Glasnik Antropološkog društva Jugoslavije

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ISSN 0351-1480
novi naslov Glasnik Antropološkog društva Srbije (ISSN: 1820-7936) od 2008
izdavač(i) Antropološko društvo Jugoslavije, Beograd
periodičnost godišnje
početna godina 1964
glavni urednik Petar Vlahović

CEON WoS IF2 n.a.
CEON WoS IF5 n.a.
CEON IF5 0,031


Comparison between morphological characteristics of students of faculty of physical culture, generation 1975 and 1997
Comparison between morphological characteristics of students of faculty of physical culture, generation 1975 and 1997
A general tendency of changes in growth and development of new generation known as acceleration of growth and maturation has been noticed in this century. The aim of this paper was to establish whether there have been any changes in physical development variables in young people during the period of 22 years. The sample consisted of 140 male subjects measured in 1997 and 146 male subjects measured in 1975, average age of 20, who were the students of FPC, Belgrade. The sample of variables consisted of 16 anthropometric measures which defined longitudinal and transversal skeletal dimensions, volume and body mass, as well as subcutaneous fat tissue. Basic descriptive statistic parameters, together with the significance of differences in mean values calculated for all variables. Changes in physical development in the form of growth acceleration in young generation of students were established by the analysis of the obtained results. The largest increase was established in measures which define longitudinal and transversal skeletal dimensions, as well as body mass, while the measures of volume and subcutaneous fat tissue were in a less pronounced increase. Younger generation of twenty-year old students of 1997 generation was found to be 4.81 cm taller, and 4.92 kg heavier than their peers in 1975.
Connection between neuroticism of the war invalids with the motives for doing sport and recreational activities
Connection between neuroticism of the war invalids with the motives for doing sport and recreational activities
Research includes war invalids of different social and status characteristics who live in the western part of the Republic of Srpska. Connection between neuroticism of the war invalids with the motives for doing sport and recreational activities was examined. Specimen of 266 war invalids at the age of 25 to 60 was randomly selected. Questionnaire about the presence absence of neuroticism and the estimate of motives for doing sport and recreational activities has been used for collecting data. The results have shown that the presence/absence of neuroticism does not influence the estimate of motives for doing sport and recreational activities.
Connection of wrestlers' age-structure and top results at Greek-Roman style
Connection of wrestlers' age-structure and top results at Greek-Roman style
High-quality Greek-Roman style wrestlers' characteristics have been deeply theoretically discussed and explained. It's pretty clear that today's wrestlers must possess comprehensive general and special preparation, rich technical-tactful repertoire, sport's intelligence, strong nerve system, good motivation and emphasized readiness to carry all training and competitive temptations. These general assumptions were analyzed by many specialists through many different aspects. Some of them emphasized technical preparation as the main factor and others underlined tactful qualification. The most of specialists emphasized the unbreakable unity and connection of technical tactful, physical and psychological preparation of top wrestlers. Although there are some disagreements about the way of preparation, all specialists agree that good selection of candidates is necessary for the top results. Candidate's age and his fitness in age characteristics specifically for certain category are one of the main criterion for selection. It's not rare coaches give up the most qualified competitor at that moment with the reason that the competitor won't be able to be a candidate for the highest standing at the time of Olympics. In this essay, special attention is committed to the analyze of age-structure of Greek-Roman style wrestlers with the special Athens Olympics 2004. review.
Contemporary trends in radiation cytogenetic and biodozimetry of ionizing irradiation
Contemporary trends in radiation cytogenetic and biodozimetry of ionizing irradiation
The aim of our study was application of contemporary methods of molecular aosis ( PCR. Polymerase chain reaction and FISH, Fluorescent in situ hybridization) in radiation cytogenetics.Remarkable advances have been made in past few years in the understanding the changes of human genom, among persons professionally exposed to radiation. The phenomenon of premature centromeric division (PCD) is characterized by situation in which chromatids of chromosomes are alredy separated in metaphase and segregation of chromosomes regularly process during mitotic anaphase or anaphase II of meiosis. In our study, we suggest that PCD,as phenomenon representing the manifestation of chromosomal instability (CIN), should be reviewed as probable cytogenetic biomarker for individuals occupationally exposed to ionizimg radiation and that, in addition to conventional cytogenetics procedures, FISH should be applied for analysis of both metaphases and interphase nuclei. Furthemore, ionizing radiation is an inducer of gross structural alterations in the HPRT (hypoxanthine-guaninephosphoribosyl transferase) gene and other mutation assay systems. Indipendet mutations were analyzed for genetic altertions using multiplex PCR. In addition, PCR is being used in molecular diagnosis in leukemias. Molecular characterization of these mutations has revealed that the leukemias are commonly associated with structural chromosomal aberrations, mostly with translocations. This method is fast, accurate, relatively cheap, witch makes it appliable even in our circumstances.
Continued recreative swimming classes as improving factor on students motor and functional abilities
Continued recreative swimming classes as improving factor on students motor and functional abilities
Recreative swimming classes lasted 45 classes (3 times a week), 60minutes each. Experimental sample was made of two. Experimental group subsamples consisted of 126 students and one control group consisted of 127 students. Motor and functional abilities were observed through appropriate tests which were tested in practice for former researches. For research eight motor and six functional parameters were observed. Effects of intensive recreative swimming classes were tested by using multivariant analysis of covarians and univariant analysis of covarians. Results showed that students from experimental group were dominated at tested parameters than students from control group. Except many internal and external factors, results are consequence of insensitive swimming classes.
Coronary person as a dominant risk factor in getting angina pectoris at professional army officers at corps of Niš
Coronary person as a dominant risk factor in getting angina pectoris at professional army officers at corps of Niš
Different clinic oriented people, psychologists, sociologists epidemiologists, ecologists etc. are all interested in psychological structure of a person as a risk factor of angina pectoris in last ten years. Under idea of psychology structure of a person, we understand all persons psychology features which could produce angina pectoris, alone of together with other risk factors. This idea understands persons behavior his life style and his way of life, which depend on psychological structure of a person and sometimes they depend on sociocultural life conditions of given life incirelement. Type A has been separated in cardiology discussions as a model of behavior in last ten years. This kind of people are aggressively, because they want to achieve as much as they can in a very short period of time, so they are aggressive and they need enemies. This can be noticed by their speech and mimics. Persona in the second group waked as type В are easygoing and relaxed and they accept dusting the way it is. Our study includes 32 men aged between 34 and 55 who are professional army officers, belonging to the Serbian and Montenegro army. They have been observed because of hypertensive syndrome at Internal ward of VMC Niš. Twenty of then /62,50%/ belonged to type A, and twelve of then /37,50%/ are selected as persons who belonged to a group type B. In "Niš study" incidence of ischemic myocardial illness is 4.25 times bigger in group A then in group B. Fifteen coronaropaths of group A /75%/ had too many triglycerides, while nine of them /45%/ had too much of cholesterol.
Correlative analysis of anthropometric characteristic of adolescents in Sombor
Correlative analysis of anthropometric characteristic of adolescents in Sombor
Adolescence is a transitional phase from a child to an adult. In this period there arises an intensive growth of the whole body especially in height. Our aim was to establish body height, body mass, medium scope of a rib cage shoulder width, pelvic width and lower extremity length as well as the existence of specific relations and the intensity of mutual influences of variables included in the examination of adolescents in Sombor. We examined 709 pupils of Secondary Medical School among which 578 were female and 131 were male pupils. The results have shown the existence of statistically significant and high correlations among specific variables of morphological status. The highest correlation exists between body height and leg length and it is 0,854 with boys and 0,823 with girls. Correlations between body mass and scope of a rib cage and between body mass and shoulder width that is between body mass and pelvic width are also very high. Correlation value between shoulder width and pelvic width is 0,509 with boys, and 0,472 with girls. Anthropometric characteristics can be classified in two groups. Body height and leg length characteristics belong to the first group while body mass, scope of a rib cage, shoulder and pelvic width make the second group.
Cytogenetic research of some pesticides from the group of fenoxiherbicides
Cytogenetic research of some pesticides from the group of fenoxiherbicides
Poslednjih decenija svedoci smo intenzivnog ubrzanja hemizacije životne sredine, kako u kvantitativnom, tako i u kvalitativnom smislu. Istovremeno naučnici već u alarmantnoj formi nastoje skrenuti pažnju naučne, stručne i najšire javnosti na urgentnu potrebu istraživanja mogućih mutagenih i kancerogenih efekata hemikalija. Osnovni cilj našeg istraživanja bilo je utvrdivanje eventualnih genotoksićnih efekata tri preparata iz grupe fenoksiherbicida: Fusilade (Fluazifop-P- buthyl), Targa (Kvizalofop-P-ethyl) i Galant (Haloxyfop-P-methyl). Na osnovu dobijenih podataka konstatovano je da testirani herbicidi indukuju mutagene efekte koji se pre svega manifestuju u pojavi strukturnih hromozomskih aberacija, kao i u pojavi numeričkih aberacija tipa poliploidija. Pažnju pobuduju lomovi hromozoma koji ujedno predstavljaju i najučestalije nestabilne hromozomske aberacije. Najveću učestalost slobodnih acentrićnih fragmenata indukuje Fusilade (6,50%). Konstatovana je povećana učestalost mikronukleusa u binuklearnim limfoblastima periferne krvi, što pokazuje da se radi o značajnim oštećenjima genetičkog materijala indukovanim delovanjem testiranim herbicidima. Pored uočenih hromozomskih efekata konstatovani su i citološki efekti u smislu pojave dvojedarnih ćelija i izmenjene morfologije jedra. Zapažena je i pojava smanjenja mitotičkog indeksa od 20-40%. Utvrdeno je da testirani herbicidi indukuju strukturne i numeričke aberacije, kao i povećanu učestalost mikronukleusa. Rezultati pokazuju da testirani fenoksiherbicidi deluju kao agensi povećanog genetičkog rizika i mogu se smatrati potencijalnim muagenima. Koncentracija testiranih herbicida je u korelaciji sa ispoljavanjem i frekvencijom njihovih efekata.
Daltonism with students of University in Novi Sad
Daltonism with students of University in Novi Sad
The sight is very important sense in communication with environment. The colour sight has aesthetic and psychological effects in our life. Moreover it has many significant impact to arts, fashion, and psychical, and emotional feeling, as it contributes to life and health. Some people have defect of colour of sight. This condition reduces him the quality of life and health too. The author and collaborators of Institute of students health care of Novi Sad, within regular systematic health check-ups applied the colour sight test. This investigation has included 1611 students, 849 males (52,70%), and 762 females (47,30%). The students has been classified according to a domicile of regions in Vojvodina, and others of other parts of our country. There where 399 students from Srem, 416 Banat, 400 Bačka, and 396 others. Within the test for recognizing colour are used method with isochromatic tables of Ischicara (1985) The statistic date were performed with Chi-square test. In the students covered with investigation are registered 5,77% males with defects, but in females 0,39% only. According to domicile the highest frequency of this phenomenon had students from Bačka (7,50%),and Srem (6,94%), and then from Banat (4,61%), and then others (3,98%). The difference of date have not a statistic significance. The students are very important for future, and their health must be regularly followed up.
Deficiency anemia
Deficiency anemia
Iron deficiency anemia has a high prevalence in undeveloped then in developed countries. The prevalence of anemia is higher in certain risk groups such us women (of childbearing age) pregnancy, children. We examined 50 patients, 45 women and 5 men. The average level of serum iron has been 8, 7 mikro mol/1. The average level of TIBC was 69, 16, UIBC 59, 75 and transferring saturation was 12, 48%. CDC s recommendation is screening for iron deficiency anemia in pregnant woman and children, so the anemia could be quickly and adequately treated.
Dental anthropology and anthropological-odontological types of Bulgarian population of Greek origin
Dental anthropology and anthropological-odontological types of Bulgarian population of Greek origin
93 individuals from both sexes of the contemporary Bulgaria population of Greek origin living in the regions of Pomorie, Sozopol and Nesebar were studied by 13 basic odontological traits with diagnostic and taxonomical significance. On the basis of the data obtained it was established that the explored Greek population belongs to the Western odontological stem with a slight eastern (mongoloid) admixture in their ethnogenesis.
Dental anthropology and anthrpologo-odontological types of Turkish population from North-Eastern Bulgaria
Dental anthropology and anthrpologo-odontological types of Turkish population from North-Eastern Bulgaria
Three groups of approximately 100 persons, with total number of 304 individuals of both sexes were studied. It was established, That the investigated groups, as s whole, belong to the Western odontological stem with weak 'eastern' admixture. In recent research works of ethnogenetical character together with somatic-anthropological traits are used certain peculiarities of teethes structure that are odontological and odontoglyphical traits of racial-diagnostical and taxonomic significance (Gašimova, 1979 Vauiaeva, 1977, Gadžiev, 1973, Zubov, 1968, 1973, Zubov, Zolotareva, 1979 Minkov, 1978, 1979, 1987, 1991, Minkov, 1977, 1982, 1983, Minkov, Boev 1978, Minkov, Daponte, 1990).
