties and revolutionary approach of those of the left. The attitudes of V.I. Lenin and L.D. Trotsky are specially analyzed. During the Soviet period this issue was discussed for the first time on the scientific and academic levels but within Marxist approach to historiography. The wars in ex Yugoslavia during the 1990's attracted great attention to the issue again. According to the author the main characteristics of this period was unscientific approach to the topic. Within Contemporary Russian historiography there were several serious scientific researches conducted by top Russian scientific institutions such as Institute of General History and Institute of Slavonic Studies of Russian Academy of Sciences and the Military History Institute that brought new interpretations of the Balkan wars based on the archival research and recently found documents.
