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Историјски институт основан је 15. јула 1947. године са задатком да изучава економску, друштвену, политичку, и културну историју српског народа, као и његове везе са јужнословенским и осталим балканским народима, и да истовремено унапређује све гране историјске науке. За првог управника Института именован је др Виктор Новак, а за заменика управника др Георгије Острогорски. До 25. марта 1961. године Институт се налазио у саставу Српске академије наука и уметности када је одлуком Извршног већа НР Србије проглашен за самосталну научну установу. Решењем Републичке заједнице за научни рад Историјски институт је 28. септембра 1971. године стекао статус научног института.

Редакцијa Mешовитe грађe (miscellanea):

др Радомир J. Поповић (Одговорни уредник),
др Биљана Стојић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Михаил Белов (Институт међународних односа и светске историје Универзитета Н.И.Лобачевскиј, Нижниј Новгород)
др Дејан Булић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Гордана Гарић Петровић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Милош Ивановић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Андреа Картени (Сапиенца Унивезитет, Рим)
др Урош Татић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Људмила Кузмичева (Историјски факултет Универзитета Ломоносов, Москва)
проф. др Gabriella Schubert (Институт за славистику Универзитета у Јени)
проф. д.и.н. Лилиана Симеонова (Балканолошки институт БАН)


Закупи рудника и хасова Жежне из 1585/6. и 1591/2. године
Закупи рудника и хасова Жежне из 1585/6. и 1591/2. године
Summary/Abstract: The presented document refers to two six-year leases of Žežna mines andhases and some minor mines in the vicinity. It presents the lease conditions, of which most important are those on state’s share of produced pure silver, structure of the mine management, as well as the number and the role of the guarantors. According to the available data on production, Žežna was the fourth biggest mine in the European part of the Ottoman Empire, during the mentioned period.
Записи Животе Живковића
Записи Животе Живковића
Summary/Abstract: The sourceWritings, by Života Živković, has been edited for publication. Živković described his life and the life of his family during the FirstWorldWar and the occupation period between the wars,mostly in the Serbian, and later in theYugoslav, capital. This is an important source for studying social history. Beside providing important facts about Serbian and Yugoslav history and politics, the author paid great attention to the family he came from. This included information not only about his parents and himself, but also about his grandmothers, aunts, and their families. This helped preserve a great amount of data about the private ad everyday life of the Živković family.
Записник Синода Карловачке митрополије из 1760. године
Записник Синода Карловачке митрополије из 1760. године
Summary/Abstract: Around the middle of the 18th century, when Pavle Nenadović was head of the Metropolitanate, certain decisions were made which concerned the Synod among other things. These decisions stipulated that the Synod would meet every year and that it would start on the Feast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. Also, the meetings would be held after the liturgy and all the bishops would be obliged to attend except when there was a legitimate reason for their absence. However, in September 1760, as a result of secular, rather than ecclesiastical issues discussed increasingly at the Synodal meetings, MariaTheresa prohibited the holding of meetings without her prior permission. Due to this, the Synod was never convened again by the end of Nenadović’s governance of the Church. The Metropolitan refused to comply with the ruler’s decision, which is why he never tried to get the permission for the Synod to beheld. The reasons for such Maria Theresa’s decision appeared at the Synod in 1760 – according to the imperial court, the Synod interfered with the ecclesiastical court jurisdiction and made decisions that were beyond its synodal jurisdiction and contrary to imperial orders.
Записници са суђења Михаилу Кабужићу
Записници са суђења Михаилу Кабужићу
Summary/Abstract: Mihailo Kabužić was one of the few nobles of the Republic of Dubrovnik (Ragusa) who was indicted of treason of his fatherland while being in the service of a foreign ruler. He was held responsible for various crimes, including illegal takeover of the estates given to a Bosnian aristocrat Hrvoje Vukčić by the Ragusan government, invitation of the Turks to the Balkans and planning of diplomatic and military actions against Dubrovnik. Even though these crimes were being comitted over a long period of time, the actual trial was organized only when the authorities of Dubrovnik found out that Kabužić had been urging the Bosnian king Stefan Ostojić to demand Vukčić’s estates for himself, to revoke the charter of relinquishing the Slansko Littoral to the Republic and, finally, even to attack Ston and Pelješac and conquer them from Dubrovnik by force. The King did not accept these suggestions but, even so, Kabužić was sentenced to death in his hometown. However, that decesion was soon reversed because the officials of the Republic had to let their treacherous noble enter Dubrovnik as a formal Bosnian ambassador. This paper is a critical edition of two surviving minutes of the Mihailo Kabužić’s trial. They have been transcribed, translated, and also commented when necessary. The article preceding the proper edition covers the history of documents, historical background of the case, procedural information and the aftermath. It also shows the importance of the minutes as a source for political and social history of Bosnia and Dubrovnik in the second decade of XV century.
Заповест о производњи шалитре у Румелији 1521. године
Заповест о производњи шалитре у Румелији 1521. године
Summary/Abstract: The order presented in this article concerns the saltpeter production in the eyalet of Rumelia. It was issued on renter’s request by a new sultan, Süleyman the Magnificent, in the year of 1521. The order addressed to sancakbeğs, kadis and subaşıs refers to both their and re‘aya’s obligations related to the saltpeter production. It shows that the whole quantity of produced saltpeter was being delivered into the gunpowder factory in Istanbul. Free sale of saltpeter and especially smuggling into the neighboring countries were strictly forbidden. Business with saltpeter was obviously very important for the Empire. All state officials in the provinces participated in it. Saltpeter was being exploited without consideration of the status and ownership of the land. Misuse or negligence was severely punished, usually by the death penalty. As we can see from the order, re‘aya did not accept the work on saltpeter excavation sites easily. There were cases of saltpeter deposits destruction by setting fire or by covering the ground with fresh cattle excrements.
Зимовање османске војске у Румелији 1686/87. године
Зимовање османске војске у Румелији 1686/87. године
Summary/Abstract: The document we are presenting is related to the wintering of the Ottoman army after the fall of Buda in 1686. Due to a difficult situation, the forces from the capital and army troops from Asia have wintered near the Hungarian front, while troops from Europe were disbanded until spring. The document listed winter quarters of the Grand vizier and another five viziers, a few pashas and sancak-beğs and most respected civil servants. Tatars also have wintered with the Ottoman army, as well as the tribal forces of Kurds and Turkmen. Most of the troops were placed in Srem and Slavonia, a small part in Mačva and northern and north-western Bosnia, while the majority of Tatars wintered in Temesvar and surroundings. Pack animals have been deployed throughout the Balkans. This document also contains information on local populations’ obligations towards the army encampments and mandatory purchase of food. The extraordinary war taxes nüzul and sursat were collected by kazas. The number of nüzul-hâne tax units for more than hundred kazas is listed. Each of them was made up of anywhere from 3 to 15 reaya households, the precise number being determined by the wealth of the taxpayers. The previously taxexempted köprücüs and derbencis, had to participate in supplying as well.
Summary/Abstract: The paper presents eight letters – one official letter of Nikolai Pavlovich Ignatyev to Prince Nikolai Petrovich Meschersky, one official letter of Dmitry Fyodorovich Samarin to Nikolai Pavlovich Ignatyev, and six private letters of Metropolitan Mihailo (Miloje Jovanović) to Dmitry Fyodorovich Samarin. The first two letters are kept in the Central State Historical Archive of St. Petersburg and the remaining six letters in the Scientific Research Department of Manuscripts of the Russian State Library in Moscow. The presented correspondence creates a more complete picture about the destiny of the Slavophile movement after 1878 and the Slavophiles’ links with the Serbs in the last decade of the 19th century.
Summary/Abstract: The paper presents the report of members of the Sanitary Commission of the American Red Cross about the situation in Serbia and Macedonia in December 1915, prepared on the request of Lewis Einstein, chargé d’affaires of the American Embassy in Sofia. The members of the American mission pointed to a potential humanitarian disaster following the Bulgarian occupation and the need to implement urgent humanitarian measures in the occupied areas. The report is kept in the National Archives in Washington, as an annex to the letter sent to State Secretary Robert Lansing. Its importance is reflected in the fact that it sheds light on the circumstances in which the civilian population found themselves in the territory occupied by the Bulgarian army. However, the American doctors’ reports are perhaps all the more important as they significantly influenced further activities of the American Red Cross in war-torn Europe, particularly in Serbia during the First World War.
Ивањдански атентат и млађа интелигенција. Случај Божидара В. Марковића
Ивањдански атентат и млађа интелигенција. Случај Божидара В. Марковића
Summary/Abstract: St. Ivan's Day assassination from 1899 and events surrounding it — harrassment of political opponents, inhuman and cruel treatment of the arrested ones, police pressures, forced marches with torches, chanting and veneration to the dynasty, had serious consequences for the political climate in the Kingdom of Serbia, for the fate of the Obrenovićs, for political parties, and for considerations and thinking of the individual people. Younger intelligentsia, especially generations which in those years came of age, and some even under the influence of the St. Ivan's Day affair, were civically and politically humiliated and frightened. On the other hand, the protest against the Obrenović dynasty was on the rise, the protest against the existing government, political lack of morality, incoherence and opportunism. The Radical Party was particularly hit by this protest, and its fragmentation was accelerated through dissatisfaction of their younger and ore prominent members, who were angered by the attitudes of their leaders. The idea of a political and moral renewal, formulated in the demand for the “cleaning up” of public life, started in their circles, and this idea was completed by the early 20th century. BožidarMarković, at the time, young lawyer with a Doctoral degree from Germany, was one of those younger intellectuals, born in the 1870s, who marked the political life in Serbia through their actions, and took responsibility for her future in the decades to come. The document published here presents his political views, almost identical to the majority of the members of his generation. The experience of the St. Ivan's Day proceedings serves as a good nstruction for all the later tests in civil and political bravery.
Из дневника Паје Михаиловића
Из дневника Паје Михаиловића
Summary/Abstract: Павле (Паја) Михаиловић рођен је у Јагодини 1845, а умро је у Нишу 1915. године. У месту рођења завршио је гимназију, а затим је студирао права у Београду. Синовац Стевче Михаиловића и унук Михаила Јовановића, оданог Обреновићима “и душом и телом”, Павле је растао у обреновићевској породици. Међутим, он је рано напустио ту породичну традицију.
Из оставштине краља Александра Обреновића
Из оставштине краља Александра Обреновића
Summary/Abstract: After the killing of King Aleksandar Obrenović on June 11th 1903, his property was conferred to the inheriting mother, Queen Natalija, by the executive decision of the Court of Original Jurisdiction for Belgrade. Queen Natalija was obliged to settle accounts with those who claimed the satisfaction of their needs that king failed to meet during lifetime, having failed to fulfill his obligations towards them. A thorough insight into the number and the value of the king’s real estate properties as well as his unpaid debts can be grasped by means of this document. The value of all the king’s real estate properties is estimated to approximately 2,8 million dinars. Of that amount, the Russian Volga-Kama bank claimed 1.301.957,95 dinars in gold, as a value of the two million dinars loan that king’s father Milan made in 1891, by pawning the royal real estate properties.
Из преписке Ватрослава Јагића и Владимира Ћоровића
Из преписке Ватрослава Јагића и Владимира Ћоровића
Summary/Abstract: This papers consists of thirteen letters addressed to Vladimir Ćorović from Vatroslav Jagić at the end of the WWI and at the begginig of newly formed Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, encompassing the period from January 2nd 1918 to 1921. During this time, Ćorović has lived in Zagreb and Belgrade. After his release from Zenica penitentiary in 1917, Ćorović settled in Zagreb, where he became one of the editors of «Književni Jug» magazine, with fellow Yugoslav oriented authors. He moved to Belgrade when he was elected Associate professor at the Department of National history at the Faculty of Philosophy. These letters represent not only the contribution to the life study of Jagić and Ćorović, their personal relationship and scientific work, but also depict the period in which they lived and worked in. Professor Jagić`s reflections and comments on individuals and their works as well as on the contemporary political situation.
