Mešovita građa

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Историјски институт основан је 15. јула 1947. године са задатком да изучава економску, друштвену, политичку, и културну историју српског народа, као и његове везе са јужнословенским и осталим балканским народима, и да истовремено унапређује све гране историјске науке. За првог управника Института именован је др Виктор Новак, а за заменика управника др Георгије Острогорски. До 25. марта 1961. године Институт се налазио у саставу Српске академије наука и уметности када је одлуком Извршног већа НР Србије проглашен за самосталну научну установу. Решењем Републичке заједнице за научни рад Историјски институт је 28. септембра 1971. године стекао статус научног института.

Редакцијa Mешовитe грађe (miscellanea):

др Радомир J. Поповић (Одговорни уредник),
др Биљана Стојић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Михаил Белов (Институт међународних односа и светске историје Универзитета Н.И.Лобачевскиј, Нижниј Новгород)
др Дејан Булић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Гордана Гарић Петровић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Милош Ивановић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Андреа Картени (Сапиенца Унивезитет, Рим)
др Урош Татић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Људмила Кузмичева (Историјски факултет Универзитета Ломоносов, Москва)
проф. др Gabriella Schubert (Институт за славистику Универзитета у Јени)
проф. д.и.н. Лилиана Симеонова (Балканолошки институт БАН)


Две белешке Илије Гарашанина о руским конзулима у Србији Данилевском и Левшину
Две белешке Илије Гарашанина о руским конзулима у Србији Данилевском и Левшину
Summary/Abstract: Ilija Garasanin, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Principality of Serbia (1852 / 3; 1861-1867) wrote two notes on Russian consuls in Serbia, G. I. Danilevsky and D. S. Levsin. It is difficult to determine when these notes were correctly written. Probably written in the seventh decade of the 19th century. Danilevski was consul in Serbia since the 1843rd until 1849, and Levšin of the 1849th to 1851. Garasanin notes are stored in the legacy of Lazar Arsenijevic Batalaka SANU Archives, Belgrade. The first note is described and the dispute between Garasanin and Danilevsky about a protocol. In another note described the Russian intrigues Levsin by Garasanin debunked. According Garasanin opinion, the main obstacle in relations between Serbia and Russia in the mid 19th century were Russian consuls in Serbia. They are rigid and bureaucratic attitude towards Serbian officials, especially the Garasanin.
Две ћирилске исправе Ивана VI (Анжа) Франкопана Омишанима
Две ћирилске исправе Ивана VI (Анжа) Франкопана Омишанима
Summary/Abstract: The article is a critical edition of two cyrillic charters from the National Archives of Hungary issued by count (knez) Ivan VI (Anž) Frankopan to the citizens of Omiš in 1436. The first, issued on March 14, represents the confirmation of old privileges, laws and rights of Omiš, while the other, issued on December 5, confirms that the citizens of the aforementioned town are not obliged to pay more than 15 pounds (libras) of tithe to the archibishop od Split. Both charters were part of the „Archives of Omiš“, which was transferred to the National Archives of Hungary as a part of the collection of the Hungarian National Museum. The first document was published only once and with many mistakes by Gusztáv Wenzel in 1879, whereas the second was never published before. The paper includes not only the diplomatic analysis, trancription and translation of the documents, but also a brief review of history of the privileges of Omiš and cyrillic literacy in late medieval Dalmatia and Croatia. A special section of the article is dedicated to the data from the analyzed charters that complement the knowledge about their author – Ivan VI Frankopan. The most important is the fact that he styled himself as the ban of Dalmatia and Croatia until the end of his life and that he was certainly alive until December 5, 1436.
Делатност и чланство француско-српских удружења почетком 20. века
Делатност и чланство француско-српских удружења почетком 20. века
Summary/Abstract: This paper – through documents such as Allocation à la Paroisse catholique de Belgrade, Rules of the French Club – Statuts du Club Français 1903, Statuts de la Réunion française de Belgrade 1904 and RAPORT de Réunion Française de Belgrade Presenté à l’Assemblée générale annuelle le 4/17 février 1907 – illuminates the role of the French-Serbian associations in Serbia at the beginning of the 20th century. Documents present the establishment, financing and membership of the French-Serbian association, launched to promote the French language and culture. Their activities and membership are visible through the lens of French interests in the Balkans and the Franco-Serbian relations, which enables the identification of the French model of cultural diplomacy and the use of “soft power”. Since the beginning of the 20th century French diplomats highlighted the need for fostering French culture in Serbia. The establishment of associations for popularization of the French language and culture was a significant contribution to spreading French culture in Serbia. French books, newspapers and magazines, as well as sending scholars to other countries, which was supported by the French state, was the path of the development of modern cultural diplomacy. Alliance française, founded on the initiative of the French elite with the aim of achieving the political goals of France, also increased the scope of its activities in Serbia. French diplomats in Belgrade proposed more systematic activities in the field of cultural influence in Serbia. Since the beginning of the 20th century, France supported Franco-Serbian cultural associations, and cultural diplomacy occupied a key position in the Franco-Serbian relations. Documents presented here are stored in the Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France and they testify to the membership and activities of the Club Français and Réunion Française de Belgrade that operated in the early years of the reign of King Petar I Karadjordjević, a former French student and combatant in the Franco-Prussian War.
Делегација Србије на Првој конференцији мира 1899. године – упутства и извештаји
Делегација Србије на Првој конференцији мира 1899. године – упутства и извештаји
Summary/Abstract: Serbia was one of the 26 countries which sent their delegates to take part in the proceedings of the First Peace Conference held at The Hague in 1899. This paper provides several documents which are of the great significance for the understanding of the position Serbian government took regarding the questions at the center of heated debates during the conference. These documents are kept in the Archive of Serbia, in the fund of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The first one – Instructions to the Serbian delegates at The Hague conference – provides an insight into the inner nature of government’s stance on various important issuses: limitations of armaments, pacific settlement of international disputes etc. Other two documents are the reports of Serbian delegates about the proceedings of various commissions and analyses of the positions of other countries. These reports are of great value because they provide us the opportunity not only to examine the offical stand of Serbian government concerning a wide range of subjects broached at the Hague, but also to analyze the decision making process by taking into account the standpoint of Serbian delegates on issuses such as mediation, international commissions of inquiry, international arbitration and the establishment of the Permanent Court of Arbitration.
Дена Дебељковић о отварању грчке школе у Липљану 1907. године
Дена Дебељковић о отварању грчке школе у Липљану 1907. године
Summary/Abstract: The educational issue among the Christians in Turkey was of the extreme importance. The education of the Christians in Turkey was important prerequisite for their political engagement. As there was no possibility for any Balkan state to act openly in the Ottoman Empire on the political level, the cultural and educational activities were of the utmost importance for their propaganda activities in Turkey. Thus, the cultural and educational activities were part of all propaganda and political plans, created firstly in Serbia and Greece, and later Bulgaria, from the mid -19. century until the Balkan wars. As the Greek population on the territory of the Old Serbia was not numerous, the Greek propaganda turned toward the Aromanias (Cincari), who accepted the offered help and put them selves in the service of the Greek national idea. The Aromanians in Kosovo and Metohia came for the region of Yanina, and beside their native language, they spoke both Serbia and Greek. They founded couple of small towns in Kosovo and Metohia, and the Greek school were planned to be the centers for spreading the Greek influence in this part of the Old Serbia. Although the Greek schools were not the threat to the Serbian cultural and educational activities in Old Serbia, they made, in certain surroundings, some troubles, thus indirectly making worse the position of the Serbian people in those regions.
Дефтер овчарине и торовине кадилука Петруш из 1597/98. године
Дефтер овчарине и торовине кадилука Петруш из 1597/98. године
Summary/Abstract: Taxation on breeding sheep and goats in our regions, regulated by customary law, and afterwards codified by Dušan's Code, was also incorporated into Sultan’s code of laws upon the fall under Turkish rule. Several taxes were comprised: tax on sheep, tax on flocks, tax on summer/winter pasture, as well as the prize for the sheep tax collectors. The overall amount of the sheep breeding tax income fell most frequently to the sultan himself, as was the case of the Petruš kaza sheep tax. On the territory of the Petruš kaza which encompassed the space east of the Velika Morava River, between Ćuprija and Stalać, inhabitants of fortyone village were breeding sheep at the end of the XVII century. Goats and sheep breeders were paying one akçe per head of cattle to the Ottoman state, which represented from 2,5% to 3,3% of the sheep value. As for the tax on flocks, they were paying the amount of five akçe for each 300 sheep. The sheep tax register which we are about to present, confirms the fact that a substantial number of sheep and goats was being bred on a relatively small area; approximately 23.860 heads.
Диплома митрополита Павла Ненадовића о праву дечанских монаха на прикупљање милостиње из 1755.
Диплома митрополита Павла Ненадовића о праву дечанских монаха на прикупљање милостиње из 1755.
Summary/Abstract: A copy of a diploma issued by Metropoliten Pavle Nenadović in 1755 is kept at the Archives of SASA in Sremski Karlovci. By this diploma the monks of the Dečani monastery were granted with the collecting offerings in the Eparchy of Budim of the Metropolinate of Karlovci. It represents one of the few preserved documents which indicates to the connections of the Dečani monastery with the Metropolinate of Karlovci in the XVIII century. Documents` content shows that brotherhood of monastery was in difficult financial position, so Metropoliten Pavle Nenadović had granted their mission. The patent is written in Church Slavonic language and adressed to Dionisije Novaković, bishop of Budim. In this paper we have pointed out to the content of the document and its origin and it was described according to the principles of diplomatics and paleography. The photocopy of the original is included in the paper.
Документа о српско-бугарској просветној сарадњи - резолуција донесена у Софији септембра 1906. године на седници одбора српских и бугарских наставника
Документа о српско-бугарској просветној сарадњи - резолуција донесена у Софији септембра 1906. године на седници одбора српских и бугарских наставника
Summary/Abstract: One of the modernity marks of educational system in Serbia at the beginning of the twentieth century is represented by the cooperation which was established with the Society of Bulgarian Grammar school teachers. The initiative for establishing closer cooperation started from the mentioned Bulgarian society because they had certain contacts with the Teachers' society in Belgrade, as far back as the end of the nineteenth century. In the beginning, those contacts came down to exchanging school regulations and methodical instructions, as well as the textbooks and other handbooks, and later to organizing excursions and mutual visits of the representatives of these teachers' societies. These contacts were realized through Ministry of Foreign Affairs, i.e. Serbian diplomatic mission in Sofia. Still, the first step in that direction was not made by Grammar school teachers, but by the teachers and students of the Female Teaching School in Belgrade, who organized the excursion from April 2 to April 4, 1906, within which they visited Sofia. Soon, there was a return visit of Bulgarian teachers to their colleagues in Belgrade. This friendly relationship ended with the visit of the members of the Teachers' Society to Sofia in the middle of September. In the end of the meeting session , on September 13, 1906, they adopted the resolution which anticipated developing cooperation at all levels of education (from primary and secondary schools to university) but also exchanging information about school legislation, teaching curriculum, textbooks and other materials, but above all getting together two“ brotherly nations". It was an attempt to make people forget, at least for a moment, all the misunderstandings between the states, but also the consequences of the war led in 1885. On the other hand, this getting together and cooperation at the level of educational institutions were supposed to strengthen diplomatic efforts these two countries were making in order to establish the relation of mutual respect and cooperation in dealing with the Eastern matter, i.e. creating the union for the war against the Ottoman Empire. In the following years this idea was accomplished in the alliance in the first Balkan war, but it was short-breathed because former allies found themselves on the opposite sides in the Second Balkan war which broke the cooperation between the countries which was started at all levels.
Документа о финансирању тајне полиције Кнежевине Србије 1844. године
Документа о финансирању тајне полиције Кнежевине Србије 1844. године
Summary/Abstract: The information about the financing of the state security service of the Principality of Serbia from 1844 represents a rare and precious trace about the conspiratory activity of Police Minister Ilija Garašanin. Known as the writer of the document called Načertanije, the experienced Police Minister was inclined to bold and innovative solutions. The same year when the secret programme of the unification of Serbian lands was created, Garašanin proposed to the State Council, as the most influential political body in the country, to allocate a sum of three–four thousand ducats annually. This amount was to be used to finance a special service of the secret police tasked primarily with protecting constitutionality and preventing coup d’état plans of the recently overthrown Obrenović dynasty. This was the inception of the institution of the political police, a secret service which existed in the majority of other European monarchies of the time.
Документи о угарским поседима деспота Ђурђа датим у залог Јовану Хуњадију 1444. године
Документи о угарским поседима деспота Ђурђа датим у залог Јовану Хуњадију 1444. године
Summary/Abstract: This paper presents a critical edition of two Hungarian charters from the State Archives of Hungary (Magyar Országos Levéltár), issued by the judge royal Peter Szentgyörgyi and Bazini in 1506. These charters contain copies of charters issued by the Székesfehervár chapter in 1445, on the occasion of the introducing János Hunyadi in the possession of the castles Munkács (Mukačeve in Ukraine) and Érsomlyó (Vršac in Serbia), and the towns of Szatmár, Németi, Nagybánya (Satu Mare and Baia Mare in Romania), Debrecen and Böszörmény (today Hajdúböszörmény in Hungary), together with villages and praedia (uninhabited lands) belonging to them. Hungarian king Zsigmond (1387-1437) had donated the majority of these estates to Serbian despot Stefan Lazarević (1389-1427) in 1411. Munkács had become the property of the despot about 1422/3, while Érsomlyó was in despot’s hands before 1431. His successor despot Đurađ Branković (1427-1456) mortgaged these estates to János Hunyadi in 1444/1445, as compensation for military help in the so–called „long campaign“ against the Ottomans (1443-1444). Excluding Vršac, the Serbian ruler had never been able to take back these estates, which became property of the Hunyadi family. King Matthias Corvinus (1458-1490) deprived the Branković family of Vršac and all other possessions in Hungary in the time of Ottoman occupation of Serbia (1458-1459).
Дубровачко писмо госпођи Јевгенији (кнегињи Милици) о дуговима Ђерђаша и Новака Маћедона 1399, март 5. (пре)
Дубровачко писмо госпођи Јевгенији (кнегињи Милици) о дуговима Ђерђаша и Новака Маћедона 1399, март 5. (пре)
Summary/Abstract: The transcript of the letter of the commune of Dubrovnik to Sister Eugenia (Princess Milica) represents the only preserved part of the correspondence concerning the debts of Eugenia’s former leaseholders of customs, late Đerđaš from Novo Brdo and Novak Maćedon, regarding the unpaid lease of customs in Novo Brdo, probably for the year of 1398. This act is important not only for its data on business operations between Princess Milica and the main characters of the letter, but also because of the information it gives about the position and status of Milica at that time. It also brings forward a good example of a well-known dilemma – which citizenship has priority in the event of a debt-claim. The act is made according to the form typical for the letters: the symbolicinvocatio, inscriptio, intitulatio, salutatio, dispositio, date.
