Mešovita građa

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Историјски институт основан је 15. јула 1947. године са задатком да изучава економску, друштвену, политичку, и културну историју српског народа, као и његове везе са јужнословенским и осталим балканским народима, и да истовремено унапређује све гране историјске науке. За првог управника Института именован је др Виктор Новак, а за заменика управника др Георгије Острогорски. До 25. марта 1961. године Институт се налазио у саставу Српске академије наука и уметности када је одлуком Извршног већа НР Србије проглашен за самосталну научну установу. Решењем Републичке заједнице за научни рад Историјски институт је 28. септембра 1971. године стекао статус научног института.

Редакцијa Mешовитe грађe (miscellanea):

др Радомир J. Поповић (Одговорни уредник),
др Биљана Стојић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Михаил Белов (Институт међународних односа и светске историје Универзитета Н.И.Лобачевскиј, Нижниј Новгород)
др Дејан Булић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Гордана Гарић Петровић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Милош Ивановић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Андреа Картени (Сапиенца Унивезитет, Рим)
др Урош Татић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Људмила Кузмичева (Историјски факултет Универзитета Ломоносов, Москва)
проф. др Gabriella Schubert (Институт за славистику Универзитета у Јени)
проф. д.и.н. Лилиана Симеонова (Балканолошки институт БАН)


Вицеадмирал Кодрингтон и Битка код Наварина 1827. године
Вицеадмирал Кодрингтон и Битка код Наварина 1827. године
Summary/Abstract: This article presents two letters of British Vice Admiral Edward Codrington related to the Battle of Navarino. The first one is the report to the ambassador of Great Britain in Constantinople Stratford Canning and the second one are Codrington’s instructions to his subordinates one day before the battle. The Battle of Navarino was fought in the Bay of Navarino in southwestern Peloponnese on 20 October 1827. The coalition of Great Britain, France and Russia initiated an action to prevent atrocities against the Greeks committed by the army of Ibrahim pasha, the son of Egypt pasha Mehmet Ali who was the vassal of sultan Mahmud II. Vice Admiral’s letters present to us the essence of military service of the time, as well as crucial moments in the event that shaped the picture of the Balkans in the period that followed.
Власи нахије Петруш у попису влаха Смедеревског санџака из 1528. године
Власи нахије Петруш у попису влаха Смедеревског санџака из 1528. године
Summary/Abstract: Vlach nâhiyes represent separate category of administrative entities within Ottoman Empire. They have been special military-administrative units that have existed parallel to regular nâhiyes in the same area and have been constituted by settlements inhabited by vlachs (eflâk). In the Sandjak of Kruševac the population of vlach status was registered in the Petruš and Zagrlata nâhiye. In the border territory (krajište) of Petruš presence of vlachs has been registered since the reign of Prince Lazar of Serbia. They had a special role in military service in Petruš area as well as in other border areas. After the Ottoman conquest, vlachs have kept this role. Unlike the ordinary people (re‘âyâ), they have enjoyed tax exemption in the same way as other members of military and auxiliary units in the Ottoman Empire in exchange for the service they have performed. Survey of vlachs in the Sandjak of Kruševac is an integral part of the Survey of Vlachs in the Sandjak of Smederevo. This subordination was most likely the consequence of the fact that the Sandjak of Smederevo had special capacity as a border sandjak, up to the establishment of the Budim Eyalet in 1541. Detailed survey registers of vlachs represent separate registry books or abstracts within cadastre registries. Vlachs were registered separately due to their particular status as military group and in order to perform inspection of their total number, number of fugitives and migrants and replacement of deceased. Such a survey is the Survey of vlachs in the Sandjak of Smederevo from 1528, where vlachs were registered in the nâhiyes of Braničevo, Niš, Lomnica, Prilep, Lepenica, Lefča, Morava, Kolubara, Zagrlata and Petruš. In this paper, we present the translated Survey of vlachs in the Petruš nâhiye, as an integral part of previously stated survey. According to this survey, vlachs of the Petruš nâhiye were under authority of two knezes, Hussein and Radonja, who were governing 13 primikurs, four of which were Muslims. In total 255 vlach households, 409 tâbi‘s, 20 ratajs and male members of their households, 11 widows, seven vaqfs, two mukâta‘as and five monasteries were registered.
Георг Розен о ситуацији у Србији 1867–1869. године
Георг Розен о ситуацији у Србији 1867–1869. године
Summary/Abstract: In this paper we present the report written by Georg Rosen about the internal situation and foreign policy of Serbia since November 1867 to the very beginning of 1869. Rosen wrote this document as a Prussian (German since 1871) diplomatic representative in Belgrade. The presented report was written on 8 January 1869, in 19 chapters. The fall of Ilija Garašanin (1867) and the murder of prince Mihailo Obrenović (1868), its causes and consequences, are the major subject of this report. A published document titled Uebersichtliche Darstellung der Züstande und begebenheiten in fürstenthum Serbien seit Oktober 1867 was kept in the Political Archive of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany in Berlin with the following signature: Politisches Archiv des Auswärtigen Amts, R 12077.
Гргур Јакшић и пропагандна активност Србије у Француској (1912-1913)
Гргур Јакшић и пропагандна активност Србије у Француској (1912-1913)
Summary/Abstract: Serbia, interested to present theWar of 1912 in French public opinion as righteous and indispensable, gave special attention to her propagandistic activities. Besides the acceptance of foreign journalists, who were reporting from the Balkan’s battlefields, Serbia organized the propaganda work of Serbian diplomats and intellectuals in all major European capitals. The engagement of certain French newspapers and journalists to write affirmatively about Serbia and Serbs was one part of a wider posted promotional activities conducted by the Serbia during the Balkan wars. Grgur Jakšić’s friendly ties with French scholars, journalists and publishing houses were the basis for action of Serbian propaganda in France. In this paper, we prepared two reports of Grgur Jakšić, from October 1913, which were addressed to Nikola Pašić, the Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs. The first document relates to placing of information about Serbia in the French public and in another document Jakšić proposes decorations for French scholars and journalists who wrote about Serbia. The documents are part of Paper of Grgur Jakšić, saved in special funds of the National Library of Serbia.
Гувернадурство генерала Јована Мишковића 1890-1893.
Гувернадурство генерала Јована Мишковића 1890-1893.
Summary/Abstract: On the basis of the written records of King Alexander’s school curriculum, class scheme and professors, taken by governor Jovan Mišković, the researchers will be able to examine more extensively the educational and upbringing process undertook by the last ruler of Obrenović dynasty. The data this source offers might lead to completion of the concise and global appreciation of King Alexander's education, already existing in historical science, and enlighten the issues concerning school curriculum authors as well as professors who represented King's nearest environment in the period ranging from 1890 to 1893, when the king, being a minor, lived at Court alone, without his parents. Around the clock companionship that emerged between the king and the governor allowed for Mišković to observe his student throughout quotidian situations and follow his behaviour and reactions while communicating with people, at play but also in performing his school tasks, which endows this document with a specific and authentic value.
Summary/Abstract: Four documents from the Sérvia (Serbia) fund kept in the Diplomatic Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Portugal in Lisbon (Arquivo Diplomático do Ministério das Relações Exteriores) are presented and analysed in the paper. The fund contains 42 documents concerning the 1882–1924 period. This is protocol court correspondence which contains the letters of sovereigns, whereby they informed each other about important dynastic and political changes in their respective states. The documents are dated 1882, 1903, 1912 and 1924. We singled out only these four documents as they testify not only to the beginnings of the diplomatic contacts between Serbia and Portugal, but are also the best reflection of the historical development and major political changes in the two countries at the turn of the century. The first document is dated 1882 and represents the oldest testimony about the established diplomatic relations between the Obrenović and Bragança dynasties. The second document, dated 1903, was the first letter exhanged after the dynastic change in Serbia. The third document of 1912 testifies to the continuity of relations between the two states after the proclamation of the Portuguese Republic in 1910. The fourth document of 1924 contains news of the birth of Prince Petar, and is the last document from this fund. The introductory study contains a short overview of the history of Serbian Portuguese diplomatic relations through the prism of the entire Sérvia fund, records of the mission of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in Lisbon from the Archive of Yugoslavia, and relevant historiographic literature and periodicals.
Два британска документа из Цариграда о промени на престолу Србије 1860. године
Два британска документа из Цариграда о промени на престолу Србије 1860. године
Summary/Abstract: The paper presents two reportes, written by British diplomats in Constantinople in 1860 about the change on Serbian throne between prince (knez) Milosh and his son, Michael Obrenovic. The reportes were written at the time of illness and death of Prince Milosh. Leading British diplomat in Ottoman Empire of that time was sir Henry Bulwer, British ambassador in Constantinople. He had the biggest influence on British policy in the East. The above mentioned reports show how the British viewed Serbia and Obrenovich family. British diplomacy had good knowledge of the characters of prince Milosh and Prince Michael, as well as internal and external government policy of Serbian Principality. The British view was that in the last month of life of Prince Milosh, Prince Michael was the one who held the reins of power in his hands. They understood the importance of hereditary power in Serbia, even thou they were against it, and the need for reconstruction of constitution from 1838. British knew about Prince Michael tendencies for Serbian autonomy and his intention to make Serbia a modern state.
Два документа из XV века о вербалним деликтима Дубровчана и Босанаца
Два документа из XV века о вербалним деликтима Дубровчана и Босанаца
Summary/Abstract: This paper is a critical edition of two documents from the State Archives in Dubrovnik (DAD) which contain the minutes of the investigations, led by Ragusan judicial authorities, concerning complaints over malicious insults filed against certain persons twice during the first half of the XV century. The first complaint was made in 1403 against a Ragusan nobleman Lampre de Sorgo by Radivoy, a servant of Bosnian pretender Pavle Radišić. It was established that a dispute over a piece of meat turned into a series of insults uttered by Sorgo against Radivoy and his absent master. Radišić was styled as an ass, hog, nobody, coward and a devil by the infuriated patrician. Sorgo was not angry only because the servant came earlier and took his meat, but also because he held the Bosnian pretender responsible for the ongoing war between king Ostoja and Dubrovnik. The second complaint, filed 40 years later (1443), launched an investigation against a certain Vocigna Stoicich, probably a man from the lands of the Kosača оr the Pavlovići, masters of the hinterland of Dubrovnik at the time. A Ragusan patrician Clemens de Goze claimed that Stoicich told him that all members of the Goze family are bastards in his land, just like he is treated like a bastard and a commoner in Dubrovnik. Although both indictments were supported by the witnesses, it is not known if any of these two cases ended with a sentence and punishment of the culprits.
Два документа о раду и питомцима Војне академије
Два документа о раду и питомцима Војне академије
Summary/Abstract: The information on cadets of Military Academy are very scarce, due to the distruction of the Military Academy Archives that occurred during the First World War. Two lists that have been given on this occasion are relevant to the cadets of the 1st, that is, of the 28th class, that makes only few percents of over 1200 cadets educated in the period from 1850 to 1914. These lists offer us precise insight into the social structure of the officer cadre educated in the Principality of Serbia, and later, in the Kingdom of Serbia.
Два извештаја Артура Еванса о Старој Србији из 1883. године
Два извештаја Артура Еванса о Старој Србији из 1883. године
Summary/Abstract: The article presents two reports written by British archeologist Arthur Evans on Old Serbia (Vilayet of Kosovo and Sanjak of Prizren) in 1883 and sent to Foreign Office officials. The reports are based upon author’s direct insight in domestic affairs of the region after his two months stay there. First report, dated July 1883, describes Sanjak of Skoplje, while second, dated August 11th 1883, is dedicated to areas north of Shar Mountain range. Evans in both reports wrote about current political, social and economical issues. He showed special interest in mutual relations between Christian and Muslim population. In report on Sanjak of Skoplje Evans stressed mismanagement and abuse of power on the side of local Turkish authorities. In the latter report, however, he emphasized the terrible position of Orthodox Serbs due to various unpunished crimes inflicted on them by local Albanian tribesmen. Therefore, Evans concluded that there was doubtlessly an ongoing organized attempt to eradicate Serbian population from the region. In the end, he proposed few measures (disarmament of Albanians, bringing criminals to justice, railroads construction etc.) which could, in his opinion, improve matters he had previously discussed.
