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Editorial Board

Ivo Goldstein, Faculty of Philosophy University of Zagreb, CRO

Erik Gordi, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London, UK

Egidio Ivetić, Universita degli Studi di Padova, ITA

Dušan Janjić, Institute of Social Sciences, SRB

Predrag Matvejević, La Sapienza, ITA.

Anđelka Mihajlov, Public Policy Institute, SRB

Aleksandar Mirković, Eastern Michigan University, US

Marc Pilkington, University of Burgundy, FRA

Ognjen Radonjić, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, SRB

Christine Sinapi, CEREN/Burgundy School of Business, Dijon, France

Pritam Singh, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK

Aleksandra Stupar, Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, SRB

Darko Tanasković, Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Serbia to UNESCO, FRA

Faruk Ulgen, Centre de Recherche en Economie de Grenoble and

Faculty of Economics, University of Grenoble Alpes, FRA

Josip Vrandečić, Faculty of Philosophy University of Split, CRO


Nikola Samardžić, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, SRB

Published by

HESPERIAedu, Belgrade, Serbia


Zorica Stablović Bulajić
Technical Secretariat

Haris Dajč

Maja Vasiljević (sekretar/secretary)

Ivana Stojanović


Summary/Abstract: History curricula for secondary schools in Serbia were under al teration from 2018 to 2020. The new curricula concept is aiming to change the learning paradigm from content-oriented to outcome/competence-oriented curricula. It was planned that new national history curricula should rest upon the key competences for life long learning, as well as the specific subject competences, but also on competences for democratic culture (Council of Europe 2016). Curricula developers took into consideration parts of the recent ly adopted document by the Council of Europe (Principles and guidelines for quality history education in the 21st century, Stras bourg 2018) that could direct education policymakers, history teachers, educators, curricula designers and textbook authors to the possible answers for possible resolutions of different challenges imposed to the contemporary history education. In the paper, it will be explained how the currently existing chronological linear concept is combined with the new one that encloses a thematic approach reflecting those historical phenomena that could foster the development of critical and historical thinking skills as well as forenamed competences. Furthermore, this article will examine whether and to what extent teachers are trained to plan and de velop educational activities following the needs and aims of this way organized curriculum.
Nacionalizacija, konfiskacija i restitucija
Nacionalizacija, konfiskacija i restitucija
Summary/Abstract: Restitution is not just a return to a previous state. We cannot revive the past, and that is not really a point. Restitution is a new opportunity for our future, for everybody with the exception of corrupt pockets of society and state. Memory and attention are priority in the process, in relation to the pure material satisfaction of the damaged or descendants. Broadly socially based capitalism and transparent ownership structure should be the stronghold of our democratic future, the path that respects the wrongdoing victims in the past, assuming the wartime aggression and the Holocaust. I also suppose that descendants of the victims are not responsible for the actions of their ancestors. A very unique burden for Serbia and Yugoslavia is the Donauschwaben destiny. Such controversies may be oversimplified only with a presumption that a new totalitarian order performed the liberation from Nazism and Fascism, with complex and long-term consequences related to the whole of the Eastern Europe, which Yugoslavia was a special and particularly complicated case. Confiscation and nationalization have drastically altered the structure of ownership and general legal framework. Conflict with the previous political system involved a conflict with the wealthier urban and rural social circles. Already during the last months of enduring war a new ruling class has emerged entering into other’s villas, houses, flats, beds and slippers. New ruling class gradually assumed both social function and lifestyle of those defeated. Moreover, eventually was established a tacit consensus of winners and losers, as Yugoslavia was approaching Western influences and opening the borders, faced with the disastrous results of post-war transition and economic policy. From the late sixties intellectuals were increasingly challenging Tito’s regime and value system, but only from the extreme left or nationalist platforms. Already during the seventies was permanently prevented eventual general Yugoslav consensus on democracy, the rule of law and transition to the capitalism. Confiscation and nationalization were significantly impeding modernization process, devastation of villages and ruralisation of the cities. Yugoslav and Serbian society was deprived of the dynamics, ethics, and driving force of capitalism. Gradual destruction of the private property culture, and state promoted, populist self-management kept the economic activity at the margins of profitability and market logic. Traditional urban classes were pauperized and intimidated. Post-war Sovietization and nationalism have transformed Serbia into failed state and futile economy. Despite all its controversies, restitution can be considered as an important reform process with deep and painful historical and ethical background: socialist revolution and Sovietization, the Holocaust and its relapse in nationalization and official hostility to Israel, on the other side of history the fate of the „Donauschwaben”, and, generally, crushing the backbones of modernization and democratization in both urban and rural development. That is why we decided to establish this permanent conference as the restitution process deserves the public and scientific attention and open, brave and transparent debate. I suppose that the priorities should be the ethic aspects of restitution, including the moral dilemmas, and all the benefits of our future economic, political and cultural development. Mutual rapprochement between the peoples originating from our former homeland should be implied. I am deeply convinced that the restitution should lead to a new moral consensus that will be referred to all aspects and consequences of the Holocaust. Negation of the idea of restitution, regardless of to whom it concerns, meaning individual nationality or national group, is implicit denial of the Holocaust, as post-war confiscation and nationalization concealed elements of deliberate and organized terror. But we need to discuss the collective reprisals against Donauschwaben. We need to recognize our own, Serbian victims. And we should be even more practical. There is no democracy without the rule of law. And there is no capitalism without legally protected private property. There is no capitalism outside democratic world. Perhaps democracy is the best of all poor political systems. Maybe capitalism is the price we pay to human nature, driven predominantly by market constraints, and just exceptionally by entrepreneurial spirit and work ethic.
Non-Performing Loans in Serbia
Non-Performing Loans in Serbia
Summary/Abstract: This paper provides econometric results of modelling the non-performing loans in the Serbian banking sector for the period: 2008 Q3 – 2015 Q1. The methodological framework is based on cointegration and common trend analyses that are employed on quarterly data for the following variables: the ratio of non-performing loans to the aggregated loan portfolio of banks, GDP level, unemployment rate, inflation, depreciation rate, key policy rate and net interest margin. Our results imply that in the longrun aggregate non-performing loans in Serbia are affected separately by prices and the nominal exchange rate. Their short-run dynamics are mostly determined by the depreciation rate and the interest rate channels. GDP growth rate is found to have important contemporaneous effect on the short-run variations of aggregate non-performing loans. A significant impact of bad asset management is also estimated.
Nova/stara rodna očekivanja – konformizam ili otpor patrijarhalnoj podeli rodnih uloga u porodici
Nova/stara rodna očekivanja – konformizam ili otpor patrijarhalnoj podeli rodnih uloga u porodici
Summary/Abstract: The basic idea of this paper is the analysis of the elements of gender asymmetry within marital – partner and family patterns. The exploration framework for our analysis will be the concept of self-sacrificing micro-matriarchate, and the theoretical construction of bifurcated social development. Following the dynamics of gender as the constitutive dimensions of the social structure, we will show in this paper how the segregation in marital – family life is carried out in the Serbian society according to the model of distinctive (male and female) gender roles. We will consider the coherence of the concept of a good mother and a good housewife, as unique gender roles and identities constructed through the prism of “normalized” and generally accepted social and gender expectations. The operationalization of gender expectations, or conformist pressure on women to be good mothers and good housewives, was realized through six open questions in the questionnaire. The quantification of the questions and their closure will be in accordance with the above theoretical assumptions, and through the analysis of the obtained answers about the degree of acceptance of gender expectations, we will rethink the “validity” of the concept of self-sacrificing micro-matriarchy in Serbia. However, as the questions contained in this survey do not allow precise operationalization of the concept of sacrificial micrometriarchy, here we will limit ourselves to the notion of sacrifice. For a deeper understanding of the self-priming micro-matriarch phenomena, the data analysis will be interpreted in accordance with the socio-demographic and class characteristics of respondents, as well as in accordance with their value orientations and practices. Bearing this in mind, the ultimate goal is to examine whether the recorded changes tend to the direction of a comprehensive transformation of family relationships, or suggest the pursuit of multiple aspects of retraditionalization, in accordance with fundamental social changes, which, because of their summarizing character, are often perceived as retrograde.
Od partnerstva ka roditeljstvu
Od partnerstva ka roditeljstvu
Summary/Abstract: The paper deals with relations in between partnership and parenthood in the context of family planning and its creation (through everyday practice after baby is born) including also perceptions of satisfaction. All of these aspects have been researched from the viewpoint of women/mothers in Serbia. The theoretical underpinnings stem from contemporary population literature which highlights marital happiness linked to gender equality as a precondition for stability of unions and (further) childbearing, especially when it comes to the second and higher order births (Bobic, 2013). Therefore we were specifically interested in females’ understanding of private sphere (partnership related to parenting) in Serbia today. Results of empirical research shed light on couples’ apparent relying on each other while making decision on birth, planning and preparations for delivery, i.e. transformation from partnership into parenthood. However this initial mutuality is been withdrawn from once baby arrives home and thus gender inequality comes into fore with salient burden placed on women/mothers (’females’ sacrificing model’), (Blagojevic, 1997, 2012) under the conditions of strong public patriarchy and ongoing process of retraditionalization. We consider these findings to be solid basis for family friendly measures targeted at lowering psychological costs of parenthood. The leading idea is that parenthood should have been tailored as gender symmetrical and flexible arrangement based on sharing responsibilities of both partners but also supported by wider society (in terms of law, services for child care, work family balance, material support to wider range of receivers, more active fathering, etc.). Major precondition for any such social intervention must be enhancement of quality of life of population of Serbia, especially youth, men and women, current and future generations of parents and their children.
Od prirode i kulture do ekokulturnog turizma
Od prirode i kulture do ekokulturnog turizma
Summary/Abstract: In the area of the Nature Park „Ponjavica” (Pancevo, southeastern Banat) protected by the State, there are numerous natural, cultural and artistic resources that are not activated and integrated into a unique tourist product. In order to be actively involved in tourism with positive economic, social, cultural and environmental benefits, there must be an institutionalized memory, awareness of the need to preserve rural cultural identity and established destination management which encourage product development through marketing communications. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to study the interactive relationship between the nature and culture in the protected area. Empirical research is based on the case study of the protected nature park „Ponjavica”, within which various methods of scientific research were applied: the method of observation in natural circumstances without the participation of observers, desk research of the research projects realized by Association of Environmentalists „Ponjavica” as a representative of the interested civil society sector, as well as an analysis of the content of existing public policy documents and the management of natural and cultural heritage of the Nature Park „Ponjavica”. Th e results of the research show that the protected ecosystem cannot be viewed as isolated and separate entity, but only as a part of the environment created by man, so that the awareness of this interaction between nature and culture is the most important assumption of a more efficient and effective scientific and practical approach to the sustainable development of protected area and building the identity of an ecocultural tourism destination.
Od prirode i kulture do ekokulturnog turizma
Od prirode i kulture do ekokulturnog turizma
Summary/Abstract: In the area of the Nature Park „Ponjavica” (Pancevo, southeastern Banat) protected by the State, there are numerous natural, cultural and artistic resources that are not activated and integrated into a unique tourist product. In order to be actively involved in tourism with positive economic, social, cultural and environmental benefits, there must be an institutionalized memory, awareness of the need to preserve rural cultural identity and established destination management which encourage product development through marketing communications. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to study the interactive relationship between the nature and culture in the protected area. Empirical research is based on the case study of the protected nature park „Ponjavica”, within which various methods of scientific research were applied: the method of observation in natural circumstances without the participation of observers, desk research of the research projects realized by Association of Environmentalists „Ponjavica” as a representative of the interested civil society sector, as well as an analysis of the content of existing public policy documents and the management of natural and cultural heritage of the Nature Park „Ponjavica”. Th e results of the research show that the protected ecosystem cannot be viewed as isolated and separate entity, but only as a part of the environment created by man, so that the awareness of this interaction between nature and culture is the most important assumption of a more efficient and effective scientific and practical approach to the sustainable development of protected area and building the identity of an ecocultural tourism destination.
Održiva javna nabavka vozila u drumskom transportu
Održiva javna nabavka vozila u drumskom transportu
Summary/Abstract: With increasing demands for more efficient use of energy resources in the transport sector there is a need to apply the principles of sustainable development, which will be a competitive advantage in the market. This especially applies to the road transport sector. This paper discussed the scenarios renewing the vehicle fleet of city buses in the Republic of Serbia. Each scenario was analyzed according to the methodology for calculating the costs of operating the city buses used in sustainable public procurement procedures in renewing vehicle fleets. Calculation includes the cost of owning the vehicles, energy, CO2 emissions and pollutant emissions. Application of this methodology allows the selection of energy-efficient vehicles and vehicles with significantly less negative impact on the environment. The aim of this paper is to mark the election of certain cost parameters lifecycle of vehicles, particularly energy costs, as well as evaluation of the impact of energy consumption on a range of vehicles in the procurement cycle. The calculated cost of the lifetime of the vehicle and the comparison of different vehicle technologies and using different types of fuels were performed. Inputs of energy consumption were defined. In this paper are defined scenarios of renewing the vehicle fleet, which serves to reduce energy consumption.
Opsesija krizom države i nemogućnost izgradnje ustavne države
Opsesija krizom države i nemogućnost izgradnje ustavne države
Summary/Abstract: In the article the author deals with the persisting impossibility of Serbian political elite to build constitutional state. Instead of developing constitutional state, modern independent Serbia in her century and a half long history witnessed only various constitutional facades for either autocracy or partocracy. After experiencing communism in so-called Second Yugoslavia, Serbian political elite proved to be most devoted to the principle of partocracy, which survived the autocratic challenges of Slobodan Milošević (1997–2000) and Zoran Đinđić (2000–2003), never facing any real constitutional “threat”. Therefore, the real “crises of state” was always perceived by this elite as combination of dangers, coming from “above” (i.e. from federal structures such as Yugoslavia or supranational organizations such as European Union) or from “beneath” (i.e. from various self-organized social groups opposed to the ruling party/parties). In the article, the author argues that the most important source of the “crisis of state” in Serbia was and is mentioned persisting impossibility of Serbian political elite to build constitutional state.
Oživljvanje birokapitalističkog modela i identifikacija etatističkog sindroma kod mladih Srbije
Oživljvanje birokapitalističkog modela i identifikacija etatističkog sindroma kod mladih Srbije
Summary/Abstract: This text deals with the growing state trend interfering in economy both in the world and in Serbia during the global economic crisis. It is aiming at calling attention to state regulating growing trend in Serbian economy which strengthens non-economic thinking, generates soft budgeting constraints and results bad economic parameters. Emphasized state presence in Serbian economic processes can neither be explained by prolonged transitional process lasting (Serbia as the only country in the phase of transitional recession), nor can it make any sense of new regulation aspects, as a consequence of global economic crisis. Economic culture must be taken into account characterizing strong syndromes of paternalism, etatism and non-competitiveness. The ruling set of non-formal institutions which are slowly being changed, according to D. North, represent good platform for newstate-interventionism and budget constraint softening.
Summary/Abstract: The paper discuss the issue of sexuality education from different aspects related to: (a) importance and possibility of incorporation of sexuality education into regular school curriculum, (b) possi ble transfer of experiances of good practicies (such as programme School Without Violence) into sexuality education curriculum, (c) school institutional readiness to respond to the challenge and obligation of introdusing sexsuality education into school curric ulum, and (d) possible consequences if the society and school does not accept this curricula intervention.
