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Историјски институт основан је 15. јула 1947. године са задатком да изучава економску, друштвену, политичку, и културну историју српског народа, као и његове везе са јужнословенским и осталим балканским народима, и да истовремено унапређује све гране историјске науке. За првог управника Института именован је др Виктор Новак, а за заменика управника др Георгије Острогорски. До 25. марта 1961. године Институт се налазио у саставу Српске академије наука и уметности када је одлуком Извршног већа НР Србије проглашен за самосталну научну установу. Решењем Републичке заједнице за научни рад Историјски институт је 28. септембра 1971. године стекао статус научног института.

Редакцијa Mешовитe грађe (miscellanea):

др Радомир J. Поповић (Одговорни уредник),
др Биљана Стојић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Михаил Белов (Институт међународних односа и светске историје Универзитета Н.И.Лобачевскиј, Нижниј Новгород)
др Дејан Булић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Гордана Гарић Петровић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Милош Ивановић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Андреа Картени (Сапиенца Унивезитет, Рим)
др Урош Татић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Људмила Кузмичева (Историјски факултет Универзитета Ломоносов, Москва)
проф. др Gabriella Schubert (Институт за славистику Универзитета у Јени)
проф. д.и.н. Лилиана Симеонова (Балканолошки институт БАН)


Из преписке Ватрослава Јагића и Владимира Ћоровића - I део (1908–1913)
Из преписке Ватрослава Јагића и Владимира Ћоровића - I део (1908–1913)
Summary/Abstract: In this work eighteen letters that Vatroslav Jagić wrote to Vladimir Ćorović during the time between October 24th 1908 and January 15th 1913 have been published. Their acquaintance and cooperation began in the middle of the first decade of the XXth century, at the time when Vladimir Ćorović studied Slavonic philology, history and archaeology in Vienna, and had Jagić as one of his professors (1904- 1908). Jagić got retired the same year when Ćorović received his PhD (1908). All these published letters, exept the first two, have originated at the time when Ćorović worked as a librarian of Zemaljski muzej in Sarajevo. They do not represent only a mere contribution to the study of the lives of Jagić and Ćorović, their mutual relation and scientific work, but also to the time in which they lived and worked. Jagić's reflexions and comments on certain characters and their work are proved to be very precious.
Из ратних бележака потпоручника Иванка Обреновића (1915-1919)
Из ратних бележака потпоручника Иванка Обреновића (1915-1919)
Summary/Abstract: Иванко Обреновић (?, 1889, Цикоте код Сече Реке - 9. јануар 1925, Цикоте код Сече Реке), један је од бројних припадника IV пешадијског пука Стефан Немања, у мирнодопским условима стационираног у Ужицу, који је у времену од 1912. до 1919. прошао цео ратни пут ове јединице, од Косова и Дебра, преко Мачковог камена, Албаније и Солунског фронта, све до Загреба и Марибора.
Извештај Богдана Раденковића о боравку Виктора Машкова у Косовској Митровици, Ибарском Колашину и Новом Пазару 1901. године (I)
Извештај Богдана Раденковића о боравку Виктора Машкова у Косовској Митровици, Ибарском Колашину и Новом Пазару 1901. године (I)
Summary/Abstract: Bogdan Radenković (1874-1917) was a versatile personality whose political and cultural-educational activity left a great mark among Serbs in Osman’s Empire in the last two decades of its existence. Educated and trained in Osman’s Empire, with the knowledge of French, Turkish, and Albanian language, besides Serbian, intrepid and always ready for action and victim, exceptional „national labourer“ was the associate of those working on the liberation of Serbs from the Turkish slavery. He was the professor of Skoplje grammar school, secretary of Skoplje metropolis, president of the Central Board of the Serbian Democratic League, candidate for Raškoprizrenski metropolitan, and secretly the organizer and leader of the Serbian Revolutionary Organization. Together with Milan Rakić, he was among the first ones entered the liberated Pristine in 1912. The report we are publishing appeared during the July in 1901, as a result of the visitation of the Russian consul Viktor Maškov in Kosovska Mitrovica, Ibarski Kolašin, and Novi Pazar. Crimes committed over the Serbian population in these areas, and under the pretext of quest for arms, urged Serbian and Russian diplomacy to act promptly so as to avoid even worse consequences. Russian consul from Skopje had been directed to Kosovska Mitrovica, who was accompanied by Bogdan Radenković, and who was, except a translator, guide, and the most probably a notary public who noted down everyday complaints of the maltreated population. The visitation of the consul Viktor Maškov, except it disclosed difficult position of Serbs in Old Serbia, managed to accelerate the process of reforms in Osman’s Empire, and the resolution of Serbian issue as well. The first step toward that direction was the opening of Russian consulate in Kosovska Mitrovica.
Извештај Бранислава Нушића о путовању из Приштине у Скадар 1894. године
Извештај Бранислава Нушића о путовању из Приштине у Скадар 1894. године
Summary/Abstract: The article presents a report written by Serbia’s consul in Priština Branislav Nušić, a famous writer, on his official journey from Priština to Skadar in August 1894. The report was written and sent to Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Belgrade in October the same year. Nušić traveled through western part of Kosovo Vilayet (Sanjak of Prizren) and Skadar Vilayet. His report contains important observations about problems concerning Serbia’s interests in the region, as well as suggestions on further steps that, in his opinion, Serbia should take in order to improve impact of Her foreign policy in Turkey. He proposed opening of three new consulates, in Prizren, Skadar and Serez and transferring consulate from Priština to Mitrovica. Furthermore, Nušić emphasized importance of establishing some kind of cooperation between Serbia and Albanian chieftains, predicting that the Albanians will become an important Balkan nation under protection of major European Powers in not so distant future, who will then change political map of the peninsula.
Извештај Василија Ђорђевића о догађајима у Старој Србији из јула 1854.
Извештај Василија Ђорђевића о догађајима у Старој Србији из јула 1854.
Summary/Abstract: The paper presents a report written by Vasilije Đorđević, a merchant from Priština and Serbia’s confidential agent, on 10/22 July 1854. The report contains valuable data about various problems that Serbs in Old Serbia confronted at the time. The most frequent problems concerned the islamization of girls and women, as well as the disgraceful behavior of certain members of the Orthodox clergy. Careful reading, however, provides a deep insight into the functioning of the Tanzimat in the covered region.
Извештај Министарства правде и статистика судства за период 1844-1847. године
Извештај Министарства правде и статистика судства за период 1844-1847. године
Summary/Abstract: Report of Ministry od Justice from 12/24. June 1848. contains statistic data about law-suits at district courts, Appellative and Supreme Court for the period 1844-1847. Ministry of Justice had given an analysis with conclusions what were the flaws of Serbian judiciary system and how they can be overcome.
Извештај Сретена Л. Поповића из 1886. године о Ратарској школи у Краљеву
Извештај Сретена Л. Поповића из 1886. године о Ратарској школи у Краљеву
Summary/Abstract: The Agricultural School in Kraljevo was established in 1882 based on the Law on Lower Schools for Rural Economy. The Serbian Agricultural Society and former professors of the Agricultural School in Topčider and the Agricultural Forestry School in Požarevac played an important role in its establishment. Đorđe Radić, who was the school principal in three instances (1882–1889, 1892–1893, 1895–1897), doubtless gave the main contribution to its establishment and operation in the first decades of its existence. During the first years of its work, this educational institution faced great temptations. The mistrust towards the work methods in the school and agricultural education in general was present in the public for a long time. Dilemmas concerning the objectives of such type of education resulted in different forms of public criticism, including rumours. Prompted by frequent rumours about the bad state of the school and the students’ lack of knowledge, Minister of Finance Čedomilj Mijatović, who was also Acting Minister for National Economy, delegated Sreten L. Popović, president of the Serbian Agricultural Society, to make an inspection of the school and submit a report. The departure of Sreten L. Popović to Kraljevo in summer 1886 primarily concerned the case of the first factory of agricultural appliances, opened by Aksentije Bogdanović and Srećko Vasić. After he finished his work relating to the factory, Sreten Popović visited the Agricultural School. He visited the premises where silkworm was cultivated, as well as the stables and the small experimental field, consisting of several beds sown with hulled wheat and forage crops. He also familiarised himself with the number and quality of the school’s agricultural machinery and tools, while the students showed him how they handled these machines in practice. During the inspection, students’ knowledge was checked also in regard to fruit growing and grafting, farming, cultivation of some industrial plants, various types of soil and the purpose of some agricultural appliances. Sreten L. Popović was so satisfied with the demonstrated knowledge that he recommended to the Minister the organisation of public exams at the Agricultural School, as a type of agricultural courses. The main remarks concerned the lack of soil for experimental fields and pasture, the lack of a school orchard, and the method of cultivation of silkworms. A great number of these remarks were adopted and over the following two decades the school experienced great progress as it increased its movable and immovable property and introduced new and modern methods of production and processing.
Извештаји делегације Србије са Друге конференције мира у Хагу 1907. године
Извештаји делегације Србије са Друге конференције мира у Хагу 1907. године
Summary/Abstract: This paper presents four documents which provide us the opportunity to examine the offical stand of Serbian government concerning a wide range of subjects broached at the Second Hague Peace Conference (1907). Serbian delegates took part in the proceedings of the conference, and sent regular reports to the government in Belgrade. Among these reports are four documents kept in the Archive of Serbia, in the fund of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The first one provides an important insight into the nature of the standpoint of Serbian delegates on issuses of mediation, international commissions of inquiry, international arbitration and the establishment of the Permanent Court of Arbitration. The next two documents are the Serbian proposals about the pacific settlement of international disputes, and the last one is the final report from the conference. The nature of conventions and declarations adopted at The Hague were in harmony with the Serbian national interests and the official position taken during the proceedings of the conference. The participation of Serbia is important as an illustration of methods through which a small state tried to accommodate itself within a discourse of universal values of peace, justice and humanity, without impairing its vital interests and without damaging its relations with the great powers in the process. The Serbian policy was in accordance with prevailing contemporary notion of primacy of national interests over the interests of international community. After a decade and a half during which she was perceived in the European public opinion as the politically and financially unstable Balkan country, and often designated as the realm of king slayers and plotters (after 1903), Serbia managed to change a bit this widespread image through prominent participation at the Second Peace Conference.
Извештаји обавештајца дипломати. Писма Богдана Раденковића Милану Ракићу (1907-1912)
Извештаји обавештајца дипломати. Писма Богдана Раденковића Милану Ракићу (1907-1912)
Summary/Abstract: The aim of this paper is to publish correspondence of Bogdan Radenković, the renown Serbian national worker and leader of Serbian Organization in the Ottoman Empire to the prominent diplomat and poet Milan Rakić. Radenković`s letters to Rakić are kept in the Archive of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, in the collection which contains legacy of Milan Rakić. These nine letters were written in the period 1907-1912, at times when Serbian national organization in Turkey was finally shaped as legitimate Organization of Ottoman Serbs. Since Bogdan Radenković had one of the most significant roles in the Serbian national movement in the Ottoman Empire at the beginnin of 20th century as a stealthy leader of chetniks, who worked in perfect confidentiality from Ottoman authorities as well as from his fellow Serbs, his letters have specific value. As a loyal citizen of the Ottoman Empire he worked as a professor in the Gymnasium of Skoplje, but most of the time he has conducted chetniks organization as an agent of Consulate of Kingdom of Serbia in Skoplje. On the other hand, Milan Rakić was an official representative of Kingdom of Serbia in the Ottoman Empire, in the Consulates in Pristina and Skoplje. In most of the letters Radenković is seeking for advice from Rakić, concerning situation within Serbian organization, and problems in relations with the other Serbian national workers in the Ottoman empire and in the Ministry for foreign affairs of the Kingdom of Serbia. Radenković also reported to Rakić about the relationship of Serbian representatives with the party of Young Turks in Ottoman Parliament formed after the 1908 revolution. The one of three letters written in 1912 deals with negotiations of Serbian Democratic League with the Turkish Party. The last two especially interesting letters Radenković wrote to Rakić at the same day in the August 1912, in the eve of the First Balkan War, roughly explaining his current spy mission to Kosovo.
Извештаји школских надзорника о раду Сијаринске основне школе за албанску децу
Извештаји школских надзорника о раду Сијаринске основне школе за албанску децу
Summary/Abstract: In 1878 when four new regions, those of Nish, Pirot, Toplice and Vranje, were included in the Principality of Serbia, the majority of the Muslim population living thereabouts migrated to Turkey. Those who chose to continue living in Serbia were among others Albanian Muslims from the Jablanica county of the Vranje district. To their benefit a mosque was first opened, followed in 1898 by a primary school. The reasons to set up a school, however, were not only educative, although of course education was inherent. Rather the reasons originated from the overall political environment of Serbia at that time. On the one hand Serbia was bound to provide for minority rights under the stipulations of the Berlin Treaty. On the other hand Serbia wished to settle the complicated relations between Serbs and Albanians within the Kosovo vilayet. The setting up of a primary school in Sijarina for Albanian children may be regarded as one segment of policy making on the issue implemented by Serbian authorities in that specific period.
Извод ратних страдалника у Србији 1876. године
Извод ратних страдалника у Србији 1876. године
Summary/Abstract: The article presents data on the damage caused by the 1876 war against Turkey to the inhabitants of seven border areas of the Principality of Serbia. The published document represents a detailed tabular overview of the number of casualties, burned houses and buildings, individuals capable and incapable of work, and people without food — all composed based on the information of the Government Commission for the Aid to War Sufferers of 12 March 1881. According to this data, 71,812 persons in 246 villages suffered damage. Of them, 31,862 were deemed capable for work, and 39,701 incapable; the total number of burnt houses and buildings was 8,933, and 35,014 people were without food. The document is kept in the Archive of Serbia, in the Ministry of Finance Fund — the Economic Department.
Изводи из благајничке књиге которске Општине у XV вијеку
Изводи из благајничке књиге которске Општине у XV вијеку
Summary/Abstract: У великом земљотресу 1667. године страдала је огромна архивска грађа града Котора која се чувала у провидуровој палачи, смјештеној насупрот Катадрале. О томе свједочи и велики број, у једном посебном свеску разасутих и неповезаних, оригиналних аката, преписа и одлука градских вијећа у распону од неколико вијеко- ва. Гледано с архивистичког становишта, треба нагласити да су се у том свеску налазили и били спашени посљедњи остаци и архива которског племства и архива которског грађанства ("Università"). Ме- ђутим, ови први су, приликом давних инвентарисања у доба аустро- угарске владавине, похрањени у списе канцеларије которског ванредног провидурасада у Историјском архиву у Котору (под сигнатуром UP CCIII), а други су доспјели у Бискупски архив (са сигнатуром BA, Miscellanea I) у временском периоду од XIV до XIX вијека.
