Glasnik Antropološkog društva Jugoslavije

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ISSN 0351-1480
novi naslov Glasnik Antropološkog društva Srbije (ISSN: 1820-7936) od 2008
izdavač(i) Antropološko društvo Jugoslavije, Beograd
periodičnost godišnje
početna godina 1964
glavni urednik Petar Vlahović

CEON WoS IF2 n.a.
CEON WoS IF5 n.a.
CEON IF5 0,031


Etiopathogenesis of upper front teeth impaction
Etiopathogenesis of upper front teeth impaction
Examination was performed in 982 patients on Clinic for Stomatology in Niš to perceive frequency and etiological factors of II , 12 and C impaction. Diagnosis was established on a basis of clinical examination and Rtg analysis. Caninus is the most frequent impacted tooth (63, 8%), then II (33, 8 %) and the less frequent is 12 (2, 4 %). Impaction of II was mostly unilaterally localized (80, 95%), while C often had a bilateral localization (60, 49 %). Position of caninus in 71, 6 % of cases was changed: palatal localization (62, 07%), inclined direction (24, 14%) and horizontal position (13, 79%). The most frequent etiological factors of C impaction are: malposition (43, 21%) and dental crowding (38, 27%) and also we find follicular cysts and overnumerous teeth. Impaction of II is in 53, 38% consequence of over numerous teeth presence, then odontoma (19, 06 %) and malposition in 14, 28 % of cases. Follicular cyst and irregular shape are rare cause.
Etno-antropološke odlike Vojvodine
Etno-antropološke odlike Vojvodine
Voivodine s'etend dans la grande pleine de Panonie et dans les cours inferieurs des Tisa. Moris et Nera. Au sud, Voivodine est bornee par le cours inferieur de la riviere Sava et le fleuve Danube. A l'est et au nord Voivodine s'etend jusqu'aux Carpates. A travers les Balkans, Voivodine relie Europe Centrale avec la Mediterannee, l'Asie et l'Afrique. En plusieurs endroits de Vojvodine existent les debris de la vie continuee des homines depuis le 9e millenaire avant J-C, de nombreux traces de la culture des chasseurs prehistoriques, suivi de la culture des eleveurs et agriculteurs. Durant toutes les epoques d'histoire humaine, Voivodine represenlait une zone des immigrations, ce qu'elle a reste jusqu'a nos jours. A l'age neolithique cette region a ete colonisee par les tribus nomades des eleveurs, venus de l'Asie centrale. A l'age de fer, Voivodine est colonisee par les Illyriens, Thraces, Celtcs et ensuite par les Romains. Vers le 4e siecle arrivent les Huns et Germains. Entre le 6e et 10e siecle Voivodine est colonisce par les Avars, Slaves, Bulgaires, Hongrois et Roumains. Vers Moyen age, les Serbes, avec les Roumains, Hongrois et les Bulgaires ont reste les porteurs du developpement ethnique de Voivodine. Pendent leurs invasions, les Turcs ont change les relations ethniques en Voivodine. Depuis la fin du 14e jusqu'a la fin du 18e siecle, les monuments historiques nottent huit grandes migrations provoquees par la tyrannie Turque. Dans cette periode en Voivodine arrive la population Serbe de Raska, Montenegro. Bosnie et Herzegovine, en renouvelant la couche ethnique serbe d'autrefois. Durant le 18e et 19e siecle, Voivodine est systematiquement colonisee par le Allemands, Hongrois, Roumains, Bulgaires, Ukramiens, Slovaques, Tcheques Italiens, Espagnols, Francais, Armeniens, Juifs, Tziganes et Albanais. A la fin du 17e siecle, envens 40000 families serbes s'est refugiees en Voivodine, a cause de la tyrannie Turque (premiere grande migration des Serbes en 1690), et au commencement du 18e siecle (s-conde grande migration des Serbes en 1737) encore 40000 families Serbes vienent en Voivodine, en se sauvant d'esclavage Turc. Durant le 18e et 19e siecle, beaucoup de families allemandes et hongroises s'installent systematiquement en Voivodine. Apres la Deuxieme querre mondiale les anciennes proprietes allemands en Voivodine ont ete systematiquement colonises par 37000 families vens des endroits montagneux et devastes pendant la guerre, de Montenegro, Bosnie et Herzegovine, Serbie, Croatie et Slovenie. Ces immigrations comprennent 250000 habitants. La structure ethnique de Voivodine est ainsi completee. Cette territoire est peuplee par de nombreuses nationalites (selon les recherches du prof. Ž. Gavrilovif dans le village Gudurica pres de Vrsac habitent 17 nationalites). Tout ces fails preuvent que la structure heterogene de la population de Voivodine est interessante pour les recherches anihropologiques
Evaluation of swimmers adaptive ability from aspect of change lactate blood concentration, heart frequency and oxygen uptake
Evaluation of swimmers adaptive ability from aspect of change lactate blood concentration, heart frequency and oxygen uptake
Stop watch can ensure the best method of valuation of swimmers adaptive ability on training, but it doesn't provide possibility of monitoring physiologically adaptive changes which take part in body. It was a lot of attempts that with functional diagnostic tests appreciate swimmers results approvement, because of training process planning. Those tests include heart frequency monitoring, determination of blood lactate concentration, peak oxygen uptake and assessment of fatigue. Validity and sensitivity of this tests as indicators physiological adaptation on swimming training are debatable. However, a lot of researches show on significant correlation between mentioned tests and swimming performance improvement. The aim of this work is to point at possibility for evaluation swimmers training through evaluation of physiological adaptive changes.
Evolutionary ecology
Evolutionary ecology
In comparison with the available, exclusively foreign, literature (see the contribution section) the author has only interpreted individual results achieved in the field of evolutionary ecology, for a specific circle of experts who have studied man's past from other aspects, with no pretensions that these results have also been debated. Thus, in this contribution it can be seen, amongst other things, that on the level of the early hominoid (australopiteka and homo habilisa) the natural environment exerted a well defined, very strong, selective pressure on the straightening and enlargement of the body and the expansion of the brain mass. On the level of Homo erectus, dependence on the environment gradually decreased, best shown in the colonization of the African and Eurasian regions. Archaic sapiens (Homo sapiens neadertalensis), and especially Homo sapiens sapiens became inereasingly less dependant on the natural environment, so that in their youngest phases they even succeeded in influencing their natural environment. However, this does not mean that modern man is no longer an ecosensitive being.
Excretion of 17-ketosteroids in adult and aged people
Excretion of 17-ketosteroids in adult and aged people
The function of the suprarenal cortex was investigated in advanced (60-74 years), senile (75-9 years) and long-lived (90+years) age, in total of 126 individuals, by means of the excretion of 17-ketosteroids in 24 hour urine as the principal metamolite of plasma cortisol. The method of Zimmerman reaction with chromatographic colorimetry was used. The analysis of the obtained data revealed that the glucocorticoid function with advance of the age slightly modified and was preserved at a comparatively high level including in the long-lived individuals, too. The clinical observations also confirmed the standpoint, that the glucocorticoid function with advance of the age insignificantly decreased and the presented values were directly dependent of the functional capacities of the suprarenal glands in both sexes, too. In advanced age (60-74 years) the author denoted gradual uniform decrease of the twenty-four-hour excretion of 17-KS (29.05 mkmol/24 hours ù up to 26.45 mkmol/l for 24 hours). The transition from advanced to senile age was markedly expressed by diminution of the values of 17-KS, the difference between advanced (60-74 years) and long-lived age (90+years) was highly significant in both sexes, too (p<0.001). Conclusion is made that the presented values of the 17-KS in advanced and senile ages could serve as objective criterion (rates, norms) in the general complex of functional morphologic and metabolic features of the body, which occur in senility. Particular significance they assume in determination of the biologic age of man.
Exploration morphological characteristic at sport
Exploration morphological characteristic at sport
By virtue of former exploration morphological space, identified is Doreen number factor, being gave tip-off about structure morphological dimension as about hierarchy relation at to structure. Tip-off about structure morphological characteristic at sport ever so are fundamental with aspect their transformation. Morphological data are floor influence genetic factor (endogen) and factor surroundings (exogenous). Influence genetic factor not same for all measurement. For dimensionality skeleton coefficient inborn totals about.98, voluminous.90 and boldface tisane.50. Accordingly, utmost transformation floor influence (exogamy) Training possibly is at boldface tisane, then voluminous, almost to neglect at dimensionality skeleton. Hereof road-stead given is inspection exploration morphological characteristic significant for sport.
Explosive force as essential fact in successful shot put
Explosive force as essential fact in successful shot put
The goal of the research was to determine the influence of explosive force on the shot put results. The sample of the subjects were 17-year old girls. The system of prediction variables was made of 8 explosive force tests. It was determined by a regression analysis that there was remarkable influence of some explosive force tests on the shot put results.
Face's soft tissues profile type in patients with malocclusion
Face's soft tissues profile type in patients with malocclusion
Examination face's soft tissues profile was realized with profile telerendgenograms in 70 ortodontic's patients, who've got class I, II division 1 and III of malocclusion. The most of our patients have got soft tissues distal profile (72,77%) and concave profile (57,19%). A great number of patients with class I of malocclusion (79,17%) have got face-distal profile with maxilla-anteinclination (57,89%). Distal profile has distinguished all patients with class II division 1 so that maxilla anteinclination participate with 39,13% and maxilla retronclination with 34,78%. A good few of patients with class III (47,83%) have got mesial profile with maxilla retroinclination (63,64%). Almost all patients with class III of malocclusion (95,65%), as well as the most of patients with class I (62,50%) have got concave profile, while the most of patients with class II division 1 (73,91%) have got soft tissues convex profile.
Face's soft tissues thickness from side view in persons with malocclusion
Face's soft tissues thickness from side view in persons with malocclusion
Sagital dental and gnatic anomalies make face's profile change. Soft tissues thickness can do significant role in that whether the soft tissues profil will follow skeletal profil either make it alleviated or intensified. Therefore it's necessary to analyzes soft tissues profile, so we could value effect of skeletal anomalies correction to patient's profile, correctly.
Facial soft tissue profile in patients with malocclusions of II/l class
Facial soft tissue profile in patients with malocclusions of II/l class
The research was conducted on profile telerendgenograms of 49 orthodontic patients with malocclusions of II/l class. All of the examined patients had distal profiles, with upper jaws in the position of retroinclination (39. 13%), anteinclination (34. 78%) and normoinclination (26. 09%). Almost 3/4 of the patients (73. 91%) were characterized by convex profiles, 13. 40% by concave and 13. 04% by flat facial soft tissue profiles. In the patients of both sexes, the decreased soft tissue thickness in the areas of subnasale, upper-lip sulcus and upper lip considerably compensates for the skeletal protrusion of these parts and for the protrusion of upper incisors. The increased thickness of the lower lip and lower-lip sulcus moderates the existing dysgnathia and skeletal profile convexity in girls, while the pronounced decrease of the tissue thickness in the area of menton aggravates the distal profile of the face in boys.
Factors contributing to young footballers' success
Factors contributing to young footballers' success
Based on the research conducted on the 210 young footballers (12, 15-16, and 17-18 years olds) from the football club "Milicionar" in Belgrade, and on the same number of the their fathers, the factors contributing to young footballers' success were examined. The research has revealed that there are statistically significant differences between the fathers and their sons regarding the opinion on the relationship between the effort and the achieved sports results of the young footballers. The parents are more critical in comparison to their sons, and they believe that the results do not correspond to the efforts. The situation is quite different when it comes to the contribution ability has on this sports results. Now the sons are more critical than their fathers, believing that ability is not an important factor for sports success. When ranking the qualities of their sons-footballers, the fathers have placed the need of frequent encouragement and stimulation first, and as the most important factor of their sports success - persistence during the trainings. According to the parents, the trainer, i.e. the training organization, is what is most responsible for the failure of the young footballers.
Fear effects on the pregnancy time and body weight of newborns
Fear effects on the pregnancy time and body weight of newborns
Praćenje učestalosti prevremenih porođaja i rađanja dece niske telesne težine u Ginekološko-akušerskom odseku Opšte bolnice u Prokuplju pokazuje 1. Da je u periodu od 01.04. do 30.09. 99. god rođeno 525 dece, od kojih 56 sa niskom telesnom težinom tj. sa ispod 2500 g, što u procentima iznosi 10,6%; 2. Od 56 dece sa niskom telesnom porođajnom težinom njih 39 ili 69,7% imalo je telesnu težinu od 2001-2500g; 3. Ukupno mrtvorođenih bilo je 6, što iznosi 1,1 %, a što je opet značajno više nego u prethodna dva šestomesečna perioda; 4. U odnosu na prethodna dva šestomesečna perioda uočava se značajan porast broja radanja dece sa niskom telesnom težinom što se jedino može objasniti uticajem prolongiranog stresa koji se u obliku NATO agresije obrušio na našu zemlju; 5. Sva deca su rođena u Ginekološko-akušerskom odeljenju Opšte bolnice u Prokuplju, koja je i jedina ove vrste za Toplički region; gledano prema mestu prebivališta trudnica, najveći procenat porasta rađanja dece sa niskom telesnom težinom pokazale su opštine Kuršumlija i Prokuplje koje su i najviše puta bile predmet napada, pa samim tim je i stres bio odlučujući momenat za prethodno opisana događanja; 6. I u Topličkom regionu je poslednjih godina veoma izražen pad nataliteta, što se može videti iz podataka svrstanih u tabeli 4. Ipak, za posmatrani šestomesečni period ta zakonitost izgleda ne važi. Ali ako malo studioznije razmotrimo trenutnu demografsku situaciju u Srbiji, a posebno u Topličkom regionu, i ako imamo na umu sva ona događanja koja smo već opisali u uvodnom delu rada - blagi porast nataliteta je samo fiktivna pojava jer je na broj majki porodilja autohtonog stanovništva pridodat određeni broj porodilja izbeglica.
