Mešovita građa

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Историјски институт основан је 15. јула 1947. године са задатком да изучава економску, друштвену, политичку, и културну историју српског народа, као и његове везе са јужнословенским и осталим балканским народима, и да истовремено унапређује све гране историјске науке. За првог управника Института именован је др Виктор Новак, а за заменика управника др Георгије Острогорски. До 25. марта 1961. године Институт се налазио у саставу Српске академије наука и уметности када је одлуком Извршног већа НР Србије проглашен за самосталну научну установу. Решењем Републичке заједнице за научни рад Историјски институт је 28. септембра 1971. године стекао статус научног института.

Редакцијa Mешовитe грађe (miscellanea):

др Радомир J. Поповић (Одговорни уредник),
др Биљана Стојић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Михаил Белов (Институт међународних односа и светске историје Универзитета Н.И.Лобачевскиј, Нижниј Новгород)
др Дејан Булић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Гордана Гарић Петровић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Милош Ивановић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Андреа Картени (Сапиенца Унивезитет, Рим)
др Урош Татић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Људмила Кузмичева (Историјски факултет Универзитета Ломоносов, Москва)
проф. др Gabriella Schubert (Институт за славистику Универзитета у Јени)
проф. д.и.н. Лилиана Симеонова (Балканолошки институт БАН)


Белешка Матије Бана о Радивоју Милојковићу из 1876. године
Белешка Матије Бана о Радивоју Милојковићу из 1876. године
Summary/Abstract: У данас већ бившем Архиву Историјског института, у фонду Поклони и откупи, дуго је чувана занимљива белешка која се завршава речима “животопис Радивоја Мин. Ун. Д.” То је кратка скица значајнијих догађаја из живота једног од врло утицајних српских политичара, 70-тих и 80-тих година XIX века.
Белешка Стефана Радичевића о првој владавини кнеза Милоша
Белешка Стефана Радичевића о првој владавини кнеза Милоша
Summary/Abstract: Concept of the note of Stefan Radičević, that is, review on some text or document, is in the Archives of SASA, Belgrade, no. 7090. Originally, the document was in the collection of Dr. Djordje Mušicki who in 1881 gave the Serbian Royal Academy numerous writings of famous Serbs from the late 18th and the first half of the 19th century. In the inventory book of the Archives of SASA, the document is recorded as Note of Stefan Radičević. We have found by a comparative analysis of handwriting that the document was written by Stefan Radičević. Radičević was one of the most prominent officials of Prince Miloš and Prince Mihailo during the first government of which he was the Minister of Justice and Education (1840-1842). We learn from a document less known details about the political conflicts in Serbia at the end of the first government of Prince Miloš, which highlights, among other things, cause of the conflict between Toma Vučić and Radičević, as the appointment and even faster dismissal of Radičević of the position of representative of the prince and Minister of Foreign Affairs in February 1839.
Београдско писмо краља Жигмунда грађанима Шопрона (7. новембар 1427. године)
Београдско писмо краља Жигмунда грађанима Шопрона (7. новембар 1427. године)
Summary/Abstract: This paper presents a critical edition of the letter sent by the Hungarian King Sigismund from Belgrade to the municipality of Sopron in western Hungary on November 7, 1427. King Sigismund received the fortress and city of Belgrade from the new Serbian ruler Đurađ Branković at the end of September or beginning of October of the same year, according to the agreement previously made with Despot Stefan Lazarević in Tata (1426). The Hungarian king immediately took measures to consolidate his power in the former Serbian capital. This letter is a major source for Sigismund’s activity in the city and his plans for Belgrade. King Sigismund put Belgrade under the jurisdiction of the banate of Mačva and granted the town numerous privileges. King has liberated its inhabitants of the duties levied on the entire territory of the Kingdom and called traders and artisans from all over to settle in Belgrade, in order to increase the number of the Catholic population of the city. This invitation is also extended to the citizens and residents of Sopron. Moreover, the king ordered the city authorities to send two of Sopron’s artisans with their families to Belgrade.
Библиографија Мешовите грађе (Miscellanea) I-XXX
Библиографија Мешовите грађе (Miscellanea) I-XXX
Summary/Abstract: Bibliography of Mešovita građa (Miscellanea) which contains the list of all the articles published in the journals from issue number 1 to issue number 30.
Богоје Радинчић из Гацка – Домазетство између службе (servitium) и посињења (affiliatio)
Богоје Радинчић из Гацка – Домазетство између службе (servitium) и посињења (affiliatio)
Summary/Abstract: Bogoje Radinčić from Gacko promised in the mid 90s of the XIV century that he will marry Mara, daughter of Tvrdin Ozrojević from Rijeka Dubrovačka, after she reaches the legal age. He also promised Tvrdin to remain with him in the period of the next fifteen years, serve him and listen to him „as a father“. Future father-in-law, in turn, agreed to receive the adopted son-in-law (gener affiliatus) to his house and give him the food and clothing and also to guide, protect and watch over him „as his own son“. After Bogoje’s wedding with his daughter Mara, Tvrdin would continue to support both of them in his house and would give them, after the contract expires, the third part of all property which he owned. If the accepted son-in-law „canceled obedience“ or left his in-laws arbitrary and without guilt of others, father-in-law was not obliged to give him anything, not even for the time spent with him in the same household. If, on the other hand, Tvrdin expelled Bogoje or his future wife Mara before the aforementioned deadline without their guilt, he had to, as „pater familias“, give them a third of possessions he owned at the time, in proportion to the length of time that the expelled son-in-law spent with his strict and imperious father-in-law. To make this contract, without which such agreement would be null, obligatory and binding, the authorities of Dubrovnik authorized the representative of Tvrdin, ser Ivan Menčetić, to conduct, if needed, an investigation of both sides and make the appropriate decision that would be final and as such would exclude the possibility of any appeal.
Британски вицеконзул Бекер о положају Јевреја и Муслимана у Нишу 1879. године
Британски вицеконзул Бекер о положају Јевреја и Муслимана у Нишу 1879. године
Summary/Abstract: У Архиву Србије у оквиру фонда Политичког одељења Министарства иностраних дела налази се драгоцена преписка коју је током септембра и октобра 1879. године британски вицеконзул у Нишу Аугустус Бекер водио са српским властима. Реч је о жалбама енглеског дипломате због, наводно, тешког положаја мањина, а пре свега Јевреја и муслимана у Нишу. Узроке њиховог незавидног статуса приписивао је локалним српским властима, које су непрестано прогониле мањинско становништво. У својим извештајима које је слао британском посланству у Београд и српској влади посебно тешке оптужбе износио је на рачун начелника нишког округа Косте Павловића, кога је кривио да прогони Јевреје и муслимане. Иначе, преписка је у једном тренутку претила да изазове међудржавни скандал тако да су се у цео случај укључили и председник српске владе Јован Ристић и генерални конзул Велике Британије у Београду Гулд, који је скренуо пажњу свом потчињеном службенику да нема право да се меша у послове који не спадају у његову надлежност (Бекер је био трговачки вицеконзул, напом. аутора).
Британци и Хаџи-Лојина револуција
Британци и Хаџи-Лојина револуција
Summary/Abstract: The rebellion and the armed resistance of the Sarajevo’s inhabitants to the Austro-Hungarian occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina of 1878, are still considered to be a controversial topic. Some historians assert that it was the result of the Bosnian patriotism and solidarity of the citizens of Sarajevo of all faiths. The others claim that it was primarily Islamic, conservative movement inspired and organized by the Ottoman Porte, which was trying to avoid or postpone the foreign occupation. Moreover, there are interpretations that place Bosnian and contemporary Albanian rebellion of 1878 into the context of at that time emerging modern Pan-Islamism, and the attempts of Sultan Abdul Hamid II to use it as a tool for the defence of his Empire from its assertive Christian enemies. All existing reports of the British Acting Consul in Sarajevo, Edward B. Freeman, to the Foreign Office, written at the time of rebellion and occupation (July–August 1878) are presented here. Placed within the context of the British and Ottoman policy in the years of the Eastern crisis (1875-1878), and seen from the broad, global perspective, they give the new evidence on behalf of the interpretation of the Sarajevo’s rebellion of 1878 as an unsuccessful Islamic revolution, inspired by the Porte.
Бродолом на Црном мору
Бродолом на Црном мору
Summary/Abstract: После Једренског мира, 1829. године, султанових хатишерифа, датих Србији 1830. и 1833. године, знатно су се побољшали услoви за развој привредних делатности, нарочито у погледу изво-зно-увозне спољне трговине, и то на целом подручју земаља подунавског прибрежја. У дунавској пловидби учествовала су пловила на једра и весла грађена углавном у овим прибрежним земљама, где је забележен пораст бродоградитељске делатности, а ново доба уноси- ло је и нове промене. Осим обичних дрвених бродова и бродића који су служили за превоз соли, дрвета, жита и који су по врсти превоже- не робе добијали посебно име, појављивали су се већ од 1833. године и већи бродови, нарочито за пловидбу и на мору.
Вакуфи у сумарном попису Смедеревског санџака из 1530. године
Вакуфи у сумарном попису Смедеревског санџака из 1530. године
Summary/Abstract: The summary register of the Smederevo sanjak MAD 506 from the year 1530 was not created on the ground, but in the Court offices, by transcribing data from official defters. Through internal analysis and comparison with defters of the Smederevo sanjak created in the 1516–1532 period, we ascertained that data on waqfs originate from the lost register of the Smederevo sanjak compiled in 1522–1523. We established that the same data on waqfs are also contained in the non-dated summary defter TD 135, in regard to which we have also determined that its transcript was created in late 1531 or early 1532. Of the two summary registers, which contain data on waqfs from the lost sanjak register of 1522–1523, MAD 506 is more comprehensive. We have therefore used it as the basis for publication. The data contained only in the summary register TD 135 are also included in the text and are marked in italics. The register that we present is divided into three sections. The first contains waqfs of Smederevo, the second the waqf of Piri Mehmed Paşa in Belgrade, the waqf of the Ravanica monastery, the mülk of Bali Bey Yahya Paşa, and endowments in the fortresses of Kulič, Ram, Golubac and Resava, while the third segment relates to waqfs of Niš. The amount of money invested in waqfs, as well as the revenue and expenditure of waqf buildings, testify to modest investments and limited economic activities in the Smederevo sanjak before the conquest of Belgrade in 1521, which was due mostly to the frontier status of the sanjak and the danger from Hungarian attacks.
Верске задужбине муслимана нахије Пирот (Шехиркој) 1570/1571. године
Верске задужбине муслимана нахије Пирот (Шехиркој) 1570/1571. године
Summary/Abstract: Subsequent to Ottoman conquering, Pirot started to get the appearance of oriental settlement. This makeover was occurring primarily through religious endowments – vaqfs established by sovereigns or eminent persons. Turkish name of the town - Şehirköy implicates that there was a centre of Dervish order. The introduction of the paper states the retrospective to Pirot vaqfs as of Ottoman conquering until the end of the 16th Century. The oldest Islamic religious object in Pirot most likely was the mosque build by Sultan Murât I Hüdavendigâr (1362-1389), right after first conquest of the town (1385). Kilârcıbaşı Halîl Beğ was one of the endowers, through whose vaqfs the town attained mescid, hammâm, kerâvan-sarây, 10 dükkâns and the bridge over the river Nišava. One of the town’s mahalles was named after his mescid. Another eminent local person was Ahmed b. Рîr Angi, most likely descendent of dervish. He had errected the mescid and the bridge together with endownig few dükkâns. Certain Sârûca who was subaşa is also named among endowers from Pirot. His vaqf included one mill. During the period between twenties and midforties the endowment activities in the town perished, since then non of the vaqfs was not founded. At the same time, it implicates stagnation and collapse of the town. Until 1570, only one vaqf was established in Pirot, Solak Nasûhʼs vaqf, with town fountain within. During that period new town mahalle was established in Pirot, formed around newly built mosque of Iskender Beğ b. Ibrâhîm. Translation of previously unknown Ottoman registry of vaqfs in Pirot nâhiye from 1570/71 is conveyed in the attachment.
Вилајет Пастриц (Паштрик) 1452/53. године
Вилајет Пастриц (Паштрик) 1452/53. године
Summary/Abstract: Inventory of Pastriç (Paštrik) vilayeti in 1452/53. is the oldest preserved Ottoman source which contains data on former Serbian medieval districts (župas) Altin, Patkovo and Hvosno. It was made as an integral part of Skopje-Bosnian Frontier inventory, one of the largest military and administrative units of the Ottoman Empire. Only 60 villages in the nahiyes of Paštrik, Rudina and Radovina, that belonged to the hass of Mahmud Pasha, Grand Vizier and Rumeli Beylerbeyi, were registrated, as well as 20 villages in the nahiye of Gora that belonged to the sipahis. It is worth mentioning that most of those sipahis were Christians. This valuable source contains data concerning ethnic and confessional structure in the territory south of Djakovica, in between Valbona, Drim and White Drim rivers.
