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Историјски институт основан је 15. јула 1947. године са задатком да изучава економску, друштвену, политичку, и културну историју српског народа, као и његове везе са јужнословенским и осталим балканским народима, и да истовремено унапређује све гране историјске науке. За првог управника Института именован је др Виктор Новак, а за заменика управника др Георгије Острогорски. До 25. марта 1961. године Институт се налазио у саставу Српске академије наука и уметности када је одлуком Извршног већа НР Србије проглашен за самосталну научну установу. Решењем Републичке заједнице за научни рад Историјски институт је 28. септембра 1971. године стекао статус научног института.

Редакцијa Mешовитe грађe (miscellanea):

др Радомир J. Поповић (Одговорни уредник),
др Биљана Стојић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Михаил Белов (Институт међународних односа и светске историје Универзитета Н.И.Лобачевскиј, Нижниј Новгород)
др Дејан Булић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Гордана Гарић Петровић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Милош Ивановић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Андреа Картени (Сапиенца Унивезитет, Рим)
др Урош Татић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Људмила Кузмичева (Историјски факултет Универзитета Ломоносов, Москва)
проф. др Gabriella Schubert (Институт за славистику Универзитета у Јени)
проф. д.и.н. Лилиана Симеонова (Балканолошки институт БАН)


Израчунавање Петровог месопуста, поклада и поста према рукопису АСАНУ No 24
Израчунавање Петровог месопуста, поклада и поста према рукопису АСАНУ No 24
Summary/Abstract: Three short texts from the XVth century manuscript (Archives of Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences No. 24), written as comments of the paschal tables, were published in this work. They contain instructions for calculating St. Peter’s Meat-Fare Day, i.e. the eve of the Apostles’ Fast (Petrov mesopust, Petrove poklade and Mesopust Petrovog posta) and the lenght of the Holy Apostoles’ Fast. The strong influence of the vernacular is observable and recognizable even in the mere names of the aforementioned feasts. Those texts may not be classified as usual comments and “learned” instructions concerning the paschal tables, like those, for example, used for the calculation of the cycle of epact, of the lunar and solar cycles, golden number and others. They represent an important testimony on the elementary time calculation patterns in the popular and oral culture: days were reckoned either by counting to or counting off, or by putting an emphasis on mutual connection between certain feast days of the first half of the year preceding or following the Easter. Having knowledge of these connections represented the fact of straightforward practical importance since it was aimed at facilitating orientation on the Ecclesiastical Feasts Calendar in the society which considered literacy to be a non-obligatory issue, but obeying the feasting and fasting periods a compulsory one. The published data gain particularly in importance when they are compared to the almost identical time reckoning practice that existed in the folklore of the XIXth and of the beginning of the XXth centuries.
Инструкција за полицијске службенике војних комунитета из 1833. године
Инструкција за полицијске службенике војних комунитета из 1833. године
Summary/Abstract: The meaning of the term „police matters“ in the early 19th century, differed quite a lot from the modern understanding. The police were not just a force established to maintain peace, order and the rule of law. It was an authority which had to supervise a much wider range of government branches. In the former Austrian Military Frontier, a small network of cities, the military communities, was established to satisfy the needs for craft and other more advanced production in the dominantly agrarian society. The self-government of the towns was largely limited by higher authorities, and the internal life subordinated to the needs and wishes of the military. According to regulations, police officers of the military communities had to take care about everyday order, sanitary and health management, market and trade inspections, fireman’s equipment and coordination etc. The Instruction to police officers of the military communities of 1833 shows that the priority attention had to be given to the control of movement of foreigners. All persons, except for the town’sown citizens, had to report immediately after arrival to local police authorities for a passport check and regulation of their permission to stay. Suspicious individuals had to be monitored and even spied. It is interesting that the Instruction insists on the expulsion of non-domestic pregnant women, with the aim to avoid expenses for the care of their newborns. Lower-rank police workers had to know all households and their inhabitants in the town personally. Police authorities had to pay special attention to local pubs and not allow them to stay open after-hours. Huge efforts had to be undertaken to secure, not just the quality but the quantity and satisfactory provision of basic food (such as bread) necessary for nutrition of the population.
Искушења француско-руског савезништва у 1915. години
Искушења француско-руског савезништва у 1915. години
Summary/Abstract: This paper contains two letters from the Archive of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Paris. The letters are kept in the personal fund of Maurice Paléologue, French ambassador in Russia (1914–1917). The first letter was sent by French President Raymond Poincaré to Maurice Paléologue on 9 March 1915, while the second is Paléologue’s reply, dated 16 April. The subject of these letters is Russia’s aspiration towards Constantinople and the Straits. We chose to publish these two letters because they are a good example of the way in which Russia, France and Great Britain handled one particular war problem – Constantinople ‒ which had great significance for all sides. Also, these letters reflect the political relations among the Entente Allies.
Исповест Стефана Стефановића Тенке
Исповест Стефана Стефановића Тенке
Summary/Abstract: Тенка је рођен у Поречу 1797. године. Његов отац Јован, од старине богат човек, за време турске управе био је башкнез у Поречу, у време Првог устанка бимбаша код Миленка Стојковића а од 1811. војвода у Поречу и Поречкој Реци. После слома Устанка пребегао је с породицом у Аустрију. У Србију се вратио у јулу 1815, да би га у јесен исте године кнез Милош поставио за старешину у Поречу. Због болести је пензионисан 1817. године. Тенка је учио школу у Београду, а после слома Устанка у Ораховици у Банату. Вратио се у Србију у септембру 1816. године. Кнез Милош га је поставио за писара у Поречкој нахији 1817. Од 1825. до 1830. у истој нахији био је кнез, а од 1830. до 1834. капетан Поречке Реке. Саветник за финансије постао је 1834. а наредне године именован је за члана Савета. Исте године постао је потпредседник, у јесен 1836. и председник Савета. За министра просвете именован је 1838.
Summary/Abstract: The paper presents the memories of academic painter Vilko Šeferov (1895–1974), a member of the high school youth who matured and were active in the last decade of the Austro-Hungarian rule of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Chronologically, Vilko’s memories concern the period from the end of the Annexation Crisis until the creation of the first joint state of the South Slavs. He mentions persons such as controversial Mustafa Golubić, Gavrilo Princip who assassinated Franz Joseph, voivode Vojislav Tankosić, Croatian deputy in the Bosnian-Herzegovian Council Đuro Džamonja, and the National Defence organisation. The document is kept in the Historical Archive of the City of Sarajevo, Varia Collection.
Summary/Abstract: The paper brings documents about the candidacy of King Milan Obrenović (1868–1889) and Prince Nikola Petrović Njegoš (1860–1918) for members of the Serbian Royal Academy in 1892. Their candidacy and the election result which was unfavourable for them brought about a short crisis in the relations between the Academy and the line Ministry of Education and Church Affairs. The documents are kept in the Archive of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and are an important source for the history of the Academy and the authorities’ attitude towards the Academy as the most prominent scientific and arts institution in the country.
Казивања Радоша Николића о Топличком устанку
Казивања Радоша Николића о Топличком устанку
Summary/Abstract: The critical edition of secondary historical source which is kept at the National Museum Toplice in Prokuplje has been made. This source originates from the 60’s of the last century when Rados Nikolic, a respected man and at one time mayor of Gornja Dragusa municipality, recounted his memories of events from Toplica uprising. He did so briefly, but has touched all the important moments in which he has participated. The characteristics of this source are a reality and authenticity in his utterance.
Караванџије Нахије Петруш из Левча 1502. године
Караванџије Нахије Петруш из Левча 1502. године
Summary/Abstract: Caravan traffic in the Balkans in the Middle Ages, and later during the time of the Ottoman Empire, was in the hands of Vlachs – ponosnik, ponesar or kiridžija. For the transport of commercial goods, caravanners were engaged from the villages in the vicinity of the most frequent traffic roads. The Ottoman defter of caravanners, prepared according to the location of their residence, enables the reconstruction of the network of trade routes. In a fragment of the defter of caravanners from 1502, a part of which is quoted in the article, caravanners’ groups were registered, mostly from the region of Braničevo, but also from the nâhiyе of Omolј, Rudnik, Levač, Petruš, Lepenica, Jasenica, Kruševac, Vidin. At the head of every registered caravanners’ group there was the caravan leader – kervânbaşı, serkârbân. In case of caravanners from the Petruš nâhiyе, which we have selected as an example, two caravan leaders represented a group of 322 caravanners from 40 villages. Almost all villages are located outside the medieval Petruš district, i.e. the Ottoman nâhiyе of Petruš in the Sandjak of Kruševac. At the end of a certain caravanners’ group, the total number of bags was recorded, in case of Petruš – 7552. In addition to this number, they always specify the tax (ʻādet), which amounted to 1% of the total number of bags (75), i.e. 2% of horse carried cargo. In addition to the data on the number of horses and the travel route, the caravan registers also bring other information related to the organization of freight traffic at the time of the Ottoman Empire, as well as the socio-economic status of the caravanners themselves, due to which they should be subject to greater scientific attention.
Касаба Крушевац 1584. године (фрагмент из Опширног пописа Крушевачког санџака)
Касаба Крушевац 1584. године (фрагмент из Опширног пописа Крушевачког санџака)
Summary/Abstract: Kruševac, the centre of Serbian medieval state, kept the position of regional centre even after falling into the hands of the Ottomans in the year 1455. Soon after Ottoman conquering Kruševac acquired urban demographic, religious and economic conditions to be awarded with the status of kasaba– smallcity open type settlement. Kruševac had permanently inhabited Muslim cemâ‘at, several mahalles, mosque, çarsıand other public facilities which characterised settlement of this type. Status of kasabawith conspicuous Muslim majority, Kruševac kept throughout the whole XVI Century. Although the total number of dwellers in the town hadn’t changed significantly, Muslim community increased constantly. Number of Christians suddenly decreased between the census in 1516 and 1530, and since then their function in the town life was becoming meaningless. Census presented in the paper represents integral part of detailed census of Sandjak of Kruševac published in 1584. This is last known census of the above mentioned sandjak from the 16 th Century. Significance of this source is that it offers information on number, religious and ethnical structure of Kruševac at that time. Hence, census contains information related to all Kruševac mahalles (totally 17), craftworks (13 of them) and incomes that were collected in this kasaba.
Коста Протић о Русима
Коста Протић о Русима
Summary/Abstract: Генерал Коста С. Протић (Пожаревац, 29. септембар 1831 - Брестовачка Бања, 4. јун 1892) у време српско-турског рата 1876. био је командант одбране Шуматовца, позиције Алексинац и Делиград, Моравске војске и I корпуса, а у рату 1877¬-1878. начелник штаба Врховне команде и ађутант кнеза Милана од 19. септембра 1875 до 12. марта 1880. године.
Крушевац у османском попису из 1536. године
Крушевац у османском попису из 1536. године
Summary/Abstract: The aim of this paper is to represent an Ottoman survey of Kruševac from 1536. This document is a part of detailed survey of citizens living in the territory of whole Kruševac sanjak. This new historical source speaks about a number of mahalles in the town, number of tax payers and income which state was collecting from this settlement. Apart from this, source offers an opportunity to reconstruct a look of oriental Kruševac in the beginning of 16. century, with all communal and economic objects which were built in it (such as hamam, mehane, court building etc). Mentioned survey of citizens gives a lot of information about economic activities in town. Pursuant to that, it can be concluded that following craftsmen were outspread in Kruševac: tailor, blacksmith, whitesmith, butcher, furrier, painter, locksmith etc.
